
Another new political party called Red Dot United

In a virtual press conference on 29 May 2020, political veterans Ravi Philemon and Michelle Lee announced the formation of a new political party - Red Dot United. Ravi Philemon and Michelle Lee shared the goals for their party, and explained the need for another credible voice in Singapore's political landscape.

Instead of joining existing parties, Red Dot United was created because there is distinct space in Singapore's political landscape for their party to bring new perspectives, ideas and methods. There is also a need for a party to keep asking hard questions and to seek solutions. With Red Dot United, Singaporeans will therefore have another good choice to consider for future elections.

- More at AllSingaporeStuff.com https://www.allsingaporestuff.com/article/ravi-philemon-and-michelle-lee-form-political-party-red-dot-united

This is another piece of good news for Singaporeans and for democracy. In democracy, the most important element is the right to vote, the freedom to choose your own representative to Parliament. Right to vote is number one, whether the person one voted goes to Parliament is secondary. It would be good if he goes to Parliament, a bonus. If not, never mind, just feel good that one has the right and chance to vote.  

Singaporeans are so lucky, with so many choices of political parties and people standing for election. And so many voices to be heard, inside and outside of Parliament. This is an exemplary form of democracy. The best on earth.We should tell the world we are number one in number of political parties per 100,000 people.

I  think we, all of us in this blog, can also form a political party called Redbeans United.

Our mission should be talking cock about Singapore and International Affairs. We would also be offering an alternative voice to be heard.  The voters also would have another choice to vote for a new party and its candidates. The Singaporeans would be very thankful to have another new political party and more political rallies to attend.

I would encourage all the members of political parties that are not happy with their parties for whatever reasons to resign and form new parties. The more the merrier. And they can all become little Indian chiefs and maybe by a stroke of luck or accident, they can also become millionaire ministers and PM.  The thought of it is so intoxicating, like day dreaming, building castles in the air. Pure entertainment.  Better than viagra.

What do you think?


Satellite images of White House parking lots showed Trump having orgies

(CNN)Satellite images of hospital parking lots in Wuhan, China, as well as internet search trends, suggest the coronavirus may have been spreading in China as early as last August, according to a new study from Harvard Medical School.

The study, which has not yet been peer-viewed, found a significantly higher number of cars in parking lots at five Wuhan hospitals in the late summer and fall of 2019 compared to a year earlier; and an uptick in searches of keywords associated with an infectious disease on China's Baidu search engine.

The reseachers note they can't directly link the traffic volume to the virus; even if there was an increase in traffic to hospitals, it doesn't mean a new virus was the cause. There has been no other evidence to show the virus was circulating in China in the late summer....

Paul Digard, a professor and chair of virology at University of Edinburgh, told the Science Media Center in the UK that using hospital traffic images to detect disease is "an interesting idea with some validity."

"However, it's important to remember that the data are only correlative and (as the authors admit) cannot identify the cause of the uptick," Digard said. "By focusing on hospitals in Wuhan, the acknowledged epicentre of the outbreak, the study forces the correlation."
Following the silly logic of the above report, an increase in the volume of cars in the White House parking lots can also be interpreted as Trump and his gangsters were having wild parties and orgies in the White House. Or at least like the professor Digard said, "an interesting idea with some validity" at best.

For CNN to report this as serious news, for the researchers to publish this as scientific research papers, shows how bankrupt the American media and academia have become. They are grasping at rubbish and shit to put up stupid reports to push their mischievous agenda at all cost and making their readers to believe in them. The readers of such media would only get dumber and dumber if they did not think and allowed themselves to be manipulated and led by the nose by western media.

PS.  Beijing has blasted this report as disinformation. In my view it is typical mischievous American fake news.


F1 - Good riddance

The 2020 Formula One night race in Singapore is reportedly going to be cancelled by organisers, racing publication GPFans reported on June 11, 2020.

This news circulated online comes even before organisers of Singapore's race has made any definitive announcement.

So, pending official confirmation, the last definitive word from the authorities here was that discussions were still being held and the F1 night race could still take place with some conditions attached, but it was difficult to tell what will happen.

Just read the above from mothership.sg.  I hope no silly buggers will cry father and cry mother that this is a big loss. This event should never have started here. It has cost the public so much nuisance, inconvenience and money, in the tune of a few hundred millions. Just because it is OPM does not mean that money should be thrown away so easily and freely.

Hope this will be the end of the story for F1 in Singapore.

Indian talents overseas and their achievements

India has a lot of talents but somehow unable to use them at home to turn India into the next super power and still stuck in the mud as a slum country. Why is this so, why are Indian talents so successful overseas, in USA, UK and in Singapore, but would be unemployed and their skills untapped, unrecognised and unused in India? This is a paradox that only India and Indians could answer.

Let's look at the brighter side of this sub continent. Indians overseas are extremely successful in getting themselves hired and employed in top jobs in Fortune 500 countries. This is no mean feat. No other nationals could do this so successfully except the Indians. The overseas Indians may not have the talents to build up companies and big corporations on their own. Building big and successful companies is not their forte. But talking themselves into the top jobs of big and successful countries is something that overseas Indians are extremely good at. They are even able to convince the white supremacists to hire them to helm their top jobs and many senior management positions. And this phenomenon is not going to stop and would continue to grow and may see many top European and American and even Singaporean companies being taken over by Indian talents and run like Indian companies.

This exceptional talents of the Indians did not stop just at the corporate level and industries. The Indians are also talking their ways into top political jobs in the USA, UK and Canada. The mayor of London is an Indian, the next British PM is likely to be an Indian. Several Indians are in the current British cabinet. The defence minister of Canada is also an Indian. Such successes only show how good and easy for the Indians to penetrate into western establishments, including political offices to become their national leaders.

India must take note of this special achievement of overseas Indians and their ability to take over corporations and even govts. India should make special effort to institutionalise this trend by grooming more Indian talents to go overseas and take over corporations and even govts that are willing to be taken over by them. If the later is successful, India could recolonise Britain and the USA peacefully and become the world's Number One super power without firing a bullet.

Well done India and Indians. But please leave Singapore alone. Taking over Singapore is a piece of cake with many daft Singaporeans not knowing what is happening. Singapore is too small and not worth the effort even if some silly Singaporeans do not mind it being taken over by India and actually wanting this to happen. Let Singaporeans have some air to breath. We do not want to reach the point when 'We can't breath'. Have mercy on the daft Singaporeans, go take over the big countries like the USA, UK and Australia.


CECA is not good for Singapore and Singaporeans

By A J Jennevieve and Misaki Tan posted in theindependent.sg

Singapore — Has CECA, the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement between Singapore and India, benefited the island nation?

This was one of the poll questions at the Progress Singapore Party web seminar on Thursday (June 4) which featured a panel of nine party leaders and members, led by PSP Secretary-General Dr Tan Cheng Bock. The two-hour discussion also touched on the Covid-19 crisis, HDB leases, the performance of Malays in school, CPF funds, retirement adequacy and healthcare costs.
The CECA poll showed that an overwhelming number of the respondents felt that the pact had not been beneficial to Singapore.

CECA guarantees Singapore and India access to each other’s markets and reduces or eliminates tariffs on imports into either country. This lowers the barrier of entry for Singaporean businesses to enter the Indian market and allows Singaporeans to purchase Indian products for cheaper.

However, another dimension of CECA is the increase in foreign workforce numbers, especially employment pass and S pass holders. A part of this number are Indian nationals who fill jobs as professionals, managers, executives, and technicians (PMETs).

The Singapore government has given the assurance  that CECA has been generating wealth for Singaporeans but there is uncertainty about this.

CECA guarantees Singapore and India access to each other’s markets and reduces or eliminates tariffs on imports into either country. This lowers the barrier of entry for Singaporean businesses to enter the Indian market and allows Singaporeans to purchase Indian products for cheaper.

However, another dimension of CECA is the increase in foreign workforce numbers, especially employment pass and S pass holders. A part of this number are Indian nationals who fill jobs as professionals, managers, executives, and technicians (PMETs).

The Singapore government has given the assurance  that CECA has been generating wealth for Singaporeans but there is uncertainty about this....

The above contains a list of questions that Singaporeans are very unhappy about with the CECA. What Singaporeans have been hearing are all the good things about CECA including creating good jobs for Singaporeans.  On the ground everyone knows how many Singaporeans especially the PMETs were sacked and replaced by Indian nationals that are flooding the job markets here. And this is the main reason why Singaporeans are so angry with the CECA. And there is the very serious issues of pollution and harming the environment, a very heavy price to pay. And not to forget, the damages to our social fabric and losing our country to foreigners.

The govt sings one song, the people's chorus did not complement the song, in fact opposes the lyrics of the govt's song. How can the mismatch in perception be explained and for the people to know the true picture? Simple, just provide some statistics that this govt is so clever in doing. Statistics don't lie, so we hope the govt can show the people some statistics like how many Singapore businesses were set up in India and vice versa, and how many Singaporeans have gone to work in India and how many Indians are working in Singapore and how many jobs have the Indian businesses in Singapore created for Singaporeans, never mind, drivers and cleaners also can count. And also how many Indian nationals are employed by the govt, ministries, GLCs and Singaporean companies.

Make these data available and no one can then talk through their asses or be allowed to lie or make false allegations. The data must surely tell the truth and angry Singaporeans can then rest their cases if their perceptions are wrong. Hope these data are not official secrets that cannot be divulged or would take 56 man years to produce.

Boh how siow boh kong.  Would the truth of how good this CECA is to Singapore and Singaporeans be told as it is so that no one needs to be guessing and getting angry for the right or wrong reasons? Or should Singaporeans continue to listen to motherhood statements without facts?