
2019 Message - Living in Eternity

Would You Live Your Life Differently If You Knew It Can Be Better?

myInterview on the Other Side

I arrived sometime in the future past.  It was uneventful and almost instantaneous.  One moment I was conscious, surrounded by many loved ones, and the next, I woke up as if from a long dreamy sleep.  It was yesterday once more, I think. Conscious again, I feel much lightness in my being, which is glowing like energy in an electric bulb and the surrounding looks very familiar. Yes, I have been here before, I am very sure.  

The experience of death is personal, and is different for different people. I am probably more fortunate than many, having lived a blessed and enriching life beyond my life expectancy. I could remember the sickness and various diseases visiting my aging carbon-based body since birth – from obesity, metabolic syndrome to heart disease, weak knee-joints, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, rheumatism, failing eye-sight to the onset of pre-diabetes, early dementia, Parkinson-like tremors and painful mobility.  

All of that has passed.  It was another life.  Life continues for me at the “other side” of timeless eternity towards the end of all the times.  Now with no more pain, no coughing and no medicines, mental alertness and strength with mobility have returned to my limbs.  My being is now a conscious, cosmic metaphysical energy where the time-space divide is immaterial.

This is an abridged Interview based on selected Conversations with Omega on the “other” side.
I heard a gentle voice calling:
Is that Michael?   This is Omega.  You can call me Om

Me: “I am Michael.  Are you Peter the Gate-keeper?”

Om: “We have no gates here. And I am not Peter. Peter, formerly the Welcomer, has long retired, and goes fishing every day. He does not always receive new-comers these days. There are also many other Peters. Everyone will meet, orientate and familiarise new-comers, even you will later but soon.”

Me: “Does Heaven look like this?  It’s beautiful and looks very familiar.”

Om: “You have always been living in the heavens, Michael. Heaven and Hell are just convenient earthly human constructs of psycho-social and physical conditions of the “other side” of earthly life.  Many places on Earth, especially in war torn and poverty stricken areas appeared hellish to the people there.  You can still “see” the earthly side where you used to be. It is timeless here. We are separated by inter-dimensional space on the same expanding cosmic plane.  You can just imagine your surroundings and the people whom you like to be with, and they will happen for you.

Me: “Let me try.”
I closed my eyes to focus, opened them again and wow!   Indeed, I seemed to be back at home during happier times with the people who loved me and whom I loved.  I fast-forward the scenario and saw how sad they were when I died and during the wake.  I shouted out to them: “It’s OK, I am fine!” but they could not hear me.

Om: “Actually, they can sense you physically and hear you in their hearts, Michael.  They do know that you are OK and in the heavens embedded in their mental construct.  You can and will hear them speaking to you when they prayed or talked to you. Over time, most will get on with their lives and just treasure you in their innermost memories.”

Me: “Are you saying everyone is living in the heavens either on this or the “other side”? You mean there is no Hell reserved for those truly bad and evil people who did really evil and harmful stuff while physically on earth?

Om: “Humans are all guilty of the good you failed to do, Michael.  Not generous enough; not compassionate enough; not sharing enough; not considerate enough; not patient enough; not teaching enough; not loving enough; too racial and racist; too discriminative socially; too judging; selfish; wasteful; lazy; promote half-truths and true lies, cheats, take advantage of others, profiteer; live on credit, too little savings; not enough giving;  … and then some.  So tell me, who is really good enough for Heaven?

Me: “I understand better now, enlightened by your fresh perspectives on what constitutes true goodness. I am glad for the understanding since I also do not consider myself good enough for Heaven according to your criteria, Om.  Without the threat of Hell, what then are the incentives for people to be good, have good conduct, do the right thing, and behave ethically with great integrity?”

Om: “None. Humans do not be good because of Heaven, and Hell is nothing to many who choose to do the bad and evil stuff. Human behaviours are transactional, motivated basically by self-interest and benefits, as well as the avoidance of pain and discomfort.  Human laws, although not often conceived with ethical or moral considerations, are usually sufficient to preserve a minimally fair social order.”

Me: “Yes, and guided by personal values and beliefs or religions towards a deep sense of meaning from some specific life objectives and purpose.”

Om: “The human quest for meaningful purpose beyond mere existence defines humanity, and set humans apart from other living things such as animals, fish, plants and trees. The imperfections of the human intellect however produce confusing and conflicting lies, half-truths and true-lies to distract and conflate the many simple Truths.”

Me: “Agreed. My personal search for meaningful purpose began as a teenager who is uncertain about things, who sees paradox, ambiguity, chaos, absence and silence as central to the human condition.  Over many decades, my journey for the Truths navigates through man-made beliefs and religions, human philosophies, supernatural experiences, fake ideas, charismatic influencers, teachers and thousands of books. Painstakingly and systematically by peeling off bit by bit the multiple minute layers of lies, half-truths and true-lies, I finally arrived at the centre core of the Truth universe to discover and confront the dark empty nothingness of life.  And as I ventured into the darkness of the human mind and lighted it with actual Truths, I received a spiritual awakening which lifted me into a wonderfully awesome understanding of the singularity that explains the synchronicity of creation, life, and my humble place in the expanding cosmic universe.  What a Eureka discovery!

Om: “Many sincere seekers have also experienced the similar reward of a sustaining inner peace which is beyond common-sense understanding.  It is freely available to anyone and everyone who sincerely desire with all his/her mind, heart and soul to be empowered and emboldened by the liberating energy of spiritual awakening.  No special techniques or secret knowledge or postures or rituals or chanting or ornaments is needed.  Spiritual awakening is the necessary pre-requisite for living in eternity.”

Me: “Humans generally seek love and happiness in their search for meaningful purpose. Why do so many yet fail to grasp the abundance of love and happiness around them and are so well within their reach?”

Om: “The search for meaningful purpose is driven by an innate sense of incompleteness to be fulfilled by human companionship, service to others, self-efficacy and self-actualisation. Episodic moments of happiness provide the resultant sensation. Only repeated happiness can produce the desired continuous sustainable joy. The endless search for often elusive “more” and “better” happy occasions become quickly the justification for the pursuit of selfishness, thinly disguised as the noble accumulation of material wealth and prosperity in the hope of locating the happiness to satisfy that ultimate joyful true meaning and purpose of life existence. The original pursuit for life’s meaningful purpose quickly degenerates into itself as the end goal.”

Me:The frustration in the search for the Truths is integral to one’s painful anguish in the loneliness of so many seeking purpose, meaning, love and happiness. The persistent painful anguish of loneliness, social rejection and alienation imprisons many within a cruel, meaningless, non-inclusive world without any significant others to love and share his/her life.”

Om:Living in eternity involves being satisfied with “less-ness” instead of “more” and “better”. The fact is that the more one gets, the more one wants; and the more one knows, the more one realizes that he/she comprehends only so little of the eternal Truths that embodied the infinite cosmic wisdom and knowledge.”

Me:Living in eternity is a most humbling yet wonderfully awesome and satisfying adventure.  The Truths from eternity living are powerfully liberating as you grasp and understand the singularity phenomenon of the synchronicity of creation, life, science and your own humble place in the expanding cosmic universe. The harmony of social-psychological, physical and mental liberty defines true freedom and liberates one from the destructive need to dominate others, life, everything and anything. For example, Blue Leaders like Jack Ma, Bill Gates, Adrian Steirn, Srikanth Bolla and many others understand the principles of living in eternity well enough to practise Blue Leadership for a better society.”

Om: “Indeed, living in eternity is the only solution to the deepening sense of impotence and ignorance with an increasing sense of failure in one’s struggles with a daunting futility to grasp the elusive happiness goals in the aging years.”

Me: “What then are the biggest obstacles blocking living in eternity?”

Om: “The impact of man-made religions and beliefs acts like opiates to numb and frustrate spiritual awakening for living in eternity. They enslave their believers in the perpetual darkness of social withdrawal, self-doubt, low-esteem, ignorance and self-importance by persecuting the audacity of spirituality and the rejection of religions for the transforming life in eternity living. They will need to light up in order to disperse and escape the darkness of their self-imposed prison.”

Me: “Yes, I did discover early in my search journey the rampant hypocrisy and corruption prevailing in man-made religions and ideas.  Their leadership advocates unquestioning, blind submission and obedience by controlling through purported “holy” books of sacred knowledge and claiming exclusive connections to their “Gods” or “gods”. It is also strangely baffling that otherwise well-educated and thinking humans would lend credibility and support the fake “divinity” of their leaders. The leaders often use Hell to frighten and control believers into unquestioning obedience and subservience.

Om: “As you have also discovered, anyone and everyone can reach-out and communicates directly to the true cosmic God without any human intermediaries. This Truth is so frightening to the leaders of man-made religions and beliefs.  It means losing their power and control over their followers, as well as considerable wealth and properties.  It behoves rational belief that the followers are so blinded to their leaders’ material wealth, opulence and physical wellbeing as most of them languish in want, poverty, hunger, diseases, lack of education and homelessness.   

Me: “A calm sense of the unknown follows spiritual awakening and spiritual inspiration leads to wisdom.   Wisdom is the principle of living in complete spiritual awareness that the true cosmic “God” is the guiding principle in living in eternity to empower and embolden growth, leadership and action with the highest endowed human capability.  Spiritual awakening will set humans free from man-made religions and beliefs so they can begin living in eternity immediately.  When spiritually awakened, the person will naturally want to live his/her life differently.

Om:Living in eternity on Earth means that the person is willing to let go of the life he/she has planned so as to have the eternal life that is awaiting him.”

Me: “Essentially, living in eternity expands the human consciousness to empower and enhance compassion and to develop in others a greater capacity for love and for you to receive their love in turn. Living in eternity is the authentic living in truth and spirituality as one enjoys the eternal life in the present without fear or limit to bring out the natural spirituality in others as well.” 

Om: “You clearly understand what living in eternity means.  It’s time for you to meet and welcome the other new-comers.  I will also arrange for our Conversations to be shared with others living on Earth so as to empower more of them to live the eternal life now.”

Me: “I realise now that you sound very familiar, and I believe I have also heard your voice before.  Have we met?  Are you God?”

Om: “Michael, we are actually old friends. I am everywhere and anywhere for anyone who calls for me anytime. We have numerous conversations over the decades during your Truth discovery journey, Michael. You have also sensed my frequent presence, especially in the stillness of your meditative quiet time and during your grief, happiness and joy.

Share these Conversations, Michael, so that those who are alive on Earth can be spiritually awakened to eventually make possible love and happiness from their seeming impossibilities.

Let your experience empowers and emboldens them to:
Question their Gods and gods; Have peace without wars; Have joy without pain & sadness; Abundance without poverty; Living without sickness and disease; Sharing without exploiting; Collaboration without domination; Loving without hurting or being hurt; and

To live in eternity like no tomorrow by:
Just a little consideration for others; Just giving from what we have; Just sharing a little more from our abundance; Just be happy adding value for a little less profit; Just being more gracious and less calculative; Just be joyful to assist and serve without gain; Just go make poverty history; Just win the race against racism; Just a little more love for your loved ones; Just pray for the power of love To vanquish the love for power; And choose to do the things that others won’t, so that we can always do the things that they can’t.

Let 2019 impact all to live their lives differently by transforming themselves to live in eternity now.  

The Indo Pacific theatre of war – A new strategic balancing act

For the several decades post WW2, the Americans were the number One super power that ruled the Indo Pacific theatre of war. American forces were based in Japan, S Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and Australia, plus the military fortresses in Guam, Hawaii and several Pacific Island and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. These military bases were bolstered by the presence of the 7th Fleet with hundreds of warplanes and thousands of marines ready to fight wars in any corner of the Indo Pacific region.

No country in Asia is able to meet these over powering military forces of the American Empire. China lives precariously under constant threat of a preemptive strike and invasion by the American forces. The Americans were haughty enough to sail their aircraft carriers into the Straits of Taiwan to threaten China with impunity. Needless to say, smaller countries like N Korea and Iran were easy meat and could be invaded at any moment just like the poor Arab countries. Asean countries at best are to shut up and live with the might and fear of the American Empire or become running dog of the Americans.

While N Korea and Iran could not do much to fend off the American threat as it is a no brainer who would be blasted out of the surface of the earth if the Americans attacked them. The imbalance of military power is so stark that both countries could only hope to build some nuclear weapons to do a die die together with the Americans as a little insurance and deterrence, however feeble is the attempt.

China would not sit idly by and continue to endure the military threats and bullying of the Evil American Empire. The Taiwan Strait Incident and the mindless and irresponsible missile attack on Chinese Embassy in Belgrade by the Evil American Empire was the last straw. China must build up its military forces to defend itself and prevent a repeat of such incidents fast.

China came up with the anti access and area denial strategy, AAAD to keep the Americans at bay. This strategy called for the development of anti aircraft carrier missiles to force the Americans to keep them far away from China’s coast. China succeeded with the deployment of D21 and D26 anti ship missiles that made the American carrier attack groups irrelevant and ineffective in launching an attack on China mainland. The 7th Fleet is no longer in the equation of containing and threatening China with military force.

The Americans are very unhappy with this change of military balance. Their only forces that could pose a threat to China are the land bases in Japan and South Korea. The bases in the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and once Taiwan, have been booted out. The American strategic interest to be able to continue to threaten China is to establish more forward bases in Asean countries, stupid countries that would allow American to base their soldiers and military hardware to conduct wars with China.

What does this mean? At the onset of hostility and war, these land bases would be the first to be destroyed by Chinese missiles based in China and now in the South China Sea. Chinese missiles have effective range to strike all the American bases in S Korea, Japan/Okinawa, Guam and Diego Garcia, and all the Asean states. Thus, hosting American bases would risk these countries to be on the front line of a Sino American war and be the first to be hit. How many thinking or unthinking govt would want to take this risk when the Evil Americans are constantly provoking wars and seeking to start wars even with China?

The price to pay for hosting American bases is very steep and only foolish countries would want to do that. The Okinawans knew of this threat and want to chase the Americans out of their islands but to no avail as Japan is a semi colony of the American Empire and cannot say no. Also, the Okinawans were not really Japanese and are dispensable. The situation is the same as in S Korea, another semi American colony.

The Philippines were the smartest and knew the risk and sent the Americans packing home from Clark and Subic Bases. Vietnam did the same by chasing the Americans from their homeland. But things are changing again with little countries and their little interests and willing to be courted by the Americans to open their countries to host American bases. Between stupidity and genius is a fine line. Or is it between stupidity and delusion is a fine line?

The Americans are desperately seeking countries to be their forward military bases to conduct wars of aggression and to maintain American dominance and the American Empire in the Indo Pacific theatre of war.  The Australians would always be a willing partner as they regard themselves as European western powers. So is New Zealand, understandable as they are Europeans sitting on stolen lands from the natives.  India is wavering but reluctant to become an American semi colony due to Indian pride as an emerging world power.

Who else is silly enough to want to be the gun fodder of the American Empire, to die for the American Empire? The Evil American Empire will be holding the poison flower to woo any willing partner to be their front line soldiers in the defence of the American Empire.


The Rogue United States to Splinter Into Seven Independent Sovereign States.

            It may be 500 years ago when European marauders descended on America to invade, rob and kill the natives. Every year around the beginning of October, native American Indians in Honduras and other parts of America would conduct a symbolic trial of Christopher Columbus that will end with his execution for crimes committed during the conquest of America.

They would put up an effigy of Columbus with his hands chained up to face multiple charges such as genocide, stealing and robbing and slave trafficking. A verdict will be handed down on Columkbus Day, October 12th, when the effigy will be burnt signaling his death sentence.

The native American Indians throughout the Americas view his arrival in 1492 as the start of five centuries of oppression, killings and genocide by white men.

Subsequently more European marauders especially those Anglo-Saxons from England descended on the coasts of North America and guided by their sinister religious Doctrine of Christian Discovery which they claimed that their Christian God, Jesus empowered them the right to go to non-Christian lands to invade, to rob and kill those natives who refused to be converted to Christianity.

The United States is undoubtedly a very wicked evil country. It has since its foundation in 1775, been an illegitimate country founded on the ethos of terrorism, aggression, jingoism and conquest and domination of other countries. For the last 242 years the United States has caused tremendous suffering, pain and outrage to other countries by its jingoism. It is now continuing to treat the world with contempt with threats of wars and aggression. Enough is enough and the the world either has to put a stop to US aggression and jingoistic wars or the US will soon destroy the world.

There are several ways to pull back the United States from its path of pathological wars of aggression.

The United States has been able to do a lot of wicked deeds because of its ability to cheat and swindle the whole world through its total control of the PatroDollar as a standard unit for international money exchange. Its control of the PatroDollar enables it to carry out illicit sanctions on practically every other country in this world and thus use it to extort hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars from the victimised countries and their commercial firms. So it is important to take down the PatroDollar which when taken away will reduce US to be as poor as a Third World country. In view of this Russia, China, India, Iran Venezuella and South Africa are cooperating to dethrone the PatroDollar. They are now bypassing the  PatroDollar by swapping their currencies to conduct mutual trade among themselves.

For years since the end of the Second World War in 1945, US has been armtwisting small and weak countries to let US operate military bases and military outposts from their lands and ports. These countries must now terminate American military bases in their homelands and get rid of the Americans.

Next the United States should be castrated and subdivided into seven separate independent sovereign states. In this respect the onus must fall on the United Nations.

The United Nations must take up the cudgel of helping the native American Indians, the African Americans and the Mexican Americans to form their own independent sovereign states from out of the present United States. The present United States is an illegitimate country impregnated out of the murder, killings and genocide of the native Americans and the subsequent lynchings and killings of millions of African Americans. The United States subsequently expanded its territories through the bloody and brutal conquest and occupation of over one million six hundred and fifty thousand square miles of  Mexican lands.

The native Americans, the African Americans and the Mexican Americans cannot go on living in the shadow of the overpowering white supremacist rogues and scoundrels who have been ruling over them with a cruel hand and treating them brutally with insanity for the last few hundred years. In order for them to live with respect and dignity they need to form their own separate independent sovereign states .

The United Nations has a duty and responsibility to raise the possibility and probability of forming these new states The native Americans, the African Americans and the Mexican Americans can no longer live under the yoke of these white beasts who treat them with inhumanity as slaves and animals. The white rulers have put the few surviving native Americans in reservations which are euphemisms for slave concentration camps where they suffer from want and hunger and where their women folks are injected with chemical to ensure their infertility so that they can no longer procreate.

In view of this Russia, India, China and South Africa must raise and table a motion at the United Nations General Assembly regarding the forming and organisation of these three new states plus raising the aspirations of Hawaii, Texas and California to declare their independence from the United States from America. The motion should be debated and supported in the United Nations General Assembly and adopted by the Security Council with no veto allowed .

Should the white supremacists in US refuse to follow the demand of the UN then the next step is for UN to support and fund insurrections and revolutions in the persistent continuous fight and struggle until the objective is achieved.

The present United States under white supremacist totalitarian rule is imperialistic, aggressive and gingoistic and therefore harmful and undesirable.It is a threat to the peace and security of the world and therefore it must be taken down and break up into seven separate independent states.


Monday, 31st December, 2018

The new poor – A piece of good news

They called themselves freegans, ie, people looking for food or items in trash bins for a living. No, they are not the karanguni men but a group of folks, the new poor in Singapore that have chosen to live a new way of life as freegans. Some even proudly claimed that this is a way to retire in super rich Singapore, no need to work, no stress and with good food from the trash bins.

And here is another piece of good news in this Christmas season from Channel News Asia. ‘Scavenging – Singapore’s ‘freegans’ find treasure in trash – Some of the secondhand items found include a Louis Vuitton handbag, Coach handbag and a set of Sony Speakers.’

Now if this is not good news, what else is? Free branded bags and electronic items! I think many desperate Singaporeans may find comfort in this piece of news. I think I can retire also and live a life of a freegan, and probably can hang a Louis Vuitton bag over my shoulder. If only the COEs are cheaper, the freegans could even find used cars, like 10 year old Mercedes or BMWs in the junkyards.

This is the privilege for living in the most expensive city with many rich people. They are discarding many things of value, even things of luxury, into the trash bins. No wonder some people said this is the best place to be poor. Everything can be provided free, just dig into the trash bins and rubbish dumps.

No more worry to retire in comfort with free food and luxury items. Paradise! Yes paradise for the new poor.

Happy New Year.