As expected, the Chinese attempt at brokering a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine is blatantly and strongly opposed by Washington. John Kirby, the White House spokesperson, in an interview said, in no uncertain terms, that any peace deal in Ukraine is 'unacceptable'. 'Unacceptable' in whose interest? To the USA or the rest of the world? That clearly shows the USA wants desperately for the war in Ukraine to continue, and clearly indicates it does not really want peace to prevail. The USA and the West are now really petrified of peace returning to Ukraine.
And that blinking Blinken had the gall to say that China helping Russia is not in 'USA's interest'. Must China's extension of a helping hand to allies and friendly countries be only to take care of the USA's interest? So, will that narrative later be skewed to include China's help in Africa, Latin America, the BRI, which must necessarily only be in USA's interest. What is he trying to say? That only the USA can help its allies and not China? Russia is presently the closest ally of China - economically, politically and militarily, and it is only moral and logical for China to help.
Touching on that point, is the USA's help for Taiwan, with leaders visitation, sale of weapons not also against China's interest? The USA has no moral authority nor integrity to dictate or threaten China by pronouncing that China's aid to Russia is against their interest, while they continue to push weapons to Taiwan to provoke China.
China must invite both Putin and Zelenskyy to Beijing, away from the instigators, if it ever is to harbour any hope of bringing peace to Ukraine, keeping the USA out of the room when negotiating. Putin will undoubtedly follow the suggestion, but not Zelenskyy and that you can be sure.
If the USA and the West clearly goes all out to sabotage the Chinese peace approach, it gives the Chinese moral grounds to provide letal weapons to Russia. That could be the consequence of this peace plan testing point put up by the Chinese, and openly sabotaged by the USA and the West. Thereafter no justification for condemning the Chinese for supplying weapons to Russia, the same way they USA keeps pushing weapons to Taiwan.