
China has assume the role to defend the victims of white oppression and bullying

 A BBC reporter asked China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi why China is supporting Argentina in claiming the return of the Falklands Islands. He said China is so far away and Falklands have nothing to do with China. China should mind its own business.

Wang Yi told him Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan are so far away from England and the US and have nothing to do with them. They should also mind their own business.

China has not only stood up but has declared that it would support the causes of oppressed and victimised countries and people against white supremacy and hegemony, bullying and oppression.  China has identified 17 islands still under the control of the white colonialist and would support the cause for their return to the original natives of the islands.  And this includes the return of the Ryukyu Islands.

In his speech on the centenary of the CCP, Xi Jinping said China would not be bullied by any country.  Anyone trying to do so would be bashed. This is a warning to all the little dogs and cats, the cronies and lackeys of the evil American Empire, especially those in Asean, that they would be caned very harshly if they try. 

China is now taking its rightful place as a super power and also the defender of the weak nations against white supremacists and hegemony. China would not only speak up, but would support and act on this commitment as the leader of the developing nations. China is willing and ready to commit military forces to the defend the oppressed countries of the world.

China's wolf warrior diplomacy is now not only defending China against the attacks by the West but also defending the rest of the world by the West. The West have been accusing China of aggressiveness when they were whacking China daily with all kinds of wild allegations and fake news. They did not know what is an aggressive China yet. Now they are going to see China standing up into their faces and poking into their eyes to protect the victims of the West.

The West think it is their right to oppress and suppress and bully the rest to the world. This is the past, no more. China, as a responsible leader of the world, would stand up for what is right and would defend the weak against the bulllies and gangsters. Now the West would know what is an aggressive and responsible China. They want China to play a bigger and more responsible role in world affairs. China is stepping into the plate.

From now on, China would not be the defensive party, taking the blows.  China would be the initiator and would redress the injustice committed by the West against the countries and people of the world.

Welcome to a New World Order that not only the West can do the shouting and bullying, China would not allow that and would also be shouting back. There is now a level playing field and injustice and inequality of the past would have to cease. There would be a rule of law for all countries. No more lawlessness of the American and western hegemony.

COVID-19 Vaccination: The Experts Committee Gives Advise Only, YOU Are The Ones Who Make The Critical Decision And Shoulder The Ultimate Responsibility!

Why is the Singapore Experts Committee On Vaccines recommending the still-doubtful experimental mRNA vaccines to be injected to our young children, with only data given to them by the vaccines producers and salespeople, without own research and analytical data presented to the public in detail? Because the Experts Committee gives advice only. And advice can be given by anyone, irrespective of his background and real qualifications, irrespective of his wisdom and sincerity, and irrespective of his political inclination and self-interests.

The Experts Committee expects us to believe in whatever it says just by repeating the words of the vaccines producers or using the US CDC's words to substantiate its own points of view. This looks like a joke, if anything.

The Experts Committee's behaviour of late, using character assassination and ad hominem attacks upon doctors who voiced their opinions and recommended prudence and caution, not only tarnished its own image but also eroded our confidence in its ability to provide proper scientific advice regarding life-and-death matters, with regard to the new experimental mRNA Vaccines.

In the final analysis, the Public must always bear in mind that "Advice is still ADVICE ONLY", no matter who provides it, whether it's from a real expert or from a charlatan. The final decision and ultimate responsibility remain in the hands of the decision-maker/s, that is YOU! If anything goes wrong, the advice-provider can quickly turn around and rebut that he did not make the decision; YOU are the one who made that decision.

Head they win, tail they also win! You get the drift?

SSO - 1st July, 2021.


Vaccines Dangers - Should We Err On Caution Or Blunder On Trying To Protect Credibility Of Experts Committee?

In a Facebook post on Monday (June 28) criticising the motives behind an open letter by five doctors addressed to the Chairman of the government appointed experts committee, a senior infectious diseases specialist with the National Centre for Infectious Diseases, David Lye said that the letter was penned by three of the same doctors who were behind a previous letter by 12 doctors decrying the effectiveness and safety of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines.

David Lye is a member of the 14-member expert committee on Covid-19 vaccination advising the Ministry of Health (MOH).

The new letter that circulated over the weekend and is published on the Facebook page of Dr Kho Kwang Po was also undersigned by Dr Wong Wui Min, a cardiologist and heart specialist at WM Wong Cardiac and Medical Clinic in Gleneagles Hospital.

The other signatories are Dr Chia Ai Mian, Dr Louis Loo Wee Ping and Dr Yang Ing Woei. 

They wrote asking for a “short delay” of a few weeks to Singapore’s “massive” and “most aggressive mRNA programme” for boys in the world, to allow more “high quality data” on the possible fatal effects of mRNA vaccines in youth to emerge from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or other global bodies.

They also referred to the most recent data on myocarditis, or heart inflammation, in adolescents and asked if the authorities here could take “a more sensible and prudent posture”.

The letter said that more information about the vaccinations is needed, because a 13-year-old boy in the United States had died from heart failure after getting the second dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. 

Singapore had greenlit the rollout of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine to those aged 12 to 15 last month, in light of the Delta variant of the coronavirus that was spreading at the time among school-going teenagers.


PS. Below is by Redbean

These experts are putting their necks on the chopping block to issue this letter. Their action says something is very serious and must be stopped. They are risking their reputation to take a stand to save the young...and open themselves to be challenged, ridiculed or threatened.  These are very brave and highly responsible men and women that came out during a crisis, to wave a red flag about a very dangerous situation now and in the future.

Do not ignore them and their warnings.

CCP - The most popular, greatest and most successful political party


China marked the 100 centenary of the CCP and celebrated its achievements in making China from having nothing, no voice, poor and underdeveloped, to the second most powerful country, with pride, dignity and a voice in the world affairs. The CCP now has a membership of more than 90 million members and more than 95% supported from the Chinese people. It has delivered on its promises to the Chinese people, liberated China from foreign occupation and over 800 million Chinese from poverty. The CCP is instrumental to turning China into a moderately rich country and the biggest armed forces in the world.

Having achieved it domestic goals, having liberated China, the CCP now has a bigger goal, to liberate the countries in the world from western domination, bullying, colonialism and imperialism. The West, comprising mainly the colonial powers and the American hegemon have a lot of fear and misgivings of the CCP. The CCP is the only real contender to challenge their world dominance and to stand up for the oppressed people of the world. To the Americans, the CCP is a curse and have been smearing the CCP as a cancer in China. To the Chinese population, the CCP is their saviour, the CCP made China rich and strong and brought prosperity and a good life to them.

If the CCP is a cancer, it is the cancer to the West and the evil American Empire. The CCP is going to stand up for the countries bullied and oppressed by the American Empire. It is the shining star to the rest of the world, the star they have been waiting for, to fight and defend their rights to be free and independent nations.

Under the CCP, the Chinese people are happy, confident and full of hope for a better future. What the CCP can do for China and the Chinese people, it can also do the same for the people of the world.


Annually 4th July is observed by Native Americans as Native American Day of Mourning.


4th July, a black day for Native Americans is observed by the Native Americans as Native American Day of mourning.

It cannot be denied that the birth of the rogue state the United States has not only brought curse to the American native Indians but also subsequently to the rest of the world. This terrible white American curse is still going on non-stop all over the world. But some day this curse has to be stopped and destroyed by the combine power of Russsia and China together with most non-white countries like Iran, Iraq and North Korea.

   Every year on this day the 4th of July, native Americans will observe the day as a Native Day of mourning when white men from England and Europe invaded their lands and wantonly killed and genocided their people. Within a period of over four hundred years white Christian European invaders had killed and genocided over one hundred million north American natives.

When the first immigrants from England arrived in 1620 in Massachusetts they were only able to survive the harsh first winter on the alien continent due to the kind and selfless assistance of the native American Indians. Then in subsequent years as more and more white immigrants came from England and Europe they began to treat the native Americans with contempt calling them wild savages undeserving of the rich resourceful land which they claimed that their Christian God had reserved for the white people. Before long white invaders adopted a systemic policy of terminating the natives through genocide. The defenseless natives  were killed and destroyed through military might and by the use of germ warfare when the natives were purposely infected with small pox, chicken pox, measles, typhus, TB and cholera.   This is how white men repay for the kind  generosity and the selfless self sacrificing natives.

In 1776 when the thirteen colonies revolted against their forbears England they got their independence on 4th of July and named their new nation as the United States of America. But the American Revolution meant nothing to the native Americans who were totally ignored and treated as non-existent sub-humans. In fact their fate and lives got even worse after the Revolution.

Under the British imperial rule at least the imperial British allow a hundred or so native tribes to have some form of self government. But now with British out of the way the savage white Americans of the United States began the inexorable process of pushing the native Indians out of their lands killing and genociding them with wanton brutality. This was the beginning of their own imperialism against the natives in all America.

Then under the doctrine of the 'Manifest Destiny of America' and with their  militant Christian doctrinal hymn 'Onward Christian Soldiers Marching As To War' as inspiration the white Americans continued their march of aggression and expansion. This new aggression and expansion resulted in the conquest of over one million six hundred and sixty-five thousand square miles of Mexican lands. The operation of the 'Manifest Destiny of American' continued across the seas of the Pacific Ocean to a violent conquest of Hawaii. More than three hundred thousand native Hawaiians were slaughtered in their resistance to American aggression.

American quest for territorial expansion and world domination and hegemony continue to this day all over the world in the Middle East, in Africa, Asia and in Central and South America. This American curse has brought much untold suffering, death and destruction to people everywhere and need to be stopped.

The Anglo-Saxon white American invaders' atrocities and brutal systemic ill-treatment and torture of native Americans, African Americans and Mexican Americans cannot be allowed to continue forever. The free world countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America must unite in solidarity to take down the inhuman white supremacist criminal invaders. The United Nations Organisation must take the lead to legally liberate the native Americans, the African Americans and the Latinos from white bondage and slavery. 

The free world countries must help to create, support and fund native American, African American and Mexican American resistant fighters to organize their political parties to struggle and fight against the injustice of the Anglo-Saxon white American invaders. Guns and other vital weapons must be provided to the resistant fighters to fight guerilla wars against the whites both in the towns and cities as well as in the rural countryside. The struggle must continue nonstop until the Native Americans, the African Americans and the Latinos have their own separate independent states.

Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuella must play a vital part in providing funds , arms and weapons and other essential materials to the resistant fighters until the objective of their independent states is achieved. The struggle will be long and arduous but it is necessary and worth it.

May be the curse of Karma in the form of Coronavirus or Covid-19 is now working in mysterious ways to destroy the evil empire of the United States. The United States is gambling too much on its fate to take on China, Russia, DPRK and Iran simultaneously. In doing so, it is definitely sounding the death knell of the Evil Empire and the end of its curse.


Sunday, 4th July,2021.