
American alliance is a kiss of death, a marriage to the world's number one terrorist state, USA

 The evil American Empire flies its flag all over the whole, established military bases everywhere, calling itself the international policemen to protect weak countries from being invaded, protecting freedom and democracy. Small countries are attracted by hook or by crook, by coercion, bribing of dictators, to sign military alliance pacts to protect them and their countries. The world is a threat, full of threats, with fabricated enemies and strawmen waiting to invade and conquer weak and small countries. But the real threat came from the Americans, with expansionist plans to invade and take over countries, conduct regime change to overthrown popularly elected leaders under democratic processes, to be replaced by American appointed dictators.

Small and weak countries fell to the American lies of external threats and signed on to be American allies, mostly for the interests of the signatories, mostly dictatorship minded egoistic leaders to perpetuate their rules over their own people protected by the evil American Empire. No country is under external threat except for those with hostile and expansionist powers, mostly claiming to be democracies, especially the American and European powers. An example is SE Asia, where the countries are co existing peacefully, with no country having intent to invade and rule over their neighbours.

The protection and safety of joining the evil American Empire often turned otherwise. Instead of being protected and live in peace with their neighbours, the American allies are often dragged into wars started by the Americans, to fight and die for the evil American Empire. Several so called Coalition of the Unwilling Forces were hammered together by the evil American Empire to invade and engage in wars with another country. The Korean War, Vietnam War, Afghan War, Iraq War etc etc, were wars that American allies were forced to contribute man and material to fight to defend the evil American Empire.

Other than wars, the little allies were used to provoke their neighbours, usually superpowers, to start a proxy war, and sacrifice the lives of their citizens, again in defence of the interests of the evil and aggressive expansionist American Empire. Ukraine is a classic example of such wars of expansionism. Another likely war of expansionism would be a war against Iran or North Korea, and also a war in the South China Sea.

Being American allies is not to live in peace, but in wars. Small and weak countries do not want wars, would not want to go to war with a superpower. They just want peace and stability. But being allies of the evil expansionist American Empire, war and instability are all they get, getting their people killed.

The next big killings would be the Europeans being forced to fight Russia, a nuclear superpower. And the ending is clear and obvious. It would lead to the end of Europe becoming a nuclear radio active dead zone where no humans can live in.

How many silly countries, oops, silly leaders would want to sign to be an ally of the evil American Empire, against the interests of their countries and people? And the people that did not protest deserve the corrupt leaders they get and the deadly alliances with Satan.

Vivek Ramasamy - More good years for America!

 It is too late for the USA, according to reports, after forcing vast numbers of Chinese scientist, engineers and academics to leave for China and make China even greater. Crying over spilt milk is useless.

What can Musk and Ramasamy do? Pull rabbits out of a hat? Even Musk needs China. Changing mindsets takes decades and are those replacements for the Chinese willing to work as hard and incentivized when they are appreciated. TSMC's experience in Arizona is already well known, where work attitudes between Taiwanese and USA workers are diametrically different.

Trump was the culprit that created all these problems for the USA, with his trade war the ignition point. There was also his anti-China rhetoric that un-nerved all those Chinese talents, being demonized for spying, and becoming the object of anti-China bashing. Who wants to remain in a country that does not appreciate their contribution. China knows the value of such talents and are welcoming them home with open arms. Why not when they can contribute to nation building, innovation and educating future scientists, engineers and academics.

Musk and Ramasamy can grope around for four years of Trump. Then what?


Emperor Trump's American Dream - to seize the whole world with his warhawks

 The USA can aspire to take over the whole world, but can they control or rule over it? Just try taking over Russia alone, with its vast landscape would be the graveyard of the USA.

Sure, they have all the military bases in many countries all ready for Trump's orders to take over the countries they were supposed to protect, all around the world. In Trump's simplistic mind who will do the policing and controlling knowing that counties would not just sit by and watch the USA robbing them wholesale. Just appoint stooges to do the job of ruling by proxy no longer works. How much more military spending would be needed by the USA to control the whole world militarily?

We just have to look at Afghanistan as an example. The USA had a vast military presence in Afghanistan facing the Taliban farmers. They had invested US$ billions in military equipment - Black Hawks, tanks, armored carriers that would dwarf most country's military spending. Yet the USA could not sustain a prolonged conflict against the Taliban, with their tenacity, resolve and intention to get rid of the USA. I still remember watching the movie 'Black Hawk Down' about the war fought between USA led forces and the Mogadishu based militia, and how the militia keep coming at the USA led forces despite being mowed down like flies. Their bravery was exemplary.

And let us not forget China being forcefully and intentionally divided up to enable the Anglo-Saxon clique to each have a piece of China to control. Did they succeed? Weak as the Chinese were, they kept up a prolonged mission of fighting the foreign occupation forces. With the same tenacity, resolve and fighting spirit as the Taliban, Mao Tse Tung managed to drive the foreigners out of China. This was not just the USA involved, but the whole gang of Anglo-Saxon robbers together with Japan.

Trump thinks it is just a piece of cake trying to wrestle control of the Panama Canal, Greenland and incorporating Canada as its 51st state. Trump thinks that seizing of land is just as simple as exchanging a bible with the Native American Indians. Taking over a country is as easy as winning a trade war in his muddled mind.


South Korea has enough trouble of its own, still an American colony

 South Korea has more than enough trouble of its own. The political situation is still fluid. The successor to Yoon has been impeached as well. Now another toady is croaking the same song of hyping up the North Korean threat, and warning South Koreans to be prepared. That song sounds familiar and have the USA lyrics all over. Not only has Yoon tasted American Pie, but each of its leaders have American Pie inside their mouths.

Zelenskyy never talks about his soldiers deserting, did he? He is still living on Fantasy Island, thinking he is winning the war. When China tightens the screw on Gallium, Germanium and Antimony, the USA may even have to send Zelenskyy bows and arrows to fight the Russians without the raw materials to make weapons. He might still win though, with the Russians reported to be fighting with shovels, LOL. I really like Zelenskyy's wild imagination, told with a straight bearded face.

The window for Ukraine to even think of winning is already gone. Gone for the USA, gone for NATO and gone for Zelenskyy. Zelenskyy is just waiting for old age to put him out of action. Russia is well versed in long drawn-out wars, which even Trump knows, warning him that Russia is a war machine.

Trump may end the war, but not on Ukraine's terms for sure.


Arabs sleepwalking into the laps of the Israelis...to be obliterated by the Jews

 The Arabs are still living their fictitious 'Arabian Nights' fantasy, courtesy of the great Western story tellers. They are too drunk with their fantasy mindsets, now even adopting the 'Midsummer Night's Dream' fairy-tale into their ideology, thinking that everything will just be fine if they continue to toe the USA line.

If they are not careful, the Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East will go the way of the Native American Indians, living their dream in concentration camps in the Arabian Desert. While the Native American Indians lost everything in exchange for the Bible, the Arabs will not only lose their land, but the oil reserves with false promises of protection inside those concentration camps.

It is difficult for Iran to take up the cudgel to fight for survival of the Middle East Arabs and Muslims when the latter two are thinking that Iran is just escalating the conflict. That is how brainwashed the Arabs and Muslims are in their shallow thinking. It will all be going back to the past when the Anglo-Saxons, British, German and French ruled the Middle East. Then they were fighting great leaders of the Arab and Muslim world that refused to be enslaved.

The White lost control of Central Asia, Africa and even South America. The weakest region that they are eyeing is the Middle East, which they knew are deeply divided and militarily weak. They also have Israel controlling the Arabs and Muslims. Now that the 'Iron Dome' myth has been demolished, the Israelis are wary of Iran. Using the cowed Arabs and Muslims to cast doubts on Iran is a smart propaganda move to weaken Iran's position in the eyes of the Arab and Muslim world.
