
USA is confirmed as the number one terrorist state by international public opinion

The hypocritical warmongers in the US Senate want to pass a bill to call Russia a terrorist state has received numerous cynical comments on American hypocrisy and lunacy. International public opinions from RT has condemned the Americans as the world's number one terrorist state unequivocally. The American jokers may want to lie, to cheat and to deceive the world with their circus called Senate or Congress, but no one is going to believe in these clowns and criminals disguised as law makers.

Their records have been wars, massacres, genocides, supporting, training, funding terrorist organisations and using them to start wars. They still think they can lie and con the world.  They are the jokes of the world, pretending to be angels and supporting and protecting minorities but actually killing and massacring them, especially the Arabs and Muslims.  See how they suppressed the Palestinians in the concentration camps that were once their homeland and killing them daily.

Below are some comments for your reading pleasure.

andrew hayes
Can't these troublemakers find some actual work to do for a change?.. It seems that they are consumed with only two things at the moment, undying support for Ukraine no matter the cost, and doing everything they can to attack Russia, that's it!..

Big shet. Nobody, definitely the Africans and ASEAN member countries that told Blinken to run back home and fly a kite when he came begging for support, consider them relevant anymore. Even Saudi Arabia has got so annoyed with them idiots in the US government, including the POTUS, has now taken to ignoring their calls to beg for oil production increases.

These two arseholes, pockets are lined by Mic and are groomed by their greed.

You always accuse someone of being something even if they not if you yourself are the guilty party..narcissism is the preserve of the US deep state!

Daniel Christen
The only language the warmongerers in the US understand is a strong nuclear deterrence. Only the prospect of a nuke exploding in New York will compel the US to behave!

The whole world know which are the countries that prop up terrorism and they themselves are practicing terrorism. This is the only reason why only the West is supporting the US and Ukraine and all the rest, Asia, Africa, Middle East all are on the Russian side because they know who are the real terrorists, I remember now that the fat guy Pompeo once said: We lie, we steal & we kill.

In Vietnam, Afghanistan and Irak, the US behaved in a quite civilized manner, indeed.

This has nothing to do with "civilized norms", they are just rabidly frustrated that Russia does not fold and submit. The world is tired of hypocritical bs like this. This will backfire like nothing backfired before. Go ahead, do it.

I send a letter to Senator Graham and Senator Blumenthal, both Israeli Zionists. It is a bit long to copy/paste here. My letter concluded: "If the U.S. Government is concerned about international terrorism, it should do the right and lawful thing and designates the U.S. as the world's greatest sponsor of terrorism today". The U.S. regime poses serious threat to world's peace and Humanity itself. I used the U.S. definition of terrorism and listed all the hard evidence based on U.S acts of terror around the world. I pray to God the Senators will read my letter.

Omg these people has to look themselves in the mirror, 250 years in existence of this country they have only seen 17 years peace

Zelenskyy, the tail that is wagging the American dog. ***The US is indeed well positioned to engage in name calling. Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction according George W. Bush AND we still believe everything we were told about 9/11. -- Any reasonable sane mind has to recognize that Washington is completely lost in her understanding of a world order. This US Senate move can best be described as been stupifyingly stupid!

no matter how these psychos try to blame Russia for terrorism, history will always show that these US pols (aka hypocritical idiots) are the biggest terrorists in the world. (iraq, syria, yugoslavia, lybia, afghanistan, venezuela and now russia)

Carlos Taboada
This sort of retrograde useless laws are the only ones coming out of this old school politicians , naming someone or same country "Terrorist" or imposing again this " Boomerang " sanctions . Meanwhile there is no water in California ,risk of no electricity power very bad !!! raising alarming homeless Americans everywhere , begging oil from Venezuela and the "Pariah " Saudi . Crazy inflation and gas prices , Industrial recession !!! ... and they all , Bi- Partisan , approving and printing billion of dollars for Ukrania and demonizing Russia , Iran , Pakistan , China , and destroying the EU etc etc There is not future like that with politicians from the 50's cold war !!!!!! That's why the USA can't stop Russia and China who has moved to the XXI century .

I fell of the chair laughing. The US is the main sponsor of terrorism - Al Qaeda, IS IS etal.

USA is guilty as charged. For a country capable of killing it's own presidents, it's so rich coming from them to label someone else as themselves. USA is the most terroristic country ever, in humanity recorded history. It's over for them as the global cops.

USA-raelite zionist neocon are the terrorists in reality. . All of them. Now it is ironical indeed to see USA-raelite zionist neocons accusing others of the sins of terrorism when we know that they sponsored and still sponsor nasty stuff like Bandera, the Right Wing Sector, the Bader Meinoff terrorists, Mai 68 riots, the ''Color'' ''Revolutions''. the Kosovo albanian mafia, the Tchechen muslim terrorist extremists like Dudaev, Ordo Nuevo italian fascists, Azov-Tornado-Kraken neo nazi divisions, ISIS, Ben Laden, Al CIA-aida, the Talibans, ISIS, Al Nusra, IRGOUM, LIKUD, MOSSAD terrorist hit assassination squads, 911, Daesh, PKK kurdish terrorists, the Contras, the South American Death Squads, Operation PAPER CLIP, Operation Ajax, Operation Bay of Pigs, Operation North Wood, Operation GLADIO. etc....... The list is too long here when it comes to zionistneocon USA-raelite terrorism.

The WORLDS BIGGEST TERRORIST STATE IS THE USA. Going around showing big their balls are around the globe sponsoring regime change and so forth. Every country should sanction USA

F Spa
Do it, do it, you Washington psychopaths. Like everything else you do, it will only accelerate your inevitable downfall.

Fabricio De Andrade
If What USA did in Iraq was not Terrorism everything else is not terrorism.

Fact2022kj, There is more to Russia patient position. All the US has done shows desperation. The US cannot afford to loose this or they will be the laughing stock of the world most especially the countries they invaded. If US and Nato were winning or their sanctions were hurting russia only, there wont be this desperation. Ukraine took back terroteries which were left by the Russians and its celebrated as victory only for them to suffer huge losses the very next attack by Russia. Its clear that the US , Nato and EU have made Innocent Ukrainians sitting docks for the Russian army to eliminate at will. Losiing close to 1000 men in one day's precise attacks is not a joke and yet the drug addict contiinues as if nothing happened. The US knows that the so called retreat wasnt a retreat but a tactical withdrawal to regroup . The evidence has been butressed by the devastating and brutal strike which left zelensky and the US speechless. The US's response is to press ahead on russia terrorism bill. Hahahah what nonsense.. The US and EU will be bankrupted by the UKRAINE WAR.

The US only accuses other countries of things they are guilty of themselves. Russia, I beg you, end this terrible dishonest empire once & forever.🙏💙🇷🇺

The only terrorist organization in this World is CIA and Mossad

How disgusting hypocritical, i cannot believe it.. the US is the no. 1 terrorist state. God save the planet from the US.

Azhar Ahmad
Russia need to put Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal on a wanted list.

Azhar Ahmad
Russians should also apply the same procedure against US as sponsor of terrorism, and label Obama and Biden a terrorist leader.

First and foremost , it’s Ukraine who has committed ALL of the atrocities in the war, however, no country in the world has committed more atrocities than USA.

Lee Kuntew Rock
After everything that the Americans have done around the world,,, im so sick of them thinking they have some sort of moral highground in this whole scenario...America is the biggest state of terrorism on the planet and Russia knows it, we know it abd the world knows it... Russia has warned you.

COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for Young Adults: A Risk-Benefit Assessment and Five Ethical Arguments against Mandates at Universities



50 Pages Posted: 12 Sep 2022

Kevin Bardosh
University of Washington; University of Edinburgh - Edinburgh Medical School

Allison Krug
Artemis Biomedical Communications LLC

Euzebiusz Jamrozik
University of Oxford

Trudo Lemmens
University of Toronto - Faculty of Law

Salmaan Keshavjee
Harvard University - Harvard Medical School

Vinay Prasad
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Martin A. Makary
Johns Hopkins University - Department of Surgery

Stefan Baral
John Hopkins University

Tracy Beth Høeg
Florida Department of Health; Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital


Students at North American universities risk disenrollment due to third dose COVID-19 vaccine mandates. We present a risk-benefit assessment of boosters in this age group and provide five ethical arguments against mandates. We estimate that 22,000 - 30,000 previously uninfected adults aged 18-29 must be boosted with an mRNA vaccine to prevent one COVID-19 hospitalisation.

Using CDC and sponsor-reported adverse event data, we find that booster mandates may cause a net expected harm:

per COVID-19 hospitalisation prevented in previously uninfected young adults, we anticipate 18 to 98 serious adverse events, including 1.7 to 3.0 booster-associated myocarditis cases in males, and 1,373 to 3,234 cases of grade ≥3 reactogenicity which interferes with daily activities. Given the high prevalence of post-infection immunity, this risk-benefit profile is even less favourable.

University booster mandates are unethical because:

1) no formal risk-benefit assessment exists for this age group;

2) vaccine mandates may result in a net expected harm to individual young people;

3) mandates are not proportionate: expected harms are not outweighed by public health benefits given the modest and transient effectiveness of vaccines against transmission;

4) US mandates violate the reciprocity principle because rare serious vaccine-related harms will not be reliably compensated due to gaps in current vaccine injury schemes; and

5) mandates create wider social harms.

We consider counter-arguments such as a desire for socialisation and safety and show that such arguments lack scientific and/or ethical support. Finally, we discuss the relevance of our analysis for current 2-dose COVIDovid-19 vaccine mandates in North America.

Anonymous said...


Covid19 -Bivalent vaccines, how would it impact the people?

Additionally, the government is currently working to bring in bivalent Covid-19 vaccines, which are Covid-19 vaccine boosters that target both the "ancestral strain" of Covid-19 and the Omicron variant.

The bivalent vaccines will thus offer broad protection against Covid-19 and better protection against the Omicron variant, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Bringing in bivalent vaccines to Singapore

Speaking in Parliament, Ong shared that the bivalent vaccines are provided for in Singapore's agreements with pharmaceutical companies.

As vaccine formulations improve, the government will continue to update its National Vaccination Programme.  CNA

I am sure everyone must still have vivid memories of the 96% efficacy claim of mRNA vaccines and felt cheated and stupid for taking the claim for at face value without asking what this 96% efficacy meant. Superficially it must have been taken as 96% effectiveness in preventing infection. But apparently this is not true and no one is wiser what it really meant. And knowing how pervasive and widespread are the infection in the USA and countries using mRNA vaccines, it can simply be ruled out that the vaccines are anything but effective in preventing infection. So, its seems that the narrative is now about preventing severe illness and death or something like that ah. Even this is not clear. What did the vaccines really prevent or protect? How effective against severe illness and death? Anyone got any idea other than hearing some wild claims and motherhood statements that it is effective and must be jabbed and boostered many times, the more the merrier, oops, the more the better?
What about complications, what about brain damages and other illnesses that are being reported in alternative media but not a whisper in the main media? Why are main media so quiet to the point of not wanting to report anything about adverse effects of the infection and the vaccines? There are now so many questions that needed to be answer, so many suspicious things happening that are causing alarm to those infected and those vaccinated by mRNA vaccines.

The above report has one assumption, everything is fine with mRNA vaccines and the new derivatives, including the bivalent vaccines, and children would also be fine when boostered by the new bivalent vaccines. There is nothing to worry about. Ok, the experts said so. Who are the experts? Politicians or medical professionals or pharmaceutical operators? Who is deciding that the bivalent vaccines are safe even for children and children must be boostered?

Also, look at the above two phrases that I have highlighted in bold, 1, offer broad protection against Covid-19 and better protection against the Omicron variant, 2, Singapore's agreements with pharmaceutical companies.
Anyone understand what is the meaning of broad protection against Covid19 and better protection against Omicron variant? It sounds like motherhood statement without any details. You want to know what this really meant? The 96% efficacy is as good as what the koyote man said. 
Also, what agreements did govts signed with the pharmaceutical companies? Is the idea of boosting the children part of the agreement with the pharmaceutical companies?   Hope it is not and the decision would be made independently by medical experts and not by pharmaceutical companies.
The agreements are secret? If it is secret, what is it that the public ought to known but unable to know because it is secret? The vaccine trial results were supposed be locked up for 75 years. When would these secret agreements be made public? Would the American public also pursue this, to make the secret agreements no longer secret? Oh, not sure if the American govt signed such secret agreements with the pharmaceutical companies.

What do you think?

Putinator and the Asian Bretton Woods :

'The financial war between Russia with China’s tacit backing on one side, and America and her NATO allies on the other has escalated rapidly. It appears that President Putin was thinking several steps ahead when he launched Russia’s attack on Ukraine.'

'We are seeing the west enter a new round of European monetary inflation to pay everyone’s energy bills. The euro, yen, and sterling are already collapsing — the dollar will be next. From Putin’s point of view, so far, so good.'

'Russia has progressed her power over Asian nations, including populous India and Iran. She has persuaded Middle Eastern oil and gas producers that their future lies with Asian markets, and not Europe. She is subsidising Asia’s industrial revolution with discounted energy. Thanks to the west’s sanctions, Russia is on its way to confirming Halford Mackinder’s predictions made over a century ago, that Russia is the true geopolitical centre of the world.

There is one piece in Putin’s jigsaw yet to be put in place: a new currency system to protect Russia and her allies from an approaching western monetary crisis. This article argues that under cover of the west’s geopolitical ineptitude, Putin is now assembling a new gold-backed multi-currency system by combining plans for a new Asian trade currency with his new Moscow World Standard for gold.'

'As put forward in Russian and EAEU media, the new currency is to be comprised of a mixture of national currencies and commodities. A weighting of some sort was suggested to reflect the relative importance of the currencies and commodities traded between them. At the same time, the new trade settlement currency was to be available to any other nation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the expanding BRICS membership. The ambition is for it to become an Asia-wide replacement for the dollar.

More specifically, the purpose is to do away with the dollar for trade settlements on cross-border transactions between participants. It is worth noting that any dollar transaction is reflected in US banks through the correspondent banking system, potentially giving the US authorities undesirable economic intelligence, and information on sanction-busting and other activities deemed illegal or undesirable by the US authorities. Furthermore, any transaction involving US dollars becomes a matter for the US legal system, giving US politicians the authority to intervene wherever the dollar is used.'

So it seems we are moving into the post USD world and without the USD hegemony, we'll see the end of Western Colonism.

Full article at: https://www.goldmoney.com/research/an-asian-bretton-woods


Monarchy - Time For The Change To New Order

The death of Queen Elizabeth II, the UK's longest-reigning monarch for seven decades, has reignited the urgency in many of the 15 British Commonwealth nations on whether it is time to replace the British monarch with an elected Head of State.

This puts the long-term existence of the Commonwealth into question.

There are increasng calls to completely get rid of the remnants of the Colonial Era and embrace Full Independence.

With the Queen's demise, 73-year-old Charles III ascended to the British throne and was proclaimed King at St James's Palace in London on Saturday. He was also pronounced Head of State in 14 other Commonwealth nations, including Australia, Canada and New Zealand and some island nations in the Caribbean and South Pacific.

King Charles was proclaimed at a time when Britain faces multiple challenges, including a new government led by Prime Minister Liz Truss who as Conservative Party leader inherits a huge mess she needs to tackle, from an ailing economy to the cost of living crisis, and growing voices in Scotland and Northern Ireland who desire to leave the UK.

Now, it seems that the Commonwealth nations are at a crossroad.

The long reign of Queen Elizabeth II, whether out of personal image, charisma, or her devotion to duty to some extent stabilized the Commonwealth system worldwide.

After her death, many within the Commonwealth nations have revisited the thought of leaving.

So what should happen now?

We can't continue with an ancient, archaic and old system of Monarchy with the present Democratic, Republican or Parliamentary System. We should not. We must not.

Therefore, to all the Wise Men and Women in the World, it is timely to ABOLISH THE MONARCHY System altogether. It is actually a very wasteful system - paying extremely high for people who functions in ceremonial roles only. This can be easily replaced by a Head of State or Presidency, like Singapore.

So, what do you think?