I strongly recommend that the clowns and neocons in Washington be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing peace to the world. Serious, I mean it. Caveat, no Peace Prize for Biden cause he did not contribute anything to it. He did not know what was happening.
It is true that the Washington Clowns and neocons are behind all the wars all over the world, the forever wars, unending wars, trade wars, propaganda wars, tech wars, chip wars, bio chemical wars, etc etc. And they are seriously working towards engulfing the whole world in forever wars to benefit the war merchants who would then pay them well,... and of course their main objective is to be the Empire of the world.
Fortunately or unfortunately, the clowns and neocons made one fatal mistake. They thought they were the smartest creatures alive and whatever they planned and schemed to do would work towards their goals. How wrong could they be. Their one and unforgiveable mistake was to weaponise the dollar, the reserved currency of the world. Now the avalanche of de dollarisation has been launched and there is no turning back. The American dollar would become worthless or at best only a banana currency to be used in the G7 countries. Period. They may think all their European crony states would also be using the dollar. They can't be so wrong. How could the poor European countries stick to using the dollar when they are already bankrupt and the few dollars they have cannot buy them anything from the Global South?
When the dollar is no longer the reserved currency, the Americans cannot afford to pay for all the wars and all the military bases, soldiers and weapons. When the Americans cannot afford to pay for wars, when wars can no longer make money, no longer a business, there will be no use for wars.
This is the indirect and unintentional contribution of the Washington Clowns and neocons to world peace. Never mind that they did not mean to end wars by weaponsing the dollar. Never mind if it was not their intention. But the end result is peace when the dollar turns into banana currency. And that matters. Let them join the company of Obama and carry their peace medals everywhere.