
Nobel Peace Prize for Blinken, Yellen, Sullivan, and all the neocons in Washington


I strongly recommend that the clowns and neocons in Washington be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing peace to the world. Serious, I mean it. Caveat, no Peace Prize for Biden cause he did not contribute anything to it. He did not know what was happening.

It is true that the Washington Clowns and neocons are behind all the wars all over the world, the forever wars, unending wars, trade wars, propaganda wars, tech wars, chip wars, bio chemical wars, etc etc. And they are seriously working towards engulfing the whole world in forever wars to benefit the war merchants who would then pay them well,... and of course their main objective is to be the Empire of the world.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the clowns and neocons made one fatal mistake. They thought they were the smartest creatures alive and whatever they planned and schemed to do would work towards their goals. How wrong could they be. Their one and unforgiveable mistake was to weaponise the dollar, the reserved currency of the world. Now the avalanche of de dollarisation has been launched and there is no turning back. The American dollar would become worthless or at best only a banana currency to be used in the G7 countries. Period. They may think all their European crony states would also be using the dollar. They can't be so wrong. How could the poor European countries stick to using the dollar when they are already bankrupt and the few dollars they have cannot buy them anything from the Global South?

When the dollar is no longer the reserved currency, the Americans cannot afford to pay for all the wars and all the military bases, soldiers and weapons. When the Americans cannot afford to pay for wars, when wars can no longer make money, no longer a business, there will be no use for wars. 

This is the indirect and unintentional contribution of the Washington Clowns and neocons to world peace. Never mind that they did not mean to end wars by weaponsing the dollar. Never mind if it was not their intention. But the end result is peace when the dollar turns into banana currency. And that matters. Let them join the company of  Obama and carry their peace medals everywhere.

A white man in the guise of an artist to bring down what LKY built

 The controversial mural painting of a prostitute dressed up like a samsui woman is the fantasy of an angmoh in this tropical paradise, trying to relieve the good old days of colonial Singapore. The expression of the young and covetous samsui woman, posing like the women of the oldest profession does not leave much to imagination and interpretation.

How many Singaporeans could find comfort or attachment to this mural painting as part of a legacy of old Singapore and would want to wear this as a badge of honour? One can understand the feelings and perspective of the smokers that would find delight in a smoking cigarette in the fingers of the samsui woman as a sign of acceptance or rebellion against the LKY regime. The non smokers would have their own views on this.

When LKY was around, this mural would not even have a chance to be painted. No civil servant or govt employees would dare to challenge the No Smoking policy then as the message was very clear. Do not mess around with LKY. Now this painting is like an excuse or an outlet to air the frustration from some corners, and using an angmoh as the point man. And in the eyes of the angmoh tuakee Singaporeans, whatever the angmoh or white gods did must be good, at least for Singapore and the English educated elites.

The URA/govt have decided to let this painting stay unedited. This is a test case of Lawrence Wong's new thinking and policy, the chipping away of LKY's squeaky clean image of Singapore, led by an angmoh from America. This angmoh's private fantasy is now weighing on the administrators that are supposed to manage what Singapore is or should be. Cannot offend the Americans. 

What's next LKY's legacy to be sunak?

India shares the same anti Muslim agenda with the Anglo Saxon states

 India is perceptively moving away from its coziness with the USA and UK. Modi is in Russia making an attempt to bring peace between Russia and Ukraine. The fall of Rishi Sunak in the UK is making Modi nervous about sleeping with the West.

Even hardcore anti-China Indian sites are more moderate in their criticism of China. But let us not read too much into that.

Modi knows India is running into big problems with jobs and an exploding population needing mass job creation. Perhaps India is planning another CECA with Russia, LOL.

Should the USA and the West begin expressing their love for Muslims and Sikhs in India, Modi is in trouble. He must look for alternatives knowing the USA and the West can start pushing India on issues to stop India from getting closer and helping Russia, since that is already being played out with China.

These are the USA and NATO's desperate moves, more so when seeing Russia still growing its economy despite two years into the war and is now being classified as a 'high income' country by the World Bank. With sanctions galore and funding a war, Russia still manages to chalk up growth better than the NATO countries, which is a slap on the face of the USA and the EU.

Thirty-two countries in NATO together still failed to bring Russia down with more than 16,000 sanctions. And NATO thinks it can do much by expanding into Asia to confront China?


Weaponizing the US$ was a colossal mistake for the USA

 Weaponizing the US$ was a colossal mistake for the USA. But it is too late to cry over spilt milk. The damage has been done and even if they want to, they cannot put the genie back into the bottle.

Seizing of the Russian assets was another layer of harm that the USA inflicted upon itself which led to the lighting of the de-dollarization fuse.

The USA had been too arrogant in thinking that no one in this world could touch them militarily or do anything to close down the US$ hegemony. And another mistake was taking too lightly the eventual rise of China, thinking that the Chinamen will forever at best be cooks and laundrymen. Now they realized that no one should bet against China. It is a hard lesson that the EU must also learn and not be too arrogant. China is going to teach the EU a lesson they are not going to forget. 


Adjunct story to the China - India border war 1962. PART ONE

The forgery of a political document in 1914 by England on the Chinese Tibetan border with British Colonial India has great turbulent ramifications on the present relations between China and India.

In 1914 England secretly convened a conference in Simla in which British Colonial Secretary of Colonial India Henry McMahon coerced and lured Tibetan representative Xa Zha to sign an under-the-table deal behind the back of the Chinese delegate. The document they signed secretly known as the "Simla Accord" created the notorious "McMahon Line which incorporated a large area of Southern Tibet including the 'Tawang District that had always been under the administration of China's Tibet. The illegal and illicit deal forced Tibet to give nearly a hundred thousand square kilometers of Chinese territory to British India.

However, on 3rd of July, 1914, the Chinese central government in Beijing instructed Chinese official representative Chen Yi Fan not to sign the null and void accord and declared, " The Chinese government will acknowledge none of the accord or similar document signed by the UK and Tibet on this or any other day". As Chen Yi Fan refused to sign the accord, the Simla Conference broke up. The " Mcmahon Line" was not legally binding. Both the Simla Accord and the British drawn arbitrary "McMahon Line have never been accepted by the Chinese government.

PART TWO will be published on another date.

Reference: Global Times.
