
Why small states think they can take on big countries

The reason why some smaller states think they can take on big countries like China and Russia is the devil pushing them behind their backs, promising help and prodding them on. Ukraine is a perfect example.

Here in Asia, it is the same story. The Japs think they can revive their glory days, not realising that China is now not the same country as in the 20th century. And who is behind the Jap's insolent behavior, even talking about defending Taiwan if war breaks out? One precision nuclear strike on Tokyo will surely shut their big mouth. The answer as to why the Japs behave as they do is that it is always the same old suspect that is prodding them on and also creating all the chaos around the world. The Japs knows that taking on China by itself is out of the question, unlike the old days.

By the way, I personally do not place too much optimism that Malaysia and Philippines will close ranks with China, looking at the developments so far. Other than trade reliance of both countries, there is much animosity between them in development projects and claims in the South China Sea. The Philippines, like India, is playing one side against the other. Do not be fooled.

If not war, the USA will create other problems, like spreading diseases, causing energy shortages by using sanctions against big oil producers to curb their production, and hope to bring them down and collapse their economy. The whole world now suffers together with those countries sanctioned with all the energy supply curbs. Ironically, the fact that none of the prominent countries under sanctions have fallen the way the USA and the West assumed they will, have not fooled the Russians and will reveal the futility of using sanctions to curtail them.

In effect the whole agenda of the Evil Doer is to create global chaos so that they can exploit it, like the sanctions on Russian oil and energy crisis. What the USA did not count on was the damage done to the EU that will weaken them and may lead to fragmentation. Forget about the talk of unity and solidarity among the EU countries on the surface. Underneath, the currents of anxiety and fear looms large going into winter.

The whole idea of the USA putting so much focus in Ukraine and Europe is the oil market that they are eyeing. Weaning the Europeans away from Russia is clearing the way for them to muscle in on the energy market in Europe. This has been apparent right from the start of the NORD stream 2 project, which if allowed to continue will kill their hopes of fulfilling their agenda. Europe is sacrificed but all that is collateral damage in the eyes of the USA.


American fiction versus reality

 Sometimes fiction sounds more realistic than facts if you believe in what the USA says about Venezuela. They still claim that that stooge Juan Guaido is the Interim President of Venezuela.

Now Biden is begging Venezuela (and Iran as well) to produce more oil and the USA is going to lift some sanctions on them. So, that is it, sanctions are leading to the energy crisis, clear and unambiguous. And who created all that? And who is Biden really going to beg for all that oil from Venezuela? Not from that stooge Juan Guaido but President Nicholas Maduro. Imagine ostracising, admonishing, demonising and trying to remove him from power illegally and now crawling to him to beg him to produce more oil to help the USA? That must be the most humiliating performance I have ever seen of a USA President stooping so low in history to beg an enemy for help. Shameless is all I can think of!

Oh, well, they did try to get their former enemy, Vietnam to help to contain China. Wonder when Biden will go down on his knees to beg forgiveness from Putin and release more oil. What a joke!



The Anglo-Saxons led by US & UK are intent on world domination over non-white countries.

    China is now the bulwark and stumbling block preventing and deterring the United States and its Western European allies from dominating the world once more in hegemonic white imperialism and colonialism. So the Evil Empire intends to remove this stumbling block with diabolical plots to take down China and thus to destroy China and the Chinese Civilization. That's a dream too far and sure the satanic US will soon find China as its fatal and lethal nemesis.

  Non-white people of the world and all non-white countries must unite for survival against the diabolical plot of the white people led by Anglo-Saxon US and UK to keep Asia, Africa and Latin America weak and poor so that they can control and dominate them permanently as they had done so during the last 500 years from around 1500 AD to 2,000AD. 

The white people have openly shown their hatred and contempt for Asian, Africans and South Americans. They have shown no limits in telling lies, in cheating, in stealing, in aggression and in killings as long as they serve their agenda for overpowering non-white people and for world domination and hegemony. Look at how they kill, murder, lynch and massacre their African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans and native Americans.

To achieve world domination they have resorted to use of their militant religious doctrine 'The Doctrine of Christian Discovery' to justify their evil conquests, killings, massacres, genocide and stealing and robbing of non-white people's lands and resources. Not a single country big or small including India and China had escaped their barbaric imperialism and colonialism during the last 500 years of White men's curse. In their massacres and genocides they had almost wiped out the whole native population of North America and Australia and millions of others in Asia and Latin America.

The Anglo-Saxons led by the US have every intention to restore Western imperialism and colonialism over all non-white countries once more. To reinforce their evil intent the Anglo-Saxon Americans have been using 'The Doctrine of American Manifest Destiny' and 'The Doctrine of American Exceptionalism' to further exploiting the non-white countries for continual conquests and domination. Thus to prevent the return of the last 500 years of White men's curse the people of all developing non-white countries need to unite strongly in solidarity.

The evil white men had sown seeds of dissension and conflict among non-white countries as a policy to continue their control over them either directly or indirectly. This is clearly seen in the conflict between India and Pakistan, between India and China, between North and South Korea, China and Taiwan and Japan and China as well as among many of the African countries.

Among the non-white countries only China is capable of blocking the white people especially the Anglo-saxon Americans and their European teutonics from their return to imperialism and colonialsim of all non-white countries once more. China is leading the non-white countries to compete and challenge white domination in many fields of contest such as in science and technology, in trade and commerce, in industries,  in finance, in the internet of all things, in cyber, 5G, 6G and AI science, space technology, in naval and aerospace technology and in all fields of military hardware like missiles and rockets and nuclear armaments. As China is in the front line or bastion against evil white men's hegemony it is thus  the reason they hate China and the Chinese the most as among all non-white countries. 

The United States has been doing a lot of endless evil things against all non-white countries in the almost last 80 years since the end of the Second World War in 1945. US and its European mafia gangsters want to ruthlessly reduce the population of Asia, Africa and Latin America by more than 50 percent from 7 billion people to about 1.5 billion or 2 billion people. It is using several interacting methods which are more or less undeclared hybrid warfare or multi-spectrum warfare against non-white nations especially against China. Its operation operandi includes picking a targeted country or countries. Then it starts a universal public propaganda to demonize these countries and their leaders. It is followed by attempted assassinations of leaders of these targeted countries, failing which it will instigate, incite and foment demonstrations and riots to carry out a color revolution to topple the government and install in its place a pro-US /Western puppet government. Examples are too many to be mentioned here but notorious ones are those in Indonesia in 1965 where President Sukarno was toppled and replaced by Suharto, an American stooge, Presiment Lumumba of Republic of Congo in 1961 and the unsuccessful attempts in organizing, funding and fomenting riots in Hong Kong hoping to spread the color or umbrella revolution from Hong Kong to mainland China to overturn the Chinese government. Also US conducted  undeclared wars to  topple seven Middle East Arab countries such as Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iran, Sudan and Afghanistan with the motive to acquire their oil and other mineral resources.

Other additional methods US is using to destroy its enemies are trade wars, tariffs, sanctions, blockades and embargoes and use of space, cyber, the internet and AI warfare. However in all these evil and sinister American plots China is more than a challenge for them for China is well ahead in many areas of modern science and technology such as space science, AI, cyber as in 5G and 6G which is essential for the coming Fourth Industrial revolution.

It is very clear the evil United States is doing everything it can to prevent China from peaceful rise and development and ultimately to destroy China. Therefore China and the Chinese people must be fully prepared for an all out confrontation against the United States and destroy the Americans completely so that the free non-white people and countries can continue to survive. It is really outrageous and inconceivable that an upstart United States of just over two hundred years old has the daring of trying to upend and destroy 3,000 to 5,000 years civilizations of India, Persia - Iran, Iraq, Egypt and China. 

Below is a  speech by Mr. Cui Tiankai a retired Chinese ambassador to the United States regarding the severe strained relations between the US and China. There is no way the world especially China can live in peace with the United States. The US in one of its militant doctrine, the Wolfowitz Doctrine has openly stated that 'The United States will never allow any country to rise as a regional or global power to become as rich and powerful as the United States to challenge the primacy and hegemony of the United States. The moment the United States detects such a trend it will definitely put down this rising power from challenging US power and primacy."

As China is in the forefront among the non-white countries  to battle and block against US and Western world diabolical domination  it is facing the wrath of the United States and its Western allies.  The United States is now on undeclared hybrid and full spectrum warfare against China with the intention to take down and destroy China and the Chinese people. China knows the US sets no limits in its various ways and methods to bring down China. China must overcome the American warmongers and destroy them. Should China lose the war against the American / Western warmongers the result will be disastrous for all the non-white countries which will then be under the full play of diabolical US and Western hegemony.  

More often it resorts to unrestrain and undeclared aggressions and wars against these victimized countries. Precedents were seen in the US forceful annexation of Hawaii, Puerto Rico,  Guam and military occupation of  Diego Garcia.

Now even a Chinese diplomat Cui Tiankai is resigned to a physical conflagration with the Western countries led by the US. The bigotry and racism factors would have to be eradicated once and for all. There would inevitably be violence and death. Cui Tiankai  revealed his personal experience and thoughts in a speech which is found below.

8th May 2022

China's only correct choice for the United States: By Cui Tiankai

Recently, Cui Tiankai made a speech in which he described Sino-US relations as "very thorough": There is no room for maneuver, only conquest."

He speaks clearly and explains the four core points.

Cui Tiankai, the former Chinese ambassador to the United States, who has always been moderate, made a very strong statement on Sino-US relations at the "2021 International Situation and China's Diplomacy Seminar"changing his previous gentle style. Perhaps because of his many years of personal contact with the United States , Cui Tiankai has a deeper pain in the Sino-US relationship than others. He talked about the nature of Sino-US relations and talked about "home." 

There are four core points in Cui Tiankai's speech:

First, the United States will never allow China to rise. Cui Tiankai said: "The United States will not accept the rise of a great power ( China ) with very different social systems, idologies, cultural traditions and even races." 

Second, the United States has a racist awareness of China. Cui Tiankai said: "There is a strong racist element in the US policy towards China."

Third, There is no bottom line for the US to suppress and contain China. Cui Tiankai said: The United States "will do everything possible, spare no effort, and even have no bottom line to suppress, contain, divide, encircle and suppress China."

Fourth, abandon fantasy completely and prepare for a war. Cui Tiankai said: "Keep a clear head and be fully prepared to deal with twists and turns, turbulence and even a roller coaster-like scene, and safeguard the fruits and rights of the 1.4 billion Chinese who have worked hard."

Cui  explain in detail, so that the Chinese people will have no illusions.

The first point of view tells us that as long as China rises, the United States believes that this is China's öriginal sin," which is never allowed to happen. This shows that no matter what China does, the United States willl not be satisfied.

The second point of view tells us that the Chinese are still "low-level races"in the eyes of Americans, and there is no need to respect the Chinese. This shows that Americans look down on Chinese people from the bottom of their hearts and do not respect Chinese people.

The third point of view tells us that the United States suppression and containment of China, regardless of means or form, does not follow principles, rules, laws, no bottom line and no conscience. As long as it can contain and suppress China, what needs to be done - Do what you want, do what you want.

The fourth point of view tells us that, based on the above reasons, China must throw away its illusions and prepare for a "final war"with the United States. At the risk of life and death, if you want to fight, you must completely subdue it, beat it, beat it and put it down. It is broken, divided and any other fantasies must be given up, what is competition and cooperation, what is mutual communication, understanding , etc. These words can only be used as diplomatic delays in a gentle context. In a word: If you don't want to be conquered by it, you must conquer it.

This is China's only correct choice for the United States. This choice is not what I want, but I have to take it, there is no other way.

 Understanding the big national policy and accumulate strength to complete the final blow.

After reading Cui Tiankai's words, we can generally understand why we still talk about competition and cooperation, equal dialogue and mutual benefit with the United States. This is actually a big national strategic decision  for the purpose of "flexing first and extending later,"because we are accumulating to conquer it. The mighty power we can conquer. Once this kind of strength completely surpasses the United States not only in theory but also in reality, then it will be just like what Cui Tiankai said :beat it, beat it , smash it and split it !This day will not be too far away! The descendants of China will and will definitely see that day! Therefore all the Chinese people must be aware of this, have full confidence in this and work hard to implement it, so that this day will come soon.

In order to let the people of the country know, have no illusions and work hard , please forward and share this article. Forward this article to all Chinese friends and relatives wherever they may be , so that Chinese people will have more confidence and strength and will take one step closer to deal a final fatal blow to the evil and wicked warmongering satanic Americans of the abominable United States.

Cui Tiankai is a Chinese diplomat and longest-serving Chinese ambassador to the aunited States, a role he filled from April2013 to June, 2021.


Wednesday, 15th JUNE, 2022

When small countries ruled the world

 There was a time when small little countries could conquer and rule the world. This was made possible by superiority in arms against natives of the world that were not nation states, mostly tribal in nature, and poorly armed, mostly still in the bow and arrow stage against the firepower of European invaders with guns and cannons. Disorganised and poorly equipped tribes were a mismatch to the might of modern military states. When faced with a superior and organised state like China, the little European states ganged up to tear apart an old dragon, relatively weak and far from its glorious days.

Today, some small states still think they could take on big states, threatening big states and wanting to go to war with big states. Not a single European state, not England, France or Germany, could take on Russia singly. They are a shadow of themselves in their glorious days of empires. And we have foolish states like Ukraine, taunting and challenging Russia, massacring Russians in Ukraine, on the borders of Russia, and think it could get away with it. And we have big states thinking that with their supply of weapons, little Ukraine could come up victorious against the second most powerful military power in the world, with the biggest arsenal of nuclear warheads. 

This is the insanity of today's European leaders, unable to appreciate the change in the balance of power. And there are even smaller states like Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, thinking they could sit on top of Russia to pull its whiskers and no harm would come to them.

In East Asia we have similar situations happening. South Korea, and little Japan still think they could provoke and threaten China and Russia, and like the little European states, failing to appreciate that the big powers are now China and Russia and they are midgets in comparison. And they too foolishly think they could start a war with China or Russia and win.

Further down south, Asean states are beginning to wisen up and open their eyes to the new realities. So far only two Asean leaders had openly acknowledged that it is futile to take on China, ie Mahathir and Duterte. Vietnam, the strongest of the Asean states, knew, after having taught many lessons on land and in the sea, has quietly toned down its rhetoric against China, and grudgingly cooperate with China in its economic development for its own good. Of course there are still a few Asean states that think taking sides against China is ok, with the backing of the USA. 

And going further down under, a sillier state, many times smaller and weaker than Ukraine, openly taunts China, sending antique aircraft and submarines into the South China Sea to challenge China when the Americans have to think twice to do that. Australia wants to declare war on China! Lunatics. What have they got to fight against China? Their nuclear submarines, just ordered, would only arrive in 2040. And its miserable air force and navy were even smaller than Singapore.

The small states of colonial days were lucky to have mightier war machine and weapons against weaker big states that did not have them. Today, the big states are not only big, but have superior weapons in quantity and quality than the small states. What drugs are the leaders of these small states smoking or taking to think they could do what the small states of colonial times did and be on the winning side?  Does it need much intelligence to understand the new balance of power? Any bright secondary school kids could see the mismatch. But the leaders of small states could not and every day thumping their chests like big apes but without the weaponry to fight a winning war.

When small countries could rule the world was an aberration, a blip in the history of civilisaton. Today, small states better wake up from their wild ideas and face the harsh reality that they are small states and better to behave like small states before being consumed by the big states and end up like Ukraine. 

Ukraine is an excellent example for small states to learn how to behave as small states, and to stop hallucinating in their wet dreams. They are allowed to jump around like little spoilt brats because the big states allowed them to. When the big states have had enough of their irritation, they will be spanked real hard by the big states. There will be no exceptions. Oh, Israel did not think so, and acting and behaving like old colonial states, everyday thinking, talking and planning to attack Iran or any Arab states. They think they are invincible and they could destroy Iran without themselves being destroyed. Such pure arrogance.

Little and small states, please be smart and behave accordingly. Stop thinking that they can punch above their weight against the big states. The Americans are unable to protect their little proxy states if other big states decided to whack the proxy states.


Chinese aircraft intruding into Taiwan's airspace?

 Recently the Taiwanese and Americans have been selling the news that China is encroaching into Taiwanese airspace. Is this a statement of truth or alternative news, disinformation?

Is Taiwan a part of China, a breakaway part of China? Does the US recognised that there is only one China and Taiwan is a part of China? If there is one China, how can Taiwan be a separate state? Does the UN recognise there is one China and Taiwan is a part of China? Why is Taiwan not recognised as a separate entity and allowed to join the UN and other world bodies and organisations as an independent state?

Officially there is one China and Taiwan is part of China, separated by a civil war that has yet to be settled. Together they are one country. The airspace over Taiwan is therefore China's airspace and China has every right to fly over it and take control of it. Similarly the surrounding seas of Taiwan also belong to China. The dispute/civil war is who to form the govt of China, to represent the Chinese people on both side of the straits.  The renegade govt could control the ground in Taiwan and also the airspace and sea. But China, being the legitimate owner of Taiwan, has the right to control land, air and sea of Taiwan as long as it is able to do so.

China is now able to control the airspace over Taiwan and the surrounding seas and should fly and sail its aircraft and ships in these spaces. If the Taiwanese dare to engage and fire at them, China is fully capable to taking counter actions to take them down.

Taiwan, like Diaoyu Islands belong to China and so are their airspace and surrounding seas. It is time for China to take back control of the airspace and surrounding seas of both islands. China should also take back the Diaoyu Islands by physical occupation of the islands.

The Taiwanese cannot forbid Chinese aircraft and ships to fly and sail the the airspace and surrounding seas. There is no intrusion from the Chinese. Taiwan is a renegade part of China and China has every right to take back control of land, air and sea. Flying over Taiwan and sailing in the surround seas are the natural rights of China, flying in its own territorial airspace and territorial seas.

There is no intrusion in any sense of the word. China is the real and ultimate owner of the airspace and seas over Taiwan. China has all the rights to guard and protect its own airspace and seas. At best the Taiwanese govt is like the warlords of the past, controlling a piece of China's land.

PS. China should patrol the airspace and sea over and around Taiwan like they are doing in the Diaoyu Island.  Just tell the Taiwanese that China is patrolling its own airspace and territorial sea to protect its territorial integrity. If the Taiwanese dare to open fire on Chinese aircraft or ship, then China shall retaliate. Period. The Taiwanese are welcome to fly and sail side by side with the Chinese aircraft and warship.