This is a damning and enlightening article about this Covid19 pandemic and about who is the actual owner of the Wuhan Lab, George Soros. This part needs to be verified. It also touched on how Bill Gates and Dr Fauci were using this lab to conduct their experiment on coronavirus that was prohibited in the US. The picture gets clearer and dirtier with all the fingers pointing to you know who as the culprit behind this pandemic.
War "Talk" Against China is Crazy --- and Unjustified

By Anna Von Reitz
We have heard sabers rattling and all sorts of bombast against China coming from all sorts of sources and it needs to stop.
Number One Reason?
The Wuhan Bio-Tech Lab where all
this started is owned by George Soros, a citizen of the United States.
Not a Chinese lab at all, even though Chinese scientists were working
Number Two Reason?
The "feedstock" for the development
of the chimera strain corona virus also came from the US, and was most
likely donated or sold into the development project by Dr. Anthony
Fauci. The virus has HIV splices of genetic coding allowing it to
produce Glycoprotein 120, which has been Fauci's "baby" since the
Number Three Reason?
In 2014, the US stopped development
of chimera viruses. In 2015, Fauci diverted almost $4 million in NIH
research funding to George Soros's Wuhan facility so the Chinese could
continue development --- Fauci evaded US Law and misappropriated funds
to do it..
Number Four Reason?
Dr. Charles Lieber, a leading
biological nanotech researcher and head of one of Harvard University's
science programs was also deeply involved along with Chinese Grad
Students. If anything, it looks like the Chinese were being
manipulated by these schmucks who were finagling to keep on researching
and developing bioweapons that they stood to profit from. When they
could no longer do it here, they moved to China. This was a US Project
that got moved to China, not a Chinese Project.
Number Five Reason?
The first person to develop symptoms of "Covid 19" was a non-Com from Fort Detrick.
Number Six Reason?
This was obviously a set up with
Bill Gates, WHO, the World Bank, and other investors and vaccine
manufacturers. Gates has heavily invested in virus development and
vaccine factories, both. He and Fauci are pals. Both stand to make
huge fortunes and gain immense political power if they can pull this
scam off. WHO is obviously complicit. What kind of scientific or
medical organization declares a pandemic based on 150 cases, and on top
of it, fails to initiate any clinical process to identify the specific
pathogen? The World Bank is also obviously complicit -- inviting
investors to put their money into "Pandemic Bonds" just in time to
collect on a staged pandemic.
Number Seven Reason?
This whole thing was hardly hitting
the news before "the US, Inc." was in court, finagling and accusing
China of being liable for all the economic damages caused by this phony
pandemic, and that amount being sought just happened to be almost
exactly the same as the US-China Trade Deficit. Read that, the pikers
caused this problem, blamed it on China, and have been trying to force
China to pay them "reparations" for the damage they caused to everyone
Number Eight Reason?
Almost simultaneously, the new
British 20 Pound Note was issued by the Government of Westminster,
showing a cheesey photograph of the Queen and --- wonder of wonders ----
a holograph of a 5G tower,and right above it, the laboratory symbol for
the corona virus. The perky bastards fully admitted that they were the
cause of the problem and the 5G connection, too, right there in front
of God and everyone, in language nobody could miss or misunderstand.
They took credit for it. So why on Earth is anyone looking elsewhere?
Number Nine Reason?
What did the Chinese gain?
Nothing. They lost lives. They lost trade. They lost support from
their own people. What did "the US" gain? A fleeting excuse to
back-charge China for a well-earned Trade Deficit. China is THEIR
creditor, not ours. And we've made it clear that we are not paying their
debts for them. Now we have to make it clear that we aren't going to
war for them, either.
Number Ten Reason?
The Americans and the Chinese, both,
are owed a whopping large amount of credit back from "the United
States"---- which owes us somewhere around $25 trillion as unpaid
"National Credit" and owes China nearly that much as an unpaid Trade
The Pikers cannot or will not pay
their debts or deal honestly about the circumstance, so they planned
first to attack and kill us via a civil war. That plan was exposed and
defeated, so now the weasels want to find an excuse to kill their other
Creditors, the Chinese, ---- and get us to do it for them.
This is all about the US, Inc. and
the USA, Inc. not paying their debts, and then plotting to strong-arm
racketeer or murder their creditors ---and both the American People and
the Chinese People have been in the cross-hairs for this malarky.
The Chinese have, with 99%
certainty, been targeted both as: (1) potential collaborators, and (2)
victims of a giant con scheme designed to--- one way or another--- erase
"the US" Trade Deficit with China.
China had nothing to gain from
dirtying itself by unleashing a bioweapon attack on the rest of the
world. That would be shooting its customers in the foot. No, China had
nothing to gain --- but the US and its British Siphons in Westminster
stood to gain, and so did WHO and the World Bank and Dr. Anthony Fauci
and Bill Gates and Bayer, Inc., and CDC (which is a private vaccine
manufacturer), and George Soros and all the Dem Deep Staters could hope
to blame all this on Donald Trump.
Simple enough.
We know who did this. We know why.
There is no big mystery here. There's just a failure to own up and
face facts. It's easier to blame people who are innocent but different
from us, than to face down the monster we have allowed to inhabit our
own shores, walk down our streets, and sleep in our beds.
If Americans go to war over any of
this, we aren't going to march on Shanghai. Oh, no. And we won't be
tricked into bombing Berlin, either.
The above article is reproduced from