For the year 2021, China reported 2 deaths from the coronavirus. The USA reported 434,795 deaths for the same period. And China also reported that 1.2b Chinese have been vaccinated, ie more than 90% of its population fully vaccinated. The USA is still struggling to go pass the 65% level.
The numbers clearly confirmed that the Chinese vaccines are very ineffective and that the mRNA vaccines are super effective. If China desires to have more deaths, it must stop using non mRNA vaccines and revert to jab its citizens with mRNA vaccines. Then it would be able to compete with the USA to see who could achieve more deaths from the virus.
Is the above conclusion logical? mRNA vaccines resulted 434,795 deaths must be more effective than China's non mRNA vaccines, causing a mere 2 deaths?
The fact that the Americans continue to push for more Americans to be jabbed by mRNA vaccines, to go for 3rd and 4th booster shots means that the Americans have full confidence in their mRNA vaccines. 96% efficacy, good for children also. The Americans cannot be so deluded to continue to use an ineffective vaccine right? This reminds everyone of the bygone days when they infected the indigenous people, young and old, no one was spared, from the diseases of Europe. Now it is looking like a repeat of this exercise, but on themselves and their own young and old, no one would be spared. Leave no one behind.
So, the conclusion must be logical and right. The mRNA vaccines are effective, and thousands of times more effective than non mRNA vaccines. This is logically speaking, based on empirical data. The more mRNA vaccines are used, the higher will be the death numbers.
What do you think? Oh, oh, maybe the Chinese are lying, there must be a few hundred thousand of Chinese deaths. They are just not telling the truth. The stupidity has no cure type would believe so. How could China have only 2 deaths when they are not using the most effective mRNA vaccines, 96% efficacy, world best vaccines?
How dare anyone claims that mRNA vaccines are ineffective? If they are, it is only temporary. Just jab, follows by a few more booster shots, and a few more booster jabs, and it would be effective again.
Nancy Pelosi must be very happy with the results. What a beautiful sight. 1.35m daily infected cases!!!!! Wow, wow. God's Army working wonderfully.
Then they banned travel in and out of India when Indian had 400,000 daily cases. Would the Americans be banning travel in and out of the USA? No, cannot. American Exceptionalism. Instead they are banning Singapore, their very good friend and close ally. Without Singapore they would not be able to control the Straits of Malacca with their warships in Changi.
PS. When would silly Singapore ban the Americans from entering Singapore? Why only allowed the Americans to ban Singapore or specifically to put Singapore as a high risk country and we dare not put the USA as a higher risk country with 1.35m cases a day?