
Roy Ngerng being sued by Hsien Loong

Just got an email saying that Roy has received a letter from Davinder Singh of Drew and Napier, acting on behalf of Hsien Loong, suing him for defamation. The offending article is posted at Roy’s blog The Hard Truth and titled ‘Where your CPF money is going: Learning from the City Harvest Trial.’

Bloggers are advised to avoid being too direct in their articles or comments which could be seen as alleging some wrong doings and inviting lawsuits to themselves. Writing comments, being critical or cynical or humorous is one thing, to allege something criminal or illegal or defamatory is not advisable.

Some comments that are very personal and vicious are unnecessary. Let’s keep ourselves within the limits of decency. Well, unless you are banging with Matilah, then it is no holds bar. For other public personalities or private individuals, better not to cross the line.



America the ever Evil Empire is raising its ugly head a few notches higher than before. It is behaving like a mad dog, a ferocious hungry lion or a wild insatiable hungry hyena that goes romping wild attacking in all directions to save its own skin.

America is bankrupt and it has to create perpetual wars to feed its war industries to create jobs for its otherwise angry masses of jobless workers. But America does not want to fight direct wars itself. It always makes use of others which it calls allies to fight its proxy wars.

American hegemony is the curse of mankind. Since its independence form its forebears Imperial Britain it has never stopped its path of aggression and conquest.  It is already a well known fact that the white Americans which originated from Europe had

genocided 98 per cent of native Americans or about neinty million of the natives.  In the course of time it attacked Mexico and annexed about one million , six hundred and sixty -five thousand square miles of Mexican lands . It then proceeded to attack

and occupy HAWAII and Guam and othe Pacific island kingdoms.

The present American pivot to Asia is an extension and continuation of its historiacal aggression . It is using the bogey of its sham democracy and human rights as a vehicle and smokescreen for it heinous and nefarious activities . It is taking advantage

of Asian countries' problems and making use of them to sow further misunderstanding and dissension among the Asian countries and thus pretentiously and psychologically take in some unsuspecting Asian countries as its allies .America is using

these Asian allies or its juniour gang members to go against China. It is stirring and stoking fire all over Asia especially in East Asia and the South China Sea.

Before the American pivot  to Asia there was calm and peace . Under the Cairo Treaty and Podsdam Treaty the Chinese islands of Diaoyu Tao was to be returned to China . After the Second World War the UNITED NATIONS temporarily placed it under

American trusteeship.. However for its own selfich political expediency the treacherous Americans handed the Diaoyu islands to the Japs in 1974. It is a well known historical fact that the Paracel Islands, the Spratley Islands and all the shoals and reefs

dotting the South China Sea belong to China and were recognised as such by America and most European powers  since time immemorial . However with the eventual discovery of large reserves of oil and gas below the sea in the 1970's, the treacherous

Western Powers headed by US - THE  EVIL EMPIRE began to look  at the scenario with askew eyes of evil intent. They wanted a share of the treasure below the South China Sea and so behind the scene they obscenely and unashamely encouraged the

littoral states to challenge China's sovereignty of these islands and the surrounding seas and to lay some illogical and nefarious claims to some of these Chinese islands. With the US pledge as an ally and forthcoming help some blind and greedy littoral

states like Vietnam and the Philippines began to lay illogical claim to some of the islands. And with further encouragement from the Evil Empire the Vietnamese rats and the Philippine vermins were emboldened to step on China's toes when they dared to

ram on Chinese boats, arrest Chinese fishermen and occupy some Chinese islands. The silly and greedy Pinoys and Vietnamese choose not to realise that they are being made use of as pawns by US for its own wicked objective of containing China.

America must realise that there is nothing grand OR glorious in preserving its number one position through perpetual wars and wicked ways and means to contain other countries' rise. If America persists on carrying on its wrong path of evil aggression

it will soon meet its doomsday.  China will not be contained and together with more enlightened countries it will see that US meets its Armageddon  sooner than later.

Helping Sinkies to fulfil their dreams

I may not be able to help the Sinkies to be millionaires before they can finish saying the word Singaporeans. I know many people can do that, to help people to become instant millionaires in months or within a year. But I can help Sinkies to fulfil their dreams that are less demanding.

One thing I can help Sinkies is to be their own boss, have all the freedom to work without having a boss to boss over them. I can help Sinkies to fulfil their dreams to be taxi drivers. I can also help Sinkies to become hawkers.

I can also help Sinkies to work with dignity until they die, if they are not choosey. I will create a lot of jobs like cleaners, dish washers and security guards to let them work and work and be happy and dignified.

I can help Sinkies to be proud owners of bicycles. I can even redesign pathways for cyclists to make them safe while cycling around for leisure or for work. But I can’t help them to be car owners.

And I can make them proud owners of public housing, $1,000 pm income will be enough to own one.

I will allow freedom of expression so that everyone can express and speak freely in a park or in my website. For speaking in the park, one must register and fill up the forms with all the information required. For posting in my website, just register your full name and particulars and you can speak as freely like in Hong Lim Park

And I can make every Sinkie die very rich, with a smile in their face even lying down in the coffin. I can help them save and save a lot of money in their CPF if only they don’t demand to take their money back.

I will create opportunities for good jobs for everyone regardless of race, language or religion or nationality. Everyone will have equal opportunities to rise to the top, to be the best they can be, even if they are foreigners , based on meritocracy.

I can also help the Sinkies in not wanting a population of 6.9m. I will make it 8m.

The above is a list of things someone suggested to me to help Sinkies fulfil the dreams of their lives.

Kopi Level - Red

Master servant relationship

There is a lot to learn from the relationship between an employer of a maid and how the rulers relate to the people. The relationship between an employer and maid is a contractual one, for a fixed duration to perform certain duties for a remuneration. In many unfortunate cases, the atrocious employer turned that contractual agreement into a master and slave relationship where the employer could abuse the maid to the extent of physical harm and deprivation of human needs and dignity.

The employer maid relationship often starts tentatively with the employer showing some respect and decency to the maid. There could even be some semblance of kindness and compassion. Once familiarity sets in, the relationship takes a new form and the employer takes on a new personality. Even the children of the employer feel entitled to treat the maid like slave instead of just a servant. The employer will take the maid for granted and only thinks of his own interest.

The maid no longer just provides a service but more. The maid is expected to do everything and not just a service, or like Shanmugam wrote in his facebook, ‘it is sad some parents are not conscious of their own role as transmitters of the value system….They are more focused on their children achieving results rather than on the softer skills.’ It is a case of once a master/servant relationship is crystallized, the master forgets that the servant is also a human bean with human needs, aspiration, desires and expectation. And the servant needs not be servant for life. 

The servant is now expected to be a piece of cog in the economic machinery, to get the machine turning non stop, at the lowest pay possible, and to work till they drop dead. The thought of a retirement and golden year is non existent, not relevant and to be dismissed. And the servant must not only work for life to service the master’s extravagant needs, but must also produce children to continue to be servants to the masters. It is the servant’s duty to produce babies to prolong the luxurious existence of the master.

Does a master ever reflect on the correct relationship, to treat the servant with more kindness and compassion, to know that there is a contractual relation and obligation, and the relationship can be ended? Does the master ever think of what the servant really wants, what are the needs of the servant, that the servant wants a better life too, and not to live and work for an existence without much meaning in life? But of course the master will think that he has been thinking and thinking for the good of the servant, by giving the servant meaning work to live with dignity but without the time to enjoy the dignity.

Kopi Level - Red


Non violence is a virtue of daft Sinkies

We have read so many instances of Sinkies being bullied and beaten by foreigners and all they could do is to kpkb in the social media, like Ah Q. I would do this and that to the bully, but nothing really happened. The end result, the daft Sinkies either got insulted, beaten and ended with bruises all over or worse. Who could he turn to? Don’t ask me.

There is this report on a Norwegian tourist facing five criminal charges in court. Now what had he done to suffer this fate? He was drunk, budged into a hotel room of two female guests and causing annoyance and trespassing into their privacy. Then he slapped a female hotel employee, then he punched her male colleague in the chest, then he kicked him on the side of his body. The hotel employees practised the Singapore virtue of non violence and allowed the Norwegian to whack them at will without retaliating. If they hit back, it is likely that they will be hauled up for hitting back. Hitting someone is a serious offence for Sinkies.

The Norwegian did not stop at that. He was found to behave in a disorderly manner, gesticulating and shouting outside Beach Centre in Beach Road.  That was ok as no one was hurt. Then he kicked a reservist inspector in the leg in the carpark of SGH. Again, as expected, the Sinkie inspector practised the virtue of non violence and did not hit back.

Now this rogue is in court. Would the court do justice to the daft Sinkies for turning themselves into punching bags for the tourist while practising the Sinkie virtue of non violence? Or would the tourist be slapped on the wrist like it used to be?

I am wondering when did this non violence virtue take root in the daft Sinkie mindset, that they should not hit back when beaten? Is there a story to this development, that getting beaten and not hitting back is a virtue, a first world social grace?

Kopi Level - Yellow