1984 George Orwell
Random Thoughts Of The Day
1. Intimidation:
is a form of indirect corruption. The suing of opinion-influencers,
such as bloggers, is a form of intimidation not only upon the
individuals concerned but also upon the larger masses in the cyberspace
of this Information Age. Such intimidation must not be condoned nor
upheld in a non-corrupt Court of Laws.
This is not only an
archaic practice which should have been sent to the domain of the Dodo
Birds long ago, but also a form of indirect corruption that falls into
the category of Ill-will.
And ill-will is very ugly. It does not
speak well of the one who harbours the ill-will. It also affects those
who are associated with the deed involved. For example, if you asked me
to murder your wife's secret lover, than I have become an accessory to
your ill-will if I carry out what you had wanted me to do, irrespective
of whether you have communicated with me directly or through a third
The fact that it is still being practice shows that
Singapore is still very backwards and that Singaporeans are being led by
people who are highly insecure, overly sensitive and thin-skinned, and
have the tendency to behave like military dictators who are unable to
take "No" for an answer. Such dictators simply detest criticisms and
dissents. That's why they need "Yes-Men" around them all the time.
2. Defamation:
Is there such a thing as defamation?
Before we talk about defamation, we have to understand what fame is. What is Fame?
means popularity. Popularity means many people know who you are and
what you stand for. Some may have good opinions about you, while some
may not. Some may be having varying opinions about you - sometimes good
and sometimes bad and some may have fixated stereotype opinions about
you for various reasons.
If you do not have fame at all, then
you cannot be defamed. It's just like if you do not have any money, how
can someone take away your money. Simple as that. Agree? Of course, you
cannot disagree with that.
If you are very famous, you already
have fame. So how can anyone defame you? It is not like you are sitting
on the throne like a king and someone comes along and dethrone you. The
fame you have acquired stays with you throughout your lifetime. Nobody
can take it away from you. So how can someone defame you at all?
Therefore, either way, whether you have fame or do not have fame, you cannot be defamed.
Then what re defamation lawsuits all about?
My answer is: To keep the lawyers employed and to make the courts busy, as if they are not already too busy.
3. Why sue the whistle-blower instead of the main culprit?
The answer given boils down to convenience and probability of winning the case.
I were to sue someone in another country using another country's legal
system, it is very inconvenient for me and it may drag on and on for a
long time. And also my chances of winning the case is very slim. But if I
do it in my own courtyard then I have a good chance of success because
of indirect influence due to my stature, my position and whatever powers
I may wield at the moment.
But that's very unfair, is it not?
is no such thing as fairness in the business of winning. It is just
like Donald Trump's "Art Of Rob, Borrow or Steal" that is being
practised all the time.
1984 - George Orwell