The vaccine scam is now in full blown. All of us have grown up with a number of vaccines in our body from young. Most of the vaccines required only one shot or at most two shots. And we live our lives, our whole lives normally without the need to go for more and more jabs.
The scam today is at least 3 shots, and the more the merrier. This formula to scam the ignorant masses is now the order of the day for all western pharma companies, and they are all jumping into it. The CEO of the latest vaccine from BioNtech has announced that 3 shots are required to protect against Omicron, a milder though more infectious than Delta variant.
When one shot was enough in most vaccines, with a few needing a booster second shot, now the new standard is 3 shots. Is this alarming? Does this ring a bell? Where would this lead to? The banks. They are laughing all the way to the banks, with govts and professionals as accomplices, to make this happened, if not voluntary, then by compulsion.
The inactivated virus vaccines using traditional method treat the virus as the virus. Whatever shape and sizes, it is the coronavirus. No matter how many mutations, it is still the coronavirus. And the inactivated virus vaccines treat the virus as coronavirus, no matter how many spikes it has, no matter how many mutations it has gone through.
The mRNA vaccines treat the virus not as virus but according to the number of spikes or something like that. Alpha variant may have 3 spikes, Delta variant 12, and now Omicron may have 20 spikes. And every time the number of spikes changed, they would claim that the vaccines no longer effective and new mRNA vaccines are needed. The number of mutations of virus is infinite. This means there will be a need to produce infinite number of mRNA vaccines and infinite number of 3 shots regime for each new mutation/vaccines. Where would this lead the human race to? How many 3 shots of mRNA vaccines can the human body accept before it becomes a victim of the vaccines? Death by overdose of vaccines not by the virus!
The inactivated virus vaccines apply the tradition formula of treating the virus as a whole. No matter how many spikes, how many mutations, the body immune system is trained to deal with the virus, not the number of spikes and mutations. 2 shots would be enough, and if kiasu and kiasi, add one more booster shots and the body immune system should be competent enough to deal with the coronavirus in whatever forms.
The mRNA vaccines or drugs, try to copy the number of spikes and replicate them to destroy them, if they are effective. And they claimed to be, 96% efficacy with some claiming 100% efficacy. Are they lying through their ass? If they are effective, the pandemic would have been over long ago. The hard facts, the pandemic is growing, unstoppable and getting more serious in countries using mRNA vaccines. Think. Stop listening to snake oil salesmen out to squeeze more money from you to sell you more snake oil.
In a way Mother Nature is kind and always provides a solution in every crisis. The best but painful solution is Nature's way. Get infected, let the strongest survive. This is what happened in India. Many of the Indians have been infected by the original coronavirus and are now immuned to the numerous mutations that are coming along. No need 3 shots after every new mutation.
Trust your body, train your body to fight the coronavirus, not the number of spikes and new mutations. The best way is Nature's way. The next best way is to use inactivated virus vaccines that treat the virus as coronavirus, not 5 legs or 55 legs mutants of the virus. They are all coronavirus, the same devil.
What do you think? Want to get jab and jab, want to let the pharmas in cahoot with greedy govts and medical 'experts' to con and coerce you to be jabbed and jabbed till you drop dead because of overdose of vaccines?