
Iran is not Afghanistan, by far the most advanced and militarily powerful Muslim state

 Iran, like Russia is no pushover. Years of USA sanctions, assassination of its leaders and regime changing attempts yield little result.

It seems the USA has little memory of Afghanistan and wants to dabble with another country of tenacious fighters with even better strategies, far more advance technology and weapons and certainly no little farmers bearing small arms.

Iran has a long history and heritage just like China. It has gone through civil wars, earthquakes and other disasters and became stronger for it. The Islamic Revolution of 1979 saw the Islamic Republic going against the last Shah of Iran, supported by the USA. That failure by the USA to prop up the Shah was a lesson the USA should have learnt. And the USA intends to have another bite of the cherry? Fat hope!

Iran will always be the main thorn in the side of the USA and Israel's preoccupation with controlling the Middle East. That is why so much attention had been focused on preventing Iran from going nuclear. With more pressure by the USA and Israel, Iran sees no possible alternative but to go nuclear, which makes it sensible for the USA to destroy it. And what better way than starting a narrative to sway global support to demonize Iran and do another Iraq with UN support.


What the USA tried to fool the world with their best in everything

 What the USA tried to fool the world with their best in everything is a mirage now being slowly exposed.

I came across this very intriguing discourse by Kevin Walmsley on 'Inside China Business' about university rankings in the past, and why Chinese Universities never were ranked high on the list. As with everything else, there was an undisclosed bias against China in everything for decades. But with China coming out with all the innovations, including cutting edge research papers submitted by Chinese academics and researchers, ignoring the reality is no longer possible.

This is changing with a new criterion that includes research papers in Chinese from Chinese universities that had either escaped the attention of the ranking committee or had been ignored on purpose or being overlooked. But with China now producing the bulk of the high-end research materials that used to be the domain of USA universities, the ranking position has been turned on its head.

Under a new criterion formulated by Leiden University, a research university in the Netherlands, taking into account all cutting-edge publications in Chinese, six Chinese universities are now among the top ten in the world with ten in the top twenty.

This is the bias that is also prevalent in other rankings and even in the award of all shapes and sizes. But the reshaping of the world by China cannot be ignored forever. 


What can India offer to BRICS?

 Modi's rule over India is not even secure now. And he wants to rule over BRICS?

Modi needs to put on a bigger head-dress like those Native American Indian chiefs. What has India got to offer BRICS countries other than exporting its slave labor? What has India done in terms of helping BRICS countries in infrastructure development? Oops, sorry, India could not even be counted to develop domestic infrastructure itself, not to talk about helping others.

Just like Joe Biden talking about India/Middle East/Europe Corridor, railroads across the Pacific, digital transformation of Africa which the Africans are not buying from him, the Global Infrastructure Investment plan with more infrastructure destruction than development to talk about.

When Joe Biden leaves office, Trumps is going to pull back all that castle building in the air. Trump will say - sorry USA first guys, you all can go and find spiders to play with. 


American colonies and cronies in Europe and East Asia falling one by one

 The EU also could not afford an energy war with Russia. It followed the USA, and it got thrown under the bus as well. First time under the bus did not kill the EU. A second time under the bus might just end it all for the EU.

Henry Kissinger was not wrong when he said that being an enemy of the USA is dangerous and being its friend is fatal. The EU position just give an idea how accurate that saying by Kissinger was. In any case, the Whites playing out the whites is just 'good news to hear'.

The countries thrown under the bus by the USA are not only confined to those in Europe. Japan is going under as well. Japan had just been suspected of propping up the Yen, buying the currency and selling US$. Yellen will be furious. To be honest, Japan had no way out.

Japan is not only suffering in its currency crisis. Japan car industry is in tatters with Toyota's bet on hydrogen fuel cell cars experiment totally finished in the USA. Now a class action lawsuit in the USA over disinformation regarding availability of refueling stations to cater to such vehicles is being fought. Toyota's hydrogen cars are totally inoperable in the USA, with claims that only 49 refueling stations are available throughout the USA. That is a sick joke. Coupled with that scarcity, driving long distances and finding frequent breakdowns of those refueling stations are making refueling totally a disastrous affair for such car owners. Putting the cart before the horse can never work, and Toyota should have more refueling stations readily available.

It is reported that Toyota's hydrogen fuel cell cars were originally priced at US$51,000, then discounted to US$25,000 as problems arose and escalated. A further discount saw its price cut to US$10,000. Now it is selling at US$10,000 with no takers. Who wants a car that cannot be driven without refueling stations in support? Toyota lost a fortune on its hydrogen bet.

And the Philippines is also going under with investments fleeing the country. Suffice to say, South Korea will have its come-uppance for selling weapons to Ukraine. Russia is doing the same with North Korea. South Korea has no 'exceptionalism' to protect its destiny, unlike the USA.



The United States is run and controlled by The Deep State. Who & What constitutes 'The Deep State'

The United States is run and controlled by the Deep State. But what is 'The Deep State?' Who controls the Deep State. What are its policies and governance? 

The Deep State is actually the shadow government behind the United States government. It decides the fate and destiny of all US politicians. It is the controlling power behind the two dual dictatorships of The Republicans and The Democrats. All Americans who have the ambition to become politicians must first have the blessings of the Deep State. No politicians can be elected to political positions without the prior approval of the Deep State. From the presidency in the White House in Washington down to membership and positions in the Senate, House of Congress and House of Representatives they must all have clearance from the Deep State. All high and senior governments officials and appointees in important departments like the Defense Ministry, Foreign Affairs, the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, High Tech and Cyber must have Deep State approval. 

Now comes the intriguing question, who constitute the Deep State. The people in charge of and running the Deep State are the creme de creme of the one percent Anglo-Saxons American elites and the Jewish Zionist Americans whose organisation ZIONISM has deep roots with Israel. Both the Anglo-Saxon American elites and Zionism are colluding to bring the whole world under One World Government to be jointly controlled and governed by the white people and the Zionist Jews to be based in Washington and Jerusalem. The Anglo-Saxons elites and the Zionists Rothschild Cabal in the Deep State are the top notch American billionaires and millionaires. They are business tycoons controlling all the big and gigantic business and commercial conglomerates like oil, minerals, food pharmaceuticals, banks and finance, real estate, stock exchange, trade and commerce, insurance, high tech and war industries and the Pentagon which owns all the war industries. 

Some of the top war industries in the Pentagon own by these billionaires are 1. Lockheed Martin Corp, 2. Raytheon Technologies Corp, 3. General Dynamics, 4. The Boeing Co. 5. Pfizer Inc. 6. Northrop Grummon Corp, 7. Humana Inc. 8. Hil Corp. 9. L3 Harris Technologies Inc, and 10. BAE System PLC. 11. Monsanto, 12. Del Monte Deep State policies and governance. 

The Deep State internal policies and governance is taking care of the interests of the elites. They are selfish by nature and due to their self-interests and self-aggrandizement they always irresponsibly try to evade paying tax both their personal and their companies tax. Their policies is to reap the highest profits and pay the lowest wages to their employees. 

The Deep State is a strong supporter and follower of Charles Darwin Theory of 'Survival of the fittest. They claim that the government is not responsible for the welfare of the citizens. If the people cannot survive and die it is their own business. And yet they impose high taxes on the working class to run the government and the Pentagon. This is a very lopsided hypocritical policy where the rich pay either little or no tax whereas the working people have to pay their tax dues in full. 

The Deep State has adopted a very aggressive bellicose policy towards other countries. It is still very colonialism and imperialism in outlook in every aspect. It never hesitate to provoke wars to advance its territorial interests. Moreover their policy of creating permanent wars is to see the Pentagon Industrial Complex war industries are churning non-stop all the time so that they can derive tremendous profits by the billions or trillions of dollars. Is it any wonder that the Rothschild Cabal is said to have savings of over five hundred trillion dollars in the banking vaults. Deep State colonialism is extended to include financial colonialism, trade and commerce colonialism, industrial colonialism and political colonialism.