
American terrorists spreading lies, fear and threats to attack countries

 In the debate with Trump, Biden lied that Russia is going to take over Ukraine, Poland and all European countries. So Russia must be stopped and defeated in Ukraine. On the other hand, the American terrorists have been openly calling for the breaking up of Russia, to remove Putin, and to take over all the lands of Russia.

Similarly, the American terrorists have been calling China a threat, that China is going to take over the whole world. On this alone, the Americans have started all kinds of wars against China, sanctions etc etc. Even building a port for Peru is called a threat to the Americans. China going to the moon is a threat to the Americans, that China want to colonise the moon. China is a threat to Mongolia, to the Pacific Islands, to the Philippines etc etc.

What about the 800 American military bases all over the world? These are terrorist camps of the Americans to control the countries that they now occupied and to threaten the neighbouring states. The whole of Europe is now under the control of these American terrorist bases, South Korea, Japan, the Philippines as well. The presence of these American terrorist bases mean that these states are now effectively under the control of the Americans, and the Americans will decide who will be their leaders. Any leader that is not pro Americans would be removed, assassinated under the phrase 'regime change'.

In the Arab and Muslim world, the Americans invented the WMD threat to invade Iraq, Muslim terrorist threats to invade Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco. And coerced the Saudis, Jordanians, to have American terrorist bases in their countries to control these states, now effectively colonies of the evil American Empire. 

The American terrorists called Iran a threat, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela etc etc a threat and sanctioned them, threatening to invade them.

Whenever the American terrorists called a country a threat, it is a licence for invasion, or to sanction them. The evil American Empire has been playing this mischievous game for too long, to control the world, to be the dominant evil American Empire. 

Is China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, etc etc conducting wars or threatening any countries? Russia was being threatened by the expansion of NATO, with the dire prospect of having nuclear weapons on its doorstep. And Russia has to stop the expansion of terrorist NATO and the genocide of Russian speaking Ukrainians by moving in to stop the murderers in Kiev. Russia is a victim of American and NATO terrorism but was branded a threat to Europe?

The world must stop the lies of the American terrorists, spreading their lies through western media and the media of their cronies. The American terrorists are the real threat to the rest of the world.

Vote Trump and Biden out. Both are making the average Americans paying more for everything

 Trump and Biden are taking the USA voters to be just 'dim wits' with their tariff escalation against Chinese products. Keeping voters dim and ignorant does have great advantages for blind policy implementation. However, on the flip side, it is not going to hurt Chinese manufacturers that much and put them out of business, as Chinese investors have already figured out long ago, after Trump's trade war, that this was going to happen and have been moving operations into the Global South.

Chinese manufacturers have been relocating factories to Vietnam, Bangladesh, Mexico and even to friendly European countries like Hungary and Slovakia among others, over the last several years, particularly after Trump's trade war.

Investing further in the USA and EU is deemed suicidal in the face of USA and EU policies against Chinese manufacturers. The USA and EU seems to forget that there is another much bigger world outside of the USA and EU, and a bigger market rising for Chinese manufacturers to dominate. Africa, with 1.4 billion population on the continent, is a big market to conquer, with the USA and EU combined population of just a mere 1.1 billion.

Sure, Africa is still poor, but that is assuming that Africa cannot rise like dirt-poor China, in just three decades with Chinese help. And dominate the Chinese eventually will, with cheaper energy, abundance of raw materials, supply chains, skilled workers and an enlightened Government charting the direction of investing in rising industries in the future.

The trade war backfired badly on USA consumers with the USA Government gloating about success that actually harbored failures on all fronts. It deprived the USA of good jobs that could be generated with Chinese investments. Not only are Chinese investor avoiding the USA, skilled science and engineering expertise are leaving the USA in the face of dwindling opportunities for innovation. Further, there is always the possibility of being targeted for spying at the USA's whims and fancies. Why suffer the indignity of going to jail and killing their careers?

China welcomes all these ready-made scientists and engineers, trained and proven free of charge, coming home to help the country move forward. It is a blessing in disguise and a big loss for the USA and a big gain for China.

But let the USA continue to bask in the fake thinking that trade wars are easy to win, and sanctions will drive China down. Some media commentators are not calling Trump a conman for nothing. Trump could lure a bird to come down from the tree with his conman mouth. Let us give him credit for that!


PS. Actually either Trump or Biden is good for the rest of the world. Let these two incompetents destroy America faster.

Biden is a 'train wreck'!

 The Media is even more scathing, calling Biden's performance a 'train wreck', not just a 'car crash'. And many are distraught with the thought that this 'mumbling, stumbling and crumbling' old man is given the task of having his finger on the nuclear button. It is like giving a game control pad to a child!

But top Democrats are still adamant on keeping Biden, claiming he is the only one capable of defeating Trump. This is not 2020, four years ago, when he was still younger. Trump is three years younger and the difference it makes is undeniable, though Trump is starting to get foggy in some instances.

Biden's condition today, especially his health, cognitive function and memory have deteriorated day by day, and clearly visible with each appearance on the rostrum. For those who did not watch the debate to witness the decline, being fed videos of his appearance on TV ought to convince them that he is not suitable to do the job.

There are two wars to manage, conflict with China, fighting inflation and dealing with the USA's escalating debt. Is Biden able to handle that? Please do not talk about Kamala Harris giving him support. That woman is a liability yet eyeing the job for the next couple of months before November. She will really give the world a stomach-ache, laughing their heads off. These four years have proven her a complete disaster as the Vice President. 


India does not need to be in G7 to be whispering to them on what is happening in BRICS

 India is waiting for that invitation, just like Ukraine being dangled a carrot to join NATO, which is the Russian 'red line'. And that invitation will give BRICS a good reason to tell India to leave BRICS for good. BRICS cannot have a G7 'Trojan Horse' divulging sensitive information to the G7 vis a vis the USA itself.

If the G7 is desperate enough to want to find out the internal workings of BRICS, they may just do that by admitting India into the G7. Further, the G7 could then hope to use India to stonewall the expansion of BRICS by continuing to hinder the acceptance of more Global South countries into the bloc.

It will actually be a blessing in disguise for BRICS if India is to join the G7. It saves BRICS the trouble of having to find a good excuse to get rid of India with its clear intention to sabotage the agenda of BRICS, hoping to garner favorable support in the eyes of the G7.

India is just playing one side against the other. Getting rid of a snake is better than getting bitten and suffering the consequences as BRICS moves forward. 


India's two biggest products, Rupees and the Unemployed

 What can countries in BRICS do with rupees when India is unable to produce anything worthwhile exporting for others to use their currency? India must be able to export products that BRICS countries want to buy to enable the rupee to be used in two-way trade. And even then, India must produce products that can compete with the likes of China.

India can export its workers, it's co-called population dividends, to other countries and be paid in rupees, LOL. Singapore should pay Indian workers in rupees if it accepts exports to India to be paid in rupees.

Even Russia is not in favor of accepting rupees, with India exporting little to Russia while buying so much energy and military weapons from Russia. Russia needs all the money to fund its war in Ukraine, not rupees lying around and unable to be used for purchases from China or anyone else.

India must work to set up channels to facilitate the acceptance of the rupee first before trying to force other countries to conform to its wishes. It is not going to work. Putting the cart before the horse is not going to move anything around.
