Impression of Lijiang. An open air show choreographed by famous director Zhang Yimou
What is Shanmugam smoking?
This is the heading in the Today paper, ‘S’poreans must decide if they want President to have real power: Shanmugam’. I can’t believe this coming from Shanmugam. When have the Singaporeans got any say in the President thing? It is all the govt saying and doing, and going to approve in Parliament. Where is the part that Singaporeans got the right to have a say in this saga?
If Shanmugam is serious in what he is saying, that Singaporeans must decide, then let’s have a referendum on this EP criteria and the drastic changes to have race as a criteria for the election of an EP and all sorts of ridiculous terms to bar the ordinary Singaporeans from the right to be the EP. The whole act is between the govt and 9 members in the Constitutional Commission and later between the PAP MPs voting for it with the WP MPs voting against it.
Where do the Singaporeans come in on this, and have a say? I quote a comment from a commentator in TRE about what some Singaporeans are thinking,
Sg patriot:
September 8, 2016 at 8:26 pm (Quote)
I don’t even bother to read or hear anything about this EP nonsense.
Pinky has his secret agenda. Every damn law or proposal can be passed or rammed down our throats as Long as PAP and their sycophants are the main players.
Besides, no proposal or law is for the benefit of citizens but for themselves to entrench their power and remain in office indefinitely.
Does the above quote say it clearly what the Singaporeans are thinking and what part are they playing in this Presidency thing?
It seems that someone worked up in the morning and had a brain crash and decided that this is the best thing and should be done regardless of whether Singaporeans agree to it or not. It has nothing to do with what the Singaporeans want. If the Singaporeans have a say in this, do the necessary, call for a referendum for the Singaporeans to decide not because someone thinks it is right and he has to do it.
And the inclusion of race into the Constitution and all the high barriers, are they unconstitutional? Two top judges are in the Commission, and must have thought that these changes are constitutional? Are they? The Law Society and the legal fraternity are silent on this whole episode. Strange, didn't they the most learned men and women with respect to law and legality have any to say about this?
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“We are not in a situation where the minorities are demanding something, and the majority is pushing back and saying we don’t want.”
“I’m pushing this not because I feel pressure from the minorities… but because I think it is a right thing to do.”
“Nobody is asking, but I think it is something we ought to do, and do now, for the long term of Singapore.”
"And the inclusion of race into the Constitution and all the high barriers, are they unconstitutional?...Strange, didn't they the most learned men and women with respect to law and legality have any to say about this?"
Not when they did not contest and win elections against PAP.
Or else to say it is as good as RB say, so why say, tio bo? And by not saying, that also shows they are not daft.
"That's why I campaigned on the voice of the people, which, I think by now it's quite clear, is not welcome....That's the extra reason why I shouldn't be running. I might get into trouble."
Tan Kin Lian on why he is not running for next PE even if qualified.
"Might get into trouble", and that also could be why the most learned men and women with respect to law and legality have nothing to say whether it is unconstitutional on the inclusion of race into the Constitution and all the high barriers.
RB, so now you understand?
I saw lots of talks on EP and the word "minority". I was thinking these people are being fooled if they do not first clarify who are the minority race.
From observing while walking on the streets, minority race can be someones whom Singapore has never established. They do not speak traditional languages NS men heard of. These new citizens must be the very minority: they could be put into any of the 4 races Singaporeans know of, but they will never want to be one of us. RB said pinoys were malay. I doubt if we ask our piney maids if are they are malay. They will tell u. "sir i cannot answer i come bark to u after speaking to the agent".
Putting a certain majority race among the so many races in Singapore as constitutional clause is a risky move.
My reason is: malay will be a majority race or indians will be the majority race in years to come with the boost of mass immigration or self reproduction. There is no reason to put race like malay in constitutions.
If race malay must be there, then pm jobs, must also be defined by race, can be malay indian or whatever. Will pap willing to do this? That will mean no more leeders in their own definition.
Singapore is now on the way to Malaysia bumiputra or S Africa Aparthied policy. We are now having a racial quota. Eventually our fucking minorities will ask for racial quota in civil service, private sector, and even rob Chinese of wealth in the name of racial quota.
Lee Hsien Loong and Kuan Yew are the asshole who created this shit.
If race malay must be there, then pm jobs, must also be defined by race, can be malay indian or whatever. Will pap willing to do this?
10:24 am
Of course not, if that doesn't serve PAP interest.
Now by having EP being from the minority (Malay) race, it will serve PAP's interest by keeping Tan Cheng Bock out of the election. Some more, unlike PM post, EP can be made ceremonial so race is not really an issue anymore. And even so, not for Cheng Bock, since he is not a PAP crony anymore.
By now all Singaporeans must know that whatever they uttered they are not for the consumption
of the locals , all these talks are for the world , our neighbors and foreigners and some daft is lies. That is why they think highly of
our government. Talk to any foreigners and you will know what I mean.
Singapore basic principle is race blind. Now an idiot wanted to start a race thing from the top. Does it not know that these will be an excellence opportunity for someone to shout racist when thing not going it way.
Lee Hsien Loong and Kuan Yew are the asshole who created this shit.
Veritas 10:50 am
Not really lah, from the viewpoint of PAP's interest of having power and money under their control.
That's why PAP will never allow race to be used as a criteria for PM post, simply because, unlike EP, PM post has the ultimate political power.
But if PAP can sacrifice Sinkies for the sake of GDP growth, PAP will. And that is regardless of race. And it is already happening.
Singapore racial policy are shit, far worse than China. Singapore will be like USA, not being able to solve race problem. USA way is to enshrine their fucking blacks like God. Blacks are murdering, raping, and having tons of babies out of wedlock and then blame the culprits to white.
In reality blacks are fucking race.
Then there are Jews who funded the Black Live Matter movement.
The elites of USA, in particular Jews wants to destroy the entire society to create a caste system, and make people stupid.
Same as Singapore.
The best racial policy is China. For long, Han Chinese know what is good and what is bad. When minorities become fuck up, China educate them. Now even Tibetan is becoming good. Uighur Islamo got support of USA and her fucking sunni ally and will remain fuck up for around 2 generation and there after Uighur will become good.
Our Malay will continue to be fuck up and complain discrimination till the day Prophet Mohamad descend to judge the earth.
You want to bet.
Actually MIW is the minority race which must be protected...all perched in their ivory towers surrounded by the institutions that protect them. Did the peasants agree to any of these? Waiting for their monthly handouts while THEY feast on endless oversea trips and escorted bus know what's crazy? The peasants pay these jokers handsomely so that these jokers can tell the peasants to fend for themselves..
“Nobody is asking, but I think it is something we ought to do, and do now, for the long term of Singapore.”
September 10, 2016 9:49 am
Do you think it should be amended to:
“Nobody is asking, but I think it is something we ought to do, and do now, for the long term of PAP.”
Anon 10:04am
TKL knows he can never make it in EP. He should have given up in the first round so that TCB will win. But he chose to use he could be in trouble to get out. He is best be out in order not to disturb the balance in votes.
In this world, there are great men and there are coward. The great man i saw from Asia is none other than the present UN chief. He achieved by making sure Obama and Xi presented the Paris Climate agreement to reduce waste gas. This is a great achievement in mankind, in my personal view.
On the other hand, there is coward. The most bor lump par is none other than the facebook boss. FB deleted a picture of a naked 9 year old child ran behind dark smoky background during Vietnam war. This degrading the US war picture was taken out so that the young generations will have good impression of US invading Vietnam, i guess. Similar to Abe saying Nanjing massacred and comfort women used by Japanese army were none existed.
These 2 people are one white and one yellow skin Japanese. Their intentions in politics are something Singaporean young should be careful about their words and acts. These people are not harmless now and in future.
I raised these examples to show readers that, people doing harmful act to our children in future or doing something so great to our earth, are living people. We have to use our brain to see what are the implications of politicians in their acts.
The same applies to little dot s politicians. Putting a race in constitution to pacify a racial demand is like planting a mine for future politicians taking over this little dot. The potential difference between a particular race, malay, specified in constitution is drawn out. The future question will be: u malay or non malay? malay can, non malay cannot.
A lot of things will be marked this way. There is no way out for voters as the pap is this kind of politicians wanting to set race as ep, pm and so on, while they take in mass immigrants of some races. The safe way to the future is to vote for non pap candidates to get rid of race base politics.
Do you think it should be amended to:
“Nobody is asking, but I think it is something we ought to do, and do now, for the long term of PAP.”
12.04 pm
Of course. But although it may be the truth, it is not politically correct for PAP to say it publicly that way.
That's why PAP say it is for the long term of Singapore, so daft Sinkies will feel better. If not, how to win 70% votes, u tell me lah?
Eh China's race policy is probably far worse. They have one child policy for han chinese and none for non han. As a result the percentage of minorities has increased relatively to the Han Chinese. it is a very bad decision for the demographic future in the long run of things.
The result is that they will have less smart people in the long run. Singapore which tries to encourage smart people is better in the long run.
@12.08pm RightLee Said!
// The same applies to little dot s politicians. Putting a race in constitution to pacify a racial demand is like planting a mine for future politicians taking over this little dot. The potential difference between a particular race, malay, specified in constitution is drawn out. The future question will be: u malay or non malay? malay can, non malay cannot. //
诗 : 告别红点
(Poem): (So Lo(ooo)ng, Red Dot)
Google translate:
"I can not wait for you,
Too many unacceptable things ,
I can not stand no see ,
Bully again and again ,
A cheat and a series over and over again ,
Life hope destination geometry,
Everything has become tasteless ,
Life can never be recovered,
Leave it away from this village ,
Never look back and never miss ,
This is not farewell forever ,
Heartache could not be more pain,
Hope was not lost more disappointed ,
Desperate Heart nowhere compartment release,
Everything is matter the outcome,
Shock home loss of pain ,
But in the past or into the past ,
Heart is no longer with no feeling . "
Bing Translate:
"I can't wait for you,
Too many unacceptable things,
Cannot bear it anymore without seeing,
Again, don't
Part of a lie over and over again,
Hope in life home,
Everything has become tasteless,
Life will never be able to restore,
Leave it away,
Never look back and never miss,
This is goodbye forever,
Heartache could not be more pain,
Wang loss couldn't be more disappointed,
Once desperate heart is everywhere,
Everything has no end,
Pain to lose a home volatility
But the past is past,
Heart is no longer free. "
Layman Translation:
"I can't wait unto Yew anymore,
Too many unacceptable things,
Cannot bear it anymore and not see,
Again, don't keep cocking the books,
Snakeoil salesman over and over again,
How many hope and belonging in a life,
Everything has become tasteless,
Life will never be able to be restored
Leaving all behind to go faraway land,
Never look back and never miss,
This is goodbye forever,
Heartache could not be more pain,
Bean couldn't be more disappointed,
The disappointed heart is homeless,
Everything matters not anymore,
The reverberation of pain is thundering
But the past is past,
A numb Heart no longer feels."
Hey idiot.
We want you to fix the trains.
Not the office of the President
Hairline cracks found only after first fleetwide inspection in 13 years
So after 51 years.
Has there been a fleet-wide inspection of our National Reserves?
Are there any hairline cracks after 51 years?
Sinkies got to be clear about this:
70% has given the Mandate to the Rulers to do whatever they(Rulers)
deem fit.
When Minister Shamugan took time to
explain about the President Election, Sinkies should be grateful or at least thankful.
Shamugan or for the Matter, any others in the Cabinet do NOT owe
Sinkies any reason and explanation.
I think the problem is that the young people of our country make the west up to be some idealized egalitarian paradise. So they try to follow the west in minority appeasement and affirmative action. The PAP adopting a big tent approach to talent means that they try to co opt many people of opposing views to their party.
As more racial egalitarians get co opted into the PAP, the policy of the PAP will be based more on affirmative action and racial quotas. This is going to be a problem for us.
Rb, I think u misunderstood the minister when he said sinkies to decide. When they open up the hearing, they do let sinkies have a say and decide and in fact many did submit their view and their decision. But u must understand that there are many submissions with different views so at the end the cabinet have to decide for sinkies which is the best decision in their view so they decided. Just because that view may not be liked by many is just too bad. As Lao Goh said the key is nett happiness so the government will make a decision based on what they feel is the nett happiness and most of the time they got it right cause they won in every election mean their judgement of nett happiness is damn accurate.😀😀😀
How much money do we really have in our Singapore reserves?
If we have only peanuts left, why do we need such high qualifications from Presidential candidates?
not exactly ot,
greeting from sri lanka,
Anon 12.39pm
This is what you need in mind. Everyone has a mind. The mind decides what logic is acceptable for action. Action must accomplish your own logic.
There is no confusion you have logic. There is choice u chose was to wait for change. So you are disappointed again.
Give you an example. A friend told me he met his gf he spent lots of money on, and time plus efforts after many years he gave up. He was not sure if he should re contact this woman who eyed at him.
I asked him what was your thought when both of you crossed the path. He said, he looked straight and told him self not to recognize her.
I asked him: what was your doubt in mind? He said he regretted his own action.
I deciphered for him: dude, you drew your own confusion. Trust me. Your first 那一念. It was the right one. Why?
U can never re create a future with this gf. If you chose to go against your first 那一念, u will create another problem for your future.
For what u have written, u are right to have made the decision to 告别红点. Its exactly the same as this friend of mine.
Only when you have decided to re create a new future, then, u will give up the past confusing fruitless events.
Give up voting for pap. Vote for non pap to re create a future.
And the inclusion of race into the Constitution and all the high barriers, are they unconstitutional?
Two top judges are in the Commission, and must have thought that these changes are constitutional? Are they?
The Law Society and the legal fraternity are silent on this whole episode.
Strange, didn't they the most learned men and women with respect to law and legality have any to say about this?
My father say so.
redbean and the rest of you slaves can please fuck off.
Rb// Does the above quote say it clearly what the Singaporeans are thinking and what part are they playing in this Presidency thing?//
Well Uncle, if yew can consider the below "analysis an answer" to the "GREAT 21st CENTURY CONUNDRUM"? Here it goes (sit tight, oldies! This could be a wild ride; dun read further if yew have no (strong) heart?):
"Who am I?"
Where to start?
"Who or rather what is the 'I' ?"
"谁是'我'? 什么是'我' ?"
Ok ok, stop the round about .....
The subject is about this little red dot?
The "I" is this little island about 718 Sq Km in size?
Who or what then represents "I"?
What animal is that?
A mermaid?
Or a lion?
Who am 'I'?
A democracy?
In name only?
A communist state?
Nope ......
A monarchy?
In form but not in name?
A republic?
In name but not in form?
Which democracy in history other than this weird merlion island that has an absolute majority of more than 90% for a continuous half a century?
Is there another Merlion in this world?
What can it be if a democracy wields power equivalent to an absolute monarchy?
Is it a Republic or a monarchy then?
What is a Republic?
Hypothetically speaking, can a Republic still be a Republic if the ruler wields absolute power and the people zero?
Hypothetically speaking, can a Republic still be a Republic when in essence everything is akin to a monarchy and the Republic is a Republic only in name?
Is it a Republic only in name but ruled like a monarchy in essence but still recognised even by the greatest republic on earth as a Republic?
Who am "I"?
A republic or a monarchy?
A mermaid or a lion?
Is there such a creature or is it an artificial creation?
Who am "I"?
A democracy or a monarchy?
Can a democracy in name still really be a democracy in essence if it is ruled by absolute power absolutely for half to one century continuously by a single absolute power?
Is there any other such "democracy" around in history?
If no, can it still be a democracy not in essence but in name?
Who am "I"?
A "Demo-narchy"?
Think merlion?
It does not exist anywhere else but at the mouth of a harbour of a tiny island?
Is it a permanent sustainable lasting new "creation" or an artificial man made "artifice" not unlike the artificial man made "waterfall" in the bird park and soon in 2018 another one but this time indoor in an artificial dome?
Who am "I"?
A mermaid?
A lion?
Or a so called Merlion?
Who am "I"?
A democracy?
A monarchy?
Or a demo-narchy?
Who am "I"?
Rb //Where do the Singaporeans come in on this, and have a say?//
Uncle, have it not heard "KISS"??
Means what?
Well, let mee take yew back in time ......
To be exact, to a 2000+ years ago ancient Chinese civilisation ......
So, that's IT!
A spade is a spade!
They called it and meant it!
It is called an
Veritas, just deleted another of your post. Talking about race is not about insulting another race.
Letting the people have a say, like feedback, is not letting the people to decide. It has already been decided.
Rb //‘S’poreans must decide if they want President to have real power: Shanmugam’.//
To "survive" in this democrazy, oops ...... monarchy ....... oops ...... demo-narchy ..... oops ...... oso not really ..... communist cuntry .....oops ..... oso not really ...... aiya ...... what is it?
A new "ism" has dawned on earth .......?
It must be?
It does not fit into anything that existed on earth?
Now or in recorded history?
What shall it be?
SinYouism or YouSinism?
Oops should be SinYewism?
Or YewSinism?
Whatever it is?
Yew See?
See Yew?
Does it mean the same thing?
//‘S’poreans must decide if they want President to have real power: Shanmugam’.//
Could there have "deeper meaning"?
Lets just say now if rb in DPRK, how would he have interpreted?
So there is no confusion if yew get the setting right?
So depending what setting then the sentence have the meaning unconfusingly?
Hypothetically, if in DPRK, that sentence likely meant:
"Xxxxxxx must (NOT) decide if they want xxxxxx to have real power"?
Yew must know (your place) in what setting what it means?
If in another setting it takes another different meaning?
Hypothetically, for example if in UK, the sentence could mean:
"If they want Pxxxxxxxx to have real power,Sxxxxxxxx must decide."?
That's why UK had a referendum for "BREXIT"?
Lawyers especially world class are "meticulous" with words?
Hypothetically, if it was the case:
Quote (rb):
"If the Singaporeans have a say in this, do the necessary, call for a referendum for the Singaporeans to decide not becomes someone thinks it is right and he has to do it."
Then another lawyer could have said:
"If they want Pxxxxxxx to have real power, Sxxxxxxxx must decide"?
Does this not become what rb suggested: a referendum to decide?
Yew see?
See yew?
No same meaning?
Hypothetically, for example if in UK, the sentence could mean:
"If they want Pxxxxxxxx to have real power,Sxxxxxxxx must decide."?
That's why UK had a referendum for "BREXIT"?
Lawyers especially world class are "meticulous" with words?
Hypothetically, if it was the case:
Quote (rb):
"If the Singaporeans have a say in this, do the necessary, call for a referendum for the Singaporeans to decide not becomes someone thinks it is right and he has to do it."
Then another lawyer could have said:
"If they want Pxxxxxxx to have real power, Sxxxxxxxx must decide"?
Does this not become what rb suggested: a referendum to decide?
Yew see?
See yew?
No same meaning?
(Interpreted) In the right setting, there is no confusion?
If in DPRK, and they said, what do they mean?
They meant what they said (within their setting)?
So in rb case, as a smart guy, why he is "perplexed"?
Think some of yew guys might still not get it?
The smarter or quick witted ones would have understood (by now) why rb said what he said?
Let's just say it is this culture thing?
In some culture, yes means yes and nodding your head means yes?
For others, yes could mean no and shaking your head means yes?
So if yew (are a gal and) travel to such places and a guy walks up to you and said:
"Do yew want a one nite stxxd"?
And yew shake your head, he takes it as a "Yes" cos in their place, shaking head is a "Yes"?
And before yew realised, this guy already "ripped off your clothes, pulled off your undxxx and on top of yew"?
Mb "that's how rb felt"?
"Rb (thought he) said no but how come like that"?
Rb could have been right (in another .......)?
In this case, rb felt the way he felt as reflected in what he wrote?
So "shaking head" can mean yes?
Back to the beginning about "to survive" ..... it is all about understanding a "yes" is a "no" and a "no" is a "yes", a "yes" is a "yes" and a "no" is a "no" in different setting?
Setting ...... my fren ....... setting ........?
"Poor rb"?
Uncle RB,
In this instance, your "worship and adolation" has not been "misplaced"?
In their culture since thousands of years ago, they mean what they say?
A spade is a spade?
Oops ..... The word China is missing ......
should be in the 1st sentence
When the ancient Emperors of the Chinese civilisation of countless DYNASTIC RULE needed to issue a new decree, they made no pretense?
They just issued an imperial edict.
Then despatch usually a (senior) eunuch to for example who the receipients are?
For example, oldies like rb, virgo, patriot got to kneel down if in ancient Chinese dynasties when a eunuch coming running with an ....... "imperial edict" ......
And in chorus while knelt down reiterate their total allegiance by saying aloud:
"Wan Sui Wan Sui Wan Wan Sui"?
But that kind of scene was in ancient feudalistic dynastic bygone era?
The last time another guy attempted to revive such dynastic rule practices after it was ended by Sun Yat Sen in 1911 was their 2nd President of the Republic of China in 1916, exactly 100 years ago .....?
Alas, Yuan Shi Kai ascendance (to the throne) was short lived and lasted less than 100 days before it was nullified?
For then on, no one dare to self declare himself emperor and many had to "live in pretense under all sorts of structure" to wield "emperor power"?
In modern times, the length they went needs chronicled to capture the facts?
But true to its spirit, the Chinese still do not make pretense of such things?
The Chinese President of PRC does not wield absolute power (or near there) and pretend China is a democracy and stand next to say an omama for dinner or podium waving to the public nor accepted as one when it is not?
There is this thing they say in life?
"if yew make 1 lie, yew may need 1,000 others to cover it"?
So yew no need pay through your nose to enter a circus but get it free?
To many, it may not be "funnie"?
It could be "nauseating"?
Or deserving face palms? 1 gazillion to be exact ......
Some one said waste time?
"Looking after a few hundred billions" is waste time?
@ good point raised about potentially hazardous hairline crack in other hardware systems
Anonymous September 10, 2016 2:01 pm
//Hairline cracks found only after first fleetwide inspection in 13 years
So after 51 years.
Has there been a fleet-wide inspection of our National Reserves?
Are there any hairline cracks after 51 years?//
Another two potential (HUGE) worries are the water system namely:
1) Newater processing hardware maintenance and quality control;
2) The reservoir surrounding halus waste dump buried underneath?
For concern (1), if things that can be publicly seen such as the train system are fraught with countless problems after over-strained and wear and tear since 1987, the Newater system is far from new and was run at full or over-capacity in the past few dry spell seasons?
So nothing can go wrong and the team running it including many FTs are a different breed from the train system?
This team from "outer space" so all can sleep with peace of mind?
For potential problem (2), those staying east and north-east region consuming from that reservoir must feel safe cos the "experts" say 18m deep of wall between the reservoir water and the disused rubbish dump is safe now and forever?
There is no way toxic from the waste dump can seep through into the resevoir soil and contaminate the water at 18.01m or 19m deep etc?
Every single inch or mm of the circumference perimeter of the waste dump bordering surrounding reservoir water is "fool-proof"? Whether at 18.01m deep or 20m deep? Over time, no way deterioration can set in and cos the contaminated waste dump toxic to seep through? The plants above the waste dump can do a 100% job of "FULLY" detoxification of the toxic in the waste no matter how deep the waste toxic is even 50 or 100m underground? The plants got "super ling roots and super power to reach deep down below and detox the toxic underneath the wetlands which was formerly a 50-yr waste dumping land?
When President Xi was hosted by Obama to a state dinner, it was between two equals. Not because Xi had been serving the interest of the Americans and being rewarded for being a good boy.
@ 3.54pm 10 Sept blind faith (hopelessly still) hopeful
//Give up voting for pap. Vote for non pap to re create a future.//
Old man already said, in a 1957 Legislative Assembly debate, that this place is an "ABSURDITY".
Each day and event after his passing on 23 Mar 2015 attest to old man's original "那一念" in 1957 in the Legislative Assembly Chamber?
The "那一念" of "ABSURDITY"?
So while still able to, who wants (or cares) to rot away with oldies (on a tiny despotic rock)?
In a big land, waiting for change is a remote possibility but still with plausible probability?
In a tiny land (rock), the product of a remote probability of change and remote probability that it will be around (again based on old man's words) equals more than double remote probability?
Try selling this idea to the Gen Y/ Millennial Gen?
The speed they might scramble off may not be second to World Sprint Champion Usain Bolt.
Your well thought off words are appreciated but will be politely declined with thanks.
Other nations would begin to display more respect towards Singapore when Xi and Lee take a stroll together.
- endorsement for Singapore to play the role of "deputy of sheriff"
Just like USA appoint Australia to play such role in Asian region -deputy of Sheriff.
Likewise, USA and Australia belongs to Ethnic British.
They simply do not care or feel afraid that people see Australia as US puppet or US satellite state because they belongs to same race.
However,Singapore always possess such unimaginable fears that other nation would perceive them as " China lackey"
Singapore take a strong stance on SCS in favor of USA.
Where as , Australia never feel shy to support USA stance in SCS or Iraq war, Syria war.
No matter how the PM and the PAP are trying their utmost to "explain off" this new development in the Elected Presidency Review Project, it is but a very unprofessional flimsy veil.
Anyone with some common sense, and a little bit of grey matter, can easily see through the whole Shake-spear-ian Opera. At least the Indonesian Wayang Kulit is ten-fold better than this amateurish "wayang".
The whole saga of wasting millions of dollars of tax-payers' money is an Exercise-in-Futility of inexpressible proportion.
The decision has already been made long ago, at least two Presidential Elections ago. As is so very clearly demonstrated and displayed for all to see, the whole purpose of this exercise is to impose LIMITATIONS, RESTRICTIONS and OBSTRUCTIONS to the Appointment of the "Erected- Elected", Multi-Million Dollar Money-Enticed, Good-For-Nothing-Except-To-Be-An-Obedient-Yes-Man-To-The-PM Figure-Head, and a Pretentious-President-of-the-"People"(meaning Peoples Action Party, not ALL Singaporeans). Nothing to do with Minority Representation. Because it is TOTALLY ABSURD to talk about One Singapore Elected President, irrespective of whatever Race, Tribe or Creed, to represent a Minority.
The Elected President has to REPRESENT ALL SINGAPOREANS. Full Stop. If he represents the Malay Only, then who represents the Chinese, Indians, Others during his tenure of six years? If he represents the Indians, then who represents the Chinese, Malays, Others .... and so on???
So, this talk about Minority Representation is nothing but a Red-Herring to cover something sinister to the People but beneficial to the Ruling PAP which has the ambition, aspiration and determination the rule forever and ever.
The Elected President Review Committee is just a red-herring and a scrape-goat frontage to give some semblance of legitimacy and take the rap if necessary.
It is already a forgone conclusion when Dr Tan Cheng Bock nearly became our Elected President, and Tan Jee Say also managed to garner substantive votes, in the last Presidential Election, that the PAP Leadership had already decided to ensure that the Elected President is an Erected President ALWAYS in favour and in support of the PAP's selected PM.
It is never never never for the sake of the People (All Singaporeans).
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