GE2020 - Confirmation of a Singapore miracle
The results of the election were rather expected with the PAP continued to dominate the Parliament with a near clean sweep but slightly lower percentage of popular votes, at about 61%. The only upset was the lost of Sengkang GRC in addition to the Hougang Aljunied and Hougang SMC to WP. WP has now strengthened its presence in Parliament with 10 elected MPs.
Cheng Bock's last minute new PSP could be considered as doing fairly well though unable to clinch any victory. He and his teams managed respectable votes in the 40 percentiles. His home coming did not materialised and Singapore would have to bear with the inconvenience of having F1 races roaring around Marina Bay with Iswaran retaining his seat.
SDP's gambit failed again. Both Chee Soon Juan and Paul Tambyah did quite respectably in the 40 percentiles with Chee gaining a few more points than his last attempt against Murali.
All said and done, PAP is still ruling supreme as the ruling party and will continue to rule Singapore for another term and perhaps in perpetuity. This is Singapore's miracle confirmed over time, that a political party would continue to win and form the govt of a country, with no meaningful contest from the opposition parties and all the unpopular policies. Singapore belongs to this miracle forever. The PAP is probably the only man made miracle in politics that the democratic world has never seen or known.
Despite all the cursing and anger about the CPF, about the unfair CECA treaty, about high cost of living, lost of jobs, unemployment, underemployment and foreigners gaining a bigger foothold in the country, and a country on a trend of being taken over by foreigners, the people still voted for PAP for more pain and seething angers on the way.
Well, they asked for it, they asked for more of PAP. Say goodbye to their CPF and good jobs while more foreign talents are waiting to be invited in to replace them and their children. Hope they don't just lose their jobs and later their country to the foreigners. The blank cheque has been handed out to the PAP to do as it pleases.
For those thinking of getting a car, do it fast before COE hits their past highs. Go celebrate more good years under the PAP.
Covid19 - Why no ban on Americans? Lock down the USA!
'The United States recorded 55,000 new coronavirus cases in 24 hours Wednesday, a tally by Johns Hopkins University showed, bringing its total to 3,046,351 recorded infections since the pandemic began.
The country, the hardest-hit in the world, had earlier Wednesday passed the grim milestone of three million infections. The actual number is likely far higher due to issues over getting tested in March and April.
The US also added an additional 833 virus deaths, bringing the death toll to 132,195, the Baltimore-based institution showed at 8:30 pm (0030 GMT Thursday).' From www.theindependent.sg
When China was first hit by Covid19, and when the cases were soaring but only 20,000, long before it reached 80,000, many countries were losing no time to shut out Chinese visitors to their countries. Now there are more than 3m Americans infected and the number is likely to be 10 times higher, why is it that no country is putting a ban on Americans entering their country When New York is putting Americans from other states under mandatory quarantine? The Europeans are considering but still not banning Americans from entering Europe? Is it that the virus in the Americans is less dangerous or it is because the virus in them are white in colour?
The Americans are the most dangerous people travelling around and spreading the virus. The world must slammed their doors on Americans. They should not be allowed to move out of this diseased country, their homeland. They should be locked down to protect and save the rest of the world. Countries of the world must also stop their citizens visiting the USA.
WHO should issue a decree to ban Americans from travelling abroad and banning entry to the USA. This is not racism, not anti Americans. This is a health hazard. The Americans are spreading the virus everywhere they go. Stop them, Stop the Americans.
Bolton - Trump begged Xi for help
Navarro told CNN's State of the Union program that the explosive allegation made in a book by former national security adviser John Bolton was "just silly" given how tough Trump had been on China and its unfair trade practices.
"I never heard that. I was in the room," Navarro said, echoing remarks by US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer last week. Reuters
The hottest news in John Bolton's book on Trump is that the clown President begged Xi for help in winning his presidential election. This act is treason and punishable by execution or lynching if a black man would to do it.
Did Trump said that? The above comments by his cronies, equally evil and untrustworthy men in the White House, said no. Bolton at that time was the hottest property in the White House, scheming with Trump in all his wicked deals, his right hand man, the man closest to Trump, said so.
Someone must be telling the truth, someone must be lying. White men don't lie, they only lie, cheat and steal, according to Pompeo. Pompeo, according to Bolton, slipped the latter a piece of note saying Trump is full of shit. True, or another lie? That's what he said of his boss, Trump behind his back.
The truth is that all these evil men are lying by the skin of their teeth. Everyone one of them is a liar, cannot be trusted. They are the most dangerous man in the Evil American Empire.
GE2020 - 13 funny questions by SSO
GE2020 - Taking Stock: Questioning PAP's Actions
1. Why did Lee Hsien Loong said that Singapore belongs to everyone, including foreigners who work or stay here? Does he not know that Singapore rightfully, legally, constitutionally belongs to Singaporeans. Was he so sick in the mind, perhaps affected by his failing health, that he has lost his mental balance to say things correctly in public? Or was his statement a slip of his tongue? Whatever reason/s he may have, the fact remains that pro-foreigners policies and activities are still in place and being promoted openly and relentlessly.
2. Why did Chan Chun Sing disparaged Singaporeans in general, behind closed doors during a secret meeting with business people, as SHIA SUAY, meaning DISGRACEFUL? How can such a rude, I'll-disciplined and unbecoming person be our leader, let alone holding the position of a Minister? Did he think that Singapore belongs to him and his elitist gang and we fellow Singaporeans are merely his slaves and therefore there is no decency to show respect to Singaporeans?
3. Why is CECA signed, upheld and promoted, against the interests and will of Singaporeans, in order to benefit Indians from India? Who in Singapore benefited from CECA? Is it only GIC and Temasek Holdings having special access for investing in India at the expense of Singaporeans losing the top and middle management jobs to CECA Indians without quota limitations?
4. Why is the People's Association and its grassroots organizations supporting only the People's Action Party's activities instead of supporting all political parties? Is the People's Association an appendage to the People's Action Party or is it one of the national statutory boards that belongs to all Singaporeans and should support all Singaporeans?
5. Why must the Elections Department come under the command and control of the Secretary-General of the People's Action Party, istead of under the Judiciary, or rightfully as an Independent Body?
6. Likewise, why is the CPIB under the command and control of the Secretary-General of the People's Action Party, instead of under the Judiciary or an Independent Body?
7. Why are foreigners (Permanent Residents) allowed to buy HDB flats? HDB flats should be only for Singaporeans, for obvious reasons, is it not?
8. Why did the PAP abolished the Estate Duties? Thereby, relieving the rich from paying tax and the need to report fully how and where their wealth come from?
9. Why did the present PAP Elites handled the COVID-19 Pandemic so badly? Even up till now, six to seven months after the outbreak, there are still at least 100-300 infections per day? Why are they so incompetent? Is it because too much pay makes complacency sets into the heads of millionaire ministers-almighty?
13. Where is the need to vote for PAP's MPs when they absent themselves from Parliament Sessions or fall asleep during Parliamentary Debates, or failed to raise questions that concern Singaporeans and their constituents?
GE2020 - Who believes in Singaporeans First Policy?
Below is an article by Kimberly Anne on the debate between Tan Cheng Bock defending the Singaporean First Policy against LKY and George Yeo. Read it and ask yourself who is for Singaporeans and who for foreigners, and who were/are those that opposed looking after Singaporeans first. To think that they would trade Singaporeans for foreigners underlies the arrogant belief that they were the super smart ones, could remain high up there while the loser Singaporeans can go to hell.
After reading the article and knowing the truth I almost peng san. Unbelieveable that people can be so ungrateful to Singaporeans. You vote for them right?
GE2020: PSP's Tan Cheng Bock recalls how Lee Kuan Yew shot down his wish to put Singaporeans first
Progress Singapore Party (PSP) chief Tan Cheng Bock may have been shot down by founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew but he's still standing his ground and touting his "Singaporeans first" approach.
Dr Tan, who was formerly a member of the People's Action Party (PAP) and served as MP for Ayer Rajah SMC from 1980 to 2006, reminisced his days in Parliament during a PSP e-rally on July 6, recalling what he described as a "difficult period".
He had first floated the "Singaporeans first" idea in 1999 in the wake of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, but it was not well-received.
"So I went to the House. And I remember when I first said that we should think Singaporeans first, I was actually taken to task.
George Yeo, who was then Minister for Trade and Industry, had also debated with him on the issue in Parliament and told him that he was sending the wrong signals to foreigners, Dr Tan said.
"But I said, 'No, you are sending the wrong signal to our people.'
The "Singaporeans first" approach remains a key focus in the policies put forth by PSP, such as their push for job priority for Singaporeans and for a quota on the number of Employment Passes introduced by the government.