
Dump Trump sending back Indian talents

 USA and India are now bonded tightly with super glue. Modi has nowhere to run except into the arms of the USA. It is a going to be a death hug for India. India's superpower ambition is dead, as the USA will never allow India to become another competitor to its sole superpower status.

I know it is not nice to talk about India, but the boasting of the Indians is getting people really upset and resentful. India and Modi have mammoth problems going forward. India chooses the wrong path by focusing on being a country doing outsourcing work for the West like call centers, rather than adopting manufacturing as its priority. Now, trying to do manufacturing is too little too late, with the need to source for manufacturing inputs, ironically mainly from China with its well-oiled supply chains. This is the chain that is difficult to be broken any time soon.

India needs job creation desperately with an expanding population. An expanding population is a bonus for a country like Japan with its industry short of new workers. India is at the opposite end of the spectrum, with poverty unresolved, infrastructure stuck in the age of British colonization, outdated laws inherited from the British, manufacturing in its infancy and adding to the misery is an expanding population. All that talk of a 'population dividend' is just a Western hype without looking at the real situation.

Now, hugging the USA, instead of getting help, is putting India in more serious trouble. Trump is deporting Indians by the planeloads, about to impose reciprocal tariffs on India, and now also discriminating against Indians trying to get into the USA to study and work. The same treatment that the Chinese faced after their contribution to the development of cutting-edged technologies of the USA. Now there is a realization that the USA is losing top Chinese talents to mainland China, helping China to break to the forefront of cutting-edged technologies.



Ukraine War - The price of being a Mickey Mouse

 Ukraine War is a good confirmation that the brain of a Mickey Mouse is as big as a pea brain. The Americans made so many promises to Mickey Zelensky and he believed everything. His little pea brain could not process what is true what is false and the consequences if all the promises were simply lies. His pea brain wanted to believe that all the promises would be true and would be honoured, and he would win the war. Now Mickey Zelensky is walking around like a Mickey Mouse when everyone can see that he was sold by the Americans, and the Americans is expecting him and Ukraine to pay up. America is tearing Ukraine apart for its resources. Mickey Zelensky did not see this coming, now having no choice but to sign away his country to the Americans.

What did the Americans promise him? Admission to NATO and America would support him with a blank cheque for as long as it takes. Biden has gone to sleep, did not want to know what he and Blinken promised the Mickey Mouse. And the fat clown from Britain that duped Mickey Zelensky to walk away from a peace deal is nowhere to be seen. And Trump told him in his face, no NATO for Ukraine.  What? What?

For three years, Mickey Zelensky really believed he was given a blank cheque to defeat Russia. He strutted around ordering and demanding the Americans and Europeans for all the weapons and money he needed without asking if it was all for free. He simply assumed that he did not have to pay back, free aid! In the White House he was too ashamed to ask Trump that it was meant for free. It would only expose his stupidity to think it was for free.  

There is no free lunch. All the Mickey Mouse better open their eyes wide wide. Free missiles for the Pinoys? The Americans have yet to send in the bills.

2025 - Made in China

 2025 is going to be the year that will see China coming out and making all the news that are going to be really eliciting 'shock and awe'.

AI is already clearly trotted out for all to see, and DeepSeek's rollout is just the beginning of the sighting of the tip of many other icebergs. Huawei and Alibaba among others have still not yet opened their cards on the table. There are undoubtedly some strategic moves on hand arising from the meeting between Xi and leaders of technology companies in China. The timing was no accident, right at the start of 2025.

2025 will not just be about flexing the economic and technology muscle of China. China is also no longer playing cat and mouse regarding it military expansion with the rollout of its 6th generation fighter jet and the Fujian aircraft carrier with two nuclear subs on the way.

There is a hue and cry over China's naval exercise in International Waters of the Tasman Sea. This is International Waters, right, and is not infringing on anyone's territorial waters. What the USA and West can do in International Waters close to China, China can do the same as well. All is fair in love and war. What is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. China should do it more often - in Gulf of Mexico, Indian Ocean, Sea of Japan and Philippine Sea and let them have a taste of what it feels like when their warships do naval exercises near to China.

I believe China is confident enough to be more assertive in safeguarding its rights and protecting its turf. It is no longer prepared to play goody two shoes against all the Mickeys thinking they have the great USA behind them.


Ukraine War - Zelensky sold Ukraine after sending Ukrainians to the Russian grinders

 Zelenskyy and Trump have agreed on minerals for settling war debts. Now, the war is not over yet, with negotiations still ongoing and the final say by Putin not yet disclosed. Trump is looking at the rich mineral resources in Ukraine and has already succeeded in squeezing Zelenskyy like a rag, taking it by force, all done pending a settlement of the war. What is in it for Ukraine? Any benefit towards the country's reconstruction?

This move is great for gloating, but getting out the minerals under the ground, assembling the skilled workforce to do it, building the mining infrastructures all takes time and heavy investments. Then there is also the cost of setting up refining facilities to get the final product usable, which also needs time and funding. At the end of the day, how about being able to produce those essential minerals to compete with China?

Sure, however expensive those essential minerals sourced from Ukraine may eventually be solely for use by the USA. How does such more expensive cost eventually figure in those fighter jets, weapons, drones, semiconductors that the USA wants to sell to others. Would they be cheaper or more expensive? How competitive would they be against similar products from Russia and China?

The theory is easy to understand. Get it, refine it and use it. Very simple. One political analyst said that the USA is a country led by very simple-minded people with no deep-thinking leaders. Leaders that can think ahead, not just about creating more wars, subterfuge, assassinations and instigating regime changes.


Trump only respects strong and effective leaders like Xi, Putin and Kim

 There are weak leaders and there are strong leaders. Weak leaders can be threatened easily by the USA. Strong leaders do not bow down easily and are disliked by the USA. They will always be branded as Dictators, cruel, uncaring towards their people. Yes, Dictators come also in all shapes and sizes. Dictators in China today are vastly different from paid Dictators cultivated by the Anglo-Saxon Whites in some African countries.

That stamp of cruelty and uncaring template certainly does not fit into the narrative with respect to Xi. He lifted more people out of poverty than the whole USA population, more than two times over. Does that indicate Xi, a so-called Dictator, is cruel and uncaring? How about USA users of Rednote, now looking at the living standards of the Chinese in Mainland China and getting rather envious. And they are now looking at the state of homelessness, the cost of living and the USA Government's uncaring stance, which makes the comparison really shocking for those Rednote users. And they are comparing their democratic dream against a socialist state that had been demonized for decades.

Strong leaders like Putin, Xi, and in the past the late Lee Kuan Yew are no pushovers. The USA does not like them. The only exception is that Trump seems to like Putin. And, of course, he likes Kim Jong Un and wants to ignite their bromance. Kim is not in the mood for that anymore.

Trump knows Putin and Xi cannot be threatened into submission, unlike some others. He is trying to split the two, hoping to reap the benefits if that happens. Putin should be very wary of the trap being set for him.
