Happened to come across this clip of foreigners singing Min Nan/Hokien song. Unbelievable. They sang and sound like Taiwanese.
Happened to come across this clip of foreigners singing Min Nan/Hokien song. Unbelievable. They sang and sound like Taiwanese.
Switzerland was once touted as the safest place to keep your wealth or hide your ill gotten loot. It was then believed that a depositor can be assured of complete privacy and secrecy of his Swiss account. Also, at one time the USA was the most trusted state to even store your nation's wealth like gold bullion. Many states transferred their gold savings to the USA for safe keeping, voluntarily or by coercion.
Today, the reliability and credibility of both states are now fiction. The Americans have been known to reject the withdrawal of gold bullion from states, or rumoured to have sold them, and the American vaults are depleted of gold bullion held in trust by the Americans. Not only that, the Americans even seized the dollar deposits of countries held in American banks or in banks of American crony states. Thus, not only American banks are untrustworthy, acting more like daylight robbers, even the banks of American crony states are equally risky as they would confiscate or seize deposits under the orders of the Americans.
The Swiss banks have surrendered their neutrality and joined the American camp. And they have allowed access to the Americans not only in allowing the Americans to check the accounts of investors, but would also seize deposits of their clients under the instruction of the Americans.
The Americans have not only weaponised the American dollar, the American controlled financial system, but also American banks and banks of American crony states. There is no place that is safe to keep your money when the Americans can touch it. Period. Many nation states and high net worth individuals are shivering in their pants, praying that they would not be the next target to be robbed by the Americans. Many are finding alternative places to park their wealth. When the Americans dared to seize the wealth of a nuclear power like Russia, no one else is safe from the Americans. The Americans stole from Latin American states, Iraq, Syria, Iran and even from poor Afghanistan. They have no moral conscience to spare the poor and the weak.
Ironically, the safer place to keep one's wealth would be in states that are out of reach from the Americans, states that are considered enemies of the Americans. And China today is the safest place to keep ones wealth from the unethical thieves in America and the West. Yes, China is now the safest place to keep your hard earned wealth. The Americans would not be able to lay their dirty and unscrupulous hands on your wealth if kept in China. And China has a duty and also a reputation to uphold, to prove to the world that it is safer than the USA or any western banks. Beware of the supposedly innocent banks of American crony states. When the Americans ask them to seize the wealth of depositors, they would ask when. They cannot say no to the Americans, to be part of the gang of international gangsters and terrorists.
No matter how often and how devious the Americans lied about China, China is the most reliable place to keep your wealth. China has no record of seizing any depositor's wealth, just like China has not been a warmonger or expansionist state but being accused of crimes and behaviours that are standard behaviours of the American gangsters and terrorists. The Brits are infamous as thieves of the last three centuries. All the valuable art pieces in the British museums are stolen artefacts, loots from their colonies and victim states. Not a piece is an exception, all stolen goods.
See through the deceit and lies of the Americans and be safe. Take out your savings in American banks and banks of American crony states ASAP. There is no time to wait. The earlier the better. It is your money while you can still take it out before the Americans take it for good, just like they stole the continent of North America from the natives. Stealing and killing are in their DNA.
The IMF is trying to teach China how to suck eggs. Now
telling China to concentrate on shifting its economy towards consumption
and address it real estate problems. What advice has the IMF given to
the USA with its deficit spending problem, soaring debts and banking
Chinese people thrive on thrift, unlike the USA and its
people spending what they have not earned to impress the world that it
is filthy rich. It is reported that 37% of USA citizens do not have
US$400 in their pocket to meet emergency needs and is rising. That is
how broke they are. The world can see all that poverty translated openly
into homelessness and the queue at soup kitchens.
The IMF is
basically telling China not to concentrate on its successful export
model, thus not try to overtake the USA in GDP just a couple of years
further ahead. That must be the motive.
Just look at what the IMF
did to Argentina, with a debt trap set to tie down Argentina, making it
impossible for Argentina to get out of its debt trap with each
devaluation of its currency vis a vis the US$. As the Argentina currency
falls, paying its debts in US$ gets more difficult and the debt never
gets paid down. Years of repaying finds the debt to the IMF still
remaining stagnant. Argentina is in a mess.
Now the West is finding fault with Chinese made EVs.
They are investigating and probably coming up with claims that the
Chinese EVs are spying on USA citizens. The seats, the tyres, the
airconds, the steering wheels, the batteries are all full of spying apps
installed. They lost the competition and this is their mode of
History is full of such vile tactics employed by the
USA. They did it to Toshiba of Japan. They did it to Alstom of France.
They did it to Huawei of China. Where they cannot compete, they resort
to fabricating lies in order to destroy. That will lead to stagnation.
Hell, does that not indicate why they are reinventing the wheel of
another moon landing, when they claimed they already have the expertise
in the sixties?
There is a big market opening up in South
America for Chinese EVs. Africa, once it gets its house in order, will
be another big market, albeit years down the road. China knows that
potential, invested decades earlier in Africa for long term gains, and
is reaping some rewards already in terms of having access to essential
resources in tie ups with some African Governments. With 1.4 billion
population and growing, the potential is enormous. They will progress
and grow, unlike the days of colonial rule, with exploitation and
intentional depressing of growth and progress was the norm.
there are the Middle East and Central Asia to consider. They will
progress and grow as well. As Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, tells
the EU, Africa is far larger than the EU in the eyes of China, and
therefore more important for longer term engagement.
Six of the Group of 7 countries are caucasions or of white men
stock and only miserable Japan is of Asian stock. Three of the six white
countries are Anglo-Saxons like United States, England and Canada.The
other three are Germany, France and Jtaly. The G-7 countries are
supposed to be very rich countries. I suppose they were so in the past
when they derived all their illegal and illicit wealth and riches from
exploiting and robbing their colonies in the Third world.
Today they are just existing and surviving on what is left of the remnants of the wealth they had robbed from the rest of the world in the last few centuries. Therefore these G-7 countries have to gang up to put up a superficial outlook of being rich and powerful so that they can adopt a new neo colonial policy to continue to exploit and rob the third world countries under a new sinister system.
But with the formation of BRICS countries which will expand its membership to all developing countries to protect and look after the interests of third world countries under the guidance and leadership of China and Russia, the evil G-7 countries will no longer have a free hand to free wheeling in their diabolical exploitation of third world countries either economically, financially, politically, militarily, culturally or digitally in cyber space technology.
Very soon the preposterous G-7 countries will be
impoverished by their sinister endless wars of aggression while all the
BRIC countries will have a bright future to look for as they are endowed
with rich natural resources in both minerals and agricultural products.