Our highly qualified PME taxi drivers are going to be touted
as another great career choice in this most expensive city in the world. And it could be real if the taxi fares are
raised to the levels of western developed countries. Then being a taxi driving ‘boss
of your own’ would make some sense, when taxi drivers could be among the high
income earners.
In reality our unemployed or underemployed PMEs are exactly
like the so called foreign talents here. These FTs are the unemployed and underemployed
PMEs of their home countries. There were not enough good jobs for them and
there are so lucky to have this global city to offer them employment and paying
them so well relative to their top earners at home. Many of the junior or
middle executives working here could be earning more than their ministers or
top civil servants. No need to imagine those that are in senior management, all
thanks to the high exchange rates and the high salaries being offered here.
There is a glimmer of hope that our PMEs could discard their
taxi driving and becoming FTs in the neighbouring countries when the Asean
Economic Community Agreement is signed. Then our PMEs can flood the streets of
KL, Jakarta and Manila
for FT jobs in these cities. Be nice to the Pinoys if you want them to be nice
to you when you seek jobs in Manila ok.
Actually our PMEs could do the same in the big cities of India
with the CECA in place. We have heard that our professionals are in high
demands overseas and being rejected or not in demand in this global city would
not be a problem as there are plenty of good opportunities elsewhere. With the
AEC, they could be earning big money in these foreign cities. Just don’t
convert the currencies to Sing dollar and everything will be fine. They could
be earning millions and millions in rupiahs, rupees and pesos. If they are not
happy with these currencies, there are the dongs, the kyats, the ringgits or
Thai bahts that may give better value.
There is hope for all the unemployed and underemployed PMEs
in all the Asean countries to play the game of musical chairs. Only fear is
that when the music stops, all the Sinkie PMEs will be standing.