
Covid19 - A vaccine is not medicine

 Generally we understand what medicine means. If one is having a pain, treat it with pain killer. If one is getting a swelling, treat it with anti inflammation drugs. The medicine is used to treat and cure an illness.

A vaccine is not medicine in this sense. Or is it called preventive medicine in the medical world? A vaccine is not to treat and heal an illness. A vaccine is actually the source of the illness, ie the virus that caused the infection, but inactivated. The injection of the inactivated vaccine is to induce and prepare the body immune system to deal with the live virus. Once the immune system learns the characteristics of the virus and able to produce anti bodies to fight it, the vaccine has done its job, the body is trained and prepared.

A vaccine that cannot prevent an illness is not a vaccine or an ineffective vaccine. A vaccine that is not meant to heal an illness is not a medicine.

The vaccine does not cure or heal the infection, does not make the infection less serious or less deadly. It is the immune system of the body that fights the virus. The effectiveness of the immune system to produce enough and effective antibodies will determine the seriousness of the infection. There are some drugs that were used to treat the infection, but they are not called vaccines.

When a body is infected by the virus, it is in a way more dangerous to inject the vaccine, ie virus, when the body is already filled with the virus. Having another vaccination by injecting more virus or worse, mRNA, to produce more mRNAs would actually increase the load for the body's immune system to deal with.

Once infected, hitting the body with more virus or mRNA is too late, defeats the purpose of vaccines. I am not a doctor and stand corrected. The vaccine should be injected before the infection to let the body's immune system to familiarise with the virus and how to deal with it. Do not expect the vaccine to cure.

Medical professionals, please correct me if I am wrong.

American's mRNA vaccine is still being pushed when the infection cases in the US has hit almost 100 million cases.  And American deaths have hit 1 million cases. So, is this vaccine effective in preventing infection and preventing deaths?  And the Americans are going to sell this vaccine to China to help China to prevent infection? Can you believe this? 1/3 of the American population has already been infected using this mRNA vaccine.  Effective? And still got people believing in this mRNA vaccine and still pushing it as a vaccine.

The pharmas should re position this mRNA as a cure, as a medicine, though what it can cure is also questionable, just like what it can prevent. Its ability or inability to prevent infection is all in the numbers.

'Swiftly drifting away...'

'After the February 2022 Special Military Operation launched by Moscow in Ukraine and NATO has devolved into, for all practical purposes, war against Russia, we have stepped beyond Hybrid War territory and are deep into Total Financial War.

The whole Global South absorbed the “lesson” of the collective (institutional) west freezing, as in stealing, the foreign reserves of a G20 member, on top of it a nuclear superpower. If that happened to Russia, it could happen to anyone. There are no “rules” anymore.

Russia since 2014 has been improving its SPFS payment system, in parallel with China’s CIPS, both bypassing the western-led SWIFT banking messaging system, and increasingly used by Central Banks across Central Asia, Iran and India. All across Eurasia, more people are ditching Visa and Mastercard and using UnionPay and/or Mir cards, not to mention Alipay and WeChat Pay, both extremely popular across Southeast Asia.

Of course the petrodollar – and the US dollar, still representing under 60 percent of global foreign exchange reserves – will not ride into oblivion overnight. Xi of Arabia is just the latest chapter in a seismic shift now driven by a select group in the Global South, and not by the former “hyperpower.”

Trading in their own currencies and a new, global alternative currency is right at the top of the priorities of that long list of nations – from South America to Northern Africa and West Asia – eager to join BRICS+ or the SCO, and in quite a few cases, both.

The stakes could not be higher. And it’s all about subjugation or exercising full sovereignty. So let’s leave the last essential words to the foremost diplomat of our troubled times, Russia’s Sergey Lavrov, at the international interparty conference Eurasian Choice as a Basis for Strengthening Sovereignty:

“The main reason for today’s growing tensions is the stubborn striving of the collective West to maintain a historically diminishing domination in the international arena by any means it can… It is impossible to impede the strengthening of the independent centers of economic growth, financial might and political influence.

Link to article:



Americans colonising Europe


USA and UK are the two countries wanting the Ukraine war to drag on forever. Agreements to end the War had already been reached earlier in the year, but were scuttled by these two warmongers. Angela Merkel just revealed that the Minsk Agreement was just to give Ukraine time to strengthen itself and not to be followed to the letter. Of course this revelation will be denied.

The UK made the wrong move detaching itself from the EU, and now seeing its economy suffering, as businesses moved to Europe or elsewhere. UK's dependence on the EU market took a serious hit with Brexit, and Angla Merkel said in no uncertain terms, while she was still in power, that she will make the UK crawl on broken glass. She is not in power now, but her prophecy is taking shape. By attempting to prolong the war to decimate Europe, Boris Johnson had been thinking that European businesses will shift to the UK. It did not happened and UK businesses are doing the opposite, even when the war rages. And European businesses and industries are making a beeline for China and India in particular.

The USA, of course, had been eyeing the energy market in Europe, and had been fabricating all the gloom and doom scenarios to threaten Europe with security issues, if the Europeans depend totally on Russian energy. Why would Russia want to use energy to blackmail Europe if it still went ahead to build Nordstream 2, against all the sanction and threats from the USA? The USA has now succeeded in taking Europe away from Russian energy, and is now supplying energy to Europe itself and ripping the stupid Europeans off blindly. Now, who is suffering more - Russia or Europe? And who is benefitting more - USA or Europe. Both ways, the Europeans have the wrong end of the stick.


PS.  The Americans/AngloSaxons are colonising Europe now that they are no longer able to colonise the countries of the world.  What an irony.  RB

Les Miserables - Major anti-NATO rally hits Paris streets

18 Dec, 2022 15:39

Major anti-NATO rally hits Paris streets
Protesters called for a review of France’s policies towards the US-led bloc and Moscow, and denounced anti-Russia sanctions

© Ruptly

Crowds of protesters took to the streets of the French capital on Saturday to protest France’s policies towards Russia and the nation’s NATO membership. The large-scale rally was organized by the right-wing Les Patriotes (The Patriots) party, led by Florian Philippot, the former deputy head of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally.... RT

"Major anti-NATO rally hits Paris streets" This think can't be tolerated! This is how your masters make money so STOP it or you will die and be replaced with other puppets!

andrew hayes
NATO has one order for the French police.. "stop these rallies at all costs!"

Ioana Parh
This is virtually unreported in Western media. I just tried google - out of curiosity.

This story cannot be true. All of my friends in the US tell me that all of the “news” media are saying how everyone in the EU is committed to do whatever is necessary to support those cowardly ukranian nazi bastards in Ukraine. They tell me that “news” media in the US does not mention anything about these fake protests in France, Belgium or anywhere else. There are only rallies in support for Ukraine everywhere in the EU, according to the US media, and we all know that the US “news” media is impeccably honest and trustworthy and would never tell something that is not true or neglect to report on something as serious as protests in the EU.

Timorese Online
this should be done by all EU members' citizen to escape from US deep grip. A world without NATO means a bit closer to PEACE

French citizen sick and tired of having leaders that are subservient to EU/NATO. This is occurring EU wide; people are finally waking up to reality.

When family members start dying from the cold or start to starve I wonder how the media will hide this?, remember social media is another way to show the protests.

The above is reported in RT. The protest against the Americans and NATO is just the beginning. The longer the war is the war, the colder the winter, lack of warmth and food, when hunger is everywhere, when people are dying from cold and empty stomach, the stage is set for a revolution. 

What is starting in Paris would reverberate all over France and the whole of Europe. The insane War in Ukraine must stop. It is bizarre for the whole of Europe to sacriface their peaceful and good life to support the Nazi Ukrainians and Nazi Americans to kill Russians, and in a war that they cannot win. 

Why are Europeans suffering and now dying from hunger and the cold, when they could be having cheap Russian gas and oil and have a warm and merry Christmas, drinking and feasting happily during this period of festivities? Why are they suffering when the Americans are having a party in American homeland, safe and sound, and profiting immensely from the expensive oil and gas they are selling to the daft Europeans for fighting an American war that really had nothing to do with them, but for the expansion of NATO and the American Empire?

The Ukrainian War is going to drag on and on, the Americans are not going to stop it. It is very big business for them. Only in this War that they can use heavy artillery and expensive weapons and to bill the American govt for them. The American Industrial Complex and the weapon manufacturers are laughing all the way to the banks. They are only interested in being paid. They did not bother if Ukraine is able to pay back all the so called aids and loans in the future. There may not be a Ukraine left and all the money spent would go down the drain.

This War is looking like the Vietnam War, except that the tiredness and futility came earlier. And it is not the Americans are growing restless of this War. It is the Europeans that are carrying the brunt of the pain. The Europeans are paying an unusually high price for somebody's war, an American war that is meaningless to them. They were prepared to bear with it for a few months, thinking that it would be over soon. Now they know that this is not going to be over soon. It is Vietnam in Ukraine.  And Europe is being thrown under the bus, to be the front men, to sacrifice and die for the American Empire.

The uprising of Europe against this insane War is heating up fast. The Americans would not put an end to it as there is no American casualty. In fact the Americans are profiting from this War and would love to keep it going on for another 30 years. The Europeans would have to put an end to this War to save their own skin and their own good life, now in tatters and getting worse by the day.

PS.  Ssssshh. No one is supposed to know about these protests.  All they need to know is Ukraine is winning the War. And Zelensky can now visit the US. Things must be going very well  for the Ukrainian Nazis in this winter.

Dutch golden age due to slavery

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has offered a formal apology for his country’s involvement in 250 years of slavery, calling it a “crime against humanity” in a speech in the Hague on Monday.

“Today on behalf of the Dutch government, I apologize for the past actions of the Dutch state,” Rutte said, stating that the past “cannot be erased, only faced up to.”

He noted that although nobody alive today “bears any personal guilt” or responsibility for slavery, the Netherlands as a state is still guilty of having “encouraged and profited” from it.

“People were commodified, exploited and traded in the name of the Dutch state,” he continued, adding that slavery had caused “great suffering, that continues to affect the lives of people now…And for that, on behalf of the Dutch state, I apologize.”

The prime minister’s remarks come amid a wider reconsideration of the Netherlands’ colonial past after the country set up a national advisory panel following the 2020 killing of George Floyd in the US. While Rutte has ruled out reparations, the Dutch government is expected to set up a €200 million ($211 million) educational fund, as well as providing some €27 million for a slavery museum.

Read more EU country to apologize for slavery – media

The Netherlands formally abolished slavery in 1863. The slave trade was considered to be the driving force behind the Dutch economic and cultural “golden age.”

The above article is from RT. Not only the golden age of Netherland was due to slavery, the 'golden age' or 'age of darkness'  of the USA was also due to slavery, and so were the golden ages of England, France, Germany and many European countries. And these white savages are going around preaching and lecturing the world on humanity and human rights, accusing others of crimes that they themselves committed while other nations did not.

How many daft people still believe that whites are angels, the paragon of virtues, the protectors of human rights and democracy?

Comments in RT

How is that countries that committed so much atrocities, rape and pillage etc. are the countries that lead the world and countries that never did that are still " conquered" by so called leaders, how in the heck we could go forward being lead by bad ones, mind boggling

Apology without any form of reparation is a non starter. You made billion of dollars on slavery and dehumanized a lot of black people and now you want to just give them 211 millions of dollar while you are given Ukraine billions of dollars. Why is given Ukraine billions of dollar better than the given it to the people you abused for centuries?

john weber
Apologizing by these Dutch politicians means as little as Japanese politicians bow to the people when an atrocity committed, sanctioning themselves with the reparation to the victims maybe worth something.

Ulla Lenhardt
What about the Dutch financed Nazi-propaganda on Ukrainian TV
(hormadske tv or similar) since 2014, in which they openly called for the extermination of 1.5 Million people of the Donbass, for national Ukrainian interests?? More than 10.000 we're killed, 80% civilians according to UN numbers...

why apologize for the Worlds Greatest Terrorist, Amerika should get on her knees and beg ... for all its Atrocities amerikas gov caused world wide no1else!!!!!!!!!!!

Jjackston Burg
And for the thieving exploitation, wholesale rape and murderous brutalization of Indonesia?