
The most destructive war in human civilisation-economic and population growth

Nuclear war is what everyone is afraid of. It would blow up mother earth in an instant and every human bean and living thing would be cooked alive or die within hours. Many more will die within months through radiation and hunger. And what everyone so fear about after a nuclear war would no longer need to fear, life ends on earth. All things passe.

This is something that is real and everyone is aware of and doing what they could to prevent it from happening. We know the danger and hopefully that is a good thing and that we can do something about it. The real danger is when we do not know what is dangerous, what is going to cause our extinction and happily chugging along as if they are the good things, the desirable things that we all need.

Unrestrained and uncontrolled population growth and economic growth are the darlings of the unthinking, the fake economists and leaders with simple ideas of what is good for a country and what is good for human civilisation, ie more population and economic growth.

All the problems of mother earth and human civilisation is caused by growth without qualification. Population growth and economic growth are about consumption. We consume everything, the more the population, the higher the economic growth, the more we consume ie the more we destroy mother earth. We eat up everything, we destroy the forest, the land, the sea...because we want economic growth so that we can be paid more.

Eventually we will destroy ourselves and the human race, by crying for more growth through consumption, by increasing population as the easy way out. Stop lying to the people, growth, real growth, sustainable growth, is not through population growth and consumption. The combination of economic growth and population growth is the surest formula to the destruction of mother earth and human civilisation.

WYSINWYG. What the charlatans and unthinking salesmens are selling about economic growth is like selling koyok. It is like selling drugs, the more you get the more you will need and the faster you die.

Don't not be deceived by economic growth through population growth driven by consumption of everything. Economic and population growth is a war of decay, a slow death we imposed on ourselves as something good and desirable, must have, good to have. There is something called enough. What is enough is enough. Anything more is dangerous, destructive and useless.

In thenewpaper today it quoted the study of scientists and experts saying this, 'the urgent changes needed include ending population growth, leaving fossil fuels in the ground, halting forest destruction and slashing meat eating'. Any actions against this is leading to the destruction of mother earth and human beans. The real causes of climate change is human consumption through population growth and economic growth.

And Hsien Loong was quoted during the National Day Rally speech, 'We must make this effort. Otherwise one day, our children and grandchildren will be ashamed of what our generation did not do.'  What is a speech? Let's get on with our population growth. We need 10m and later another 10m. You want economic growth? You want salary increases, you want bigger bonuses?


Another China bashing article in CNA

by DerrickA Paulo

China is hungry for food. The Amazon is left counting the cost

The face of Brazilian rainforest is changing, and China is responsible for that in no small way, with its newfound love of beef and demand for soya beans....(the bold emphasis is mine, and this is main statement of this article).

MATO GROSSO, Brazil: It is the world’s largest rainforest, containing 10 per cent of the world’s known biodiversity. And it is paying the price for helping to feed a country 17,000 kilometres away.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/cnainsider/china-hungry-for-food-amazon-left-counting-cost-beef-soya-beans-12097850

China needs to feed its population and would food from any country that is willing to sell, just like countries importing palm oil from countries that are clearing land for palm oil or soya beans, or importing weapons from countries that are manufacturing and selling weapons. Who is to be blamed, the buyer or seller? The buyer did not point a gun at the seller to sell their beef or palm oil/soya beans or weapons. It is the sellers that see good profit and decided to clear land for farming and plantations and factories to make weapons.

Why is it the fault of China that pays good money on a willing buyer willing seller basis. Why is China responsible for the deforestation of the Amazon? Did China send its soldiers that to clear the forest? This kind of western narrative at China bashing is prevalent to smear China as a irresponsible country. China on the whole eat less beef than the Americans or Europeans.  

All the irresponsible countries that are selling beef, soya beans and palm oils should stop their people from clearing land to produce these food to sell. If they don't sell to China they would sell to someone else. If they don't sell, they would have no money to feed their people and they will die or live in poverty. If they are so unhappy with what they are doing, then stop doing it. Why commit murders and blame China for it?

Singaporeans can also blame India for sending its unemployed and jobless in the millions to Singapore to work, depriving Singaporeans from good jobs, and also for clearing our little forest to build more homes and factories for these foreigners. Soon we would not have a single little forest in Singapore to talk about. Should be blame India for it? Using this stupid westernn logic, Asean countries affected by the annual haze should also blame China for buying palm oil from Indonesia?

What kind of stupid logic is this? And CNA is screening this programme that put the blame squarely on China for destroying the Amazon forest. I thought the anti China gang of four have been gagged, now this again. Is this good for Singapore China relations? What is the intent of Singapore to publish and screen such western narratives that always accused China of wrong doings when China is a distant innocent party? Why not publish and screen the crimes of the Americans and the West in the Middle East leading to the biggest exodus of Arabs and Muslims in modern history and the death and destruction of their countries and people? Why no narrative about the western wars and crimes against humanity in the Middle East and Africa that are worthy to be reported?

Oh the Americans and the West are so innocent. They are the angels helping the Arabs and Muslims, including protecting their oil fields. They are there to destroy their countries in order to rebuild them.They are there to kill them to force them to migrate to better places in Europe and America. See, what a generous, peace loving and magnanimous people the Americans and the West are compare to China for buying beef, soya beans and palm oil from countries that have to destroy their forests.

Brazil, please don't feed the Chinese, you don't have to, you don't have to clear your forest to do so. Is Brazil helping China or China helping Brazil? Brazil like all developing and underdeveloped countries do not need China's money or help. All the countries asking China to build their roads and railways and infrastructure did not need so. They do not need the roads and railways and infrastructures and ended in debt, owing money to China. They can continue to live their way of life, poor roads, no railways no infrastructure and be happy as they are. The West love them to be like that.

Why incur debt? If they want to incur debt, they must do it in a big way like the Americans in tens of trillions US$ or like other developed countries, including Singapore, all high in debt. These countries never complain about their debt but very happy with their big debt and development and all the good infrastructures. The poor and developing countries must remain as they are, poor and underdeveloped and debt free.The West love them so much that they pain to see them in debt, owing money to China but not to the West.


China should pass laws to support and protect the victims of rogue USA

The American Senate is going to pass a law to support terrorism in Hong Kong and interfere in China's domestic affairs under the pretext of protecting democracy and human rights. China cannot stand idly by and do nothing white the world's number one rogue nation is supporting the break away of Hong Kong from China and separatist movements and violence in Hong Kong.The white Americans thrive and prosper on stolen land, stolen oil, stolen money and abuses of human rights and crimes against humanity in the practice of slavery and genocides against the native Americans.They are the world's worse criminals against the human race. The Americans are the ones that are supporting terrorists movements and wars everywhere to support their war industries and prosper.

What China can do is to return the favour and enact laws to support the victims of American colonialism, imperialism, human rights abuses, genocides, slavery and white supremacist movements in the USA and around the world.

Among the causes China can pass laws to support are;

1. Support the descendants of native Americans to reclaim their land lost to the white invaders.
2. Support their claims for compensation for the genocide against the natives of North America and the violation of their human rights.
3. Support the descendants of African slaves to claim for compensation against the crimes committed by the white Americans against their forefathers.
4. Support their claims against white supremacy cruelties, oppression and lynching of their forefathers.
5.Support the claims of victims of American invasions and murders of the victim countries across the Pacific Ocean and SE Asian countries particularly the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii.
6. Support the natives of Diego Garcia and surrounding islands to reclaim their land seized and occupied by the Americans and turned in nuclear fortresses, and claim compensations as well as compensating for the murders of their forefathers through bombings and diseases and testing of chemical weapons.
7. Support the claims for loss of lives and properties for the invasion of Iraq, Syria and other African and Arab countries by the Americans, and their forced dispersal and uprooting from their homeland.
8. Sue the American govt for racist anti Chinese immigration laws, the murders and exploitation of immigrant Chinese in early colonials days of North America.

The list can go on for another few hundred pages. China should set up a fund to invite the descendants of the above crimes against humanity and the robbing of the native lands to fight these cases in American courts of law and the UN, finance their leaders to visit China and offer them all aspects of support, financially, politically, emotionally etc etc.

Let the white Americans know that their crimes against humanity are not forgotten and it is pay back time. Make the white Americans pay and be ashamed of their crimes to prevent them from pretending that they are angels and protectors of human rights and humanity.

Shame the white Americans and their leaders everywhere and in every major world organisations, conferences, meetings and summits. China can support and champion all anti American movements across the world openly and legally. Both can play the game of viciousness and animosities. China have many more righteous causes and people to support than the fake and pretentious white Americans.


Singaporeans being shortchanged by....

To be a Singaporean is very tough and very expensive. From birth to death, it is a very expensive business all the way. Just ask how much it costs to prepare a child from conception to delivery in our world class hospitals, the prenatal visits to the specialists and consultants all costs a bomb. By the time a baby is born, it would cost the parents tens of thousands, in S$.

The next phase is the expensive milk power with special formula to make the baby grow up smart, to become not only an Einstein but also a star sportsman or sportswoman or an artiste. Of course the truth is that many would end up as security guards and food deliverers. And to make this happen, some already started teaching while the baby is still a foetus in the mother's womb. This would be followed by the most expensive childcare and pre school child development programme. The six years before school would not be cheap for sure.

The six years of primary school of intense pressure to get not only As but A stars to be good enough to be in the top secondary schools and Pre Universities. The tuition and ECA costs would be something the parents would be willing to bear to their best abilities. Never mind if the grown up child could not get a proper job but becomes temp.

And many would get into our really good polytechnics and universities, world class with world class fees. By the end of this journey, a few hundred thousands could be spent on the child from the rich families and not much lesser from the not so rich families.

Then there is this national responsibility to do 2 years of NS and reservist duties for another 20 years. Then there is this very expensive pigeon to pay for if one thinks of getting married, and the usual cost of living in this super expensive city.

The battle has just started. This super expensive young Singaporean is pushed into the deep end to compete with cheap and hungry foreigners that went through an education system, if there was one, or some fake education system with fake degrees for jobs. The cheap foreigners would be happy with anything, what more do they want when most of them don't even have a proper education or degree to start with. And they do not have to spend years in NS and to pay for the super expensive pigeon holes to live in and the high cost of living.

And they said the foreigners are more talented, willing to work for less, better than the super expensive Singaporeans coming from a super expensive education system and expecting to survive in a super expensive city with cheap third world pay or to compete with cheap third world half past six products.

Are Singaporeans being shortchanged? Is it fair for Singaporeans to compete with wildlife from god knows where with god knows what education that cost a fraction of what a Singaporean would have to pay for to start life as an adult? Is it fair to say everything is fair and square, Singaporeans have to be more competitive vis a vis the wildlife? How to, you tell me.

It is totally irresponsible to put our Singaporeans to compete with the wildlife in our home country without any protection or advantage but full of disadvantages. How could Singaporeans not gone jobless, unemployed, underemployed and eventually extinct, unable to compete in their own country with rules and systems that treat foreigners as equals to Singaporeans?

But it is ok. Daft and unthinking Singaporeans think the system is fair and meritocratic and the best man or woman, Singaporean or wildlife, deserves the job and pay he could get. There is nothing unfair to Singaporeans and those Singaporeans that cannot make it deserve to be losers, in their homeland.  Do not blame others, blame yourself for being not good enough, for spending hundreds of thousands to grow up, to get a good education and made to compete with those that did not spend a fortune on growing up and armed with fake degrees from dubious backgrounds and need only spend a fraction of what a Singaporean spent. And better still, no need to pay for super expensive cost of living that needs a comparable income to keep up with.

Thank you daft Singaporeans for being so understanding and dismissive of your own plight and taking responsibility for it. You deserve to be in this pathetic state of affair in your very own country.


Hong Kong - A festering wound turning cancerous

More violence on the streets of Hong Kong.  More burning, arson, fighting and more deaths are on the card. Anti rioting citizens beaten or burnt by the rioters. Rioter shot by the police. The recipe for violence against the police and govt of Hong Kong continues unabated and getting more and more destructive, and deadly.

What is the main difference between this violent protest and the historical protests against the colonial govt, against foreign invaders? In this Hong Kong case, the rioters are not protesting to drive out foreign invaders and colonialists, they are rioting to break free from China, to become a new state, a separatist movement.

The reality and practicality of such a movement is ludicrous. Hong Kong cannot survive on its on as a separate entity economically. The next reality is that Hong Kong is an integral part of China, just like Taiwan and Macau. A strong and unified China has no reason to let Hong Kong break away and is able to resist any foreign intervention to wrestle Hong Kong away from China.

China has many cards to play and foreign conspirators and agitators at most could only give lip service and no direct military, financial or any kind of support without facing the wrath of China. The ridiculous violent nature of the protest, the threats to life and property, could be put to an equally violent end should China choose to do so but not willing to do so to avoid more death of its own people. Is this a bigger evil than to let the unthinking youths and their unthinking supporters to continue to run amok in Hong Kong?

China can wait for as long as Hong Kong is allowed to burn itself down. The rioters, terrorists and arsonists could go on to destroy Hong Kong as a viable economy, turn it into a war zone. As long as the problem is contained in Hong Kong, Hong Kong can be dragged into a bottomless pit by the rioters for as long as they so chose. There is no sympathy for the thoughtless and mindless Hongkongers who think they could break Hong Kong away from China. Such naivety of the Hong Kong people is laughable.

In the meantime China would just wait it out and let Hong Kong burn itself out. Hong Kong would become a cancerous open wound that would be allowed to waste away.  At the rate it is going, it would not take long before the Hong Kong house collapses on its own. Hong Kong would have to be destroyed, by the Hongkongers, before it is rebuilt to be an inalienable part of China.

Let there be more violence and more killings. Let the rioters and terrorists attacked and killed more policemen and Hongkoners that don't agree with them. Only then could China come in to wipe the killers and murderers out of Hong Kong. Violence would be met with violence. China is letting the world witness how destructive and deadly are the Hong Kong terrorists before moving in to shoot them on sight.

Let it burn, let Hong Kong burn to the ground, by the stupid an unthinking Hongkongers.