
Rogue Americans crying wolf and ratcheting for war


The warmongering Americans have been crying wolf everyday with greater intensity to spread fear and panic that Russia is going to invade Ukraine. Russia is the aggressive player and the warmongering Americans are the angels. Fortunately no country other than a few AngloSaxon countries would want to play this up as a clear and present danger. The Americans have been calling wolf once too many, creating false flag incidents since the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, 911, WMD, war on terrorists to invade Afghanistan to slaughter the Afghan tribesmen that had nothing to do with 911.

The US$300m per annum war chest to spread lies, fabricate lies, to smear and attack China and Russia are put into full use, buying reporters, journalists and American and foreign media to print all the lies. Here are some samples of American media and psywar.

This piece depicts the West as defensive against an aggressive Russia when all the while they have the aggressive party encroaching into Russia's sphere of influence and threatening Russia. The Ukraine crisis is all created by the Americans/Nato but putting the blame on Russia.

Australia is playing the attack dog role, smearing China with offensive acts and vicious allegations. They have been attacking Chinese investment in Australia, stirring shit to investigate Wuhan as the source of the Pandemic, genocide in Xinjiang and now wanting to investigate Chinese ship for pointing a laser beam at their offensive aircraft dropping sonobouys to detect and monitor Chinese submarines. This is another typical incident of thief shouting thief.

The more aggressive the Australians are, the more they would show their fangs and be hated by countries in the region. One day they would be chased back to England, where they were first deported from.

See how this piece is being slanted. The Americans have been forming offensive pacts with equally aggressive countries to counter and attack China, And these are ok. Now China and Russia merely signed a non aggression pact, not to conduct war with each other, and that is a concern to them? What if China and Russia sign a defence pact, a military alliance? What would the American propaganda machine be shouting?

The western media have long been under the control of the West and have been showing how aggressive and biased in their reporting. They no longer hide or pretend to be neutral or objective. They are now an instrument of war, a weapon for war for the evil American Empire.

Let's hope they really go to war in Europe. Let them blow each other to pieces since they like war so much. The Americans are desperate to justify the military budget of US$800 billion and to support their military war complex and needed a war badly.

When is the UN going to condemn the American savages from starting WW3? Their homeland ravaged by the virus, economy in deep deep trouble, instead of putting their house in order, they want a war to burn down the whole world.

The vicious Americans and AngloSaxon tribes are behaving like wild savages, like the days when they genocided a continent of Red Indians and the aborigines in Australia and New Zealand. Now they are planning to wipe out the Ukrainians, Europeans and Russians. And no condemnation from any country or the UN.


AI no future in Europe and America

LONDON — Using artificial intelligence software for mass surveillance and ranking social behavior could soon be outlawed in Europe, according to draft legislation that has been shared online.

The 81-page document, which was first reported by Politico, says “indiscriminate surveillance of natural persons should be prohibited when applied in a generalized manner to all persons without differentiation.”

It adds the methods of surveillance could include monitoring and tracking of people in digital and physical environments. CNBC

The above document says it all. There is no future for further development and advancement of AI's in Europe and America. In the name of freedom and violation of privacy, AI could not make further inroads into these countries.  They have tied their hands and legs on the progress of AIs and would curtailed further advances in the use of AI in their countries.

AI is the new frontier of science and technology that would bridge the human intelligence with machine intelligence. AI would change every aspect of human lives and the price is privacy. If individual privacy is the shield to stop AI from engaging in the reordering of human activities, then this shield will be the wall to prevent AI from changing and facilitating lives in a way unimaginable. Individual privacy would be the chain that would not allow western liberal societies and countries to take full advantage of what AI could do to improve their lives, how to reorganise their lives to free human from their basic chores that AI, robotics and machine could do.

The Americans and Europeans would forfeit their chances of moving ahead with the rest of the world in the facilitating the widespread use of AI. They would miss the 4th Industrial Revolution by default, by their own choice. There is no free lunch. Something must give if AI is to be embraced fully. Not doing so would limit the full advantage AI could bring to benefit civilisation.

Here you go. No one is forcing the West not to embrace AI. They are tying their own hands and legs and voluntarily choose to stay behind in this field of science and technology. God works in his own mysterious way to hold back the western civilisation, through Covid19 and their arrogance and pride to use their very own untested and dangerous vaccines and refusing to use tested vaccines of others, and now playing with their own evil card, called individual freedom and privacy and also refusing to use Huawei's 5G and coming 6G technology. So let it be.


Singapore is so well managed, leaders have luxury to do what other leaders cannot do

 While the world is struggling with covid and all kinds of problems, with their leaders being stressed out until some did not have time to comb their hair, some even risk their lives and got infected by covid, Singapore continues to be an idyllic oasis of peace, calm and prosperity. There is really no problem to bog down Singapore leaders. See how well everyone of them looks, healthy, charming and beaming with fragrant oils oozing out from their faces. All the signs of having a good life are showing.

The biggest so called problem facing the Singapore leaders, if it is a problem at all, is honesty or not telling lies. In many countries, honesty and not telling lies are taught in schools, in primary schools, to children. In Singapore, top political leaders are spending their precious time, very expensive if charged by the hours, to educate and to teach the adults not to tell lies, to be honest beans. 

See, Singapore is so well managed that even the PM has spare time to talk about issues like honesty. Very few PMs and Presidents could afford such luxury to talk cock, oops, in way, as many PMs and Presidents would be fighting wars, inciting wars, preparing for wars or preparing to defend their countries from being invaded. Singapore did not have such problems. Foreigners are invited to Singapore and call it home.

Good life, good living, are the norms in Singapore. This is like the gentry class of Europe in its heydays. Oh yes, we also have developed a natural aristocratic class. The gentry and aristocrats of Europe spent their time drinking tea and attending horse racing as a sport. What to do when they have nothing to do but with all the money and time to spend? 

Maybe Singapore should learn to be like the Americans, or like the new Asean, go and mind other countries' business. Asean has morphed into a new busy body, dunno got influence by outside powers or not, and think it is fit to lecture its members on how to run their country. Think they did not have mirrors to look into. Anyway, this is a good thing to spend idle time. Let's see which country to meddle with? Myanmar, yes Myanmar, this is a country that is badly run, military coup. Let's go to Myanmar to mind their business. Tell the Myanmese we are so concerned about their well being, about their welfare, we are so caring. And try to teach the Myanmese govt what to do, what not to do to bring the good life to the Myanmese people.  And teach them about democracy Singapore style, the best in South East Asia. Only one party needed, no need opposition, ownself checks ownself.  Is there much difference from Myanmar's one party military rule right?

This is not interfering in other country's domestic affairs, this is caring, and telling the Myanmese we care. This is not putting pressure on the Myanmese leaders or trying to influence them, external influence. Just don't talk about human rights would do. The Americans would be very happy with our behaviour, very American, and may invite our leader for dinner at the White House if we keep on at it. Can we also teach Malaysia about honesty? We are taking responsibility in other people's business since we don't have much things to do in our very well governed country. Everything works with the flip of a switch. Can sleep in Parliament also, or no need to attend. 

These are good things, the privileges of being such a well managed country.

What do you think?


PLA, the best and most feared fight machine

‘Without fear of death’: Xi Jinping orders Chinese army to be ready to fight ‘at any second’
5 Jan, 2021

Chinese People’s Liberation Army soldiers during an exercise in Kashgar, China, January 4, 2021.

Xi, who chairs China’s Central Military Commission, ordered the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to maintain “full-time combat readiness” and to be ready to “act at any second.”

This pic of Chinese soldiers must have sent a chill down the spines of American soldiers that fought in the Korea War. The faces are familiar, the most feared soldier, the best fighting men that routed the best American soldiers, the Marines, with whole Marine Division being ambushed and had to run for their lives, with thousands killed...plus soldiers from another 22 crony countries.

The highly popular and idolised American General MacCarthur was often quoted, 'anyone thinking of fighting the Chinese Army got to have his head checked.' He stand to be corrected as there are now several armed forces in Asean and South Asia that are more powerful than the Americans and everyday talking about attacking China and declaring war on China.

The American war machine defeated the Japanese Imperial Army in the Pacific theatre of war, together with the Allied Forces, defeated the Germans, no thanks to the Russians that did the bulk of the fighting. The Americans defeated the North Korean Army, when they were about to drive the South Korean soldiers into the sea...but the Americans were no match for the poorly equipped PLA Volunteers Army.

The Korean War is testimony to the best fighting soldiers in the world, the PLA. Then poorly equipped with small arms to fight the most powerful war machine the world had ever seen, the American combined Arms and won.

Today, the PLA is armed to the teeth with the best modern equipment that equaled the best in the US Forces. It would be a nightmare revisited should the two forces meet again in the battle field. This time it would be a fairer fight with both equally armed with their best weapons, not another asymmetrical war with one side having overwhelming weapon superiority and fire power. It would be heavy weight versus heavy weight in the ring.

Would the arrogant and deluded American soldiers stand a chance against an equally armed PLA? When war breaks out between the Americans and Chinese, the Americans would have a chance to relive the horrors of the Korean War all over again. This time not only they could pound the Chinese with all their big artillery pieces and bombs, the Chinese would return the favour, piece for piece. All is fair in the battle field.

QUAD hierachy


The AngloSaxons sit on top. The two eager beavers, Japan and India get all the shit and very happy about it.  Willing buyer willing seller. Japan as a semi colony of the USA has not choice. When the Americans say fetch, they would go fetching. As for India, with its ambitious superpower dream, wonder why it is willing to be shitted on by the Anglo Saxon countries. 

India's population is 4 times the combined population of the other 5 countries. And Japan, once a super power, still with an economy in the top 5, both have to sit at the lower rungs, to be shitted on by the AngloSaxons and very proud of it.