
Singapore's Chinese majority can become a minority overnight

 The developments in the last 2 decades have painted Singapore into a corner and threatening the social fabric of the island that was carefully nurtured and built over the years by the founding fathers and pioneering generations. Singapore is now in a very precarious state of being overrun by the foreigners at the expense of all Singaporeans. The foreigners are not like us or one of us and their loyalties and affection would be to themselves and the countries they came from. It would take years, at least a generation, for these new citizens to become one of us.  Now everything has to start all over with a more demanding and arrogant mixed of people that think we owed them a living, unlike the early migrants that were here and would take anything on the table or even on the floor.

The most disturbing and upsetting change would be the reduction of the Chinese majority. The Chinese majority could become a minority overnight. Knowing the stupidity of the unthinking, naive and ignorant Singaporeans that think the world is so innocent and so beautiful, that everyone is as innocent and childish as them, they do not stand a chance against the street smart foreigners and those that harboured a sinister agenda against them.

The reckless importation of foreigners and the silly thinking that they are all so nice, so loving, would not break our laws, would always be obedient, is the hallmark of stupidity has no cure Singaporeans. They could only see the good side, hear the good stuff and hide their heads under the sand when adverse consequences are concerned. They do not want to know, do not want to talk about it or face it and hope that it would not happen.

For instance, a new party or PM is installed as the new power broker of Singapore. Can anyone stop the PM or new party from granting citizenship to all the PRs and workers in the island? Malaysia did that under Mahathir to change the racial composition of Malaysia to make the Malay stock an absolute majority. A new political party or PM could do likewise in Singapore.

Among the citizens, likely as much as 1/3 is already new citizens. If the whole population is counted, the foreigners are more than 50%, and if granted citizenship by a new party or PM, the Chinese majority would become an instant minority. The Malays would become an even smaller minority. And woes behold to the new Chinese minority and reduced Malay minority. Whatever privileges or advantages would be gone with the wind.

Beware, you have been warned of this dreadful scenario. Go on dreaming like no tomorrow. All the blessings could be over with an innocent and naive population allowing it to happen without thinking.

By the looks of things, the possibility of this happening is very, very high...imminent. While the stupid Singaporeans are oblivious of the danger, the schemers, the purposeful are conscientiously plotting and planning to pull the rug under their feet. It would be so easy like the Trojan Horse takeover, the citizens drunk and asleep or like walking zombies, allowing the invaders to walk all over them with no resistance. Is this what the Singaporeans want?

This is looking like the calm before the storm...and the imbeciles busy or looking very busy with petty stuff and not watching their backs.

How and Where Do The News Media Get Their News?

It is one of the most important aspects of the Western media system, and yet hardly known to the world: most of the international news coverage in Western media is provided by only three global news agencies based in New York and Paris.

The pivotal role played by these agencies means Western media often report on the same topics, even using the same wording.

In addition, governments, military and intelligence services use these global news agencies as multipliers to spread their propaganda and psychological warfares' messages across and around the whole wide world to indoctrinate, convert and channel the trend of thoughts for or against certain countries, organisations or key figures.

A study of the Syria war coverage by nine leading European newspapers clearly illustrates these issues:

78% of all articles were based in whole or in part on agency reports,

0% on investigative research.

82% of all opinion pieces and interviews were in favor of a US and NATO intervention, and

Propaganda was attributed exclusively to the opposite side.

What are the three media agencies?

The are AP, AFP and Reuters.

1. AP or Associated Press, an American Giant with more than 4000 employees worldwide. The AP belongs to US media companies and has its main editorial office in New York. AP news is used by around 12,000 international media outlets, reaching more than half of the world’s population every day.

2. AFP or Agence France-Presse is a quasi-government agency of France, based in Paris and with about 4000 employees. The AFP sends over 3000 stories and photos every day to media all over the world.

3. Reuters is privately owned and employs just over 3000 people. Reuters used to be British based in London but was acquired in 2008 by Canadian media entrepreneur Thomson – one of the 25 richest people in the world – and merged into Thomson Reuters, now headquartered in New York.

So, now you can see why many people who read Western news and articles written by Western media are have been brain-washed to become pro-Westerners and pro-USA.

This is big time psychological warfares going on for the last 100 years! Launched by the Whitemen against the minds of the rest of the world.

Moreover, this global mind-channeling indoctrination system is incorporated into the global education system being led by the Ivy League universities, where the professors are sure to subtly brain-wash the minds of the young and impressionable undergrads and post-grads of various countries, sent by their governments or parents. to be willing converts to the idea of Western Superiority and Supremacy.

Wake up!

SSO - 8 July 2021.


Tiananmen Square - Chinese people joyous celebration of their National Day


An emotional celebration in Tiananmen Square by the Chinese people in 2019. In this 14 min video, the pride and love of the Chinese people for their motherland, China, were fully exploded in the spatial space of Tiananmen Square, with unrestrained emotion, tears flowing, smiling, while they sang the song, I love you China. 我爱你中国.

The pent up feelings of a people liberated from economic hardship, living a much better life that they could not believe could be theirs, they showed their gratefulness to the motherland that made it all possible in a mass celebration in songs.

This is a beautiful sight to behold, a sight of love, peace and unity. A sight that said China is on the right path and has the right formula for growth and to better the lives of its people.

George Carlin - Americans like bombing brown people

 George Carlin telling the truth about Americans. 7 mins of American humour about wars. This is one of two video clips for Sunday's daily bread, one on America and one on China, showing why one country is on the rise and why one country is on the decline.

In America, you better trust people like George Carlin and his light hearted vulgarities than the creeps, liars and murderers in Washington and the White House.

Blessings From The Lord Once Again!

Hallelujah! A citizen of Canada was sentenced to 5 years jail plus six strokes of the cane, after he pleaded guilty to robbery and money laundering in the Singapore State Court on 7 July.

The 31-year-old, whose name sounds like a (cock)Roach, robbed the Standard Chartered Bank at Holland Village on 7 July 2016.

With the Lord's blessings, this foreigner, unlike Michael Fey from USA, escaped the six strokes of the cane. Praise the Lord!

MHA and AGC have jointly stated that the caning will not be carried out due to the need to secure Roach’s extradition from the UK to Singapore to stand trial.

The UK Government has managed to "influence" the Singapore Government to submit to its conditions of extradition and the Singapore Government has no choice but to undertake to the UK Government that "any sentence of corporal punishment imposed by a Singapore Court on Roach for the offences for which he was extradited would not be carried out.”

This is because the Canadian (cock)Roach has the blessings of the Lord of UK.

It is irrelevant whether the undertaking means Singapore has altered its long-held view that such punishment does not constitute torture, or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or contravene international law, or not.

The fact that the Roach has been exempted from canning is good enough to show that some people are more equal than others in the execution of sentences passed down by the independent judiciary of Singapore.

It also means that there is no strict adherence necessary to abide by the decisions made by Singapore judges in Singapore Courts.

In the final analysis, the blessings of the Lord is of paramount importance.

Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!

Queen of Hearts