
Japan faces greatest danger since WW2?

This is what the lying Japanese PM is saying, that Japan is facing the greatest danger since WW2. From who, from North Korea? When have the North Koreans attacked or threatened to attack Japan? What did the North Koreans do that is posing the greatest threat to Japan? Building and testing their own weapons to protect themselves from the Americans threat of an invasion is a threat to Japan?

Which country had invaded North Korea? Which country had colonized North Korea? Which country had turned Korean women into comfort women to satisfy the sexual lust of the Japanese soldiers? The country that invaded, colonized and ruled North Korea is crying out loud that North Korea is a threat. And it is using this very excuse to remilitarize Japan, the most cruel invader of Asia and South East Asia, today pretending to be angels and a nation of peace, a nation threatened, exactly like the Americans across the Pacific Ocean.

A peaceful nation does not need to armed itself like Japan today and wanting to have bigger armed forces when it is already the second biggest armed forces in Asia. The Japanese armed forces and military capability dwarfed what the North Koreans have. A peaceful nation does not need to rewrite its pacifist constitution so that it can go to war. The pacifist constitution is already good enough for Japan to go to war when attack. Who is going to attack Japan? It was the Japanese that were attacking everyone else in Asia, wanting to conquer Asia and the world.

The slimy Japanese is following the example of the evil empire, just find some excuses, or provoke another country and then demonise that country as the provocateur or aggressor, then invade. They still believe they could run wild in Korea, butchered the Koreans, turned them into slaves, their women into sex slaves.

The Americans have divulged their private discussion with the Japanese and revealed that the Japanese have plans to invade North Korea. So by keep harping on a foreign threat, Japan would have good reasons to attack and invade North Korea again. It would be nice to see how many Japanese big cities, including Tokyo, be flattened by the North Koreans just like how the Americans flattened them. It would be nice to see a few nuclear bombs in Japan, bigger and more powerful than the two dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

This is how mad the Japanese especially the likes of Abe are. The victim countries of WW2 have changed and are as strong if not stronger than the Japanese would want to believe. And the concentration of population in Japanese cities would mean the destruction would be of unacceptable proportion.

This is how devious the Japanese are, still thinking of going to war. A leopard would not change its spot. The ugly and hostile and aggressive Japanese are up to their nonsense again, to think of invading Korea and to colonise Korea, to have more Korean comfort women, to kick the Koreans around. It is a pity that the South Koreans have forgotten the Japanese colonisation and humiliation and would be on the side of the Japanese to kill their own brothers and sisters in the North.


Daft complaining about not getting CPF savings back

There is another article posted in the TRE by a JW complaining that the ever caring and kind hearted people in charge of the CPF are rationing her withdrawal of her savings till the age of 95. And for so stretching the time span, she is getting $16 a day for the next 30 years.

Here are some of her comments.

‘First excuse: “Increasing life expectancy ”. This is just a rubbish excuse not to return our sweat and blood savings and pretend to act as good guy to look after us till age of 95 (Of course there are people who can live up to this age but is rare). Even our SM don’t even live up to age of 95 despite of having the best medical team to attend to him. For me, an ordinary working class auntie, I might not even last for another 15 years with this kind of pathetic payout. Ridiculously, without knowing me or my medical condition, they can speculate I can last for another 30 years to receive the payouts. HaHa!

Second excuse: “Extra Interest”- another rubbish excuse. I have indicated many times that I am not interested in their extra interest. I might not be alive any more to enjoy. I am not begging for any handouts but only getting back my rightful savings which I had worked so hard for the past forty years. Initially we were being told that these savings will be released to us when we reached 55 years of age….

CPF Board has been very inconsiderate and very cruel in giving this kind of treatment to senior citizen. I am not sure whether I am the only unlucky one or there are other brothers and sisters in the same situation. We are the ones who had struggled very hard to build up today’s nation. Instead of showing appreciation, we are being treated like old dirt with such low respect. Where is justice?

I have copied my mails to the Labour Minister who oversee the CPF Board. As expected, the betterer guy is acting blind and deaf to my concerns. Lastly, I have to thank my MP’s effort who has helped me along.’

She is asking for respect and justice! Did she really believe that she will get justice and respect at the way they held on to her savings and finding all kinds of reasons to delay returning to her? Did she not condone this act by voting for the people who made these rulings to be the govt? She should be very grateful and thankful that she had made the right choice. And yes, she is very grateful that her MP is trying to help and very helpful. See how daft it is? Who does she think the MP is working for and when come to the issue of the CPF, what is the stand of the MP, what did the MP voted for?

These daft deserved the govt they voted for. And they will keep voting for the same govt over and over again to show their appreciation. Maybe this is their way of showing how happy they are with the govt for caring for them and planning their retirement with their life savings. Why are they complaining when they voted for all these policies that are for their own good?

PS. Just accept the fact that CPF is not their money and everything will fall in place, and all will be fine.


Singapore China relations

Finally, after avoiding making any comments directly on the strained relations between Singapore and China, Wang Gungwu, the Confucianist gentleman, wrote a piece in the ST on 18 Dec highlighted the 4 major events that were the roots of the problems. What he said were nothing new but a repeat of everything that had been said about the tedious and unnecessary souring of a relationship built and cultivated earnestly by Lee Kuan Yew. Lee Kuan Yew must be turning in his grave seeing his good work being dismantled and dumped as trash into the dustbin by silly politicians with egos bigger than a coconut but intellect the size of a pea.

With all the cock advice to put all the eggs in the American basket and thinking that it was alright to poke at the eyes of China and China would not dare to do anything, things finally came to a rude ending and Hsien Loong had no choice but to make a trip to Beijing in September to make amends. This was a serious effort at the highest level on the Singapore side and everyone hoped that relations would be back to normal. At least that was the picture painted by the Singapore side and the Singapore media. Sino Singapore relations are on the mend and everything will be warm and rosy going forward after Hsien Loong's return.

Even Wang Gungwu also has the same impression that things could only be better as the trip by Hsien Loong must have been made with great sincerity to bring relations to an even keel. Apparently from what I have observed, things are getting worst and not better. After relations had hit rock bottom, it could not return to normal just because Hsien Loong made that trip and had a meeting with Xi Jinping. The sincerity to improve relations must be seen to be so and Singapore would have to backup with more friendly gestures towards China. There were some signs of the media publishing more China friendly reports for a while, but somehow, the anti China articles kept coming in greater frequency as before. China could not fail to notice this lack of sincerity to get the relations back to normal, or the back to normal is to continue as before, with more anti China articles by silly academics and foreigners and dumb locals as the norm. Any China watcher could not miss the tone, nuances and the choice of articles and authors that are unfriendly to China being given greater exposure all over again.

Not only words but deeds would be telling of the state of Sino China relations. If my reading is correct, Singapore has taken a hardened path to move away from China and there is no turning back. The biggest pain in the arse in the geopolitical equation in the region is India, the pretentious superpower to be and its hostile and aggressive stance towards anything China. India has been flirting with the Americans, Japan and even Vietnam to be a spoiler in the region against China's interests. India had been involved in bi lateral and multi lateral war games with them around China’s coasts and the enemy is clear as daylight.

Though India is inconsequential to China, it is still an irritant and any country thinking that it was a good idea to invite the Indians to be more involved in the region cannot be seen as being innocent and naive and could not see the part India is playing against China. For Singapore to openly invite India to park its warships in Changi at a time like this is too obvious on the stand of Singapore and its relations with China. No amount of pleas of ignorance would be accepted and forgiven.

The trip by Hsien Loong to Beijing in September is as good as a bad dream, wasted, unnecessary and should not have taken. Singapore's relations with China is far from being on the mend and is fast deteriorating. Well, if that is the intent of Singapore, then there is nothing to cry about. It might as well go that way, quicker, faster and more direct. There is no need to wayang to pretend that Singapore desires to improve its relations with China.

Has Singapore decided to just do it and so be it? The new future of Singapore is to get closer with the pretentious power to be, India. As for the USA, Trump is unpredictable but would not turn away from American supremacy and primacy in this part of the world. In fact Trump has no interest in Singapore and probably Singapore has read this correctly and is not cosying up to Trump. Singapore would never receive the same kind of attention that Obama gave and Hsien Loong would never be able to have the same kind of rapport with Obama in Trump.

Looks like Singapore is going to put all its eggs in the Indian basket. This is my observation. Clever or muddy thinking?


Singapore - A proud British colony

Singapore is a proud ex British colony, is going to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the colonisation of Singapore by the British in a big way. While many ex colonies have erased everything they could from their humiliating past under the rule of colonial masters, with names like Calcutta, Bombay, Goa etc totally wiped out, Singapore retains and cherishes all the ex colonial trimmings in the island and often glorifies them. Stamford Raffles was dearly embarrassed as the white god that founded Singapore. 

The statestimereview has reported, "Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong also announced that he will be having an undisclosed budget to “celebrate” 200th anniversary of British colonisation of Singapore in 1819:

“We should commemorate this bicentennial appropriately, just as we marked the 150th anniversary in 1969. It is an important milestone for Singapore; an occasion for us to reflect on how our nation came into being, how we have come this far since, and how we can go forward together.”

1819 is indeed an important milestone in the history of Singapore. The colonisation of Singapore by the British that then turned it into its colonial outpost and commercial headquarter for ruling SE Asia was the event that transformed Singapore from a fishing village to a commercial hub, a thriving entrepot of the day. That was the foundation that contributed to what Singapore is today.

Many Singaporeans remember and cherish that day they read in British written history books when Singapore was colonised as a glorious day. The reason must be that without the British landing here to rob the island from the native ruler Singapore would not be what it is today. A point to note here is that Singapore was returned to the native rulers when Singapore became part of Malaysia. The British in a way handed back Singapore to the Malay rulers in 1963 to square the score. The robbing of Singapore from the native ruler ended on that day.

With a twist of fate, the Malay rulers gave their blessing for Singapore to be an independent state to start a new chapter from a clean slate. In 1965, Singapore became an independent country, not robbed or stolen from Malaysia. The leaders of both states signed an agreement without a gun pointing at their heads.

In terms of significance, 1965 is more important to Singapore as an independent nation than 1819 when it became a British colony. Singapore became a free independent country with the blessing of Malaysia, no more stolen by British raj from the Malay rulers. 1819 was a milestone, a watershed in that it was colonised by the British, similar to the colonisation of Syonan-to by Imperial Japan in 1941. They are historical milestones of Singapore's history. Singaporeans should remember these dates, 1819, 1941, 1959, 1963 and 1965 and earlier days that predates to the time of the Sri Vijaya Empire and Parameswara. I hope Singapore would never think of celebrating 1941 just like naming the Ford Museum as Syonan Museum. There are days of glory and days of infamy and both must be treated accordingly.

1819 is controversial. Was it a day of glory to be celebrated in a big way or a day of infamy to be remembered dearly? The white Americans remember the landing of Columbus in America as a day of discovery, Thanksgiving Day, a day to be celebrated for conquering a new land. The American natives remember it as a day of infamy, a day when their forebears were massacred by the Europeans and their land stolen from them. The natives of America would not celebrate Thanksgiving Day. That day their land was stolen by the white invaders and their forefathers killed! They knew their history. They remember the day they lost their country and the massacre.

Singaporeans must know our history from our own perspective, not from the perspective of the colonial masters. The sillies would still have fond memories of singing God save the king or the queen and think affectionately of the times when they were British subjects and longed to be British subjects once again. Wait till they lose this country once again and become boat people, then they will know what it is like to be stateless.


2018 - A year when sick men seek to destroy human civilisation

The UN Secretary General has issued a red alert for the new year. He knew what is coming as the sick men in power are sounding out their intent to start a nuclear war that would wipe out life on earth. The sick men are so sick that they think it is possible to start a war to their enemies but not destroying the rest of the world, including their own people and themselves. This is what Antonio Guterres said and reported in Yahoo News,

"In his New Year message on Sunday, Guterres said the world appeared to have "gone in reverse" before adding, "On New Year's Day 2018 I am not issuing an appeal, I am issuing an alert -- a red alert for our world."

He continued: "As we begin 2018, I call for unity. ... We can settle conflicts, overcome hatred and defend shared values. But we can only do that together."

Reflecting on his January message when he assumed the secretary-general position -- in which he called for peace -- Guterres said that conflicts have deepened, global anxieties about nuclear weapons have increased, inequalities have grown and nationalism and xenophobia are on the rise."

The Secretary General is still fearful of naming the sick men that are plotting and planning to start this war. He was only willing to use nuances. The whole of the UN knew who is going to start this war to bring an end to civilisation. No, stupid, it is not the North Koreans. They are building their defence capability to protect themselves from being invaded. They are defensive in nature. They did not have the capability to destroy planet earth. They are rational human beans that would not bring about their own destruction by starting a war that they cannot win but certain of being annihilated. Only the stupids believe the lies of the sick men that the North Koreans are ready to start a nuclear war, for no reasons.

Kim Jong Un has sent a message to South Korea for talks and his intent to send a team to participate in the Winter Olympics in South Korea. Let’s hope the Koreans would not be fixed up by the sick men in Washington and Tokyo to start to kill themselves for the perpetuation of the evil Empire.

By now it is obvious who these sick men are. They have the capability and a nuclear arsenal that they are ready to use. They know that no one would dare to take them on as they are the number One super power and can obliterate anyone that resists. Have no doubt about it, the USA is the number warmongering nation that is bent on war and would risk a nuclear war with North Korea for the sake of their evil Empire. They flaunt their overwhelming military superiority over the North Koreans to give themselves a false confidence that all can be controlled, that they could wipe out the nuclear facilities of the North Koreans before they are launched. They are sounding out this intention to all the countries that mattered, to Russia, to China and to their allies in Europe, Japan and South Korea. Everything is on the table. They forgot the lives of all the Americans and the rest of the world are also on the table if they gamble on this abominable crime against civilisation.

The world enters 2018 with this threat of a nuclear world as clear and present danger, scripted and produced by the evil Empire, the USA, and waiting to be executed. And all the UN Secretary General could do was to issue a red alert. And what about the other key person that is preaching peace around the world, like the mad and sick men in Washington, the one in white robe in Vatican City? He too spoke about the dangers facing the world but unable to name the warmongers. And the warmongers continue to preach peace but planning to destroy the earth and all its people.

When would the rest of the world stand up to this evil bully to stop it from starting a nuclear holocaust? When would the leaders of the world come together to tell the evil warmongers to stop doing what they are planning to do? Appealing to the American people to stop their mad leaders is equally hopeless. They think it is ok to attack and destroy small and weak nations and people as long as they came out victorious, to celebrate their victory. Only when they know that their lives and homes are also on the table in a game of 'all in' and both winners and losers would lose everything would they wake up to the folly of their mad leaders.

Prepare for the worse to come in 2018. Unfortunately there is no where to run. The lives of the rest of the world are also on the table. The stupid allies are too oblivious of the danger facing them should the sick men in Washington press the button. Kim Jong Un has given notice that his fingers are also on the button and will respond in kind when needed. He is not going to press first. He will only respond to the sick men in Washington, the warmongers, to start this war.

Without an invasion of North Korea to slaughter the North Koreans, Kim Jong Un is doing a pretty good job in raising the standard of living of his people, building a new nation from scratch after the complete devastating destruction of his country by carpet bombings by the Americans during the Korean War that destroyed all infrastructure and natural features leading to droughts and famine and killing millions of his people. Without war, North Korea would be the next economic miracle in East Asia, like South Korea.

The crime of the Americans was conveniently passed to the North Korean govt for mismanagement when the truth was that the country was totally destroyed, and the evil Americans have on many occasions bragged about nothing man made was left standing, above 3 feet from the ground when the war came to a truce. That was how bad the country was.

The evil Americans are planning to repeat this dreaded feat once again, except that this time it would be nothing would be standing one feet from ground zero. And the fate would apply to some American cities. Kim Jong Un has prepared for that day with his fingers on the buttons.

How to wish everyone Happy New Year when the threat of a nuclear holocaust is awaiting everyone and doom is hanging over their heads?