Singapore – A woman, whose comments on Facebook that she was called
“black” when she growing up have annoyed some people, has been strongly
urged not compare the situation in Singapore with that in the United
In response to a post of a man sharing conversations with his daughter regarding discrimination, Ms Marie Sita
that she too was called “black” when she was growing up because of her
skin tone.
“Not only Chinese and Malay but also Chinese teachers” made
fun of her, she said.
She felt that the topic of racism is not talked about enough in
Singapore. “We will no longer be silenced or ignored,” she said and that
the Government “must acknowledge” the issue. She added:
“Indians feel
as discriminated and unjustified as ‘Blacks’ feel in (the) US.”
The only difference between the two countries, she said, is the US
government having no control over its law-enforcers. “In Singapore, it’s
no better from name-calling to job applications,” she added.
Members of the online community, annoyed by the comments, strongly
urged her not to compare the minorities in Singapore with those in the
These are some of the responses to her comments.
The above are from
In Singapore, often the Chinese majority are being attacked and accused of racism. The minorities are so nice, never called Chinese names, and that is why the Chinese never accused the minorities of calling them names and being racists.
Is that true? What to you think? If the Chinese were half as racists as the Americans, you think the minorities would be so bold and wild to attack the Chinese for being racists everyday with the slightest comment, or be cowered in fear like the blacks in the USA?
The govt must step in to stem out these wild allegations by racists pretending to be victims and being hurt for any little things on colours. If this is allowed to continue unchecked, then Singaporeans would have to live with another silly myth that this is a racist country.
Don't we have enough silly myths being perpetuated by the charlatans, ie the myths that foreigners are here to create jobs for Singaporeans, foreigners are talents, foreigners help us to grow our economy, without foreigners we would become a third world country, like them? The truth is that these foreigners would be jobless, unemployed if Singapore did not offer them a job here if they remain in their third world countries. Now because of these silly myths, the foreigners are looking down on Singaporeans, despising Singaporeans, bullying and attacking Singaporeans as if we owe them a living.
Stop all these silly myths and bring back some pride in being Singaporeans and not to be looked down upon by third world low lives.
If the majority keeps on keeping quiet and allowed the racists to attack them freely at the slightest excuses, then the attacks will keep coming at them. Do not take body blows quietly and let them pass. You are only emboldening them to attack you more. Speak out and put a stop to it. Or else like they said, 'see, they never say anything, so it must be true'.