
Singapore offering base for American Navy in the interest of peace?

 Should Singapore agree to the request by the US Navy to be their base? Will China sees this as a threat? How can the government respond to this request?

Here are my views.

a) Singapore already has an agreement to provide naval facilities to the US Navy. This new request can be an extension of the current arrangement.

b) I suppose that the facilities is being provided on commercial terms. It will give economic benefits to Singapore.

c) America will soon come under a new administration. The trade and other disputes between America and China will probably be resolved in the near future.

d) Singapore can have a dialogue with China (through the diplomatic channels in Beijing and Singapore) and explain our approach and decision. We can hear and address any special concern from China.

I am hopeful that this decision can be taken in the interest of preserving the peace and stability of the region and in furthering our economic interest.

Tan Kin Lian 

Above post by Tan Kin Lian in TRE.  When the Americans talked about balance of power, it means they have all the nuclear weapons, all the WMD, you have none. That's is the American meaning of balance of power, a situation when they can whack the daylight out of any country at will and no one can hit them back, ie they will be the big time gangsters holding the world at ransom.

When the Americans talked about peace, maintaining peace, it is about peace for the Americans, ie they are safe and you are not. Just look at Iran and North Korea, two countries that can never be equal to the Americans in terms of military might and possession of WMD. But the Americans are lying to the world daily that these two countries are a threat to them and must not be allowed to have any WMD, only the Americans can have them. And who is threatening to obliterate who, in the name of its own security? Who is the real threat to who? The Americans are the threat to world peace, to all the smaller countries, in fact to all the countries including Russia and China, that the Americans are calculating and planning when to nuke them. No country in their right mind would dare to talk or dream about threatening the Americans or attacking the Americans. This is only a myth, a red herring that the evil Americans are spreading to be used as an excuse to threaten other countries. Only the evil Americans is the threat to other countries, not the other way.

So, is providing a military base for the Americans for peace in the region and the world, or to enhance the Americans to create more mischief, to threaten China and all the countries in the region, to enhance American hegemony? If it is any about peace and stability, it is for the Americans, it is for American hegemony.

What is the intent and purpose of the Americans wanting to have a naval base in Singapore? To maintain American world dominance and to contain China, to threaten China in the region. How would China perceive this development when the Americans have been sailing its warships to the South China Sea to provoke China, to violate Chinese territorial integrity? Is this for peace or for the bullying of China and any wrong move would only start a major war with Singapore as an obvious military target if China strikes back at American military bases used to attack China? Singapore leaders must stop being naive and think they could get away with this, providing a military base for the Americans to attack China.

If this is for commercial reasons, for the money, then Singapore should offer its backside to every country, just like a prostitute, not choosing its customers. To just offer a military base to the Americans or the Quad members, Singapore is taking sides and be complicit in the American plan to threaten and contain China. By the way, the presence of military bases is anything but for commercial or economic interests to the Americans.

American presence in the midst of Asean in not going to be taken lightly by Asean countries and would be seen as a hostile act by China. Period. The Americans and the Quad countries have been talking about choking the Straits of Malacca to cut off the supply of oil and goods to China. For peace, for who?

PS. US navy secretary has called for a new command to be formed ‘in the crossroads between the Indian and Pacific oceans’ The Americans are claiming the Indo Pacific Region as part of their Empire. Asean leaders please take note. The American Empire is taking over the region, and this is not aggressive behaviour, not expansionist, just American Exceptionalism, the world hegemon in action, all peaceful and nice, very nice and very friendly. Please invite them to be your new masters.  Oops, no need, they already invited themselves here and no need to bother whether you like it or not. 

Pax Indo Pacifica is becoming a reality. The region will become like the Caribbean, an American pond. Would any twit be asking China to come in to balance this evil Empire? Or instead asking the evil Empire already here, to balance China that is not here? The same kind of excuse from the American playbook for starting war, create a red herring as an excuse to move into the region to be the hegemon.



Growing isolation of warmonger evil American Empire

The republicans are calling for international cooperation to oppose China after Trump failed in his unilateral approach against China. The lying evil lump of lard, Pompeo, was sent to visit almost 20 American allies and 'used to be dead and dumb' nations to forge another coalition of warmongers to start WW3 with China as its main target. This also fizzled off. No takers. No amount of lying and badmouthing China would be believed by the countries he was courting and lying to. The rest of the world has grown up, grown wiser and would not be dumb willing partners of crime against humanity at the behest of the evil Americans. Yes, not a single country outside the 5 eyes Anglo Saxon mafia group would want to join this evil and disastrous war against China, schemed and planned by the evil white men in Washington, except India. The white men must stop to see and realise that the coloured people are not stupid anymore. No longer sheep to be led to be slaughtered by the white men.

The president elect Biden would do no different and no better. Being fixed by Trump's gungho white supremacist rhetoric, Biden could not do less and could be more hostile to China than Trump. This viciousness and primordial animal instinct of the white men, to start wars, to perpetuate wars, to kill fellow human beans, is being flaunted by the white Americans without shame, without the need to hide their wild and violent primitive nature to kill, for the whole world to see. No amount of coverups by the white man's media could cleanse their basic destructive nature and their evil past and the daily drum beating for wars.

The latest, to save his position in the White House, Trump is toying with the dangerous idea of attacking Iran's nuclear facilities. These evil white men have no qualms about attacking other countries, even risking nuclear war that would annihilate human civilisation for good. Now which idiots are still praising the white devils for being peace loving and kind?

The most serious threat to human civilisation and world wars is the evil white men, especially from the Gang of 5 called the 5 eyes countries. These past evil colonial masters are still clinging to what they did best as evil invaders and colonialists, wanting to dominate the control the world for their own well being and inciting and mustering the dumb and stupid to join in the wars of division, exploitation and destruction of coloured people and nations. They want to be the overlord of the Indo Pacific region with the aid of a few regional countries that would betray Asean countries to please the evil white men, to assist the white men into the region.

Luckily, fortunately, the nations of dumb and dead are getting fewer and lesser.  The rest of the world has wised up to see the evil behaviour of the white men. Every war on this planet is started by the white men and fought by the white men against coloured people and the victims are only the coloured people. The stupidity of the coloured people is turning into the stupidity of the white men, thinking that coloured people would forever be stupid and would be easily conned and lied by the white men to do their biddings, to go on to kill other coloured people for the white men.

In a world facing existential problems like climate change and Covid19, the white men are still playing with death and destruction. Instead of cooperating with the rest of the world to face these problems, they have walked out of Paris Accord on climate change, walked out of WHO, walked out of free trade, and continue to recklessly and irresponsibly spreading the deadly Covid19 virus to the rest of the world. The combined infected cases of Covid19 among the white men could be as high as 50m or more at current count, as many are not tested, not counted, not reported. These are the spreaders of this deadly virus to the rest of the world. And no one dares to ban them from entering their country.

While the stupid white men think they are invincible, immuned to the virus and would survive, they would be rudely reminded that this virus is not going to spare them and would bring an end to white supremacy and the white race, if they go unheeded to the virulence of the virus.

No amount of white lies and threats would the rest of the world be cowed and frightened by the white men to go about killing themselves at the agitation and provocation of the white men. The white men can go and kill themselves, fight their own wars among themselves but leave the coloured people alone in peace. Let the virus do the necessary to wipe out the lying and hypocritical evil white men for the good of human kind.

No more white lies, no more white wars and no more whitewashing og white cruelties and white crimes against humanity.


'On 9 November 1938 Nazi SA paramilitaries and some ordinary Germans unleashed a campaign of violence against Jews.  

Across two nights, scores of Jews were killed, hundreds of synagogues burned and thousands of businesses trashed and looted while authorities stood by and watched. Some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and taken to concentration camps.

The November pogroms became known as the "Night of Broken Glass" due to the shards of broken glass that littered streets in several towns and cities across the country. The violence, orchestrated by Nazi propagandist Joeseph Goebbels, acted as the catalyst for the Holocaust. Some six million Jews were murdered in the genocide.' The Independent 

Don't forget the 100m native Americans that were genocided by the white Europeans....and the Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Arabs, Afghans, Africans, Mexicans, Latin Americans, Pinoys, Indians, Pacific Islanders, Asians etc etc


End days for Singapore social media


TR Emeritus on semi-hiatus

Please be informed that we will be putting TR Emeritus (TRE) on semi-hiatus status effective immediately, after consulting with the owner and our techie (who has been with TRE for over a decade).

What this means is that articles from contributors, readers and those who have given blanket permission will continue to be published on TRE, but there will be no editorials during this period, unless it is absolutely necessary. Readers can continue to comment on these articles as per normal.


The above is the latest development in social media in Singapore.  TRE is by far the biggest or second biggest in Singapore covering local social and political issues.  When TRE is down and out, the only one left would be TOC. It's editor Terry Xu is dated by Sue and kept very busy and under intense pressure due to the courtship.. 

Should Terry throw in the towel, TOC would be another closed chapter in history, leaving a beleaguered TRE limping along.

Look at the column on the left of this blog and you will see many of the earlier blogs and sites that are now history.  Blocked, banned etc etc. Think ASS or All Singaporean Stuff is being blocked.  Cannot access anymore.

Wondering when mysingaporenews would suffer the same fate. If TRE also goes the way of the dodo bird, then it would be the end of meaningful social media in Singapore except for those writing about food, pets and fashion. Yes, we have freedom of expression. Maybe by then I should also be writing about pets and wildlife.


War crimes committed by Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan - exposed after 20 years

Australia announced the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate alleged war crimes by Australian special forces in Afghanistan on Thursday after media uncovered evidence of civilians and prisoners being killed....appointed the prosecutor to deal with the issue domestically and forestall any move by the International Criminal Court.

Since then, a series of often-harrowing reports have emerged about the conduct of Australia's elite special forces units -- ranging from a prisoner being shot dead to save space in a helicopter to the killing of a six-year-old child in a house raid....

That probe identified 55 separate incidents, most relating to the unlawful killings of "persons who were non-combatants or were no longer combatants" as well as "cruel treatment"....

The matter first came to public attention in 2017 when public broadcaster ABC published the so-called "Afghan files", which alleged Australian troops had killed unarmed men and children in Afghanistan. Yahoo News

These reported crimes were only skimming the surface of many more war crimes that went unreported. And these were committed by the Australians.  How many more were committed by the 'angelic' American soldiers that went unreported while Pompeo threatened to sanction and blacklist anyone that dared to investigate and persecute American war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria or anywhere else.

The hypocrisy and cruelties of the white men in the conduct of their illegal wars against the Muslims and Arabs have always gone unreported or under reported by the western media. They only report war crimes of other countries and painted themselves as angels, flawless and clean to a fault.

Would anyone in the UN dare to breathe a word about American war crimes in all the theatres of wars where American and allied soldiers were fighting? Only a few righteous and guilt conscious Americans would dare to stand up to make a case but mostly would be thumped down and silenced.

When the curtain falls on the evil Empire, one by one would be taken to task in the International Criminal Court to face their crimes against humanity. Let's start with the Australians and see how they whitewash this exercise to cover up the crimes of their Special Forces by going through the motion.


Singapore Today: The Faultless Human Errors

It has been proudly, gloriously and openly reported in the news that about 3,000 public service officers, both past and present, have been short-changed for a total of about $10 million because of HUMAN ERRORS.

"About 3,000 public service officers past and present will be compensated with a total of around S$10 million after errors were found in the Civil Service’s human resource (HR) records, the Public Service Division (PSD) said on Wednesday (Nov 18).

“The errors arose primarily because of human errors in data entry and coding of the HR and payroll IT systems,” PSD said. “The IT systems also had inadequate error detection capabilities.”

Isn't this is a clear, distinct and outstanding example of carelessness, incompetence and complacency?

Some top people are very fond of saying, "If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys." According Mrs Goh Chok Tong's standard, one peanut is equivalent to $60,000. Then what we get when ministers and top civil servants are paid 20 to 30 peanuts?

You are bound to get very lazy monkeys, because they have been too well fed. They over-eat the peanuts and grow so fat until they become huge orang-utans. So much so they can't move easily, become not agile anymore. Ultimately, complacency and incompetence set in, over the long years of service, and long years in power.

In the past, especially during the very strict, no-nonsense LKY-GKS Administration, we very seldom heard of HUMAN ERRORS being glorified as an excuse for big cock-ups like this one. Why?

Because heads would roll the moment the slightest display of complacency or incompetence
is uncovered. Not the lower rungs' heads. But the head who sits right at the top of the ministry or statutory board.

Basically, what does Human Errors mean? Isn't it as good as saying some human beings have been careless?

What causes carelessness? Isn't it caused by complacency?

What causes complacency? Isn't it due to incompetence?

What causes incompetence? Is it because of having been promoted to the level of incompetence, coupled with too much pay? Too-good-to-be-true type of pay? Instant millionaire pay? Out-of-this-world pay? Unconscionable pay?

Nobody is to be blamed. Cannot blame the humans who have HUMAN ERRORS because nobody is perfect. Everyone is bound to make mistakes. Everyone is entitled to make mistakes, especially when you are part of the Elite Entitlement Culture (EEC). So now blame who/what?

Hey, presto! Blame it on the IT system! Machines cannot fight back. So easy and convenient. Who don't know? But, but, but wait a minute. WHO approved the lousy, cock-up, blame-worthy IT system in the first place?

The IT System is not good enough because the person or committee that approved the IT System is not good enough. Simple as that. He/she/they are prone to HUMAN ERRORS. He/she/they have HUMAN ERRORS!

All civil servants are ENTITLED TO HAVE HUMAN ERRORS. So cannot fault them. It is not their fault that they have become so complacent, so careless, so incompetent that they now possess full of HUMAN ERRORS. It is because they have been paid out of this world unconscionable $million salaries to reach Multi-millionaire Status easily that they now take things easy so that they have so many Human Errors. It is not their fault that they are paid such obscene salary. Somebody else volunteered to pay them such obscene salary, plus even more obscene annual bonuses.

HUMAN ERRORS are faultless. It is honest mistakes because there is no such thing as dishonest mistake. If it is dishonest, the it cannot be mistakes; it would be deliberate, premeditated manipulations. Simple as that.

Is that loud and clear?