
Jackie Chan wants to join the CCP


Hong Kong action movie superstar Jackie Chan said he wanted to join the Communist Party of China (CPC) at a recent forum in Beijing, a comment that experts said reflected Hong Kong elites' increasingly objective and rational understanding of the CPC amid the city's reflection on its position and search for its future development.   

Chan joined a symposium on Thursday in Beijing, which invited Chinese film insiders to speak and share their thoughts regarding the keynote speech delivered by the top Chinese leader on July 1, the centennial of the founding of the CPC.  

At the event, Chan, also the vice chairman of the China Film Association, not only expressed his proud feeling of being a Chinese, but also showed his longing for the CPC. "I can see the greatness of the CPC, and it will deliver what it says, and what it promises in less than 100 years, but only a few decades," Chan said.  

Also, he remarked that "I want to become a CPC member."   Global times


China must expedite Jackie Chan to join the CPC. This is the best promotion China needed to show the world that the CPC is not only the Party that delivers but is well loved by all its citizens, including those in Hong Kong. Jackie Chan is the best ambassador to deliver this goodwill message to all Chinese in Hong Kong and the rest of the world, and also to tell the Americans that the CPC/CCP is not going away but getting stronger by the day.

Jackie Chan can then flash his CPC membership card to the world, smiling, 'I am a member of the CPC'.

This is the best advertisement for the CPC and would encourage the doubting Thomases in Hong Kong and Taiwan to come forward to want to join the CPC.

No delays China, just do it and have Xi Jinping welcoming Jackie Chan in the Great Hall of the People. 

There are many celebrities in Hong Kong and Taiwan that are proud to be Chinese and this is something China must encourage and show approval publicly.  Andy Lau has been proudly singing, '我是中国人, or 'I am Chinese'.

Black cat, white cat, as long as it catches mice is a good cat. Whichever political party, as long as it looks after the people, delivers what is good for the people, is a good party.

COVID-19 Vaccines: Any Vaccine That Requires Booster Shots Is A Half-Baked Vaccine That Must Not Be Accepted

How many booster shots will be enough to prevent infections from Type A to D, and Type E to Z variants, and may be even more than 100 variants?

This extra booster shots idea is a trick by the vaccines manufacturers to make more money at the expense of the masses of the world.

It is also an insult to the intelligence of the leaders of all governments in the world.

The fact is that any vaccine that requires booster shot, even just one booster shot, is one extra shot too many. It purely means that that vaccine has not been fully tested and measured for its effectiveness. It means the vaccine has not been fully developed.

It means it is a half-past-six vaccine, a half-baked vaccine, not fully cooked vaccine. Unfinished product. Not fit for consumption yet. Not ready for the real world.

How do you feel when you tasted half-cooked rice? At first, I would feel lousy. On second thought I would feel cheated.

The manufacturers of the mRNA vaccines used the term "efficacy" as a selling point to influence and convince their world-wide buyers to purchase their unfinished products.

Efficacy is beside the point. Don't get misled and be swept off your feet by the phrase "efficacy is 95%". I repeat, efficacy is beside the point.

The most important for any vaccine is its effectiveness to counter and prevent the infection that it has been developed for. Yes, effectiveness. Not efficacy.

Effectiveness means efficiency. It means the vaccine can do the job it is meant to do, effectively.

Efficacy means proficiency. It means it is proficient to do the job but it may not do it effectively and efficiently under real conditions. It gives a false notion of security at first glance but on further examination and testing, it may turn out to be not the candidate you needed, required or wanted.

So there is a mile of a difference between effectiveness and efficacy. Effectiveness measures how well the vaccine performs in the real world. Efficacy only measures how well the vaccine performs in a set-piece condition in a lab, without taking into account the numerous variables existing in the real world, e g. mutations of the virus, physical human conditions, health conditions, quality of life, habits on hygiene and the countless manifestations of the vaccine upon interaction with the human body, etc.

The rush to approve the mRNA vaccines, for Emergency use, due to desperation to find an answer to the speedily spreading COVID-19 coronavirus is understandable. But the continued approval of the same vaccines despite knowing their inadequacies and the harms that it can inflict upon human life on a prolonged long-term basis is not excusable. Coming from highly educated and highly intelligent people, this is shear madness.

This extra booster shots scam has to stop. When will it stop?

SSO - 10 July 2021


Singapore's racial harmony is superficial?


That was a comment I happened to hear from someone speaking in the TV on racial harmony. Of course it is superficial. What do you expect when race is a distinct difference between people of all countries, brought up differently, have different values, religions, cultures, way of life, food, mannerism, behaviors, values etc etc. Originally each race was raised in their specific area and slowly spreaded out to neighbouring countries until colonialism gave it a hand in transporting people en mass to far away land and expecting these people to live together harmoniously. It could, under the domineering power of an authoritarian colonial power and when the people were just migrants with little rights could be jailed or expelled if they think too highly of themselves as individuals or a race.

After colonialism, the same shit that was created and left to fester in ex colonial countries started to ferment not to gel but to exert their rights and differences and all became different and expect and demand others to accord them the rights to be different, to be themselves. Whatever melting pot is only good theoretically. No ethnic group would voluntarily give up their identity to be something that they are not. Only the idealists would think that this is possible. There are few exceptions when the differences are marginal, like Thailand. 

Racial harmony at best is superficial, yes, and with the races being controlled or regulated by rule of law or force, to keep them from wanting to exert their differences and rights over others. They have to tolerate others to maintain some form of harmony and peaceful coexistence. With having a lid over them, it would just blow up.

If you listen to the comments by the difference races about what they felt were racism, how sensitive they are at the slightest comment, intentional or unintentional, with or without malice, you will know that racial harmony cannot exist without a heavy hand or rule of law to keep the racists and over sensitives in check.

The differences are not going to go away. The likes and dislikes, the idiosyncracies, the prejudices, the biases etc etc are human nature, not racism per se. But in the eyes of the racists and over sensitives, if they are not checked, everything would be seen and alleged as racists.

I say, stop the farce, stop thinking that there would be a melting pot where difference races would be stewed and turned into something else to live happily ever after.  Even if there is only one race, a homogenous nation, there will be prejudices and personal biases to disturb the peace and harmony. 

The best a multi racial country can do is to regulate and control the differences and occasional outburst to prevent them from becoming a norm to upset the balance and artificial harmony. The problem is not to expect everyone to become 'chap cheng' and thus become one race of sort. The solution is to keep the lid on and come down hard on the racists. This requires a lot of sensitivity and judgement to avoid allowing the real racists to set the agenda and narratives to attack the non racists being branded as racists. 

Accept the differences and biases and prejudices but do not let these to affect people of other races. Keep your differences, biases, prejudices and what not to yourself. Do not impose on others of how special you are and others must bend to your preferences and way of life and likes and dislikes. Every race is difference and should be allowed to be different but not to insist that others must be like them and be like them. Keep your differences within your race, your community, your homes and yourself and respect others to have their own differences that may be different from yours and may be disagreeable to yours.

And stop being too sensitive as long as there is no malicious intention. And stop stirring shit at every instance as racist and every little slight as racism. Everyone must live with the differences of others. If one likes kopi instead of tea, you cannot be offended by the mere mentioning of kopi or tea. If one likes green, another likes red, or black, you have no right to scream racism if the colours are waved in front of you or simple spoken.

It is the intolerance of the racists, many cupboard racists, that posed the more threats to racial harmony, thinking that what we have in Singapore is superficial and thus unacceptable, not good enough. What is good enough, what is real and possible? Everyone be like you?

All the talks today is going the wrong way to think it is possible to have real racial harmony as one people. Grow up and stop behaving like childish little boys and girls. Singapore is about the best that you can find in the whole wide world.

Singapore's racial harmony is superficial, what is your ideal solution? Whatever you can think of, whatever anyone can think of, there will be others to disagree with you. The only country with the highest degree of racial integration and harmony is Thailand. But they still have the Muslim South that is not integrated and not in harmony. The other country that has even better racial harmony is China. With 46 ethnic minorities living peacefully together with the exception of separatist movements by a small group of Uyghur terrorists trained by the Americans to create social unrest and instability in China. Other than this, the 1.4b people are living together quite comfortably as one nation and one people. 

In China, no minorities need to feel insecure or threatened in the streets. There is no violence against the minorities because of race or the colour of his skin.  The only violence was from the Uyghur terrorists, beating and killing the Chinese majority. But they have been kept under control and peace and harmony have returned to China.

Stop hallucinating and have a life. Stop talking for the sake of talking. about superficial racial harmony or racial discrimination or racism.  If you cannot accept that others are different from you, how can there be racial harmony? Everyday watching what other people do or say to find an excuse to scream racism! If you have this in you, you are a racist. Period.

COVID-19 Singapore: The Quick-Fix Solution Is Actually Not A Solution Whatsoever

"No country is safe until every country is safe," so said the Prime Minister of Singapore, once upon a time in the Happy Wonderland of the Little Red Dot.

Recently, our very smart, Paid-by-the-$millions and highly creative Multi-Millionaire Ministers Gan Kim Yong, Ong Ye Kung and Lawrence Wong wrote in an opinion piece with these main points:

1. Our citizens have grown battle-weary after 18 months of weathering the pandemic.

2. All are asking: when and how will the pandemic end?

3. The bad news is that Covid-19 may never go away.

4. The good news is that it is possible to live normally with it in our midst.

5. This means Covid-19 will very likely become endemic.

6. We can’t eradicate it, but we can turn the pandemic into something much less threatening, like influenza, hand, foot-and-mouth disease or chickenpox, and get on with our lives.

7. The authorities will seek to strike a middle path to reopen the economy safely while trying to live with the virus.

This middle path is similar to signing CECA with the Coronavirus. Once bitten, twice feels even better. A brilliant strategy only Singapore's extremely talented Ministers can think of.

The truth is that no one, not even those who think they can outsmart the coronavirus, can turn the COVID-19 Pandemic into something less threatening. The threats will always be there, and growing by the days, if the variants of the coronavirus is not checked, countered or eradicated.

Another truth is that the COVID-19 is not the same as influenza, chicken pox or hand-foot-mouth disease.

Influenza is seasonal and not as deadly as the COVID-19 and there are vaccines effective enough to prevent influenza from making us sick.

We also have an effective vaccine to counter the chickenpox and prevent it from affecting us.

Also, the spread of the hand-foot-mouth disease can be easily contained.

The question, therefore, is whether any other city in the world would take on the extra risks of allowing potential COVID-19 carriers into their countries from Singapore, the city that has given up trying to get rid of Covid-19, and instead wants to live dangerously together with the coronavirus - effectively trying to make friends with the various variants of the contagious coronavirus and willingly providing them a safe sanctuary to further mutate, multiply, proliferate and concurrently spread to the rest of the world, living happily ever after, forever and ever.

This "middle path" solution is not a solution whatsoever. It is not a path but a dead end.

This is the Zenith of Stupidity!

SSO - 9 July 2021.

Netizens Are Best Sources Of Information Today


Contrary to what many governments want us to believe, the Netizens are today's best sources of information. They are not baseless comments, as some people have blatantly wanted us to believe in their baseless allegations.

Many of the Netizens today are better educated, better informed and better equipped. Their comments and articles are more well-thought out and worth reading and savouring.

Moreover, they speak from their heart without the need to be politically correct, or afraid to offend their boss/paymaster. They are spontaneous and voluntary, without being paid to do so.

Unlike Government mouth pieces that are directed, constrained and limited in what they can say, the Netizens have more leeways, more freedom and are more sincere and truthful.

Yes, of course, there will be blacksheep like everywhere else, but from a wider spread of sources and resources in/from the Internet, nowadays, the Netizens have a better overview of what is happening anywhere, everywhere, than the narrow, miopic and mind-twisted writers for government propaganda websites, whose only purpose for existence is to think of ways and means to counter criticisms and bad news, so as to maintain a fake good image.

From the aggregation of the articles written in any propaganda website, there is a clear trend to tell us where it is coming from. It is as clear as a bright sunny day!

Anyone disagree?

Queen of Hearts