WASHINGTON: Contradicting his secretary of state and other top officials, President Donald Trump on Saturday (Dec 19) suggested without evidence that China - not Russia - may be behind the cyber espionage operation against the United States and tried to minimise its impact....He also claimed the media are “petrified” of “discussing the possibility that it may be China (it may!)."
There is no evidence to suggest that is the case. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said late Friday that Russia was “pretty clearly” behind the operation against the United States.
“This was a very significant effort and I think it’s the case that now we can say pretty clearly that it was the Russians that engaged in this activity,” Pompeo said in the interview with radio talk show host Mark Levin....It is not clear whether Pompeo got that message before his interview, but officials are now scrambling to figure out how to square the disparate accounts....
If the hackers are indeed from Russia’s SVR foreign intelligence agency, as experts believe, their resistance may be tenacious. AP
This is probably the first time the two top liars in America have come out and contradicted each other, and both did not have any concrete evidence but simply guessing and assuming. Pompeo insisted that the attack was from Russia. Trump discounted it and suggested it was likely to be China.
This is their standard tactics, anyhow accused, anyhow attacked without the need for proof or evidence. Remember WMD to murder Saddam Hussein and invade Iraq leading to the destruction of that country and hundreds of thousands of death and maimed? No war crimes, no condemnation by the righteous and arrogant western media, just another day, another episode of American aggression, just a cup of tea.
With Trump's ship sinking and Pompeo aiming to be the next President, it is time for him to show his colour, to prove who is the smarter idiot of the two. Pompeo is now outright going against Trump, showing to the daft Americans that he is the smarter clown, smarter than clown Trump.
Without any evidence, as the experts acknowledged, they just accused, like all the accusations against China and Huawei. How to trust these rogues as leaders of the most powerful evil Empire not to do harm to the rest of the world with their lies and guess works?
And it is also good to note that their cybersecurity is in shit. 18,000 organisations being attacked, probably more that were unknown. Now what is so great about American technology and IT? Antique, outdated. The enemies are many times more advanced and could hack into their systems at will and they could do nothing about it, not knowing who did it and barking and snarling at shadows.
This is how great America has become, counting from the bottom. Did Trump make America great? Would the clueless sleepy Joe do better? He would probably blindly continue the work Trump designed and plotted for him to do to outdone clown Trump. The decline of the evil American Empire is a forgone conclusion, inevitable, unstoppable, only how fast.
To the evil Americans, if they cannot win in anything, just cheat, lie, steal or kill the other parties, brand them as a threat to their well being, to their national interest, to their dominance as the number one Empire.
Another report in Yahoo News confirming that the Americans did not have a clue who did it but guessing. Read what they said, 'I don't think...' All the time the Americans have been spreading lies based on nothing but their biased imagination.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There is no question that Russia is behind the recent hacking campaign against the United States, the head of the U.S. House of Representatives intelligence panel said on Sunday, warning that President Donald Trump's effort to play down Moscow's role and point to China was a threat to U.S. national security.
"Based on what I've seen, I don't think there's any question that it was Russia," House intelligence committee Chairman Adam Schiff told MSNBC in an interview. "It just uniformly destructive and deceitful, and injurious ... to our national security," he said of Trump's Saturday comments.
PS. Trump's avoidance in attacking Russia is a clear sign that he is in Putin's pocket. He has been paid by the Russians for decades, bankrupt and saved by the Russian banks.