
US bent on starting a war in Asia

The US is going to take unilateral action against North Korea, and behind this unilateral action would be the Japanese, all wanting to get the two Koreans to kill and destroy each other. And the South Koreans are just as eager to do the necessary, and the Americans and Japanese are so glad that this would be so, and there will not be any Koreans left on the devastated Korean Peninsula after an open conflict.

On paper, superficially, the South Koreans are just as mad as the North Koreans, so happy and eager to kill the North Koreans for the Americans and the Japanese. How real is this? Are the two Koreans really so mad to want to destroy each other for the benefits of their Number One enemy, Japan? Sensible and reasonable people would not think so. The two Koreans could not be so mad and stupid to want to do so. But all the sabre rattlings are pointing to an eminent war of unimaginable proportion that would see to the end of the Korean Civilisation.

The Americans, in command of the South Korean armies, had just flown two B1 bombers armed with nuclear bombs over the Korean peninsula as a show of force. Hopefully Kim Jong Un would be really mad and fire at the B1s and scatter the nuclear radio active waste all over the Korean peninsula and across the Sea of Japan. Unfortunately Kim Jong Un is not that mad to do so. But if an accident like a trigger happy Taiwanese NCO pulling the trigger, and all hell would break loose.

The Americans are trying to use force against the North Koreans, while talking about peace. God bless the two Koreans, for they may not be around after such a war. Would they have the wisdom to avoid killing themselves or would the Americans and the Japanese decide their fate and existence as a Civilisation of Korean people?

War is not funny when nuclear weapons could be use. Would anyone be able to stop the Americans from starting another war in Asia? All the silly American allies must be happy to have a war in Asia so that they can have more dead heroes to brag about. For sure this time the Philippines would not be involved under Duterte. He remembered the massacres of hundreds of thousands of Pinoys by the Americans in the early 1900s and would likely be asking the Americans to pay for compensation and reparation for the slaughtering of Pinoys during the invasion and colonization of the Philippines. He has started to ask the American soldiers in Mindanao to go home. He has cancelled joint sea patrol with the Americans in the South China Sea to deescalate tension with China.

Duterte is very clear in what is best for the Philippines. He would not allow the Philippines to be used as a sacrificial lamb to serve American interests. He would not allow the Pinoys to die for the American Empire and turn the Philippines back into another American colony. There is national pride in this man.

Duterte must be very careful for his safety for antagonizing the Empire. Be prepared for a military coup to topple him or an assassination bullet. There are many Pinoys, among the drug lords that could be easily persuaded to do the job for the Americans or a false flag event to knock him out. This is the risk for defying the Dark Side.


Elected Presidency - Outrageous and untenable circular logic

The Person Sitting in Darkness is almost sure to say: "There is something curious about this – curious and unaccountable. There must be two Americas: one that sets the captive free, and one that takes a once-captive’s new freedom away from him, and picks a quarrel with him with nothing to found it on; then kills him to get his land."
The above was penned by Mark Twain in 1901 and below was a comment by Duterte blasting at the Americans who thought the Philippines is still their colony and they have the right to meddle with the political affairs of the country.
."I am a president of a sovereign state. And we have long ceased to be a colony. I do not have any master but the Filipino people."
How could these two statements have any relevance to the controversies over the changes to the criteria and qualifications for the Elected President of Singapore, albeit a practically non executive post, paid in the millions while most of the jobs would be about attending charity events and claiming to be the one that raised the millions for charity, or visiting sporting events and cheering the athletes to give moral support? How important and demanding could such a job be to require so extraordinary feat and expertise but with nothing said about moral righteousness, honour, humility, human kindness, compassion, nobility of not the monetary kind, and the desire to serve the people and country?
The thought that a non executive president must possess all the stringent qualities but nothing is needed to be the most powerful man in the country, the PM, is simply nonsensical. Period.
But this nonsense does not stop there. This man, after passing through the stringent criteria, needs to be elected to have the moral authority to make decisions on two functions, ie say yes to use the national reserves and the appointments of top civil servants. It would not be ridiculous if things stop here. But no, there is a non elected Presidential Advisory Council to overrule the elected President. What nonsense! The men in the Advisory Council are not elected by the people, what moral or legal authority would they have over a President elected by the people? And in most cases, these men may not even be more qualified than the EP.
And there is this presumption that in the event of a rogue govt, the President, a one man show, could rule over a rogue govt? What audacious thinking is that? A rogue govt may be rogue but not stupid, and it is the easiest thing for them to get rid of the EP if they intend to do so. They could even disband the Parliament and rule like rogues, abusing all the powers at their disposal, changing the Constitution, appointing all their lackeys and cronies to high offices and take control of everything. There is nothing to stop a rogue govt.
And what is the point of a highly qualified EP, elected by the people, with moral authority, to check on the govt, when Parliament could simply overrule him with a 2/3 majority? Heard of LPPL?
And it is the fault of the system that we don't have a minority Malay President for four decades! Oops, it is not the system, it is the racist Chinese population that would not vote for a non Chinese President. What proof? Who said that? Has it ever been proven that it would be the case? Utter nonsense, rubbish. Oh, the surveys said so. Really? What worth are the surveys?


Singaporean Chinese are racist?

If one is to follow the political narrative in the main media the last few days, on air or in print, one cannot but go away with the idea that the majority Chinese are racist. And extrapolating this kind of silly thinking and talks, as this island moves forward, there is a high likelihood that apartheid is on the card if the govt does not do anything about it. The racial issues are getting so bad that several politicians are giving out warnings that things would get worse if nothing is done today, now. Singapore is going to face racial strife and riots in the future.

The statestimesreview posted an article with this title 'Minister Chan Chun Sing and Sam Tan: Singaporeans, especially Chinese, are racist'. The statestimesreview is an alternative voice in the social media and understandably would have a different slant to the official view. Did Chan Chun Sing and Sam Tan said that, one would have to read what the two actually said and decide for oneself. One thing for sure, this is the impression that the statestimereview had from their political dialogue to convince the people why there is an urgent need for the drastic changes to the Elected Presidency.

Actually there is now a massive govt campaign going on led by ministers to talk on this topic and how racist the majority Chinese population is. One joker even said if nothing is done, in the future there will be no more minority MPs, implying that the Chinese would only vote for Chinese MPs. Is this kind of utterance backed up by empirical data of the past voting patterns?

In the latest by election at Bukit Batok, Ah Mu won hands down by beating Chee Soon Juan. What did it say of the racist Chinese voters? Nothing much really as Ah Mu is likely to be Chinese as Ah Mu sounded like a Chinese name. And I heard he could speak Chinese as well. He may look darker in complexion but to the simple minded Chinese voters he must be Chinese and that was why they gave him a resounding victory against another Chinese.

What about Tharman? Is he also Chinese? His name sounds Chinese as well. And he got the highest percentage of votes in the last GE, higher than the PM. I think the racist Chinese voted for him because they thought he is Chinese. It must be, racist Chinese majority would only vote for Chinese MPs/Minsiters. If you believe the current narrative this must be the case.

What about the past, did any minority politicians got elected by the racist Chinese that would vote only for the same race? Who was David Marshall, Devan Nair, Rahim Ishak, Othman Wok, JBJ, etc etc, were they not voted into office by the racist Chinese? And they stood as single constituency candidates, not lompang and got in by GRC, hanging on to the coat tails of a Chinese ministers.

After so many years of national education and national pledges, is the promotion of a multi racial country a complete failure and the govt now have to resort to legislation to protect the minorities or else they would not be voted into political office? You believe in that?

And what is the wonder solution to ensure that the racist Chinese would vote for the minorities? Have a minority president! Wow, this is really a magical formula that can solve a 50 year racial problem. So simple, so brilliant! And after this is built into the Constitution the racist Chinese majority would no longer be racist or cannot be racist?

What do you think?

PS:  Happy Hari Raya Haji to our Malay and Muslim fellow citizens.


Elected President - The Americans got a good model to copy

Look at Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton fighting it out for the Presidency of the most powerful country in the world, with executive duties and power to conduct wars all over the world. And look at their qualifications? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now wonder the Americans are scratching their heads on which joker to vote.

Not to worry Americans, there is a new model to learn from, the Singapore model to elect the President. America is such a big and powerful country and they deserve to have a qualified and very clever leader to run the country, not anyhow hantam also can type. Both Trump and Hillary Clinton would be rejected by the Singapore model. We have the world’s most stringent criteria for an elected President, even if his job is mainly ceremonial with two custodial duties, like guarding the nations reserve and appointing of top civil servants. Never mind if the President can still be over ruled by Parliament or be bungled into the car boot and be driven into some dark corners when a rogue govt comes into power.

The Americans must study our new system of qualification for a president very carefully. It is a load of wisdom and for the good of the Americans, And there is a special clause for the minorities in the US which would come in very handy. The blacks and Hispanics would love it, to protect their interests and to make sure they will have a chance to be the President of the USA when their turns come, no need to fight with the  superior white candidates like Trump and Hillary.

Our new formula, waiting to be passed as law and build into the Constitution, is carefully crafted, and very fair and very good, by 9 eminent and highly intelligent individuals, all clear thinking people with the interest of the country and people at heart. And the Americans can simply copy it, without having to sweat the small stuff. We have not registered for copyright purpose and the Americans would not be infringing on our intellectual property rights.  I am also very sure our govt would like to offer this uniquely Singapore formula to the world as the best working model for govt and politics.

Oops, I forgot to mention an important point here. If the formula is to be applied, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would ace the qualifications. One being the CEO of a multi billion dollar company and the other an ex Secretary of State. Just these two qualifications would make them fine candidates of the US Presidency. Never mind about their characters that the Americans are having doubts kike evil woman or con man.

The Americans can vote them out at the Presidential Election. Oops, one more point, under the American system you can only vote one of the two out, and still have to live with the other one.

But not to worry, this formula will prequalify all future presidential candidates and make sure they are the best talents available in the USA. Yes, the Americans can have this brilliant formula for free. No need to say thank you even. Just do a little modification and customisation like $5b company instead of $500m and make the eligibility period for minority candidate to be every 3 terms or 15 years since America tot so many minorities. And don't forget the native Americans, used to be called Red Indians.


What is Shanmugam smoking?

This is the heading in the Today paper, ‘S’poreans must decide if they want President to have real power: Shanmugam’.  I can’t believe this coming from Shanmugam. When have the Singaporeans got any say in the President thing? It is all the govt saying and doing, and going to approve in Parliament. Where is the part that Singaporeans got the right to have a say in this saga?

If Shanmugam is serious in what he is saying, that Singaporeans must decide, then let’s have a referendum on this EP criteria and the drastic changes to have race as a criteria for the election of an EP and all sorts of ridiculous terms to bar the ordinary Singaporeans from the right to be the EP. The whole act is between the govt and 9 members in the Constitutional Commission and later between the PAP MPs voting for it with the WP MPs voting against it.

Where do the Singaporeans come in on this, and have a say? I quote a comment from a commentator in TRE about what some Singaporeans are thinking,

Sg patriot:
September 8, 2016 at 8:26 pm  (Quote)
I don’t even bother to read or hear anything about this EP nonsense.
Pinky has his secret agenda. Every damn law or proposal can be passed or rammed down our throats as Long as PAP and their sycophants are the main players.
Besides, no proposal or law is for the benefit of citizens but for themselves to entrench their power and remain in office indefinitely.

Does the above quote say it clearly what the Singaporeans are thinking and what part are they playing in this Presidency thing?

It seems that someone worked up in the morning and had a brain crash and decided that this is the best thing and should be done regardless of whether Singaporeans agree to it or not. It has nothing to do with what the Singaporeans want. If the Singaporeans have a say in this, do the necessary, call for a referendum for the Singaporeans to decide not because someone thinks it is right and he has to do it.

And the inclusion of race into the Constitution and all the high barriers, are they unconstitutional? Two top judges are in the Commission, and must have thought that these changes are constitutional? Are they? The Law Society and the legal fraternity are silent on this whole episode. Strange, didn't they the most learned men and women with respect to law and legality have any to say about this?