
Taiwan - Only a military coup can save the Taiwan Chinese

 Lai ChingTe's pro independence gang has hit a road end. The Americans have told them that independence is no go. The Americans by now have assessed the situation thoroughly and know that the Chinese could easily send them into the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in an open war. The Americans would not sacrifice the life of a single American for Taiwan, an island that has little strategic importance to the American Empire. It makes no difference if Taiwan were to return to the motherland. It is only useful as a tool to irritate China and make the stupid Taiwanese pay by the billions without having to deliver the weapons they bought.

What is happening in Taiwan today is as good as a bunch of drunkards and imbeciles thumping their chests and dreaming of taking Taiwan away from China. The only consequence in this silly antic is that up to a point, China would have to step in by force to bring about a reunification. It could lead to a few days of bloodshed before the imbeciles and drunkards know that their wet dream would just be that, that they cannot change the fate of Taiwan.

The best thing to happen to Taiwan, to prevent a bloodbath of the reckless and unthinking Taiwanese is for the Taiwan military to step in, arrest all the DPP and pro independence leaders in a bloodless coup and negotiate with China for a peaceful reunification. Many lives would be saved, Taiwan would not be turned into a wasteland, everything would remain intact, life could go on as normal without hanging on a limbo.

The DPP and pro independence gang could not make any headway except to talk big about their wild dream of independence, to agitate the Taiwanese to want to knock their heads against a wall. But many Taiwanese are pragmatic people and would not want to die for a hopeless cause. Some may choose to die, but their deaths would not change anything.

On the other hand, there is no real and charismatic leader in Taiwan to lead the Taiwanese home. Taiwan would just be an apple rotting from inside, going nowhere. And the noose would be tighten day by day. The Taiwanese are waiting for a decisive leader to end their anxiety and move on. And since the political leadership is so weak, and running out of ideas, the military is the last hope to put an end to this dilemma. Once the military steps in and takes charge, the majority of the Taiwanese would go along with the reunification. Anything is better than what is happening or not happening in Taiwan now.

The Taiwanese people are waiting. Why is the Taiwanese military still hesitating? The political leadership is clueless and helpless, except talking like drunkards and imbeciles and making themselves look silly.

American colonies in same situation as China in the 1930s


 In the early 1930s in China, with many territorial concessions given to the foreign invading powers, China was cut up into pieces like a water melon. The 8 western powers, Japan was one of them, had their own territories in China which they called their own, administered by their respective police forces, their own laws and their own soldiers. Japan was particularly notorious with a huge army operating inside China, ruling over China like a colony within a colony. They employed the Chinese to work for them under Japanese rules and laws. And with their military forces, they planned to take over China by force, to colonise China with the help of the Chinese in their employed, with traitors and willing Chinese conspirators. China's sovereignty was at stake with the enemies inside China, on Chinese land.

The situation of many modern states with foreign military bases are very similar to the concession territories in China. The foreign powers actually own the land in the bases, have their own laws, police and soldiers to protect themselves, and if necessary, to take over the countries concern with their military forces. Can you imagine what a foreign power can do with their own military bases, airfields or ports, to stock up all the weapons needed to serve their interests, not the interests of the host countries?

What is happening in Europe is a stark reminder to other countries about having foreign military bases in their land. Japan and South Korea are two very unhappy occupied countries, with many American bases forced upon them, in the name of protecting them, but in reality, turning them into American colonies. Their military presence means they can decide who would be the leaders of the respective states, ie leaders that are pro America, like propping up Zelensky after initiating a coup in Ukraine. Any leader that is not pro the foreign power ie Americans, would be removed by regime change. Saudi Arabia is in a similar situation. They cannot get the American bases and soldiers out of their country.

Today, the Philippines are happily inviting the Americans to set up more military bases, up to 9 from 4 bases, to turn the Philippines into a de facto American colony. And the Pinoys are very happy about it. Or at least they are not protesting like how they protested to chase the Americans out of Subic Naval Base and Clark Air Force Base in the 80s. Now they are welcoming the Americans soldiers back with open arms. Maybe they are planning to be the 52nd state of the USA. 

The Americans are now in a position to decide who would be the President of the Philippines, and now working with Marcos to change the Philippines Constitution to allow him to be president for two terms. Another option is to raise tension and declare martial law like his father and rule the Philippines for as long as he likes. The Pinoys are increasing losing the right to decide what is good for the interests of the Philippines and another dictator Marcos is in the making.

The era of independence movements, independence fighters is over. Fighting for the independence of a nation state, to rule themselves, by their own people, is no longer a desirable thing to the Philippines. They chose to be ruled by the Americans. Similarly, the Taiwanese are very happy choosing to be ruled by the Americans and the Japanese. Who else is next, to want to invite foreign military forces to reside in their own land and to rule over them, to decide who should be their national leaders, with the approval of the foreign power?

Is cocaine in the White House American Exceptionalism?


 Do not forget that USA 'exceptionalism' extends to everything, even lying, cheating and stealing. What is a little cocaine in the White House after all? It is just cocaine and if USA can invoke 'exceptionalism' at its whims and fancies, why not Joe Biden?

A little cocaine in the White House is insignificant, affecting only Joe Biden and maybe his beloved son. Compare that to the walking dead on Kensington Ave, Pennsylvania, with a whole street full of people high on drugs. And that is not the only location. It is a nation-wide drug addiction problem. It probably is good that drug addiction extends from the ground right up to the top of the pyramid, so no one can complain, right? So, why try to blame China?

Give old Joe a break, will ya! Poor old Joe is suffering elderly abuse at the hands of the Democrats and has a pile of problem regarding his son, his own health and how to deal with gangster and ruffian Donald Trump. What Joe really needs is a nice place in an old folk's home, undisturbed, not having to be pushed around by handlers telling him when to sit, when to stand, when to turn around, when to walk and when to fall, oops. 


American colony South Korea begging to be screwed

 What Yoon Suk Yeol is doing to South Korea is no different from what Olaf Scholz is doing to Germany. Both are totally beholden to the USA and bending over backwards to please the USA. The way Yoon was groveling at the feet of Joe Biden during his recent visit to Washington was disgusting to say the least.

Germany is already tasting it's just deserts for following the USA's agenda in Europe. Yoon is doing the same to South Korea in East Asia. He wants to escalate the situation on the Korean Peninsula by supplying weapons to Ukraine, thinking this will gain favor with Joe Biden and the USA war mongers. Now he is caught in a bind. Putin is supplying arms to Kim Jong Un and that is bad news for South Korea. He is still threatening Putin when he was already warned earlier.

South Korea supplying weapons to Ukraine will not change the war in Ukraine one bit. It is the same as other NATO countries pouring 'game changing' weapons and achieving nothing positive. The USA and NATO had been doing it for more than two long years and South Korea is hoping to change the situation with a few dozen pieces of howitzers? What has South Korea achieved for its involvement with the USA in Vietnam? Still on the losing side, despite supplying more than 300,000 rotating troops fighting alongside the GIs.

This time around, if hostilities break out on the Korean Peninsula, it will not just be China on the side of the North Koreans. Russia has a security arrangement now with Kim that if one side is attack, it will involve the Russians too. NATO can do it, so does Russia, China and North Korea. The sword cuts both ways. 


Bankrupt European states wanting to conduct trade wars with their biggest market? How silly can they be?

 The Europeans are spooked by China's imposition of tariffs on European cars entering China. That is not all. China is intending to do to the EU what it did with agricultural products from the USA at the start of Trump's trade war. China is no more just taking it lying down. China has shown its ability to retaliate and that frightens the Europeans.

Who stands to lose the most? German car makers will face the biggest hit. Other EU countries will be hit by products like pork. I believe that is just the beginning of China's retaliation. China has found alternative markets in South America and Russia and is mending relations with Australia and New Zealand as well. The recent visit of Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang to New Zealand and Australia is not for exchanging T-shirts to quote LKY. China is too big a market for them to resist.

If Russian cheap energy crisis is already crippling Europe, can the EU afford another disaster happening with its agricultural sector? This is not a shortage of agricultural products befalling Europe. It is the shortage of demand from the Chinese market that is the problem. European farmers are already at wits end trying to compete with outside producers like Ukraine. The recent farmers protest says it all. It is no use for the EU trying to export its agricultural products to the USA, which is just like 'Carrying coal to Newcastle' to quote an outdated saying. Newcastle itself already had so much coal and sending more coal there is a pointless action.

Elsewhere in South America they are producing just as much agricultural products for export to China, and already competing with the EU. Mess with China and suffer the consequences is something the Europeans better learn.
