
The Asean Revolution

The Duterte Revolution in the Philippines has set about a rethinking of the Philippines history, the colonization and massacres of Pinoys and the pathetic state of the economy under so called American aid, and the unending rebellion in the South the Americans claimed to be quelling but instead fuelling and financing. The Pinoys have woken up to their sorry state of affair after more 100 years of American domination. The Philippines are one of the poorest and least developed Asean countries and still dependent on foreign aid, ie American junks and crumbs and expected to be grateful.

Look at Indonesia and Malaysia and Thailand, all three economies have surged past the Philippines in economic growth and have higher quality of lives for their people. But the Revolution in Asean did not start in the Philippines. The Asean Revolution started a few months prior to Duterte’s ascendency as the President of Philippines, right in the heart of Malaysia!

Unbelieveable, but the Chinese are moving into Malaysia in a very big way. Duterte was successful to clinch $24 billion of contracts for the Philippines in 4 days, a very good result. The Malaysians have an earlier start. 4 major projects in Malaysia, some started a few years earlier, are worth at least $100b, from the Forest City in South West Johore, the Greenland development in Johore Bahru, the megacity in KL that would be the new transportation hub for high speed trains linking to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar and onwards to China and Europe, and the newly commissioned Malaysia China Kelatan Industrial Park. 

Malaysia is getting an economic boost from the Chinese investment and would take off way ahead of Indonesia and the Philippines.  If you have not heard about it, the Chinese have started production of high speed trains from their factory in KL in preparation for the building of the high speed trains in Malaysia.  Najib is visiting China to raise Malaysia China relations to a new height.

What is happening in Malaysia could be the things that the Philippines could also be expecting in the Duterte Revolution. Philippines could go the same path as Malaysia, for economic growth and development and not be made the quarrelsome barking dog of the Americans, everyday dying to fight a war, raising and provoking tensions in a conflict that it can never win except to drain its limited resources, the lost of more Pinoy lives and forever be dependent on the Americans to dole them with junks and crumbs. What are the Americans offering, more military training to fight a green monster, selling of weapons and stoking rebel activities in the South.

With Malaysia taking the lead, showing the way, the Thais and the Philippines tagging along, Asean is going to see rapid economic development and growth while the world economy goes on a downward swing. Singapore got to be very careful not to lose out in this Chinese stimulus and miss the train, literary and otherwise. Yes, if the high speed train linking to China and Europe just ends in KL, KL will be the new transportation hub, replacing Singapore or at least taking away half of the transportation and logistic business.  With all the goods between Europe and China travelling by train, by passing Singapore, you can expect a drop of 50% of sea traffic calling at Tuas. Oh, before I forget, Thailand would be the biggest land transportion hub in Southeast Asia with high speed trains linking to China, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam and Malaysia.
The Asean Revolution has started and hundreds of billions will be injected into the Asean economies to drive the needed growth to keep Asean countries afloat in a world economy shrouded by dark clouds and uncertainties. The poor Americans did not have the money to finance such huge projects at an international scale. Worst, they could not think of it, unable to conceptualise such an intercontinental idea and lost the initiative to the Chinese. They forgot that money can be made in other economic enterprises other than inciting wars and selling weapons.


Duterte's Independent Foreign Policy Not Subject To USA Dictates

Duterte's Independent Foreign Policy Not Subject to USA Dictates.

Duterte"s visit to China brought positive results. China agrees to help Philippines build mega infrastructure projects like roads, railways, ports, airports and many other good deals.China  will also help Philippines in its fight against drug traffickers and in building drug rehabilitation centres. Philippines need to turn to China for help because USA did nothing to elevate Philippines development even after almost a century of its rigid colonial rule . The Philippinos must now fully support Predsident Duterte and ensure the country is no more subservient to America as a subservient little brown brother. America will definitely try to sabotage the badly needed infrastructure projects from taking root and prevent China's aid from taking a foothold in the country through the use of legal loopholes and other pretexts and arm twist Philippines law makers to overturn Duterte's independent foreign policy.

The Philippines had been invaded three times by foreign powers. First it was invaded by the Spanish in the 17th Century. Then in 1898 USA booted out the Spaniards and ruled the Philippines until the late 1940s.  Finally during the Second World War, the Philippines was invaded by the Japanese with tragic consequences for the Philippinos. Now the Americans and the Japs are colluding again to bring the Philippines into bondage into America's New World Order of a One World Government under USA full control and total hegemony. The Philippines should be wary of the Americans and the Japanese and not fall into their traps.

The Philippinos must come down hard on USA and its CIA and Pentagon operatives and on its influence in the mass media as well as its insidious influence in the judiciary, senate and congress . Duterte must destroy CIA's hidden underworld operatives where it is allied with gang leaders trafficking in drugs and  as hitmen for CIA assassination purpose. Also many of the drug traffickers are under the CIA's payroll. Thus is there any wonder why America is dead against Duterte's war against drug traffickers? CIA is the world's biggest Drug Lords and is making billions of dollars from drug trafficking.

USA will never leave the Philippines alone because it is of great importance geostrategically and is used  as a lynchpin to American evil scheme of pivoting to Asia to create choas, destability and wars and to contain China's peaceful development. The Philippines must be prepared to bravely and strongly resist America's interference in her internal affairs and trample on her sovereignty.

CIA will use its underlings and 5th columns in the country to block Duterte's independent foreign policy not subjecting to USA dictates and coercion.Duterte must quickly nib this problem in the bud. To delay putting away the 5th column and CIA's agents can be disastrous to Duterte's government and administration.

In 1898 USA invaded the Philippines . It was able to bring the Philippines under US bondage only after it had killed and massacred a few hundred thousand patriotic resistant fighters. America's intention has always been to keep an independent Philippines weak and poor so that it will forever be subservient to US control and dictates and accede to US demands like allowing US to build military bases in the Philippines.

US interferes in every Philippines administration and ensure that  a weak central government will never be able to carry out reforms essential for the development of the country. It frequently tramples and violates Philippines sovereignty with impunity. Below is what one of former Philippines president , Mr Estrada bemoaned of US travesty of Philippines sovereignty. The remarks are lifted from China's Global

"October 23, 2016 at 12:01 am, Manila Standard

"FORMER President Joseph “Erap” Estrada backed President Rodrigo Duterte’s decision to separate foreign policy from the United States, saying it is high time the US government be stopped from its meddling in the country’s internal affairs. But the 79-year-old Estrada, who was ousted from office in 2001, feared that Duterte’s unpopular pronouncements might have severe consequences, such as his possible removal from office similar to what he had experienced in 2001.

The former leader recalled that when he was president, the US government would always try to coax him into doing what they want, like when US Defense Secretary William Cohen wrote him demanding a stop to Estrada’s “all-out war” against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front which was believed to be behind several terror attacks.

“They meddled in my fight with the MILF. They stopped me,” said Estrada, who is now on his second term as mayor of Manila. “When they suddenly removed me, they neglected the MILF which continued in their bombings,” he pointed out. “Just because the US is helping us [through official aid] that does not mean they can meddle in our internal problems. We are a sovereign country. We have our own Constitution,” Estrada said. “President Duterte’s action is right. Why are they meddling?” he added, referring to the US.

Asked if he supports Duterte’s move to realign the Philippines with China, Estrada replied: “Yes. Because China doesn’t meddle with us, with our independence.”

Estrada said he understands where Duterte is coming from when he announced the country’s “separation” from the US. “I feel what President Duterte is feeling.” He stressed it was a difficult decision for the President, one that might expose him to political risks such as the US moving to oust him from office. “That is my fear because they did that to me,” Estrada said."

There is thus always a peril to friendship with the Evil Empire, USA. President Duterte is visiting Japan this week for three days from 25th to 27th October. US will pressure Abe, the Japanese warmonger PM to persuade Duterte to make an about turn in Philippines relation with China and force Duterte to get back into the warmongering American-Japanese alliance . The Japs are pledging Duterte 48 million dollars in aid as compare to China's 24 billion dollars  to build the philippines infrastructures like roads, railways, ports, airports and power stations and a further huge sum for Duterte's war on drug traffickers and for building drug rehabilitation centres.

The Philippines must be able to strongly and bravely tell the two trouble makers the Japs and the Americans to get lost and to respect the Philippines independence and sovereignty.


Wednesday, 26th October,2016Duterte's

Did Shanmugam make a police report against The Statestimes?

I thought I read and heard that he made a police report.  And that was the right thing to do, a marker on what is permissible or not permissible in social media. Two mornings ago the ST said he did not. I quote, ‘At a personal level, I don’t need to file a police complaint.’ The ST further reported, ‘The Straits Times understands that no police report had been lodged as of last night.’  I think I must have some hearing problem or dementia. I thought I heard it on the news that Shanmugam made a police report. Now this, see, what we heard or think we heard, may not be the truth. If in doubt, check with the ST for the official version in black and white. Then no more dispute.

There is another issue? Are the Eurasians lumped together under the category of Indian?  Someone posted this in TRE and I wrote a piece on it saying that it would be another worm if it is true. I asked for confirmation if this is true but no one came forward and the question was left unanswered.  This Shanmugam outburst against The Statestimes gives an opportunity for this issue to be cleared once and for all. In his defence, Shanmugam said he did not say it in the forum at the Institute of Policy Studies where he was quoted to have said so and more, that ‘Indians outnumbered Eurasians 20 to 1. So it makes it difficult for (there to be) an Eurasian president.’ The allegation was even more convincing when it quoted, ‘when the President of the Eurasian Association of Singapore, (Mr) Benett Theseira, criticized the definition of Eurasian in the candidacy regulations.’

All these are ‘outright falsehood)’.And here is Shanmugam’s facebook post. ‘All of this is completely false.  During my session which lasted 90 minutes, I said nothing of the sort attributed to me, about Eurasians.’ So all is false, he did not say what he was attributed to have said. Now it seems quite clear, or is that so, that the Eurasians are not lumped under the category of Indian?

Shanmugam said he did not say what he was alleged to have said. It would be good if he could just say the Eurasians are not lumped in the Indian category. Short and sharp and would have dispel all the malicious rumours floating around.  Would there be an official statement on this crucial point as it is very important to the Eurasian community.  Or would it be like the CPF is not your money statement in Parliament and no one bothered to say it is or it is not?

The other big question, how could the allegation be so specific, that the name of the Eurasian President was even used to make it more real. Funny isn’t it, we have all the media at our disposal and a small factual thing like this could go so distorted that the people have to try to read in between the line to guess what is the truth?

From Shanmugam’s reply, the Eurasians are not lumped in the Indian category. That is how I read it. Anyone still think this is confusing and needs a clear and unconfusing reply so that no one misunderstood what is the truth and what is falsehood?

Anyone read the report in the media about this?


Duterte must take precaution to pre-empt assassination by CIA

Duterte must take precaution to pre-empt assassination by CIA

CIA is notorious for carrying out regime change and countless strings of assassinations of foreign heads of governments, informers and whistle blowers against CIA underworld clandestine activities since the end of Second World in 1945. CIA carries out both covert and overt evil activities in all foreign countries whether friendly or unfriendly to USA. Its modus-operandi includes secret activities through its agents working as USA diplomatic staff with diplomatic immunity, local drug and narcotic cartels as its allies and other local gang leaders under its payroll. Very often the intended CIA victim appeared to die mysteriously though often the dirty unseen hands of CIA were found to be behind the killings.
CIA and other high USA government officials in the administration including the Pentagon and Washington are the biggest drug lords in the world. They control international drug trafficking which includes opium, heroin, cocaine and ice. CIA runs its own secret laboratories in manuafacturing heroin and processing cocaine and uses its own transport planes with search immunity from USA customs and other law enforcement authorities like FBI and DEA. The Philippinos should have no doubt that CIA controls all the highly profitable drug trade and trafficking in the Philippines and therefore they are vehemently opposed to President Duterte's fierce war on drugs. CIA and the Pentagon with Washington behind use the humongous profits from drug trafficking in financing wars everywhere in the Middle East, South America, Africa and in Asia. CIA and the American administration are merchants of death . The Philippines and other countries have a duty and obligation to stop the American merchants of death from  destroying this planet earth.
To pre-empt from being assassinated by CIA agents it is imperative for Duterte to quickly carry out certain  course of actions. Philippines must restrict the number of USA diplomatic staff in its embassy to the bearest minimum. It must close down all USA's military attaches and CIA offices as well as all American NGOs in the country.
Duterte must retire all senior military and police officers who have close connections with CIA or transfer them to civillian departments under close watch. Duterte must keep the movements of CIA agents and American embassy staff under close watch especially when they go out of Manila to the provinces.
It is imperative that Philippines abrogate all military treaties with USA which were signed under dubious conditions by the previous Aquino administration. It must close down all American military bases in the country to prevent USA from initiating wild ventures that may embroil the Philippines in an unwanted and unnecessary war against a third country. USA and its close poodle ally Japan are war mongering countries. They post a great danger to the Philippines and other Asian countries. Both USA and Japan are a liability to the Philippines..
Tuesday, 25th October, 2016
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