
S'pore doctors publish open letter calling for halt to Covid-19 jabs for 200,000 schoolboys - ST June 27

Some doctors and cardiologists here have written an open letter appealing to the Expert Committee on Covid-19 Vaccination to halt the vaccination exercise for some 200,000 schoolboys, following the death of a 13-year-old in the United States after he received the vaccination.

The US media last Thursday (June 24) reported that the boy, from Saginaw county in Michigan, died three days after getting his second dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, supposedly from heart failure.

The open letter, which was published on Facebook last Saturday by a cardiologist, Dr Kho Kwang Po, was addressed to Professor Benjamin Ong, chairman of the expert committee.

The letter was co-signed by Dr Kho, Dr Wong Wui Min, a cardiologist and heart specialist at W.M. Wong Cardiac and Medical Clinic in Gleneagles Hospital, Dr A.M. Chia, Dr L.W. Ping, and Dr I.W. Yang, "on behalf of many concerned paediatricians, primary care physicians, specialists, surgeons and GPs". 



PS. Would the PM or Minister of Health think this is important enough to stop the vaccination of school boys and girls? Or are they waiting for a few deaths to change course?



China is a democracy by Lincoln's definition, says former Singaporean FM George Yeo. "My view of democracy goes back to the essence of democracy, to the Greek origin of what democracy is - which is the people as master. Abraham Lincoln talked about government of the people, by the people, for the people. By this definition, China is a democracy," Yeo says.

In an article published in The Economist on 17 November 2020, Kishore Mahbubani wrote: “Paradoxically, a China-led order could turn out to be more ‘democratic’ because China does not seek to export its model, and it can live with a diverse, multipolar world.”

"China is the world’s leading democracy. Though this claim enrages many Westerners, regardless of the metric employed, electively, popularly, procedurally, operationally, substantively, financially, and technologically, China is a thriving democracy and America is not." Godfree Roberts, October 14, 2019


PS. America is a fake democracy, rule by 1%, from the 1% , for the 1%. Internationally it is an Empire that ruled the world by force. No one is allowed to choose the political system or leadership without the approval of the Americans. The countries of the world have no choice but oppression under the evil American Empire. What democracy are they talking about?

Who Is That Mastermind?

Now I can see all the Black chess pieces that have been put in place, slowly but steadily, over the last 10 years.

These are strategic POSITIONS.

They are put there to achieve a strategic purpose - CHECKMATE.

The checkmate on the White King can be easily done with a few more moves.

One of these few more moves has been exposed.

It is the Racist move to create distraction, pressure and tension.

Someone must be the mastermind, over the last 10 years, to have conceived, planned and manoeuvred all these moves behind the scenes, very cleverly and skillfully.


Queen of Hearts.


Instead of carrying out a witch-hunt for the Chinese Majority as racists, I think we should be hunting for that Mastermind!


Covid19 - When vaccines are politicised, politicians lied at the risk of people's lives


@ Respect choice

BRILLIANTLY PUT – how many millions of those in Australia and Canada mostly regretted SO SOON of their choice of AZ vaccine having been “clinically advised” by their respective governments, health regulators and even the not-so-wise doctors as “efficient” and “safe” – ONLY TO BE TOLD NOW that all these actors/actresses NO LONGER RECOMMEND THE SECOND BOOSTER JAB SHOULD NOT BE THE AZ VACCINE but can be any other (rubbish???)!

Respect choice: Should respect people choice on Vaccination . Anyway they will bear the responsibility of their own choice.
Should not discriminate against them in Policy.

Implicitly, it is POLITICS in Canada and Australia backed down of “SILENT CONFESSION” that science’s refutation of untested vaccine is correct.

Politics is dangerously wrong of MONUMENTAL PROPORTION and ALL PRIOR CLINICAL ADVICE GIVEN OF “EFFICIENT” AND “SAFE” IS NOW (silently) CONFESSED AS ONE BIG MISTAKE, the side-effects of that for a life-time is unknown and evolving for those stupidly (without thinking) rushed in where devils fear....

The millions of OZ and Canadian residents now have to live with these consequences

- stuck with AZ vaccine of “wrong” choice if already fully vaccinated

- stuck with AZ vaccine and NO OPTION OF CONTINUING THE SAME RISK that has gone badly wrong because second dose of AZ won’t be made available to them.

- mixed it with other vaccines (also rubbish???) which may or may not compound their risks of future adverse side effects UNSEEN NOW AND MAYBE UNCONTAINABLE IN THE FUTURE of complications.

THE VACCINE ROLL-OUT WAS VERY QUICK OF A RUSHED CAMPAIGN IN BOTH COUNTRIES and in a few months since POLITICS AND SCIENCE have “regretted” the bad choice taken.


Did ScoMo and J. Trudeau came out to publicly to admit this with apology that “I WAS WRONG”?



Above is a comment posted in TRE on the politicisation of vaccines and how deadly it has become and how many innocent citizens believing in their lying political leaders would now have to live with the consequences of blind obedience.

When every joker, know or did not know, school girls, aunties etc etc are encouraged to come out to tell the seniors to go for vaccine jabs, you know something is badly wrong. Beware when the maddening crowd become the target of politics. 

People who do not know anything about vaccines must not be allowed to tell people to go for vaccine jabs. This is no difference from snake oil salesmen. It is irresponsible. 

When there are medical experts warning people about the dangers of mRNAs, how dare you, a layperson, go telling people to go for vaccine jabs? What do you know about the vaccines and the potential risks involved?

Racial Balance Is The Key To Political Stability In Singapore

To all Singapore Leaders,

Let's face it squarely.

The main reason why Singapore got kicked out of Malaysia was because of race. The Malaysian central government, under the Tengku at that time, especially the Ultra Malay section, did not want the Singapore Chinese population to dilute and overpower the Malay Majority they have at that time.

Therefore, in the first place, Singapore's independence was based on Race.

The reason why Race, Language and Religion were banned from any national discourse in Singapore was because the LKY government knew that these taboo subjects would spark racial and religious problems, unnecessary troubles, ethnic tensions, destructive conflicts and deadly riots if allowed to go out of hand. All it needed was an instigation to motivate and mobilise the different ethnic groups to start racial or religious tensions and conflicts.

Singapore is a rule-based society. In a democracy the rules are being set by the majority. The Chinese Majority, being a sympathetic, compassionate and reasonable people of Singapore, have kindly and readily catered for some special privileges to the minority groups so as to make them happy.

Importantly, such privileges must not be allowed to stretch too far, until they become unreasonable and problematic.

Understandably, such privileged groups should not be allowed to amass sufficient power to overwhelm, override and overthrow the existing racial, political and power balance that gave rise to racial harmony, stability and prosperity. Otherwise, in our tiny congested and competitive society, chaos and strives will be the names of the game, the survival game.

We have enjoyed harmony, stability and prosperity for the last 55 years mainly because of the compromise our Chinese Majority have strike with the minority groups. And it works. Things will not be the same, once any of the other ethnic groups become the majority. Especially so if caste-oriented people are allowed to form a critical mass, and are able to call the shots, and subsequently able to wrestle control of the country from the hands of the Chinese Majority.

When new citizens and permanent residents (especially those originated from South Asia) overwhelmed the Chinese Majority, that is the time the Chinese Majority will lose its political clout and, along with it, its political base and political power.

When that happened, the Chinese Majority would have already become a Minority and logically they can kiss their children's future good bye.

Who wants that to happen?


SSO - 24 June 2021.