
Blessings From The Lord Once Again!

Hallelujah! A citizen of Canada was sentenced to 5 years jail plus six strokes of the cane, after he pleaded guilty to robbery and money laundering in the Singapore State Court on 7 July.

The 31-year-old, whose name sounds like a (cock)Roach, robbed the Standard Chartered Bank at Holland Village on 7 July 2016.

With the Lord's blessings, this foreigner, unlike Michael Fey from USA, escaped the six strokes of the cane. Praise the Lord!

MHA and AGC have jointly stated that the caning will not be carried out due to the need to secure Roach’s extradition from the UK to Singapore to stand trial.

The UK Government has managed to "influence" the Singapore Government to submit to its conditions of extradition and the Singapore Government has no choice but to undertake to the UK Government that "any sentence of corporal punishment imposed by a Singapore Court on Roach for the offences for which he was extradited would not be carried out.”

This is because the Canadian (cock)Roach has the blessings of the Lord of UK.

It is irrelevant whether the undertaking means Singapore has altered its long-held view that such punishment does not constitute torture, or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or contravene international law, or not.

The fact that the Roach has been exempted from canning is good enough to show that some people are more equal than others in the execution of sentences passed down by the independent judiciary of Singapore.

It also means that there is no strict adherence necessary to abide by the decisions made by Singapore judges in Singapore Courts.

In the final analysis, the blessings of the Lord is of paramount importance.

Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!

Queen of Hearts


Maximum Effectiveness of Pfizer Vaccine Is Six Months


Yesterday, 8 July, Pfizer finally admitted that its vaccine "is seeing waning immunity from its coronavirus."

This creates the giant money-making Pharmaceutical company an opportunity to make more money.

It is now pressuring the US FDA to approve a third booster shot for its experimental vaccine. It says, it "is picking up its efforts to develop a booster dose that will protect people from variants."

Data released by the Israel Ministry of Health clearly indicated that the Pfizer vaccine's efficacy in preventing both infection and the symptomatic disease has declined six months post-vaccination.

Although its efficacy in preventing serious illnesses remains high, it may also be a coincidence with other contributing factors.

At the same time, many people are worried about Pfizer vaccine's long-term effects on the human body, something that Pfizer has been keeping very silent about.

After the second booster shot, now Pfizer is proposing for a third shot. How many more booster shots is Pfizer contemplating to help them increase their wealth?

SSO - 9 July 2021.

 PS. Redbean's comment below.

This is looking like a big scam. First telling the suckers that it is very effective, 95%. Then when the suckers are hooked, like drug addicts, get another country like Israel to say its effectiveness only last for six months and you need to be jabbed every six months. Going forward, the suckers may need to be jabbed every 3 months or every month, like a drug addict.

What do you think?

Justice For The People Of Singapore

The more Goh Chok Tong speaks ill of China, the more he loses whatever little respect that we still accord to him because of his mediocre and highly expensive services to Singapore. He is behaving as he has said before, Bo Tua Bo Suay.

If he is wise enough to know that his time is over the hill, he would do well to stop speaking badly about other people and other countries.

To do justics for the people of Singapore, the only bad things that we welcome Goh Chok Tong to tell all of us is how he had screwed up all of us with the escalating costs of living due to his policies - such as his introduction of the CPF fixed returns of 2.5% interest rate instead of the variable 8-10% previously promised by the Pioneer leaders, and his introduction of the COE, the ERP, the enhanced HDB Pricing, the get-rich-quick Ministerial salary and bonuses, the creation of lob-sided CECA in favour of India, the import of foreign trash disguised as foreign talents, etc. etc.

He has also to shoulder the responsibility and account to all Singaporeans all the ills that he has brought upon us, not just the self-praising stuffs he has projected in his two books: Tall Order and Standing Tall.

To do justice to us, he should write an antithesis called the "Tall Unfulfilled Promises", depicting all the unfulfilled promises he had made to us as the 2nd Prime Minister of Singapore, e.g. Swiss Standards of Living, More Good Years, Growing Old Graciously, Soccer 2000, etc.

Plus, of course, all the ills that have been caused by his love for India and everything Indian.

Only then will justice be done, not all but at least some.

Queen of Hearts.


Covid19 vaccines - Discrimination against the seniors

The govt are complaining that many seniors are not getting the jabs and came up with stereotype reasons, fear of side effects. Why don't they admit the real reasons why many seniors refused to get their jabs?

Fear of side effects of mRNA vaccines is true but only part of the problem. Many would not mind getting the jab using Sinovac. But for some queer reasons, the govt is adamant in refusing to use the Sinovac vaccine and forcing the seniors to go to private clinics to get jab and to pay for it. And it is not cheap for the seniors, two jabs at $25 means getting poked twice and having to pay $50 for the pain.

Think, you millionaires may not think too much of $50. But it is a lot of money for the seniors to pay. When is the govt going to admit their mistake in discriminating against the seniors and making the jabs free for the seniors like the mRNA vaccine? The seniors would not mind signing an indemnity form to absolve the govt from the side effects of the Sinovac vaccine. This is a choice that the seniors made and would be responsible for their own actions. Can you hear that?

So why is the govt stubbornly refusing to use the Sinovac vaccine for the seniors when the seniors would not make the govt responsible for any side effects? And with more than a billion people worldwide using this vaccine, and with some Singaporeans that cannot use mRNA vaccines already jabbed with the Sinovac vaccine without any severe side effects, it is puzzling to see why the govt is playing tough.

If the govt is serious in wanting the seniors to get their jabs, just do it and stop putting obstacles in their path. It is the govt that is making it difficult for the seniors to get their vaccine jabs, not that the seniors are hesitant or refusing to get the jabs. It is the govt that wants everyone to be jabbed, including the seniors. You want the seniors to be jabbed and you want them to pay for it?

Getting a jab is not only to protect the seniors but also the community, and to allow the govt to open up for foreigners to come in. The govt wants the seniors to get jabs so that they can open up the country. And they provide free mRNA vaccine jabs that are more expensive but want the seniors to pay more for cheaper Sinovac jabs? Is the govt trying to make the seniors look like suckers?

By making Sinovac free like mRNA vaccines, many seniors will be queuing up for the jabs. No need to sweat the small stuff. No need to go knocking door to door. Save the effort. It would be pointless, they would still not go for the jabs and having to pay for $50 for them.

PS. If getting the seniors to be vaccinated is so important, why make the seniors pay for the jabs for Sinovac vaccine? Should not the govt be paying for it for the good of the community and the economy? Asking the seniors to pay so that the govt can open up the economy and country? What kind of logic is that? Xiao lang logic?


It is well-known that too many cooks will spoil the soup. Similarly, too many Indian Chieftains controlling Singapore spell troubles for National Harmony, Integrity and Unity.

Putting all the fragile and golden eggs into one single basket is not only stupid but dangerous. This does not look right at all - from all angles, from all logics, from all reasonable people. .

It clearly shows that the highest leadership in Singapore is either sleeping or very reckless.

No national leader worth his salt would put so many Indian chiefs in top, key and critical positions that call the shots for the masses. This is especially so for newly converted Indian nationals whose loyalty to Singapore have yet to be tested, whose assimilation into our Singapore society has yet to be fully accepted by the masses, whose faithfulness and trustworthiness have yet to be proven in the long-term publicly.

Such careless and reckless deployment and positioning of Indian ethnic people out of proportion to their ethnic population in Singapore in top, key and critical positions is not only extremely unfair to the other ethnic groups, but also spells troubles and long-term national disasters. It creates disquiet, unhappiness, envy, jealousy and hatred amongst other sidelined people who may be much qualified and experienced than the Indian nationals, whose only distinction seem to be the ability to smooth and sweet talk about almost anything under the sun to get their ways throught at all costs. People with such a quality are only good as sales persons, definitely not holders of top, key and critical positions. In fact, it is very dangerous to put such smooth and sweet talkers in such positions.

Unless, one has been arm-twisted or blackmailed into submission, no sane leaders would not have prevented such careless and reckless deployment of human resources from taking place.

The bottom line, really, is this:


Is it still the Prime Minister of Singapore, or someone else in the shadowy corridor of power manipulating the Prime Minister like a puppet?

From our perspective on the ground level, it definitely looks like some shady figure is heavily influencing the Singapore's leadership decisions and national policies.

If so, that is terribly and horribly wrong. It looks like a very subtle coup d'etat. Immediate remedial actions must be taken to make it right.