Jag Singh
2 weeks ago
Regarding Ladakh conflict, PM Modi already admitted at his congress speech on Jun 19, 2020 that China did not enter into territories of India but Indian soldiers entered territories of China in Jun. That is why in June Indian soldiers were beaten by China soldiers (about 23 Indian soldiers fell into the river so died of coldness). India invaded China's territories so started the conflict. This was the truth.
In the same way as the Americans spreading wild and baseless lies against China as expansionist and aggressive to stoke hate against China and Chinese, and using it as an excuse to smear China and incite fear of China, India is copying the same trick to smear China to cover its aggressive nature and intent to covet Chinese land. By pointing an accusing finger at China, the Indians took the opportunity to send more troops and tanks into the border area, attacking Chinese positions when China did nothing and said nothing.
The cockiness and aggressive Indians are best manifested by a stupid and brazen colonel marching into a Chinese camp, tore down the tents and burnt them. Can you believe that? What was this Indian colonel thinking inside his head? Behaving like English raj roughing up Chinese soldiers as if they were Indian subjects? This led to a brawl and many of the Indian soldiers were chased into the nearby freezing river. They eventually died of cold, including the arrogant Indian colonel. And despite such hostile behaviour on their part, they, like Trump, just spread lies about China as aggressive and wanting to conquer India. As I said before, why would China want to invade this piece of shit land to invite more trouble? What is there in India that is worthy of invading when such an act would end up in endless warfare? China has enough land and does not need another inch of Indian soil. It is the Indians that think whatever the British rajs took from China during the height of the British Empire must also belong to India. They knew and the whole world knew that the British simply wrote away Chinese land as part of the British Empire when China was weak and powerless to object or to fight back.
The intent of the Indians were crystal clear. Such lies and allegations were just an excuse to cover their ambitious and aggressive designs. Their grand plan is not only about taking over Chinese land, also about making Nepal and Tibet their protectorates. And this is not all, think of the concept of Pax Indo-Pacifica. India thinks and wants to be a super power and think of a hegemonic empire with the US over the whole region from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
India is now actively courting Japan, Australia and the USA to formalise a military alliance through the Quad. It regards itself as an equal partner among the four nations to rule the Indo Pacific region or Pax Indo-Pacifica.
In pushing for this ambitious goal of regional hegemony, India totally ignores the existence of the Asean states. It sees itself as a big power and in collaboration with the US, Japan and Australia, the Indian will rule the two oceans, not just the Indian Ocean. Indians have no respect for the Asean states, thinking and behaving like a big power.
Where would this put the Asean states? Asean, with big brother Indonesia, have been very quiet about the ambitious Quad hegemony, the new Imperial power to rule over them. Would Asean welcome a new military alliance as the regional power in the region, the heartland of Asean states? Did the Quad members ever consider the interest and feelings of the Asean states and whether Asean states would welcome the new overlord meekly and submissively?
What audacity for India to want to be the hegemonic power of the Indo Pacific region and inviting the Americans, Japanese and Australians to lord over the Asean states? The Indians are drunk by their deluded sense of greatness and completely ignore the existence and sensitivity of the Asean states and the Asean people as if they don't exist or did not matter.
PS. Happy Deepavali to Indian brothers and sisters.