
Pleading for the PAP to understand the high cost of living

'"The PAP government has to understand that as living costs have increased, the burden on ordinary Singaporeans has become crushing."

People’s Voice Party (PVP) chief Lim Tean took to his Facebook on Monday (15 June) sharing a video of a pre-school teacher voicing out against Singapore’s high cost of living and low wages that are crushing the young families in the country.

Vig Ramachandran, a pre-school teacher for 12 years, said in the video that many young Singaporean families are struggling with the high cost of living as they need to support their while coping to the high financial commitment of household expenses, childcare and education fees, HDB mortgage, as well as the rising GST and elderly parents’ hospital bills.'

The above is from TOC in an article by S Ling on the high cost of living and how the low wage families are struggling to keep up with.

To me and to many Singaporeans, this is understandable as the average Singaporeans are all affected by the high cost of living, not just about school fees. Many Singaporeans are living from pay check to pay check and with 60 per cent having enough just to tie over 6 months if they lose their income.  Any time longer they will be in deep trouble.

Is this so difficult to understand? It is very difficult to understand if you are a millionaire or earning millions annually. With such income, what is a few thousand dollars or a few hundred dollars? People living in this ethereal level of existence enjoy a very different kind of lifestyle.  Pardon me, you mean got poor people in Singapore? Don't ever bother them with a few dollar type of problems. It is very irritating to think that people can call it a problem over a few dollars, a few hundred dollars or a few thousand dollars when a meal could be a few hundred or a few thousand dollars.

Excuse me, what was the question again? Oh, 'The PAP government has to understand that as living costs have increased, the burden on ordinary Singaporeans has become crushing'. What living cost? Heard of Swiss standard of living? Peasants and their problems are their problems.  A cooking class in Paris cost how much? $70,000 only mah. I got so much money dunno what to do so go Paris look see look see. can or not?

Hey hoi polloi, buck up and work harder if you want to live better, and don't bother me with such minuscule problems. We have bigger problems to understand, problems that involved millions and millions of dollars, not mundane a few dollar type of problems.

Understand? You want multi millionaires to understand your cost of living problem? They are more concern about getting less than a million and affecting their lifestyle.


Covid19 - A damning article about American conspiracy to wipe its debt owing to China

This is a damning and enlightening article about this Covid19 pandemic and about who is the actual owner of the Wuhan Lab, George Soros. This part needs to be verified. It also touched on how Bill Gates and Dr Fauci were using this lab to conduct their experiment on coronavirus that was prohibited in the US.  The picture gets clearer and dirtier with all the fingers pointing to you know who as the culprit behind this pandemic. 

Saturday, April 18, 2020

War "Talk" Against China is Crazy --- and Unjustified

By Anna Von Reitz

We have heard sabers rattling and all sorts of bombast against China coming from all sorts of sources and it needs to stop. 

Number One Reason? 

The Wuhan Bio-Tech Lab where all this started is owned by George Soros, a citizen of the United States.  Not a Chinese lab at all, even though Chinese scientists were working there. 

Number Two Reason? 

The "feedstock" for the development of the chimera strain corona virus also came from the US, and was most likely donated or sold into the development project by Dr. Anthony Fauci. The virus has HIV splices of genetic coding allowing it to produce Glycoprotein 120, which has been Fauci's "baby" since the 1980's.  

Number Three Reason? 

In 2014, the US stopped development of chimera viruses.  In 2015, Fauci diverted almost $4 million in NIH research funding to George Soros's Wuhan facility so the Chinese could continue development --- Fauci evaded US Law and misappropriated funds to do it.. 

Number Four Reason? 

Dr. Charles Lieber, a leading biological nanotech researcher and head of one of Harvard University's science programs was also deeply involved along with Chinese Grad Students.  If anything, it looks like the Chinese were  being manipulated by these schmucks who were finagling to keep on researching and developing bioweapons that they stood to profit from. When they could no longer do it here, they moved to China. This was a US Project that got moved to China, not a Chinese Project. 

Number Five Reason? 

The first person to develop symptoms of  "Covid 19" was a non-Com from Fort Detrick.  

Number Six Reason? 

This was obviously a set up with Bill Gates, WHO, the World Bank, and other investors and vaccine manufacturers.  Gates has heavily invested in virus development and vaccine factories, both.  He and Fauci are pals.  Both stand to make huge fortunes and gain immense political power if they can pull this scam off.  WHO is obviously complicit.  What kind of scientific or medical organization declares a pandemic based on 150 cases, and on top of it, fails to initiate any clinical process to identify the specific pathogen?  The World Bank is also obviously complicit -- inviting investors to put their money into  "Pandemic Bonds" just in time to collect on a staged pandemic.  

Number Seven Reason? 

This whole thing was hardly hitting the news before "the US, Inc." was in court, finagling and accusing China of being liable for all the economic damages caused by this phony pandemic, and that amount being sought just happened to be almost exactly the same as the US-China Trade Deficit.   Read that, the pikers caused this problem, blamed it on China, and have been trying to force China to pay them "reparations" for the damage they caused to everyone concerned.  

Number Eight Reason? 

Almost simultaneously, the new British 20 Pound Note was issued by the Government of Westminster, showing a cheesey photograph of the Queen and --- wonder of wonders ---- a holograph of a 5G tower,and right above it, the laboratory symbol for the corona virus.  The perky bastards fully admitted that they were the cause of the problem and the 5G connection, too, right there in front of God and everyone, in language nobody could miss or misunderstand.  They took credit for it.  So why on Earth is anyone looking elsewhere?  

Number Nine Reason? 

What did the Chinese gain?  Nothing.  They lost lives.  They lost trade.  They lost support from their own people.    What did "the US" gain?  A fleeting excuse to back-charge China for a well-earned Trade Deficit.  China is THEIR creditor, not ours. And we've made it clear that we are not paying their debts for them. Now we have to make it clear that we aren't going to war for them, either. 

Number Ten Reason? 

The Americans and the Chinese, both, are owed a whopping large amount of credit back from "the United States"---- which owes us somewhere around $25 trillion as unpaid "National Credit" and owes China nearly that much as an unpaid Trade Deficit. 

The Pikers cannot or will not pay their debts or deal honestly about the circumstance, so they planned first to attack and kill us via a civil war.  That plan was exposed and defeated, so now the weasels want to find an excuse to kill their other Creditors, the Chinese, ---- and get us to do it for them.

This is all about the US, Inc. and the USA, Inc. not paying their debts, and then plotting to strong-arm racketeer or murder their creditors ---and both the American People and the Chinese People have been in the cross-hairs for this malarky. 


The Chinese have, with 99% certainty, been targeted both as: (1) potential collaborators, and (2) victims of a giant con scheme designed to--- one way or another--- erase "the US" Trade Deficit with China. 

China had nothing to gain from dirtying itself by unleashing a bioweapon attack on the rest of the world.  That would be shooting its customers in the foot.  No, China had nothing to gain --- but the US and its British Siphons in Westminster stood to gain, and so did WHO and the World Bank and Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates and Bayer, Inc., and CDC (which is a private vaccine manufacturer), and George Soros and all the Dem Deep Staters could hope to blame all this on Donald Trump.  

Simple enough. 

We know who did this.  We know why.  There is no big mystery here.  There's just a failure to own up and face facts. It's easier to blame people who are innocent but different from us, than to face down the monster we have allowed to inhabit our own shores, walk down our streets, and sleep in our beds. 

If Americans go to war over any of this, we aren't going to march on Shanghai. Oh, no.  And we won't be tricked into bombing Berlin, either. 

The above article is reproduced from http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/04/war-talk-against-china-is-crazy-and.html


Sino Indian border brawl or ambush - A piece of rubbish reporting

Brutal details emerge of India soldier 'ambush' on contested border with China as Modi tries to calm tension.  Joe Wallen, The Telegraph.

As the sun began to set over the Himalayan peaks, Colonel Santosh Babu and his unarmed platoon of 50 Indian soldiers on Monday set off on a patrol across the strategically crucial Galwan Valley in Ladakh.

Their mission was probably the most important in recent Indian history - to ascertain whether Chinese troops had withdrawn, as per an agreement between senior army officers from the two nations, from territory which had previously been administered by India for decades.

Instead, to their surprise, what Colonel Babu's men found were temporary Chinese all-weather tents and roughly enemy 100 soldiers waiting at a location called Patrolling Point 14.

Despite being outnumbered, the Indian soldiers confronted the Chinese troops.  Some started to remove the tents, sparking a long and brutal man-to-man brawl that has brought the two superpowers to the brink of war. ...

“Just when the Indian soldiers, who were on patrol started removing Chinese tents and material, it evoked a violent response from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)”.

As the fight continued, both sides called for reinforcements but Chinese troops again significantly outnumbered those on the Indian side, allegedly 500 to 100....

Indian Army sources told the Telegraph that 23 troops are now confirmed to have died but casualties will significantly rise, with 110 soldiers injured and  more troops still missing....

The Indian sources say China suffered 35 casualties during the clash, quoting U.S intelligence material, a development Beijing said it wasn’t aware of.

The above is the most unprofessional piece of reporting with hazy and garbled facts and fuzzy numbers. How did the reporter gathered these facts? From slippery tongue witnesses of course. Now wonder all the facts were so funny and illogical and the numbers as good as guess work.

Read this, the 50 Indian soldiers were on a survey mission. But they ended up removing the tents of Chinese soldiers while being outnumbered. How arrogant to start such an aggressive act, to walk into Chinese camp to remove the tents of soldiers of another country. Who did these Indian soldiers think they were? Such hostile acts would definitely invite retaliation from the Chinese side. And the Indian news all over are still claiming that they were provoked by Chinese soldiers. Isn't it clear who were the aggressors?  In this report the heading was 'ambush'. What utter rubbish!  Does the reporter know the meaning of ambush?

And look at the numbers, 50 Indian soldiers provoking 100 Chinese soldiers.  Though both called for reinforcement, with claims that there were 500 Chinese soldiers to 100 Indian soldiers, and only 23 Indian casualties against 35 Chinese casualties.  The numbers gets more confusing with the Indians claiming 110 soldiers injured and more are missing. How many more? It seems that this brawl would have involved at least a few hundred soldiers from the Indian side and 5 times more from the Chinese side. That would be around a 1000 men involved in the fight from an initial 50 Indians against 100 Chinese.

And the funny thing, the Indians did not know how many casualties were from the Chinese side but the Americans that were not there were able to provide the number of Chinese casualties. The Americans must be Gods, omniprescience, all knowing. And the Indians damn were bloody good fighters, outnumbered 500 to 100 but able to inflict more casualties on the Chinese side, and they were ambushed!

Slippery tongues indeed. Talk like real. What is real? Who started the fight or provocation? How come all the great fighting Indians landed up in the river but not the Chinese? Is the reporter saying that the Indian soldiers were all pushed into the river by the Chinese soldiers?

Sino Indian border fist fight

'India and China have never even agreed on the length of their "Line of Actual Control" frontier, and each side uses different frontier proposals made by Britain to China in the 19th century to back their claims....

"China, with its better infrastructure, with its better military capabilities, perhaps thinks that this is the time to push India, to see how far India will go," Pant told AFP.'  CNA

The above is reported in CNA on the recent border scuffle between Indian and Chinese soldiers. 20 Indian soldiers were dead and there were undisclosed casualties on the Chinese side arising from unarmed hand to hand combat between the two sides with no bullets fired. As expected, loud mouth India claimed at least 45 casualties on the Chinese side. Indians always win, like the Americans.

The AFP report is as usual seen from the western eyes, that India and China were using the 19th Century British proposal for negotiation. This is outright false and misinformation. China would never use a map arbitrarily drawn by a mad white man during the British Empire, scrawling whatever he liked as part of the British Empire as a basis for negotiation. China would not accept such nonsense from the British against its national interest. It is the Indians that are using this British so called maps to tell the Chinese that the disputed land belong to India because they think they have inherited the British Empire and whatever the Brits claimed to be part of their Empire.

And there were many instances of India pushing the barrier and crossing into Chinese territories to harass Chinese soldiers. Doklam was a good example of India attacking Chinese construction workers in the name of defending Bhutan's territory. And in this instance it was the Indians building roads into Chinese territory. The cocky and arrogant Indians think that they are more powerful and better equipped to defeat the Chinese soldiers, not like the AFP report above that China was pushing India with its better infrastructure and military capabilities. India is the aggressor, just like the 1962 border war but when got walloped, claimed to be the victim.

China has lost patience with the constant incursions, provocations and harassment of the Indian soldiers and have built up its forces in the region, and ready to take on the Indians if they continue to be reckless and adventurous.

The only way the Indians could win a war with China is a talking war. There is no way the Indian soldiers could match the might and military sophistication of the PLA. The PLA is the only military force that had fought the mighty Americans in a massive conventional war in Korea and won. And this was during a time when the Americans were at the peak of their military power while China was at its weakest, just coming out of a civil war with the KMT and the destruction by the Japanese in WW2.

India could not even win a war with Pakistan but daily telling the world how capable it is and how ready it is to fight and win a war with China. If China could thrash the Americans at its best, with basic small arms against air, naval and heavy artillery weapons from the Americans, what is there in the Indian military to fight against a China today with some of the best weapons and well armed and trained PLA?

The Indians better stop their nonsense and seek a negotiated border settlement with China than craving for another war with China when it would be simply a mismatch of military and economic strength. It would be suicidal for India to even think of launching a war with China.

Make peace and cooperate to grow and prosper with China is the best way out for India...and stop spouting nonsense about how superior India is vis a vis China. A slum country acting and behaving as if it is a super power.  The world is only talking about G2? Anyone heard of G3?


What are Singapore's intangible strengths?


Noting the Future Economy Council, formed in 2017 and led by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, had already been driving such preparations, Mr Chan highlighted the things that set Singapore apart – its intangible strengths.

He noted that while many investors have chosen to locate and expand their businesses in Singapore, this was not based on factors such as the availability of natural resources or cost.

“They chose us because of our strengths, which are not easy to replicate elsewhere. We are open, and connected with the world, we are trusted, we are united and stable as a society, and we have a skilled workforce,” he said.   CNA

Chan Chun Sing is flying Singapore's intangible strengths as the key reason why foreign investors chose to invest here. What then are these intangible strengths of Singapore? In short it is the system and the people. The system is created and developed and maintained by the people, a product of the people, the early Singaporeans, the Pioneer and Merdeka Generations.

What has happened to these generations of hard working and disciplined Singaporeans? They are ageing and passing away, and being replaced by funny and unpredictable third world wildlife that are pretending to be law abiding and hardworking and disciplined workers like our earlier generations. They are very nice....some said.  Just you wait. Just wait till they find their footings and be more familiar and confident of the environment and the timid kiasu, kiasi, kia cheng hu Singaporeans, and then only will their true colours emerged. Wildlife would be wildlife.  That is why they are kept in cages and not allowed to roam free. Even after years in cages, when released, they would return to their wild behaviour at the slightest opportunity.

If these wildlife and third world beans are that good, they would not be here, their countries would be just as good or better than Singapore. To believe that they are the talents to replace our hardworking and disciplined Pioneer and Merdeka generations is foolishness.

Our intangible strength has been compromised and would not be the same again. Remember what LKY said about the tenacity and vigorous of the culture of our early generations? What have they been replaced with, contentious, cheating, racist, lying, back stabbing third world work ethics and culture? Whatever work cultures or values the new wildlife brought with them will determine the intangible strength of Singapore for good or for bad as we go forward. Only the blind would not be able to see the stupidity of it all, like exchanging Singapore dollars for rupees and exclaiming very good and pretending to be happy about it while the smart ones are exchanging their rupees for Singapore dollars.

Is Singapore bringing in the right mix of people to strengthen its social fabric and the work ethics and talent of its workforce, or doing the opposite? What kind of intangible strength is Singapore hoping to develop under this stupid open leg policy for wildlife to come here to replace Singaporeans and calling them talents when they are armed with fake or funny certificates and CVs?