
UN accusing North Korea for crimes against humanity

The UN, under the instigation of the Europeans, and hiding behind the corner, the Americans, thought it a very clever and highly moral thing to want to charge the North Koreans for crimes against humanity for the decades of cruelties against its citizens. On the other hand it turned a blind eye to the decades/centuries of cruelties committed by the Americans and Europeans against the African slaves and the genocides against the Red Indians. Maybe they think those cruel crimes against humanity were too long ago.

What about the murders of the Iraqis and Saddam Hussein and American boys and girls in a fake war built on fake grounds? Off hand the number of dead and maimed in the last 10 years would be more than those in North Korea over the so called decades of cruelties based on hearsays and anti North Korean gooks, and outsiders that had not set foot on North Korean soil. The numbers of kills and wounded in Iraq are available for all to see.

Never mind. Let’s look at the reason why the Americans and Europeans are obsessed with wanting to discredit the North Koreans and to bring them down, to continue to impose sanctions on the North Korean people, and to provoke them to react angrily and aggressively. It is not a simple case of hatred and mischief or ignorance or fake compassion for humanity. It is all part of the bigger scheme of things, to keep harassing the North Koreans, to perpetuate a state of tension and hostility between the North and South Koreans. It is all to serve the American Empire, to keep South Korea as a semi colony, to station troops in South Korea as a staging point for a strategic purpose, in case of war against China.

North and South Korea are just convenient chess pieces in the American war game for world domination. The Americans would not want the South Koreans to have any reason to negotiate peace with North Korea, to reunite the two states and to ask the American troops to go away. They must constantly provoke the North Koreans, agitate the North and incite the South to go and kill each other. Korean lives and national interests are secondary to the American Empire. And it is good money too, forcing the South Koreans to continue to buy American weapons, like it or not.

The secondary objective is to deflect the attention on the war crimes committed by George Bush and Tony Blair in the Middle East. As long as the pressure continues to mount against North Korea, and the fingers pointing at the North Koreans or Iran or any other convenient scapegoat, no one would have the time to look at the Americans’ dastardly acts and their crimes against humanity. The Americans would just drag the whole world by the ears to wherever they want them to be and to see. The Europeans were just convenient cronies to act as diversion in this case. They have more than enough trouble at home to want to mess around with the North Koreans in another corner of the globe. But they had no choice as the Americans insisted on them to front this premeditated cause just like using Australia and John Abbot as the sheriff of the western Pacific. So it gives the impression that it was not the Americans doing it.

The North and South Koreans are in very pathetic situation, unable to shrug off this evil Empire without being colonised by war if they chose to behave otherwise. The best they could do is to play along, but be very conscious that they are all Koreans and must avoid war at all costs.

The Americans would continue to control and mess around with these two states to keep them as two separate political entities, and to go to war would be even better. The Americans have all to gain politically, strategically and financially if hostility breaks out.

The two Koreans must pray very hard that God is merciful to them and keep the American Empire from exploiting them. And the allies of the Americans are all in praise of the Americans as the responsible policemen of the world, maintaining peace and stability and all the craps that they forced themselves to believe in.

What a joke!

Kopi Level - Green

IMD World Competitiveness Center ranked Malaysia 5th and Singapore 16th

‘IMD business school is located in Lausanne, Switzerland. It is one of the world’s premier business and management institutions. It offers the world’s best MBA program according to Forbes ranking in 2011, 2013. In 2014, it was ranked first in open programs worldwide by the Financial Times.’ Singapore Business Times.

In its World Talent Report, Malaysia was ranked 5th, ahead of Singapore at 16th. The ranking was based on three key factors of the country:

1. its investment and development in home-grown talent
2. its ability to retain local talent and attract those from overseas
3. its readiness to fulfil market demands with the available talent pool

It is understandable that Malaysia ranked very high in 1 while Singapore took a rubbing here. Malaysia is very focussed about investing and developing its very own talents. Singapore likely lost 20% of its best talents when their places were given to foreigners in the universities. The IMD must have noticed this flaw in developing own local talents versus developing other countries’ talent.

As for factor 2, Malaysia definitely scored better in retaining its own talents while Singapore lost out as it encouraged its local talents to go overseas, maybe due to poor job offers at home. Also, many local talents, especially the middle age PMEs were displaced and ended up unemployed or under employed. This must count strongly against Singapore. But it scored very high in attracting talents from overseas to replace its displaced local talents while Malaysia might lose out in this area. So, for factor 2 the score is likely to be even.

In factor 3, Malaysia was likely to fill its market demands from local talents while Singapore would be filling them up with foreign talents. On paper should also be fairly even. The only questionable factor may be that IMD knew that the foreign talents Singapore was attracting were craps or fake talents. As an European institution, it would probably look at those so called talents employed by Singapore and measured them against their own standards. Simply put, if they would not think they are good enough and unemployable in their standards, they would rule them out as rubbish talents. They might have a good laugh at the stupidity of these talents and so did not give Singapore any marks for it.

This could explain why Malaysia is at 5th spot and Singapore at 16th spot. But that is just my guess. Maybe there are far more serious reasons for downgrading Singapore to 16th place. The IMD is filled with real talents and would not be fooled by fools and fakes. They are outsiders and could see the picture very clearly and objectively. While the fools are happily deceiving themselves, the IMDs must be having a good laugh.

I really cannot find any good reason other than the above to justify Malaysia ranking higher than Singapore. Singapore has been the champion, the pipe piper in recruiting foreign talents. It constantly go for a world wide search when a CEO position is vacant. The first choice seems to be foreign talents and a local talent is considered only after the foreign talent search failed.

And I trust that this IMD ranking system is credible compares to those demolished and unrecognised university rankings. Anyone got a better idea why Singapore is so far below Malaysia?

Kopi Level - Green


Nature Society wants Ubin to be gazetted as a nature reserve

‘A nature group has called for Pulau Ubin to be given the same level of protection as a nature reserve, given the concentration of rare and endangered wildlife found on the off shore island.’ This is reported in the Today paper on 19 Nov 14.

I can only say fat hope. We don’t even have enough land for 6.9m population, where got land for wildlife? The only kind of wildlife we are protecting are those rogue retailers in the shopping centres and the wild foreigners on bicycles in our roads.

Actually I am wrong to say that we don’t have enough land for 6.9m. Some experts claimed that we have land for 10m. I think we have enough land for 100m population. We are preparing to bring the world’s jobless population here because we don’t have enough babies for economic growth. After 6.9m, they will say we need more growth, and it will be 10m. After 10m, they will say need to have economic growth, and it will be 20m, and so on. 100m maybe just a planning number. It could go bigger.

Pulau Ubin, Tekong and all the southern islands would need to be filled, expanded, to prepare for 100m in the future. Where got the luxury of land for wildlife?

Kopi Level - Green

CECA and Smart Cities in India

I hope the MPs would raise these two issues in Parliament and discuss the merits and demerits for Singapore and Singaporeans. Whose big ideas were they? What is in them for us? How much are we going to spend and how much are we going to get in return? Goodwill is not good enough. Praising Singapore as a good friend is not good enough. Praising Singapore as smart or stupid is not good enough. We cannot be doing charity all over the world and squeezing on the people to do it.

We need to know the bottom lines. Parliament must draw a line on major decisions involving big money, big projects that must be approved by Parliament. Not everyone can suka suka go and spend the people’s money on their pet projects or hobbies. No one should travel the world and behave like a philanthropist using the people’s money.

Kopi Level - Green

PAP big gun in Aljunied and Hougang

Lim Boon Heng, the big gun of yesteryears, is seen in a grassroot affair in Aljunied and Hougang, leading a team of freshies that are likely to be the candidates for the next GE. Just my guess. The question, why Boon Heng and not some incumbent ministers? Perhaps Boon Heng has volunteered to throw his weight in Aljunied GRC to carry the new team to victory. By the look of things, Boon Heng is the most worthy heavy weight that could to do the job now, or is the bravest to lead the charge.

Boon Heng’s first salvo is to question what would happen if WP would be in charge of SG? For him to ask such a question is like saying what PAP has done is the best, or WP would make a mess of everything. Can WP do anything worst? What do you think?

The other issue is about the finance of AHPETC. Boon Heng was horrified that the Town Council has turned a $3m surplus to a $734k deficit. I can understand the surplus part, ie excess revenue collected. Good thing. Collect more is good and better to transfer the excess to the Sinking Fund and sink to the bottom and be forgotten. Another untouchable fund?

What is this deficit? Is the deficit due to losses due to bad investments or mismanagement? Or is it because some residents are facing hardship and have problems servicing their monthly conservancy fees? Or is it that some ‘above the law’ citizens chose not to pay because they did not vote for the WP and they have the right not to pay?

In the first case, hardship, would it be better to ruthlessly chase for payments by issuing legal letters or threats of evictions? In the second case, are there people above the law that they can choose not to pay their conservancy fees because they did not elect the MP? Is there any law about such hooligan behavior? Can the residents in PAP constituencies who did not elect the PAP MP do the same? If can then it would be a good precedent for more lawlessness in this City with gangsters running wild everywhere. And the best part, no law to apprehend them and to bring them to justice in a rule of law country.

What is the issue? What do you think?

Please also read TRE’s editorial on the disproportionate distribution of govt grants to GRCs and why AHPETC got among the least and how some GRCs covered their deficits by huge govt grants. The TRE article is titled ‘Desmond Lee, all town councils run deficits.’

Kopi Level - Green