
Remembering Lee Kuan Yew (1923-2015)

The Decisive Factor for National Survival.

hasht In the midst of fighting hashtagthe covid19 hashtagcoronavirus, Singapore remembers this day (23 March) when we grieved and mourned his untimely passing. Lee Kuan Yew is our eternal hashtaginspiration and hashtagmotivation. Lee Kuan Yew's legacy is best remembered by our resilience, unity and tenacity led by his son PM Lee Hsien Loong and his hashtagexceptional hashtagleadership Team.

"He Finished Well" was my Eulogy Tribute 5 years ago - https://lnkd.in/gsW29zP .
Rest in Peace, we are well. Thank you.


War, when China was attacked by Covid19 virus

When Covid19 was secretly sent to Wuhan, China, it was an act of war. When China discovered the seriousness of this deadly and highly infectious virus, the country went on a war footing. Everything was stopped in the path to confront and fight this virus. Cities were locked down, people stopped from moving around, from their normal daily activities. It was a matter of life and death. The Chinese govt knew what was going on and took this very seriously. Nothing is going to stop them from fighting this vicious enemy to kill the Chinese people and cripple its economy. All resources, people, machine, experts etc etc were mustered to corner the enemy and contain it in Wuhan, to be destroyed once and for all.

In less than 3 months, China has defeated this virus.  China has won the first battle of this war. There is no more new cases in China from this virus. Any new cases are from external sources coming into the country from foreigners and Chinese returning home. Now that China has settled the domestic threat from this virus. it is time to take on the enemy behind this attack, on this declaration of war on China and the Chinese people. China will defend its honour and its rights, throw punches against wild and unjustified mischievous allegations and accusations by the vicious racist regime.

China will fight on every front against the enemy. China now has its back covered and can focus all its energy and resources to fight the real enemy against the Chinese people. Though China has not openly named the enemy, everyone knows who the enemy is. It is war going forward from now. Every punch thrown at China would be returned with bigger force. China would go on the offensive.

In the mean time, China is also helping the victims of the same enemy to fight this virus. China is sending medical experts, equipment and whatever that is needed to fight this virus threat. China will take the lead in this fight against the virus and the enemy of the people of the world. The people of the world by now would have found out that the virus originated from the enemy's backyard. The enemy cannot hide anymore.

The people of the world must stand up, stay united to fight this enemy of the world. This enemy is bent on killing a big chunk of the world's population just to dominate and continue to maintain its supremacy as the top dog of the human race. They would stop at nothing to continue to spread more deadly diseases all over the world to reduce the population of the world they deemed to be over populated for their own good.

Would the enemy of the world stand up to be identified? Like it or not, this is World War 3. The people of the world are fighting to survive this virus scourge planted by the enemy of the human race, first in China to kill the Chinese people and then to their enemies. The rest of the world is just collateral damage that they would love to have to complete their mission to reduce the population to 4b people on earth.

People of the world cannot be deceived for too long and all the time. The truth of this Covid19 attack is surfacing daily and the picture is clearer by the day.

One good thing about this virus is that the enemy could not believe that this thing is uncontrollable and what they did to infect others will come back to infect them quicker and worse than they could have ever imagined.

PS. Whoever started this monster, justice will prevail and your crime will be repaid, unkindly if needed. Some may be cheering and patting their backs for crippling the Chinese economy, that they have succeeded and China is now in trouble. Hurray! Laugh, for China could have the last laugh.

How it started was no accident. It was targeted, planned with precise coordination to strike China and the Chinese people at their most vulnerable moment and right in the heart of China. The evil ones are showing their fangs.


Coronavirus: What could the West learn from Asia?

Coronavirus: What could the West learn from Asia? By Helier Cheung - BBC News 21 Mar 20

Below is a precis of an article by Helier Cheung that also appeared in Yahoo News.  While the clown President Trump and his evil men in Washington tried to shift the blame on China for their own failures and incompetence and clowning when China broke the news on 31 Dec 19 to WHO, they could have taken effective measures instead to prevent the spread of the virus to the USA. When this news was reported, there was hardly any cases in the USA. The virus could not have jumped to the USA overnight. The truth was that the virus was all over the USA and other countries but no one was testing them no one knew about them and allowed the virus to spread undetected and uncontrolled. So stop blaming China for your own incompetence and mischief.

Below is Helier Cheung's article in brief.

The number of coronavirus cases in the West is skyrocketing, and countries have announced drastic measures, including school closures and lockdowns.
The outbreak hit many countries in Asia several weeks earlier - and some have been praised for containing the number of infections. For example, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan all kept case numbers relatively low - despite their proximity to mainland China.
What did they do differently - and are there any lessons for other countries?

Lesson 1: Take it seriously - and act quickly

"The UK and US lost an opportunity," says Tikki Pangestu, a former director of research policy at the World Health Organization (WHO). "They had two months from what happened in China, yet there was this perception that 'China is very far away and nothing's going to happen'."

Lesson 2: Make tests extensive, and affordable

Cases in South Korea spiked initially. However, it swiftly developed a test for the virus - and has now tested more than 290,000 people. It conducts about 10,000 tests daily for free.

Lesson 3: Trace and isolate
It's not enough to just test those with symptoms - tracing those with whom they were in contact has been key.
In Singapore, detectives have contact-traced more than 6,000 people - locating individuals with CCTV footage, testing them, and ordering them to self-isolate until their results are clear. In Hong Kong, contact tracing goes back to two days before someone develops symptoms.

Lesson 4: Early social distancing
Social distancing is considered one of the best ways of containing an outbreak.

Lesson 5: Keep the public well informed and on side
"Unless you get the co-operation of the public, your policies may not be adhered to, and enforcement only goes so far," says Prof Pangestu. "The important thing is to show that policies are based on scientific evidence."

Lesson 6: It's also down to individual attitudes
It's far too simplistic to say, as some have, that Asians are more likely to comply with government orders. In Hong Kong, public trust in the government is low - and there have been months of anti-government protests. But, in one of the densest cities in the world, many have voluntarily socially distanced themselves - with some even avoiding Lunar New Year gatherings, the equivalent of skipping Christmas events.

Heng ah, no crooked bridge

The mad rush at the Causeway just before the lockdown of Malaysia was a pathetic sight to behold. Ordinary citizens from both sides of the Causeway scrambling to get back to Singapore for a simple reason, to work and to put food on the table. The jams, the frustration were all worth it if they could get to Singapore in time, never mind the inconvenience, never mind having to lug their luggages and whatever, never mind if they have to walk across the Causeway on foot. It was a great relief for those that made it. For those who could not, Singapore was two weeks away if nothing changes or could be longer.

Many must be very grateful that the Causeway was there to allow them to walk over when the cars and buses could not be of much help. Walking across the Causeway was much faster and convenient than be caught in the massive jam and vehicles crawling at ant speed. Many must be saying thank God they did not have to climb the long and winding crooked bridge that was supposed to replace the Causeway. The height and steep gradient, and the length of the proposed crooked bridge were obstacles that made walking an impossibility even if they wanted to. The crooked bridge if built would be a cruel joke on a time like this when people needed to just walk across the straits.

With this harrowing experience, would anyone still think the crooked bridge was a good idea and would want to revive it when another joker comes to power? Is there something to learn from this difficult experience of the people that needed to cross the straits? Singapore side has a lot to learn on what it is like in an overcrowded island with 5.6m population and whether it is a foolish idea to make this bigger. The Malaysia side would have to ponder if the idea of a crooked bridge should be history, like the idea of a 6.9m population with some crazies saying 10m or 20m also can.

What do you think? Should the people from both sides of the Causeway heave a sigh of big relief that this Covid19 pandemic is a valuable lesson for the megalomaniacs not to push their luck too far. Things can get worse than this.


Covid19 - Trump needs more time/notice to cope with the virus? Complacency or stupidity?

The rest of the world was caught unaware. At least we had some kind of preparation in place, which is why Singapore was so quick to respond in RATIONAL ways.

To the rest of the unprepared world, this is a Black Swan because to them a pandemic was not even on their radar; a true Unknown unknown.

Luck, the human race is quick to learn and pick up the pace once a "real signal" of present danger is detected.

Trump has been criticised for dropping the ball. Not in my calculus. America is a fumbling, bumbling individualistic culture, but they also learn very quickly and have tremendous resources which they can afford to throw at the situation.  By Matilah Singapura

China reported the incident on 31 Dec 19 and followed up with the lockdown of Wuhan, Hubei. When these happened then, there were very few cases outside China.  With the lockdown, the virus in China would not have a chance to get out, and with the 0 new cases in Wuhan today, it shows how effective was the lockdown in Wuhan. Less than 3 months and China was able to contain the virus in China.

The Chinese lockdown gave the world an early warning and bought time for every country to prepare for this. Tedros, head of WHO had been saying this from the very start. But the Americans and the West took no heed. They were smarting at the plight of the Chinese and every day accusing China for starting this virus and lack of transparency. Clown number one, Donald Trump was giggling as if nothing happened and nothing to worry about. Everything was under control in the US and did nothing. Today he is blaming China for being slow in telling the world about the virus. How much time does he need to be called enough time?  This clown and his evil men were laughing and sneering at China's trouble without doing a thing other than making spiteful remarks about China.  See who will have the last laugh.

China isolated and identified this virus for the world to take notice. The virus was all over the world but went unnoticed because no one was testing for it, no one knew about it. There is no chance that this virus could escape from China to spread all over the world in such a short time. There could be a few cases but not all, not the majority of the countries were infected from virus coming from China.

The virus was already there in these countries, especially the USA and Europe. During the crisis in China the Americans and the West were so happy and doing the blame game, that the virus originated from China. Their situation was the same as many countries today that have very few cases. But the more they test the more they will discovere, because the virus is there. The only difference is that they did not know, they did not test.

This virus was prevalent in the USA with many deaths and misdiagnosed as common flu. The Americans have the virus in their stockpile. They used to threaten to use it on Saddam Hussein. Clown Trump and his evil men still stick to their position that the virus came from China and China did not give them enough notice to fight this virus. If you hear what is coming from the USA, they are totally unprepared, did not do anything during the grace period offered by China to do something. They are gravely short of equipment and trained medical stuff to handle this crisis. The same thing is also happening in Europe. It appears not to be serious in many poorer countries not because the virus is not there, but they are not testing, did not have the test kits to do the testing.

The virus is waiting to explode in the USA, in the face of Clown Trump and his evil men and to the American public at large. Stop hiding the fact that the virus originated from ground zero in the USA and blaming on China.

Read this from Yahoo News reported on  20 Mar 20.

The Republican head of the Senate Intelligence Committee dumped stocks and warned donors of a looming disaster in February even as the White House played down the coronavirus threat, US media reported Thursday.

Senator Richard Burr, who receives almost daily briefings from the US intelligence community on threats to the country, himself wrote on the Fox News website on February 7 that the US government was "better prepared than ever" for the COVID-19 virus, assuring Americans that they were well-protected.

But as President Donald Trump repeatedly said the virus would not hit the United States hard, on February 13 Burr and his wife suddenly sold off at least $582,000 and as much as $1.6 million in stocks, according to the ProPublica media group, citing financial filings.

And two weeks after that, on the same day Trump was telling the public that the 15 cases reported could be the US peak, the North Carolina senator told a private gathering of wealthy donors that coronavirus was a threat like the 1918 Spanish Flu, which killed tens of millions, according to National Public Radio.

NPR obtained a recording in which Burr told the donors that they should curtail their travel, 15 days before Trump shocked the country with a ban on arrivals from Europe.

"There's one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history," he said on the recording.

"It is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic."

As the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, Burr receives much of the same daily reporting on threats to the country that the White House gets, and so he would have been apprised of the government's internal predictions.

On February 26, the day before Burr met with donors, Trump assured the American public: "We're going very substantially down, not up" in the number of infected....