This is a tik tok clip and some may not be able to view it. It is about an Indian woman questioning why people worship the Queen and how the British Empire invaded and robbed India and the massacre, rape and colonisation of the world.
When we were young, we read fairy tales and fictions of kings and queens, pretty princesses and brave and handsome princes. In reality, princesses are not necessary pretty, princes are not necessarily handsome. Kings and queens are not necessarily virtuous and generous.
In reality, kings and queens could be the beneficiaries of wars, conquests, slavery, looting, responsible for massacres and genocides. They got rich not because they worked for it, but because they killed and robbed and owned slaves or subjects of their empires.
Have we grown up and see the kings and queens as who they really are? Do we know where they inherited their wealth from, what have they contributed to the good of humankind or what have they done to the detriments of humankind? Would anyone be worshipping Satan if he called himself a king?
Have we grown up and start to discard fairy tales of kings and kingdoms? Have we grown up to know the difference between fairy tales and fictions and reality?
Knowing history and understanding history are important as without the knowledge of history, we may make a fool of ourselves in blindly idolising kings and queens as super human beans or virtuous beans, without knowing the crimes and sins they committed or their parent kings and queens committed to make themselves rich and for them to inherit ill gotten wealth from the blood and sweat of their victims. This is just like worshipping the Americans/AngloSaxon and the Japanese without knowing the atrocities, massacres and genocides they committed when they invaded countries.
If one understands history and know the past, one may have second thoughts about the greatness of kings and queens. Ask the victims of colonialism and invasion, about how many were massacred or genocided, and how their wealth were robbed by kings and queens. Ask what was the role of the Japanese king in the invasion of China, East and SE Asia. Ask how kings and queens sold drugs to cripple and kill to become rich and powerful, how pirates, murderers, cheats and liars were knighted by kings and queens when they killed and robbed in the name of kings and queens.
What is so great about kings and queens but glorified gangster chiefs.