Picture credit to Global Times
The above pic may appear normal to the unwary viewers. If you under the history of these three countries, their sitting together in the same table is as bizarre as you can get. The Japanese conquered the Koreans and subjected them to inhuman treatment and atrocities for almost a hundred years. The pain and suffering and humiliation of the Koreans by the Japanese are second to none. Korean women were arrested as comfort women for the Japanese soldiers during WW2. Could the Koreans forget this shame committed by the Japanese on their women? What would be in the minds of the Koreans when they see their President sitting there with the Japanese PM like good friends, all the humiliation and aggression forgotten?
And the Japanese were defeated by the Americans in WW2 and Japan is still a colony of the Americans, so is South Korea. Every year the Japanese would remember the two Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese, many suffering great pain and agony, ordinary Japanese civilians, young and old, that did not die instantly, were burnt badly or suffered from radiation that attached to them for life. The annual remembrance day is not just to remember the death and victims of the Atomic bombs, but to remind the Japanese of a blood debt inflicted on them by the Americans.
The Americans had their humiliation and pain when the Japanese bombed them to pieces in Pearl Harbour after Christmas. Several thousand died, but not in the scale of the Atomic bombs and the carpet bombing of Tokyo and many big Japanese cities. The Americans were the winner despite some losses. They are still the colonial masters of the South Koreans and the Japanese.
The above pic tells it all, with the American Emperor presiding over the two colonies' HOGs, telling them to put aside their differences and to be good subjects of the Empire and do the Empire's bidding. 3 unlikely and incompatible bedfellows, with blood debt to settle, with so much hate and acrimonies, sitting in the same table like good friends. Are they for real? Did Japan and South Korea so willing to be semi colonies of the Americans, with American military bases in their countries and effectively having full control of the two countries?