
United Nations of America aka UNA

 The United Nations, UN, cannot hide itself anymore as an independent world body of nation states. It has always been an extention of the USA, taking orders from the USA, doing the biddings of the USA. It should be appropriately  be called the UNA, the United Nations of the USA. The credibility of the UN as a neutral world body is now damned beyond repair. Not that this is new. Is has always been under the control and dictates of the USA ever since its inception with its head office conveniently located in New York, USA.

The recent decisions by the UN is increasingly incensing the nation states of the world with its biased US centric rulings. It is shamefully still pushing the narrative of China discriminating the Muslims and Uyghurs in Xinjiang that not a single Muslim country believes in. On the other hand, the records of of American and western massacres and genocides against the Muslims and Arabs have angered the Arab and Muslim countries for decades but conveniently ignored by the UN, as if nothing has happened. Or the invasion of Muslim and Arab countries, the massacres and genocides of Muslims and Arabs are non issues, an acceptable thing. Muslims and Arab lives do not matter, only white men with blue eyes are important.

This is glaring discrimination since the war in Ukraine. The massacres of the Russian speaking Ukrainians, the proliferation of bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine were complete silence. Instead, everyday the UN is talking about war crimes and genocides by the Russians that were mostly fabricated by the Ukrainian Nazis. Many Russians and Russian speaking Ukrainians, including Russian soldiers, were brutally and senselessly butchered or shot and dumped into mass graves without a mention by the UN. The UN just pretend not to know.

The Russians have all the evidence of genocides and the existence of bioweapon labs and crimes against humanity committed by these labs and by the Ukrainian Nazis but were stone walled by the UN. The UN just would not want to look into them, just like not wanting to investigate the bioweapon labs in Fort Detrick on the origins of the Covid19 virus. It is apparent that the UN would only take orders from the USA, to investigate and condemn what the USA wanted it to do, never against the USA or the West.

The vicious crimes against humanity committed by the Americans in all the wars they waged, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and many Arab and African states, using biochemical weapons, weapons of mass destruction, invading Iraq using a lie, massacreing hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians and other Arab and Muslim people, were totally ignored by the UN. Not a single American or westerner is being charged for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The cruel condemnation of innocent people to poverty by outrageous and despicable sanctions against the people of North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela etc etc, were not condemned by the UN and in many cases supported and approved by the UN. Even when practically all the nation states voted against the cruel sanctions of the Cubans for 6 decades and demanded that it be lifted, what did the UN do? Nothing, not a whimper and allowed the US to continue to bully and oppress the Cubans with the outrageous sanctions. Why didn't the UN make a ruling to end all sanctions against Cuban to stop the Americans from going against the wishes of the rest of the world?

Why would the UN allow the Americans to sanction North Korea and Iran for having a handful of nuclear weapons, or Iran for wanting to build its own nuclear weapons but allowed the Americans to have several thousands of nuclear weapons and making them more deadly by the day and threatening to use it on countries without nuclear weapons?

What is the use of a UN when it is biased and does not work for the good of the countries of the world but for the interests of the USA and the West?  When would the rest of the world say enough is enough and abandon this moribund and useless fake world body and set up a new world body that is neutral and serves the interest of the majority of the countries of the world with fairness, justice and equality?

The UNA must be shut down as it is a farce and is not a fair representative of the countries of the world, but an extended arm of the USA. It is not an independent world body but another white men's lie. It msut be replaced or closed down immediately.

PS. China is developing Xinjiang into the next Shenzhen in western China. When Xinjiang is fully developed, the people of Xinjiang would be among the richest provinces of China. Many industries are now setting up factories in Xinjiang to take advantage of the vast and cheap land, the vast population and cheaper labour.  Xinjiang would not just be known for cotton and agricultural products. Many automobile companies are now in Xinjiang. 

The treacherous scheme of the Americans and the West is to sanction Xinjiang to keep the Muslims there poor and to incite them to rebel and cause riots. That is the main reason why they are banning all Xinjiang products on the fabricated lie of forced labour. The agricultural and industrial processes are now fully mechanised and automated. Not the same as the African slaves plucking cotton for their white masters in the USA for free, in chains.


Non Chinese stands a better chance of being elected against a Chinese in Singapore

 The Chineseness of Chinese as a race is rapidly being watered down to the point that many Chinese do not see race as an important factor in their composition in Singapore. Many would simply want to be known as Singaporeans and nothing else.  There are also many Chinese that have forgotten or want to forget that they are Chinese, do not want to be identified by race.  Some are even embarrassed for being Chinese, or at the extreme, some even despised themselves as Chinese and hate anything Chinese. To the latter group, Chinese are China Chinese, not Singapore Chinese and they are Singaporeans, with no race. Yes, very odd way of personification after decades or centuries of demonisation of the Chinese race as inferior and obnoxious, despicable, no talent, by the western media.

On the political front, and given this composition of the Chinese and indifferent Chinese, quite a significant number of Chinese would live by the mantra of meritocracy as the desired value rather than race. As long as the man is capable and able, he would receive the vote of the Chinese. Caveat, there are still a section that is very Chinese and very proud of being Chinese. And there is the odd minority that could be racist, like in any racial groups. But this group is very small and insignificant to make a difference in the political arena.

Thus, in a democratic electoral process, the Chinese voters are quite evenly split into two halves, those that would choose a better man based on meritocracy and those that would choose based on race. Just on this alone, a candidate of a non Chinese race could have an even chance of winning against a Chinese candidate from the Chinese voters as he can count on his minority racial group to make the difference.

We  can add the factor that minority races tend to favour their own candidates, nothing racial about this, just an affinity, especially when they are in a minority, the preference is skewed in favour of the minority candidate.When the Chinese votes are splitted equally, the votes from the non Chinese voters would be the decider and thus the overall vote would favour a minority candidate...in Singapore. This is how far Singapore has progressed politically. You can still hear it clearly the voices calling for Tharman to be the next PM. And there are many incidents to prove that this theory is true from the results of recent elections when a minority candidate could win an election outright against a Chinese candidate in a single seat constituency in Chinese majority Singapore.

Many of the Chinese has lost their sense of identity as Chinese in multi racial Singapore. Many would prefer to be seen and known as a non racial identity, anything but Chinese.  Maybe it is time to do away with GRCs. Maybe it is time to put away the belief that the Chinese or non racial Chinese is not ready for a non Chinese PM in Singapore.

This phenomenon is likely the result of a big Chinese majority in the population. There is a lot of comfort and false confidence that nothing would change if the PM is a non Chinese. Life would be still the same, their lifestyle and way of life, opportunities in life, would not be affected. Hypothetically, if the Chinese become a minority or marginal majority, would the Chinese still be so indifferent to race as a factor in politics and political office, or in job opportunities? Did they see what had happened in Malaysia? Did they learn any thing from it? Did they see or experience what is happening when foreigners take over a company or organisations and the huge numbers of Singaporean PMETs being sacked to make way for foreigners?

What do you think?  Is this a good thing or a bad thing, the watering down of Chineseness in Singaporean Chinese?


Mohammed Bin Salman - Making his mark

 Kim Jong Un became world famous overnight when he met Donald Trump in person in Singapore in year 2018, at a young age of 36. That was his first trip outside North Korea since taking over as head of state. The world's attention was on this young man. Thanks to Donald Trump, the most powerful man in the world, to arrange the Summit in Singapore, for the world to take notice of Kim.

On 7 Dec 22, a similar event took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A handsome young prince, age 37, met Xi Jinping of China, a man of equal importance as Donald Trump. The world was once again looking at this young man, the successor designate to be the next King of Saudi Arabia. His father, King Saud, has bestowed in him the full authority to assume the duties on his behalf, to manage the affairs of the state of Saudi Arabia.

The Summit with Xi Jinping, followed immediately by another Summit with 14 heads of the Arab World, were the works of Mohammed Bin Salman, the man that made the two Summits possible. It was like his coming out party. Xi eventually met 21 Arab leaders in the Summit with the Arab World, a feat not easily achieveable under intense pressure and objection from the Americans. Not only Saudi Arabia, but all the leaders of the Arab World must have been under intense pressure not to attend this Summit. Though officially nothing was said or reported in the main media, the Americans must be hard at work running in and out of the capitals of the Arab World, banging tables and issuing threats to all Arab leaders that were invited to the Summit.

To make this Summit, not just between Saudi Arabia and China happened, but to bring together the leaders of the Arab World to meet the Chinese President, is a feat not for the faint hearted. To successfully bring this about, to have 21 Arab leaders making the trip to Riyadh, mark a major achievement for this young Prince, confirming his ability and potential as a respectable leader of the Arab World. He has done Saudi Arabia proud. He has done the Arab World proud.

Mohammed Bin Salman aka MBS, has made his mark as a world leader in the making. The world is standing up to notice this man, once insulted by Biden in bad taste. He brushed this aside, even received Biden in Jeddah and rebuffed his order to cut oil production to the displeasure of the most powerful man in the world. Now he has opened his arms to welcome another world's most powerful man in Xi Jinping to his Palace to party.

MBS has spoken, not in words, but in deeds, that he is a man not to be pushed around. He is his own man. He has his own dreams and plans for the good of his country. The world has taken note of this, so have the Americans. 

A young and promising leader has emerged in the Arab World, and his name is Mohammed Bin Salman or MBS.

SMRT new signages for better clarity


Photos are from CNA

Read an article in CNA about new signages in MRT stations to make it better and easier for commuters to move around. And above are two photos with the improved signages. The top photo has signs showing the exit. All exit signs are in yellow, yellow coded for exits. What I am trying to figure out is the next sign with a graphic of a man standing and the next one of half a man like sitting or floating on a table. Not sure what they meant. Maybe it is about a hawker centre or food court, the one man standing waiting for a seat.

The bottom signages are easier to understand. Turn right for exit 1-4 and exit 7 and 8. Those looking for a telephone not do worry, follow the arrow beside the red sign TEL, telephone booth ahead. This is easy for commuters looking for a public phone, I guess.

Nice improvement.

The commuters need to get use to the signages. Perhaps a little explanation would help.  There are some slight changes to the lift signages and toilet signages to make them less confusing. Lifts are in black coded. QED.

Ukraine - Europe killing itself

 That is why the Russia/China lead in de-dollarisation must suceed for the rest of the world to be freed of the US$ hegemony curse. Half a century of USA cannibalisation of the world's blood and sweat production of goods, in exchange for fiat money printed out of thin air, has to be stopped. The USA has been given a free ride by the rest of the world for half a century, enjoying all the good life by importing all the essential products on the back of their US$ hegemony free money printing. On top of that, the USA committed mistrust by misusing that privilege to weaponise the US$ to impose sanctions on other countries. That cannot be tolerated.

Just like Europe, enjoying decades of cheap Russian energy and is turning into a snake that is now biting the hand that had provided the means for Europe's rise. Europe committed a strategic and costly mistake. Now, cheap energy is going to be over and they can talk about capping Russian oil and gas among themselves and shooting their own feet. Europe had been grossly mislead by the USA and are paying the ultimate price.

UK is also suffering with temperatures in some regions just hitting minus -10 degrees celcius. This is just the beginning of the long freeze. On top of that there are strikes being called by nurses, ambulance drivers and rail workers. Rail strike is expected to be called just before and after Christmas, and all that is going to create unrest soon. With the flu season setting in and with COVID still infecting people, hospitals will be without qualified medical personnel to look after patients. All is going to be hell.

If the UK resorts to emergency rule like Canada, or follow the USA in rewriting the law against strikes, that is as dictatorial as what they have been accusing China of doing. What human rights are they talking about if even the freedom to strike is taken away? The people of the West better wake up as the Facist elites are tightening the ropes around their necks.

Anyway, the rise of the BRICS was an essential part of the plan to support the Russian/Chinese lead, and more countries are joining. Those countries joining or intending to join the BRICS are important players in the energy, food and countries rich in resources like Venezuela, Argentina and Saudi Arabia. Once Saudi Arabia takes the lead, other Middle Eastern oil producers will also be expected to follow.
