
Taiwan is Chinese sovereign territory. It brooks no outside interference especially the US

          Taiwan is an integral part of China. It is part of the Chinese Fujian province. Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs. It brooks no interference from outsiders. If the evil empire, US insists on interfering in Taiwan it will be digging its own grave, for China will make sure to make it pay a deadly price. The evil empire has been interfering with Chinese internal affairs for decades even ever since before the Second World War. It's high time the United States stops its nuisance and provocations or else it will be digging its own graves.

In 1905, Japan took away Taiwan and Liu Chiu Dao or Okinawa as called by the Japanese when China lost the Sino-Japanese war. However, Taiwan was legally returned to China by the United Nations Organisation after the Second World War.

A Chinese Civil War then broke out between the Chinese Communist Party under Chairman Mao Tse-tung and the Kuomintang under Chiang Kai-Shek, a USA lackey, fifth column  and running dog. The civil war lasted from 1946 to mid 1949 when the Kuomintang lost the war and fled to Taiwan with the help of the Americans.China could have liberated Taiwan had not the Evil Empire, USA interfered in the civil war by stationing its Seventh Fleet across the Straits of Taiwan to prevent China from taking Taiwan. Thus through its interference the evil empire was able to stop the ultimate consummation of unification of Taiwan with mainland China. The evil empire then turned Taiwan into a US protectorate territory to prevent China from taking back its own island. However, China is determined to liberate Taiwan sooner or later to bring back the island in unity with the motherland.

In the meantime since 1949, the US had imposed a highly corrupted pro US servile government which had betrayed the Chinese people's interests and sold out the pride and dignity and self-respect of the Chinese people.

After the death of Doctor Sun Yat Sen in 1925,  the Kuomintang under Chiang Kai Shek then  ruled China from 1925 until 1949 when he lost the civil war to Chairman Mao Tse-tung. Chiang was an  extremely corrupted president who practised nepotism and cronyism. He and his big circle of families and friends colluded with the Americans to rob China of all its wealth and resources. Being a brainless peanut president he was deceived by Russia's Stalin to sign away the Chinese province of Outer Mongolia in 1946 which included Tannu Tuva a rich part of Outer Mongolia rich in diamonds,gold and other mineral resources. Tannu Tuva was then detached from Outer Mongolia and annexed by Russia in the same year.

During the Sino-Japanese war 1934 to 1945, instead of fighting and attacking the Japanese he was advised by his American military advisers to concentrate on fighting and attacking the Chinese communists which they claimed post a greater danger than the Japanese. Though Chiang spent huge sums of money ( loan from United States ) buying lots of American weapons he still could not win the civil war because the Chinese people were disillusioned with the Kuomintang and did not support him. In fact eventually most of his generals and soldiers deserted him and crossed over with all their weapons to join the communists to fight against the Japanese. If Chiang and his Kuomintang were to continue to rule, China would definitely be lost and the Chinese people would have been held in perpetual bondage either under the American or the Russian imperialist rule as we see what happened to Korea today.

At present the leader of Taiwan is Tsai Ing-wen a highly shameless spinster and treacherous creature, a devilish woman without character. honour, self-respect and dignity. For her own self-interests she had betrayed China, her ancestry, the self-respect and dignity of the Chinese people. She and her cohort of American lackeys and running dogs in the DPP have no shame when they collude with the evil white American racists and supremacists to run down China and undermine the interests of China and all Chinese people. She and her rogue gangsters in DPP like to echo the white American and western hype on democracy and human rights. They seem not to know that when the White Americans and the West talk about democracy they mean non white people and countries must listen to them and obey their orders and when they talk about human rights it mean they reserve the rights to demonize you, to bully you and rule over you in absolute hegemony. In short white American imperialists and European imperialists want to rule and be masters of all mankind forever. It is a wet dream in which China and the rest of the non white countries in this world would never allow.

For almost two hundred years since the 1830s China and the Chinese people have been gravely humiliated by the western imperialist countries, Russia, Japan, Germany and US included. They not only outrageously trampled on Chinese self-respect and dignity but went on to carve up Chinese territories and incorporated these territories into their empires. In this manner England took large chunks of Chinese land and incorporated them into British India, Russia occupied large swathes of Chinese land of over three million square miles north of the Heilongjiang River up to the Pacific coast and annexed them to Russia, Germany occupied the province of Shantung and Japan took Taiwan and Liu Chiu Dao which they renamed as Okinawa. For over a hundred and fifty years they turned China into  semi-colonial territories of England, Russia, Japan, Germany and America. Instead of feeling outrageous against these western and Japanese robbers of Chinese land and help China to regain her pride,self-respect and dignity by bringing Taiwan back into the mother land's fold these shameless cohort of Taiwanese Chinese in the DPP led by Tsai Ing-wen collude with the United States to separate Taiwan from China under the dubious slogan of democracy for an independent Taiwan. Taiwan which is an integral part of the Chinese Fujian province is a sacred Chinese sovereign territory and it must eventually be united with the motherland, by force if necessary.

When Taiwan rejoins China in unity there will be peace and prosperity for the Chinese nation. This will put an end to the days when the United States and the West can harm and divide all Chinese people. A united Chinese nation not only brings peace and prosperity but also regain the self-respect and dignity of all Chinese people both in China and overseas.

Recently the riots and terrorism in Hong Kong was instigated, organized, supported and funded by the US and UK with the insidious evil objective to influence the Taiwan presidential election due on Januuary,11th, 2020. Tsai Ing-wen and her DPP party collude with US to arouse and foment immense fear out of the riots and turmoil in Hong Kong and use it to portray China as a threat for the democracy of Taiwan and to leverage it on the Taiwanese Chinese to reject the One Country two Systems unification with China. Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP with the help of their American masters are spinning fake narratives and wild toxic propaganda against China for their own self-interests and selfish ends and they hope the Taiwanese electorate will just follow them blindly.

The Taiwanese people are after all Chinese people whether they like it or not. Taiwan is a legal part of China as recognised by the United Nations Organisation and the whole world. The United States still have a colonial mentality and wants to think of Taiwan as its protectorate. Tsai Ing-wen and her likes like to think they are Japanese or American subjects and wave Japanese or American flags. But the reality is that the Taiwanese are Chinese and their ancestors are mainland Chinese from Fujian province and neighbouring Kwangtung province.

Should Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP dare to tread down the illusive road of independence that will be an extreme provocation against China and suicidal for Taiwan. China would prefer peace and not to fight with anyone or get involved in an armed conflict with any one less so with Taiwan. But China will not flinch  and will fight if she is compelled to and will not run away. The United States, a rogue state and international gangster and ruffian is actually a coward forever goading and pushing others in the front line to fight its proxy wars while it watched at a distance reaping rich profits selling arms to its proxy fighting allies. Only this time round China will make sure the war will be brought to mainland America to destroy the evil empire via ICBMs and nuclear armed submarines.

Technically speaking the Chinese civil war has not ended . For this the evil empire hopes to rekindle the Chinese civil war to serve its overall strategy of containing China's rise and peaceful development. All right thinking Chinese people must unite to build up a very strong, rich and powerful China and help to destroy the demonic United States, the evil menace in this world.


Wednesday, 1st January,2020

China - How to become Number One

This video is a good example of how China, a country invaded, conquered, looted, bankrupted and destroyed by foreign forces, could become a new economic powerhouse in a short 40 years of opening up to the world. China did not become rich and powerful by invasion, by conquest, by stealing, by cheating, by looting or by slavery.

China has become Number One by pure hard work and determination to succeed, from a poverty and agrarian based ancient economy, it is now the most advanced economy in the world, challenging the Americans for world leadership in many fields of science, engineering and technology.

As long as the Chinese are willing to work hard at it, China is unstoppable to lead the world in the 21st Century.

Happy New Year everyone. Welcome to the new Century of Peace and Cooperation under a new leadership in Asia, not one muddled with wars and invasion, threats and economic sanctions and blackmails under the American Empire and western regimes.


Trump is God sent...but what is God's agenda?

Even before Trump was elected I have said it before, Trump was God sent. And now not only his supporters are saying so, Trump, the Chosen One has said so himself. This is the best proof that he is the real thing. There will be more evidence if one wants to find them to fit one's belief.  And here are some examples quoted from Yahoo News that confirmed Trump is the One.

'In November, Rick Perry, the US secretary of energy, described Mr Trump as the “chosen one” and said he had told the president that he was picked by God to rule.

Nikki Haley, the former US ambassador to the UN, followed Mr Perry with similar comments and claimed Mr Trump’s election showed “everything happens for a reason”.

“I think God sometimes places people for lessons and sometimes places people for change,” Ms Haley said.

“And you can look at everything that has happened [in Mr Trump’s presidency], and I think we are seeing a lot of changes, and I think we are gaining a lot of lessons.”
Sarah Sanders, the former White House press secretary, has also claimed God “wanted Donald Trump to become president”....

In August, Mr Trump promoted a claim that Jewish people in Israel love him as if he is the “King of Israel” and like he is “the second coming of God”.'

I think by now many believers would have believed without any doubt that Trump is the One sent by God to lead the USA. What they did not know is the intent of God. Why did God sent a conman to lead the most powerful and evil country in the world? Is God sending Trump to save America, to make America great again so that Americans could go around the world starting wars and killing innocent people, causing great suffering to people of countries the American govt unilaterally imposed economic sanctions on them? Would God allow these mischiefs and crimes against humanity continue to go on as before?

While the believers' one track mind believe that when God sent Trump to be the President of the USA, it must be good for the USA, none would ever think that God has a contrary plan, sending Trump to destroy this evil Empire for good. The time has come when God said enough is enough and the evil Empire must be destroyed and the evil Americans must pay for their sins and crimes against humanity.

Trump as President of the USA is an act of God. It is unstoppable and the USA would be destroyed and the evil Americans be brought down on their knees to plead for forgiveness for their evilness.

Yes, Trump is the Chosen One, sent by God to end this evil Regime for the good of humankind. This is the message for the new year 2020.


She’s practically asking for it? Do Singaporeans subscribe to rape myths?

'In 2017, the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reported 32,559 rape cases, amounting to nearly 90 a day across the whole of India. This was 30.7 per cent more than the cases reported in 2012.

This and other cases have dubiously propelled the capital city New Delhi as the “rape capital” of the world.'


The above is quoted from a report in CNA on the rape situation in India. After the notorious rape, beating and killing of an Indian undergraduate, it was reported that the situation is barely changed, or the same after 7 years on the road back to normal. India has since earned the reputation of being the Rape City of the world. 


This rape problem is a result of the mindset, that the girls deserve it, ask for it. With such an attitude among the men, even those in authority, the rape victims often ended as victims a second time in the hands of the police and authority for asking to be raped. The rape victims are to be blamed. The men rapists often got away scot free.


With the presence of several million foreigners here and many hundreds of thousands from the Rape City country, is Singapore also asking for it? The rare incidents of rape in Singapore is thus a strange phenomenon with their overwhelming presence. Is because the foreigners changed and became less rapists, or is it because rape is under reported? No one should try to shout that Singapore is turning into another rapist country as the crime data did not say so. The most prevalent crimes are the perverts taking underskirt pictures of women with their mobile phones.


The rape statistics in Singapore is saying that Singapore is still one of the safest place to live and rape is not a common problem. I have offered a possible reason in my past postings that Singapore has stumbled into a secret formula to stop rapists from their basic wild instinct. It is Newater, or shit water. This water is not available in other countries, not in Rape City country, only in Singapore. The clever statisticians and researchers may be able to put up a report with the finding in the correlation between drinking shit water and low rape cases. The more they drink the lower the desire for rape. This could turn not only into a new scientific discovery but also very good advertisement for Newater.


There is no other good reason to explain this extraordinary phenomenon that potential rapists have turned into law abiding decent men. A leopard does not change its spot, or does it? Or could there be other reasons, like Geylang or the huge presence of willing partners?


Paid millions to talk about cats and dogs in Parliament

Anonymous said...
MP to raise issue of cats not being allowed in HDB flats


December 24, 2019 8:29 pm
AnonymousSome bloggers have expressed their unhappiness with highly paid millionaires in Parliament talking about dogs and cats and not about people,   the lives of our citizens. If they talked about people, they would talk about foreigners, about how difficult is their lives, how they are struggling to live in this expensive city but never about how the pathetic Singaporeans are trying to make ends meet when made jobless by the foreigners.  Oops, cannot say this, this is fake news. No Singaporeans are made jobless by foreigners. Foreigners are here to create jobs for Singaporeans. Anyone claiming that Singaporeans lost their jobs to foreigners must prove that this is allegation or else can be taken to task under POFMA. How to prove, cannot right?
Nevermind, what is important is anything but Singaporeans. Dogs and cats also deserved to be mentioned in Parliament. That is how important their lives are to our millionaires in Parliament. What other nonsense, oops, important matters are they discussing in Parliament, using their precious time paid by the people?
And yes, anyone who said that talking about dogs and cats are not important, wasting money and time, you must be able to prove it. And don't expect them to talk about CECA, about piracy in our longkangs, not about CPF and cost of living. But they would greatly talk about how to help the people with more taxes and with bringing in more foreigners to create jobs for Singaporeans.
How many Singaporeans would want to elect MPs and Ministers to talk about dogs and cats in Parliament?
And don't think dogs and cats are not important. Many people needs dogs and cats to destress, to make their lives more meaningful, to live better as human beans. The cost of keeping a dog or cat could be more than keeping a child.