
Strange bedfellows with baggages of painful history


Picture credit to Global Times

The above pic may appear normal to the unwary viewers. If you under the history of these three countries, their sitting together in the same table is as bizarre as you can get. The Japanese conquered the Koreans and subjected them to inhuman treatment and atrocities for almost a hundred years. The pain and suffering and humiliation of the Koreans by the Japanese are second to none. Korean women were arrested as comfort women for the Japanese soldiers during WW2. Could the Koreans forget this shame committed by the Japanese on their women?  What would be in the minds of the Koreans when they see their President sitting there with the Japanese PM like good friends, all the humiliation and aggression forgotten?

And the Japanese were defeated by the Americans in WW2 and Japan is still a colony of the Americans, so is South Korea. Every year the Japanese would remember the two Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese, many suffering great pain and agony, ordinary Japanese civilians, young and old, that did not die instantly, were burnt badly or suffered from radiation that attached to them for life. The annual remembrance day is not just to remember the death and victims of the Atomic bombs, but to remind the Japanese of a blood debt inflicted on them by the Americans.

The Americans had their humiliation and pain when the Japanese bombed them to pieces in Pearl Harbour after Christmas. Several thousand died, but not in the scale of the Atomic bombs and the carpet bombing of Tokyo and many big Japanese cities. The Americans were the winner despite some losses. They are still the colonial masters of the South Koreans and the Japanese.

The above pic tells it all, with the American Emperor presiding over the two colonies' HOGs, telling them to put aside their differences and to be good subjects of the Empire and do the Empire's bidding. 3 unlikely and incompatible bedfellows,  with blood debt to settle, with so much hate and acrimonies, sitting in the same table like good friends. Are they for real? Did Japan and South Korea so willing to be semi colonies of the Americans, with American military bases in their countries and effectively having full control of the two countries?

NATO versus BRICS - US$600b infrastructure to nowhere

 Now the gangsters have found two countries they could not just walk over - Russia and China.

And for that they have to recruit more members into the gang to counter and contain Russia and China. Now, feverishly getting Sweden and Finland into NATO, and even inviting those outside Eastern Europe to join NATO. Japan was itching to get invited to the meeting and was indeed invited. They really hope to have NATO countries surrounding Russia and China I suppose.

On the other side, BRICS is also in expansion mode with Argentina, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mexico and Turkey expressing strong interest in joining. Others like Egypt, Iran, Nigeria, Sudan, Syria and Pakistan have expressed interest in joining too. Iran and Argentina have just joined the 2022 BRICS summit and confirmed their intention to join the bloc permanently. That shows how much those countries value the bloc and what it is able to offer and achieve going forward. BRICS leadership does not depend on fear mongering and threats against countries to join, unlike some other blocs where they have to fabricate threats to coerce countries to join, using Russia and China as their bogeymen.

And we have not consider yet the bulk of the other countries in Africa and Middle East jumping on the bandwagon when they see the benefits of joining the bloc. Do BRICS have to call countries together and talk about how many chicken wings they will be given at the meeting to lure them to buy their loyalty, like the paltry bribe of US$150 million offered to the ASEAN countries. Now the G7 countries among themselves are planning to raise US$600 billion to fund infrastructure developments to counter the BRI? What a joke? The USA only promised US$200 billion and the rest is shared among the rest of the G7 members.

The point is, how is the USA going to raise that amount of money to fund the project? Biden's 'Build Back Better' plan has not even get off the ground after more than a year and a half, and is better considered dead upon pronouncement of birth, burnt to the ground. G7 can wait for Biden to expire without moving an inch with his promise. Let us just take it as a bad joke that will surely fool the other foolish morons.

The deciding point is they can propagate, fabricate, pontify with lots of grandstanding and building beautiful castles in the air, but the real stuff that catches people's eyes are what they see, not what they cannot see with just empty promises never fulfilled. Too much consistent lying does not help and people will learn.


PS. US$600b may be enough to build two bridges from New York, one to London and one to Paris,


Ukraine - International law is a crucial element

 In an article in ST Tommy Koh was quoted with this remark, 'International law is a crucial element - Russia, which has waged wars against its neighbours and seized their territories, must not be allowed to prevail Ukraine.'

This motherhood statement should apply to all invaders of foreign land, and the Americans and the West are no exceptions. The American and western invasion of Iraq and Syria are still going on. No one is saying anything about these invasions and whether they should be allowed to stay in these countries forever. The Americans and the West have given up their invasion of Afghanistan and fled with their tails between their legs. Thanks to the determination and fighting spirit of the Afghans not to be subdued and be colonised by foreign powers. But no thanks to any righteous bleeding hearts as none came out to talk about their plight, the massacre of innocent poor Afghans, women and children and old folks under the wild and fake excuse that they were a threat to the mighty USA!

When would western media be talking about the eviction of the illegal wars and occupation of Iraq and Syria? Both these govts have told the Americans and the West to get lost, to get out of their respective countries. But why is it that there is no one talking about getting the Americans and the West out of these countries? Or is it that only the Americans and the West can invade and occupy foreign countries and everyone should shut up or look the other way, see nothing, hear nothing, do nothing and say nothing?

Why the preoccupation of Russia in Ukraine when the real reason for the invasion was to prevent a genocide of Russian speaking Ukrainians that was on going for 8 years, and a real security threat to Russia with Nato troops along its borders and with biochemical weapon labs ready to lob pathogens into Russia? Why no one open his big golden mouth to talk about it?

Where is the threat from Iraq and Syria to the USA? Haven't it been proven that there was no WMD in Iraq? Why are the American and western soldiers still fighting and occupying Iraqi land? Why are the Americans still in Syria supporting terrorist groups fighting a legally elected govt?

How justified and morally right or legally right for the Americans and the West to be in Iraq and Syria?

Silence is golden. No western media would want to ask these simple questions. No reports, no one would hear about them. But thousands of bombs are still being dropped in these two countries and thousands of Syrians and Iraqis are dying and no one seems to care. The dying, the dead are not blond and blue eyes, but Arabs and Muslims.  So it is ok?

Where is the international law on these two wars?


The US and its European allies hubris and hypocrisy about democracy, human rights and rules of law.

    The evil white race of the West led by the Anglo-Saxon United States should stop bluffing about their cheap talk on democracy, human rights and  the rules of law. 

The first thing they should do if they are true to their preaching is to give back the lands to the  natives and indigenous people of North America, Latin America, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Australia, New Zealand and Diego Garcia. All the illegal and illicit white invaders such as the Anglo-Saxons and the Teutonics should pack up and go back to Europe, to England, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Scandinavia where they originally came from.

The free world and the United Nations Organisation must help all the indigenous people of North America, Latin America, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Australia, New Zealand and Diego Garcia to take back their homelands so that they can form their own respectable independent countries.

Next they should stop interfering in other countries internal affairs. They should stop interfering in China's internal affairs in Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet and should instead do the right thing by restoring the rightful and legitimate demands of Scotland, Wales, Catalonia and Northern Ireland to have their lands back as independent countries.

All the US talk about human rights is just pure hubris and hypocrisy. The white government of the Anglo-Saxon United States commits the worst travesty on human rights. If it is sincere about human rights it should stop ill-treating, terrorising and killing its non-white citizens. It should stop its illegal and illicit sanctions and blockades on countries which do not follow US dictates. US should stop sanctioning and blockading Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Venezuela, Bolivia, North Korea, Iran, Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan. US should stop creating turmoil and wars in the Middle East, in Korea, East China Sea and South China Sea

The United Ststes should not shamefully impose its own rules as rules of law on other countries. The only international rules of law are those formulated by the United Nations Organisation. By trying to impose its own rules on other countries US is guilty of imposing extra-territorial rights on other countries and thus infringing on their sovereignty.

For the last five hundred years the evil white race went on a world rampage of savage aggression and conquest against all the non-white people and countries in Asia, Africa, North America, Latin America, Australia, Hawaii and New Zealand, killing, looting and massacring with the utmost cruelty and atrocities. This 500 years white men's curse which brought terrible agonizing  suffering, deaths and tremendous destructions to properties must be stopped and never be allowed to happen again.

The United Nations Organisation and the non-white countries must see that US and its Western allies walk the talk on the correct path of democracy, human rights and rules of law and not to use their distorted version as a guise to supplant, sabotage and subordinate other countries to their control and hegemony.


Tuesday, 12th July, 2022

Boris Johnson did not know what is coming

 Picture credit to CNA

This picture said it all. The stupidity of Johnson showed. He did not know what was coming. He did not know how unsafe he was with the company he kept. He trusted them, but they had different dreams. His most trusted lieutenants betrayed him and he fell like a big blob of fat. He is history.

The story is just beginning.

The dirty laundry of Rishi Sunak is out for airing. He is reported to hold a green card from the USA. His wife is not paying tax to UK from her fortune overseas. Looks like his ambition to be PM is screwed by himself and his family.

Maybe he should come to Singapore. Singapore welcome talents based on meritocracy. Never mind if he has green card or Indian citizenship. Never mind got degree or fake degree. Never mind if traitor or rapist or murderer or like to beat up Singaporeans for fun. As long as the person is a talent, our meritocratic system would love to have him. 

If England does not want him, he could still try to be PM of Singapore.