Flight of bullet, flat and horizontally
More and more angles are surfacing with videos taken from this and that angle coming out fast and furious, and blame being made against the Secret Service, Snipers on adjacent roofs and the Police, aside from political motives and involvement of foreign countries.
Was it a staged ploy to gain sympathy votes or an attempt to take Trump out is still being debated. That bullet missed by inches, which would have taken out the skull and brain material of Trump like John F. Kennedy. More like an intentional attempt to get rid of Trump for good, knowing he is already in the driver's seat for November.
Now, most people do not believe in the lone gunman mission. And who is behind it is not going to be easy to prove, now that the culprit is dead. The script can always be written according to the motive and the MSM will do the rest. Dead man tells no tales, just like Jeffrey Epstein's prison death. Even tales will not do any good, knowing how powerful those behind are and their ability to thwart investigations and fabricate evidence.
PS. The above picture is proof that the bullet was fired at a much lower level, not from the roof where the shooter was. Otherwise its flight path would be pointing downwards.