
Massacre of Native American Indians by European Invaders And by USA. PART 4

Massacre of Native American Indians by European Invaders and by USA.                 PART     4

The decimation of native American Indians was the result of European conquerors' deliberate policy of subjugation and extermination. The European conquerors' brutality was a reflection of the ruthlessness with which white men waged wars in all parts of the world. It was also white men's conviction that natives were savages who should be treated as subhuman. However, ironically the natives of America had highly developed societies just as those natives in Australia, New Zealand  and Africa have. These cultured native societies post a threat to the white men's ambition of conquest and subjugation. Therefore it was common for the British, French, Spanish and Portuguese invaders to raze cities, destroy temples, monuments as well as records and documents. They systematically killed Indian warriors, Indian chiefs and priests and the elites. Eventually the white invaders were able to destroy established Indian communities in North America as well as the empires of Mexico and South America.

In 1632 the British  attacked and invaded Indian territories in Pensylvania, Delaware and Virginia. In 1634 they invaded Maryland and Massacred most of the natives to forestall resistance. In 1644 there was an Indian uprising but it was brutally put down and the result of it was that the Indians had to cede more territories in the West to the British.

There was no limit to British aggression. The march to the West continued with more natives killed when they resisted. White immigrants were encouraged from England and Europe to come to America.

In1675 English settlers encroached on native lands in Massachusetts. The Wampanoags , natives of Massachusetts resisted. The British attacked them with full force and started the Wampanoags war.  The British recruited rival tribes the Mohawks to attack the Wampanoags. Thousands of natives were killed both by the British  and by inter tribes mutual attacks as instigated by the British. British settlements quickly extended to both north and south of Virginia and thus the new states Carolina and Georgia were founded. As more new lands were robbed from the native Indians, England encouraged mass immigration of whites from all over Europe. These newcomers were just as ruthless in replacing and suppressing the Indians. Before long there were millions of white settlers in America. They extended their territories to the land of the Iroquois tribes in the Great Lakes, and Ohio in the 1770s. The Iroquois tribes consisted of five Indian nations via the Mohawks, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga and Oneida. They formed a united confederacy to fight the British and the French invasion. They were sorely defeated and their people were massacred in thousands by the British and the French.

In 1763, to avoid costly wars against native Indians England forbade white settlers from encroaching Indian lands beyond the Rocky Mountains through a proclamation. ( NB: England needed the money for the Anglo British - French war in India ). This was ignored by white settlers who continued to advance westward through the might of their guns and canons. Therefore wars continued between the natives and the whites. The Indian tribes of the Cherokees and others were united under the leader Pontiac to resist the whites. But the resistance failed to stop the whites advance and so millions of new white immigrants were able to march West to illegally occupy Indian territories.

After the War of Independence in 1775 the extreme hostile policy of USA government towards the natives encouraged white settlers to grab native lands indiscriminately and they became even more violent towards the natives in their westward march. They totally ignored the rights and interests of the Indians and treated them with contempt. Thus the fate of the native Indians was sealed with the formation of the United States of America which was even more cruel, ruthless and brutal  towards the native Indians than the British.

USA adopted a policy of contempt of native Americans as subhuman and openly declared that the natives do not deserve to inherit the rich resourceful lands of America. Therefore they have no scruples in carrying out systematic killings, genocide and total extermination of the native Indians.

The whole scenario was a spectacle of European savages destroying established societies in America. It was a case of might is right, a skewed mangle thought of barbaric Europeans in which USA is still adopting and practising without restraint and without consideration to the principle of human rights and democracy of other peoples. USA frequent talk and advocacy  of human rights and democracy is crap cheap and is used as a cover to camouflage its evil intent and ambition of stirring trouble, dissension, choas, destability and conflicts among other countries with the objective of eventually taking over  these countries  under its total control and hegemony.
USA is now using the same satanic traits of aggression and conquests in the Middle East where their avaricious greed for Arab oil and gas result in the destruction of Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan with Iran in the pipe line earmark for attack any time in the future.

It is the bounded duty of every other country to stop facist USA objective of subjugating the whole world under USA New World Order of One World Government under USA total control and complete hegemony. Failing to do so will result in the enslavement of all countries and civilise peoples by the facist Evil Empire, USA


17th October, 2016


Wow, wow wee, Singapore is going from Sin City to Sex City

Sex, sex, sex. Sex is everywhere. Yes, this is no bluff. The message is clear, go and have sex anywhere, anyhow, whenever you like, it is good.  But remember to make more babies. This is the talk of the town. And don’t worry about pre marital sex, not to worry about being married or not yet married, just go have sex.

Wow, where am I, in planet Venus with Goddess Venus spreading love everywhere? Love is in the air in Sin City. Oops, now called Sex City.

Whatever Josephine Teo was saying, it is creating a happy storm I supposed. I like it. She is saying it the way it should be spoken, no holds bar. Why not, this is the 21st century.  No more pretences, no more inhibitions, no need to be shy lah. You want sex, go have it. Sex is fun.

With this new mantra, maybe no need to import more foreigners and we could produce enough babies for the 6.9m population.
Anyone needs help?

Oh, what am I talking about? Go read the happenings in TRE about how good and how fun it is to have sex : ) You would not find such glitzy news in the main media. Now you know why the main media is losing readership. But yes, it is also reported in the main stream media and also picked up by foreign media.

PS. God of Gambling, where are you? Why are you not telling everyone to go and gamble, in the casinos, in the 4D/Toto booths and online? Sex and gambling are a great combination for an exciting place. Don’t think so? Who is the God of Gambling, we are waiting for your permission to gamble everywhere, in small places also ok, hopefully with OPM.


Singapore China relations – Open split?

The verbal war between Singapore and China does not seem to subside and Singapore is upping the ante with another article by Kwa Chong Guan belabouring the point that China has been pressuring Singapore and ‘to influence and shape the opinions and actions of Chinese Singaporeans’. In his article appearing in the Today paper on 14 Oct titled ‘China’s unrealistic expectations of overseas Chinese’, Kwa Chong Guan traced the history of Chinese involvement in the MCP’s fight for the independence of Malaya and Singapore and the subversive role in local trade unions and political movements of the past.

Kwa Chong Guan made it very clear that ‘the Straits born Chinese, who did not think of themselves as huaqiao and did not identify with China’ did not agree with the strategies of the MCP. He then went on to relate to the MCP activities of early Malaya and Singapore days culminating in the Non Aligned Movement spat as another of ‘China’s attempt to shape the opinions and interests of the Chinese community in Singapore about Chinese interests’. Kwa drew a clear distinction in the modern Singaporeans and the Singaporeans of yore, that the new Singaporeans have no special affinity to China like their forefathers.
The new Singaporean entrepreneurs investing in China did not go there because of the historical attachment to China but purely based on ‘hard business investment’.  They did their investments not depending on ‘guan xi’, in other words, Singaporeans are principled, abiding by international laws when doing business in China and would not want to be treated differently. Kwa also emphasized that ‘Singapore…has to stand firm against demands by the ancestral homelands of Singapore’s diverse ethnic communities for their loyalty.’
As Singapore keeps on harping on the Chinese govt making demands on Singapore on racial affinity, how would this affect Singapore’s relations and investments in China? Would the trips by Hsien Loong to the USA, Japan, India and Australia have anything to do with the open split between Singapore and China? Is Singapore telling China to lay off and Singapore has other alternatives to invest, in the US, Japan, India and Australia and Singapore and China can go their separate ways henceforth?
The regular display of unhappiness by Singapore seems to be an official position, no longer someone speaking on his personal capacity. And most of the speakers airing this dispute hailed from one school of thought, the Rajaratnam School of International Studies. The notables making tough and flamboyant speeches on the SCS and demanding China to respect the ‘UN backed’ Hague rulings all came from this School.
The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policies has been quite silent on this spat. Maybe they are dealing more with local policies and issues and not international matters.  With the tempo of this spat gaining strength, it would be interesting if Lee Kuan Yew is still around and whether he would be wearing his favourite Chinese jacket during important official functions with great pride. Or would he be returning to his suit and tie to show a change in policies to be less dependent on China and more cosiness with the West

Lee Kuan Yew was a straits born and every inch a baba. As he grew up he rejected the name Harry Lee given to him by his grandfather. He did not name Hsien Loong and Hsien Yang and Wei Ling with English names like Peter, Simon or Jane. He also sent them to Chinese schools. What did all these said of this straits born Chinese? He was not the banana that one encounters in the island. He was not the typical straits borns. The straits borns are not a homogenous group. There will be the bananas that think highly of everything western, there will be those that are proud of their ancient civilisation.

And how would those wanting to be friendly to China be belittled as unacceptable? Being friendly to China is not the same as being a traitor to Singapore, going against the interests of Singapore and Singaporeans. The New Zealanders, Australians and many white colonised countries did not feel ashamed to be pro America because they were whites. Why should straits born Chinese feel ashamed to be friendly to China if they did not compromise Singapore's interests?

This episode is really Singapore punching above its weight, taking on China head on, demanding China to obey The Hague rulings, to obey international laws,  to protect freedom of navigation and to be principled, as if China is doing and acting to the contrary. Needless to say, diplomatically, it is rubbing China up the wrong side and the open spat would not go away just because Singapore is punching above its weight.

Where would all this lead to in Sino Singapore relations?


White Men's Brutal Carnage Against Native Americans since 1492. PART 3

White men's brutal carnage of native Americans since 12th October,1492              PART          3

White men do no wrong. They always justify their genocidal policy against natives all over the world , their aggression and conquest in the name of Jesus in the truth of their divine bible. They justify their racial supremacy, their economic and political interest and their their territorial aggression and conquest on religious doctrine and ideological basis. That is how white men choose to glorify the heroism of Columbus and his marauding successors as navigators and discoverors and ignore that they were ruthless murderers by saying nothing about their killings and genocide just to justify their evil deeds. It has always been their beliefs that Jesus will wash away their sins.

In the same way USA is justifying its never ending wars of aggression and expansion in the Middle east and all over the world now. USA claims it is all done for the progress and democracy of society. It may be so for white men but for the billions of others in Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and South America it is a sad history of a world of conquest, violence, hunger and exploitation by white men. The natives' countries and society have been uprooted, destabilized and disintegrated.

After Columbus, the killings and genocide of native Americans was carried on further with greater intensity and brutality by the Spaniards, British, France and other European invaders .

What Columbus did to the Arawaks of the Bahamas, Cortes of Spain did to the Aztecs of Mexico, Pizarro also of Spain did to the Incas of Peru and the English settlers of Virginia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Great Lakes did to the Powhatans, the Pequots, the Iroquois, Mohawks and Cherokees.

When a Spanish armada appeared at Vera Cruz in 1519, the Aztecs of Mexico welcomed Cortes and his men with magnificent hospitality. They did not know that Cortes came with an evil purpose, an obsessive goal to find gold . The king of the Aztecs, Montezuma sent a hundred runners to Cortes, bearing enormous treasures of gold and silver wrought into objects of fantastic beauty and at the same time begged him to leave. However, after taking the gifts, Cortes turned on the Aztecs and killed them all.

Cortes then looked for further plunder of gold by marching his men from town to town in a trail of blood and killings. His killings were carried out deliberately and systematically with a strategic purpose to paralyze the will of the population to resist by a sudden frightful massacre. In the province of Cholulu he invited the headman of the Cholulu nation to the City Square. When the Cholulu headman came with thousands of unarmed retainers bearing gifts, Cortes army of Spaniards posted around the square with cannons, muskets, armed with crossbows mounted horsemen massacred them all, down to the last man. Then they looted the city and moved on to other towns and villages continuing their same macabre evil deeds. When their cavalcade of murder and massacre was over they were in Mexico City. They had already murdered Montezuma and the shattered Aztec Civilization was under Spaniards full control.

In Peru, another Spanish conqueror, Pizarro used the same tactic and strategy for the same reasons, the frenzy in Europe for gold, slaves and for products of the land to pay the bondholders and stockholders of the expeditions to finance the monarchical bureaucracies rising in Western Europe.

In the North American English colonies the pattern of conquests, murder and killings was repeated and with even more callous cruelty. In 1585, Richard Grenville landed in Virginia with seven ships. Just like all other natives, the Indian natives of Virginia were kind and hospitable. But soon Grenville found excuses to kill them and to sack and burn Indian villages.

The British set up James town inside the territory of an Indian confederacy under the Chief Powhatan. Powhatan watched the British occupied his land with a very cooling posture. In the winter months of 1610, Powhatan gave refuge to some British settlers who were starving. But when summer came the governor of the colony asked Powhatan to return the runaways. The runaways refused to go back to the colony. This gave the governor the excuse to attack the Indians. His men attacked Indian settlements, killing all the Indians, burned their houses and crops and took the queen of the tribe and her children into their boats. They then threw the children overboard to be drowned . Later the queen was stabbed to death.

As years go by the English settlements grew by leaps and mounts. The British government had rounded up all the convicts and low class squalid British commoners to settle in America.

The British who were unable to enslave the natives and unable to live with them then decided to exterminate them.  Very often they feigned to give a peaceful hand and just as Indians thought they feel safe, the British would attack them with brutality, killing as many Indians as possible and burning their crops and houses. This kind of massacre would go on for years to come and continued by USA later with even greater ferocity and cruelty.

In 1607 a Powhatan chief had appealed to the British not to attack and take things by force since the natives were willing to give whatever the British demanded for including food and supplies. He advised the British to take away their guns and swords or else the British would die in the same manner.

However, the British took no heed of the warning. Each new year would see more and more British settlers . When the Pilgrims came to New England they tried to displace the Indian tribes of their land. The governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrob created the excuse to take Indian land through fraud and deceit and often cited the Holy Bible to justify their land grabbing and massacre. They often and always quoted the Bible, Psalms Chapter 2, Verse 8 and Romans, Chapter 13, Verse 2, claiming their conquests and killings were all sanctioned by their God.

The Puritans never ceased to attack the natives. When the natives fought back and killed a white man, punitive expeditions were sent to attack the Narrogansett Indians on Block Islands. Governor Winthrob then ordered the massacre of the Indians both the Pequots and the Narrogansetts. The Indians at Block Islands did not realize that the white men were there to kill them and so they came to the shore to cheer and greet them with gifts. By the time they realized it many of them were killed.

The Indians fought back fiercely against great odds of white men's guns and swords. So the wars with the Indians began. It was sheer massacre of the natives. The English developed a tactic of warfare used earlier by Cortes and continued to use it even more systematically later in the 19th and 20th Century. There were deliberate attacks on noncombatants for the purpose of terrorising the enemy into submission. ( Tactics now use by USA  in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria in mass bombings by drones and bombers. ) Captain John Mason would avoid head on battle with brave Indian warriors. He would rather destroy the Indians' will to fight by burning the villages and their crops. Mason had determined that massacre would be his objective. Those Indians that escaped the fire were slain with the sword, some hewed to pieces, others ran through with their rapiers to instant death and none or very few could escape. The English thus killed not less than a thousand Indians each time they conducted their attacks on Indian villages. They would then praise their God for working so wonderfully for them to destroy the enemies and thus gave them a speedy victory over the proud and insulting Indians.

The Indians however continued the fight against the British, realizing too late that the white men were intent on taking their lands and killing them. The terrified Indians could offer no resistance with their primitive weapons .

Another white men's dirty tactic was to use one native tribe against another native tribe so that they could never join forces to fight the English. In this way the English had an easy fray to take down all the Indians. ( NB: Just as USA now is using other countries to fight against each other like the Arabs in the Middle East, the Koreans, Japanese, China, Vietnam and the Philippines. )

The terrified Indians soon realized three lessons from the Pequot War " ( 1 ) that the English men's most solemn pledge would be broken whenever obligation conflicted with advantage, ( 2 ) that the English way of war had no limit of scruple or mercy and ( 3 ) that weapons of Indian making were almost useless against weapons of European manuafacture."

Forty years after the Pequot War the English attacked another Indian tribe, the Wampanoags of Massachusetts Bay. They began a war of conquest against the Wampanoags to take their land claiming it to be a defensive war though they were clearly the aggressors without cause. The English objective was the complete annihilation  of the millions of natives living to the north of Mexico.They feigned good will by presenting to some Indian chiefs blankets. These blankets however belonged to English patients who had died of small pox. However, the unsuspecting Indians did not know it. Before long small pox was to devastate the Indian population by the thousands.

The only reason behind the English invasion of North America, their massacre of Indians, their deception and their brutality was the extreme greed for other people's land. Their greed for land had transformed them into the barbarous murder of whole people.  NB: ( USA is killing the Arabs in the Middle East for oil and gas, and stirring and provoking trouble in the South China Sea hoping to take total control of the oil and gas in the region. )

The horrible bloodshed and deceit from Columbus to Cortes, Pizarro and the English puritans had shown the most savage brutality and instinct of white men in their insatiable appetite for aggression and conquest of other people's land and their determination to subject other people to their total domination.

This is what we see happening now all over the world, when USA in similar brutal behaviour and savagery is attacking other countries and killing millions all in the name of human rights, democracy and divine rights sanction by their God. It is all just a smokescreen, a camouflage to cover the evil intention to bring all countries in the world under One World Government under  USA total control, domination and hegemony.

The massacre and annihilation of the natives of North America was continued by USA after its independence from England and it was intensified and became more brutal than ever. From 1775 to the present  time , no less than 85 million native Americans were massacred without any scruples by USA. Now there are hardly more than 50,000 native American Indians left in the whole of North America.

European genocidal policy was white men's excuse for progress. Actually it is merely greed, power crazy and a false sense of racial superiority and religious divinity that they rationalize their irrationality  that they did nothing wrong in their atrocities, murder, genocide and conquests by force against other people.


14th  October, 2016

CPF is not your money, or is it your money?

This is a comment posted in a thread in TRE.


CPF IS NOT OUR MONEY as we have been told in the political dog house – is it not true that our CPF – being part of our reserves – HAVE ALREADY BEEN SQUANDERED ALREADY?

And the enhanced nomination scheme for CPF aims to squander the CPF savings of surviving next generation?



Many in the know could not forget the clever NMP who uttered this in Parliament. Pardon me, I could not remember her name, but we all know who she is.

If I could remember, after she uttered this remark, that the CPF is not the people’s money, not exactly and she justified that some parts of the CPF contributions were contributed by the employers, and with her legal trained logic, she declared the CPF is not the people’s money.

Was there a thunderous applause after she said this? I am not sure but I think everyone on the side of the majority in govt had a wide grin on their faces, and nodding their heads happily. Never mind why or what they were grinning at. I could remember one very important thing,no one spoke or sought clarification after this remark to confirm if the CPF is the people’s money or not. Correct me if I am mistaken.

Do you think every Singaporean ought to know, want to know what is the govt’s stand on this, whether the govt agreed or disagreed with her? Don’t you think the govt owed the people an explanation on this utterance, whether it is true or false? Never mind if it does not matter, that the people still has no control over their CPF money and legislations can be introduced to do whatever with their CPF money without their consent. I can understand, and I know, many of you have already resigned to the fate that the CPF money is not your money and did not want to say or do anything. It is water under the bridge. Too late.

Would any MP want to revisit this matter,  to question this loose utterance and demand the govt to take a stand, to explain to the people whether the CPF is the people’s money, the money of the CPF account holders, the people’s savings, the people’s coffin money?

Or is it not important anymore, overtaken by events, the reality of the CPF being legislated away to buy MedishieldLife and to be stuck in the minimum sums said it all? No need to bother?

Anyway daft Sinkies do not bother anymore. So what is the point?

Only in this country where the people saved a life time for retirement and when they are expected to withdraw their money for retirement, they found that it could not be done. And the best part, they accepted it as part and parcel of life, even a good thing.