Dr Francis Boyle was conducting research on virus and anti bioweapon terrorism together with Fauci in the early 1980s. When he discovered what the Americans were planning to do, to create bioweapons using virus, he put up papers to stop the process and fought against it for many years, till today. His effort paid off when Bush Sr accepted his recommendation and passed a law to criminalise weaponising the virus. But that did not stop the American biowarfare proponents led by neo cons and neo Nazis to continue with their experiment on the virus. Anthony Fauci was then appointed as the head of the American bioweapon project.
The aim of this project was to create viruses that could specifically target and attack victims based on race using their DNAs. Russia and China were the main targets, but also included other races all over the world to maintain white supremacy and the American Empire.
Fauci has been the head of this project for 40 years and not the innocent virus experts that he was made up to be. They used all kinds of ruses and scientific excuses to conduct gains of function to develop increasingly dangerous and deadly viruses to be used as bioweapons to terminate opponents by race. There were two parts of the research to achieve this evil agenda and to be effective. They needed to collect virus samples from animals of the particular country to give the impression that the virus attack was from local origins and not external sources. Two, they needed the DNAs of the targeted races to be incorporated into the artificial or manmade virus to attack only the specific races as designed.
As a result, many so called biolabs, actually bioweapon labs, were set up all over the world with many at the borders of China and Russia, the two main targets of the American biochemical warfare programme, to collect DNA and virus samples from these countries. The Americans went further by convincing the Chinese to cooperate in their gain of function research in Wuhan Lab. Here they collected samples of bat viruses and transferred them back to the Fort Detrick Lab. In Fort Detrick the viruses were sliced and patched with the DNAs of Chinese, Russians and others to created manmade viruses specially designed to attack their target victims.
There was no virus that escaped from the Wuhan Lab unintentionally. The manmade virus from Fort Detrick was released during the military games in Wuhan by the American soldiers. Trump was fully briefed about this devious operations and happily went on to make it public with a Freudian Slip by calling the virus as Wuhan virus. He could not hide his privy knowledge to this scheme. His ego got so much of him that he confidently refused to take any precaution or preventive measures to prevent the spread of the virus in America, believing in his briefings that the virus would only attack the Chinese race.
This evil scheme was quite foolproof and only the divine could intervene to scuttle their plans. The virus mutated so fast and became virulent to all races, more so to the white races. The rest is history. The record infection rates of America and European countries are testaments to the infectiousness of the mutated virus. The Americans have lost their plots and control over this manmade virus and became the biggest victims of their own creation.
With the full disclosure by Dr Francis Boyle, an insider, the world must take actions to close down all the bioweapon labs set up by the Americans all over the world. And Dr Boyle wants Fauci to be arrested and charge for crimes against humanity. The labs are very dangerous and offensive war cells that have the capacity to commit genocide in unmentionable scales, to wipe up millions of people of certain races. Those that were designed to take out the Russians would also take out all the Slavic people in eastern Europe when released. Those that were to target the Chinese would take out the Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese and Central Asians as their DNAs are quite similar. And for sure they would take out all the different nationalities, Singaporeans, Malaysians, Australians, Americans or whatever as long as their DNAs say Chinese, of Chinese ethnicity. The virus only know them by their Chinese DNAs, not their passports.
The UN must ban all these weapons with immediate effect and authorise all countries to destroy them. These bioweapons cannot be allowed to exist one day longer. The people of the world are at risk as the Covid19 pandemic has proven that once released, the virus could mutate quickly and no one would be spared. Russia did a great service to discover and exposed the crimes of the Americans in Ukraine.
The other very questionable thing is the so called vaccines to prevent the spread of the virus. Apparently it is not working and the Americans have given up fighting the virus with the pseudo vaccines but still faking it to make more money by insisting on more booster jabs. The real danger and risk of the pseudo vaccines must be exposed to prevent more harm to humanity and the people of the world. Latest British reports confirmed that those with two vaccine shots would have their natural immune system destroyed. The third booster shot would sealed its fate for good. Anyone asking for more booster shots?
For more details of the devious and evil scheme of the Americans, go view what Dr Francis Boyle had to say in the scary video at https://www.bitchute.com/video/iYBpMqAC4hig/ The Link.