
The United States wants to be No 1 forever : But ..........

The Anglo-Saxon United States wants to be world Number One forever. But why worry? No one is contesting the US for that position not even China.In any case China is not interested. Howver, the point is, is the US qualified to be World NO 1. Let's look into what it means to be Number One. However, the world has given enough notice that it will no longer tolerate any country trying to be number one superpower to be a Unipolar rogue bully and hegemon of the earthly world. Thus to that extent the countries of the South and BRICS are working to form a Multipolar World where all countries big or small are treated equally and fairly with mutual respect and work towards beneficial development and common prosperity for all. And hopefully with Multipolar World people everywhere on earth will enjoy peace and security. But what does it entail to be Number One. As No 1: Rich and powerful and yet benign, fair and kind and always ready to give a helping hand to the poor, the down and under and helping these unfortunate countries to rise and have a decent healthy way of life. In this way the No 1 will always live and lead by good examples and provide peace and security to all countries and thus gain honour, respect and dignity. Or as No 1 to be a world bully, aggressive, threatening and intimidating; selfish, self-aggrandising and demanding, taking everything from others illegally and illicitly by deception, subterfuge and coercion.When it is unable to compete fairly with others in trade and business, in commerce and industries, in High Tec, AI, 5G,Cyber, space technology and in banking and finance it will resort to destroy others physically. Thus US is always behaving like thugs, hoodlums, gangsters, rogues, crooks and scoundrels. It is sad and regrettable that the U.S. feels proud and honourable to openly declare that it tells lies, rob and steal as always in its way of world relations. It is indeed the most unreliable and most untrustworthy country in the world. No wonder the native Americans have always warned us that 'White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted'. Moreover, in the last few hundred years US in the shadow of its Number One forebears Anglo-Saxons UK inherited all the evil traits of the British and became as brutal and aggressive invaders and killers. Which category does the Anglo-Saxon U.S fall into? The answer is obvious. From even before the first day of its independence it has always been killing and invading, killing and invading without end. Look at the latest wars and killings in Ukraine and in Palestine. The American provoked wars in Ukraine has two diabolical objectives. One main motive is to ensnare Russia into a long protracted war to weaken Russia so as to cause the Russian citizens to rise and rebel against the country and hopefully to break up Russia for USA and Western occupation. Also US hopes the breaking up of Russia will set the motion for US and the West to target China for destruction. Well these are just Anglo-Saxons dreams and they will undoubtedly rebounce badly and catastrophycally on themselves. The Palestine problem has a long history that goes back thousands of years to Abraham's time. But the Anglo-Saxons America is cashing on this problem by colluding with the Jewish Zionism to evict not only the Arabs but also the Turks from the whole Middle East and Turkey so as to prepare the ground for Jewish and Western colonisation of the whole region. The US and its Western servile allies and Zionist war against the Palestinian Arabs is exceptionally brutal, cruel and merciless similar to the Japanese horrendous atrocities against the Chinese people in China and South East Asia during the Second World War from 1931 to 1948. Both the Chinese and the Arabs should never forget these brutal and wanton atrocities of the Japanese, the Jews, the Anglo-Saxon Americans and their accomplice the Europeans especially England, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium and Italy. However, with the whole world of the countries of the South and BRICS standing solidly behind the Palestinians and the Arabs the evil diabolical plans of the Anglo-Saxon Americans and the Zionist Jews will never succeed. The free countries of the world especially the Taiwanese Chinese must wake up to the danger of the white supremacist Anglo-Saxons US, UK and the West and not be ensnared by them into war traps to suit their geopolitical agenda. The Taiwanese Chinese should openly censor and condemn the DPP Chinese traitors who are not Chinese but actually descendents of Japanese soldiers and officials who refused to be repatriated to Japan after the Second World War in 1945. They now live in Taiwan camouflaged as Chinese with cynical Chinese names and Chinese citizenship. They are the Japanese Trojan horse in Taiwan. Sooner or later they should be rounded up and shot. The United States is inherently savage and wicked beyond limits. It will not allow any peace negotiations to take place regarding the Ukraine and the Palestine and Israel war. More so it wants to start another war of aggression against China in the Taiwan Straits. However, being unprincipled and lack of conscience it persistently tries to ensnare China to start a war against Taiwan while at the same time it arm twisted and entice Taiwan to provoke China by supplying Chinese Taiwanese traitors the DPP with large amount of offensive weapons. So under such low class and mentally deranged bellicose behaviour how can the world be safe with the United States as Number One World superpower. If US mentally deranged politicians still think that the United States can continue to be the Number One superpower they should better quickly go and seek for psychiatric treatment. If the world can quickly get rid of the Evil Empire, the United States the better it is for the world to have peace and security. Southernglory1

Backward and corrupt USA making hay while the sun shines...there is no tomorrow for the Americans

 The USA already knew their drone technology is behind DJI which was probably their agenda to do DJI in, just like doing TikTok in from competing with the likes of Youtube and other USA grown social media.

Think about it. If USA drone technology is better than DJI, why is there a need to take down DJI with spurious claims. Were the USA thinking of forcing DJI to sell its drone technology and secrets to a USA entity just like forcing TikTok to do the same? How could DJI be accused of stealing USA drone technology when it is ahead of the USA in the game? Does this make any sense? Why not use the same argument against TikTok and accuse it of stealing USA tech instead of using the National Security hubris?

China is now more advance in drone technology for sure and knowing that drones will play a very important part in future wars makes the USA paranoid. Even Iran is now well versed in drone manufacturing and the recent skirmish against Israel is just an indication of the tip of the iceberg.

The USA may be spending hundreds of billions more than others on military equipment, and even if China and Iran may be spending less, the latter two get more bang for the buck. The USA Reaper Drones cost US$30** million each. Compare that to the cheaper Chinese and Iranian drones and you can understand how bloated the USA defense budget has become. Oh, not to forget the US$600 toilet seat covers that was reported, and a bag of some kind of pins costing hundreds of dollars which the Chinese could supply for US$10. The USA military contractors are so corrupt it is unbelievable.

When the US$ hegemony ends, and when toilet paper printing is curtailed, then the whole picture is going to change substantially. For now, the USA is just making hay while the sun shines, spending like no tomorrow. Actually, tomorrow for them is an uncertain future. 


What will happen to Europe when it is hollowed out by the Americans?

 Politicians in NATO do not care if the EU goes back to 'babysitting' after being hollowed out by de-industrialization after sanctioning Russia and decoupling from China. Who else is going to trade with or invest in the EU? Oh yes, there is still the UK, right? They can continue to slide down the slope clutching each other tightly together.

NATO can continue to threaten China with seizure of Chinese assets in Europe, but at what price? What Russia did against Western companies is already apparent, using the tit for tat method. Compared to Western assets in Russia, it is no exaggeration that USA and EU assets in China probably runs into trillions, which can also be collateral damage material. China already passed a law to enable seizure of foreign assets under a tit for tat move. But, of course, USA and EU leaders care two hoots about private assets seized by the Chinese. To them that is just collateral damage.

Russia and China can always trade with each other and there are the other countries in the Global South willing to engage in trade with China. Who does not want cheaper products instead of paying an arm and a leg for expensive toys from the USA and EU? Would Global South consumers be willing to pay three times the price of an EV made in USA or EU compared to China? Common sense will tell us who they will choose.



Trump assassination - A picture tells a hundred truths


This is a very important picture coming out from the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. If this picture is genuine and not photoshop, it is revealing quite a few interesting info about this episode.

Let's assume that this photo is the real stuff, ask how is this taken, by who, at what angle and distance and by what camera.To capture the moment a bullet travelling about 3 times the speed of sound, even intentionally, carefully organised, by the best photographer, etc etc, is quite impossible. This shot is a freak shot, a miracle of sort.

The speed of the bullet is faster than the speed of sound. This means that the bullet would have gone passed Trump before one could hear the sound of the firing. Thus, a photographer cannot anticipate when to press the button on the camera. The clarity of the shot means that it is likely taken by a DSLR at very high speed, like 1/4000 or 1/8000 sec.  A high speed video camera could capture the same pic. In an event like the rally, no one would be thinking of shooting the event by video or still camera using very high speed. It was not needed. 

The pic also said that the camera was quite near to Trump and at about the same level, not from the ground or from high above. It could be slightly lower than Trump to capture the sky and not the spectators. For the photographer to shoot this pic at very high speed is very telling. Was he preparing to capture a bullet to fly pass Trump? So, this is likely to be a fluke shot, by a fluke photographer that somehow set the camera at very high speed, using likely a DSLR.

What did the pic revealed? There was a shooter firing the shot at a level much lower than the roof of the supposed shooter, Thomas Crooks. The shot could not be fired from the roof of the barn, so not from Crooks.

From a report by the police, the event became more bizarre. A man with a rifle on the roof of the barn must have triggered an alert. An assassin that must be stopped quick and fast. To shoot on sight at the first opportunity. There must be urgency, an emergency or crisis situation. The people assigned to prevent such an eventuality must have jumped and be all excited, guns pulled and ready to shoot at the first opportunity.

It was reported that two police officers climbed up the building where the shooter was. The shooter saw them first and pointed the rifle at them. They quickly ducked. The shooter turned around and almost immediately shot at Trump. See all the loopholes in this police report?

What was on the mind of the two police officers. Going up for a peek, or with adrenalin pumping, going up for the kill? And they sneaked up from behind the shooter. How did the shooter, proned and aiming at Trump, be the first to spot them, turned around and pointed the rifle at them? Would it be more likely that they saw the shooter first, and could have fired immediately? It seemed that there was no urgency or no sense of a security threat, that the shooter was there to assassinate Trump.

The shooter, armed with a plain AR15, without a scope, without all the necessary gadgets of a sniper, compared the weapons of the two police snipers on the roof, look at the weapons they had, could this standard AR15 be able to hit Trump at more than 130m away by a 20 year, not trained as a sniper? And the shooter was in a hurry, not taking his time, was under pressure with two policemen on his back, could aim and squeeze the trigger like a pro, no panic, no fear, no anxiety? He was alarmed by the policemen, turned back quickly, and fired immediately using an ordinary AR15, and hit Trump from a distance of 130m! This Crooks must be a super sniper, with a super AR15 to get his job done. Possible? Really?

Could Crooks be just a decoy, a distraction, when there was another sniper with a real sniper rifle that fired the shot, in the comfort of secrecy, not rushed, not pressured, at his own time and choosing?

What do you think?

Is Taiwan a part of China?


 The PRC has been living under the farcical notion of a one China Policy and all countries with diplomatic relations would regard Taiwan as a part of China. This is only true on paper, or at most a lip service. The Americans are still selling weapons to Taiwan 'to help them to defend against China'. What does this mean? The Taiwanese are not only having their own govt and legal system, police and armed forces, but also drew territorial boundaries on air and the sea to keep China out. And China recognises these territorial boundaries, de facto and de jure, and would keep its people, ships and aircraft out of these territorial boundaries.

So, is Taiwan a part of China, a piece of Chinese territory? Historical factors may have imposed this unique relationship between China and its territorial island, Taiwan. It is like having to leave with the Unequal Treaties of the 19th Century imposed on a weak and defeated China. Unequal Treaties were imposed on a defeated China by the foreign powers when China was weak. Now that China is strong and the foreign powers are weak, would China still want to abide by the Unequal Treaties? Would China want to maintain or live with the status quo of a renegade island, Taiwan and pretend that it is a part of China when Chinese people, ships and aircraft cannot have free access to Taiwan, because the renegade govt said so?

Should China officially announce that there is no more artificial boundaries, land, air or sea around Taiwan and all the islands, and the people, ships, aircraft from both sides of the Straits are free to move around as from one country under the jurisdiction of Chinese laws? The Taiwanese Coast Guard, Police, military etc etc can still maintain law and order to support the PLA and Chinese Coast Guards in the land, sea and air over and around Taiwan. Any Taiwanese Coast Guard, Police or military that dares to act otherwise against Chinese from the mainland would be breaking Chinese laws and would be arrested? For the time being, Taiwan can still have autonomy in handling its domestic affairs until the two sides agreed on the terms of unification of Taiwan with the Motherland. Chinese ships and aircraft, military or civilian, can fly or sail all over Taiwan freely as long as they did not pose any risk of safety or collision.

This could be the first step towards liberalisation and reunification of Taiwan peacefully.