
Samsui woman, 95, jumps to her death

Photo courtesy of TRE

Why would an elderly woman at 95 want to end her life this way? And this is no ordinary woman. The samsui women, the pioneers that built the HDB flats and factories of this country, were the hardiest women in Singapore’s history. They toiled under the hot sun and rain, like the present construction workers from neighbouring countries, protected only by a rectangular red cloth contraption on their head. They were the red head army of workers carrying cement and bricks on their back and balancing on the narrow wooden planks that led to ever higher and higher floors of HDB flats under construction. They worked day and night with no complaints. I don’t think they even join the union to protect their welfare and working conditions.

When Madam Loke retired at 60 as a construction worker, she continued to work as cleaners and other manual jobs to earn a living. There was a quiet pride and dignity in these women. They do not beg for a living. They worked for a living. And she continued to work till her 80s, as coffee shop assistant or any odd jobs available.

Recently she had a fall and was hospitalized. According to her daughter, she jumped to her death so as not to burden her children. The medical cost to keep her alive is prohibitive. She could be the last old person to jump to her death for fear of high medical cost.

The govt is seriously working out a medical insurance scheme for the oldies to take care of their medical bills till 100 years old or more. They only need to pay the insurance premiums, if they can afford it, and all will be fine. There will be no more such problems. The Medishield Life could be the live line for the oldies to live longer and have peace of mind.

As for Madam Loke, she lived a life of dignity and probably enjoyed working till way past her 80s. Think all old Sinkies enjoyed working till they die. Working for the oldies in this island is for their own good, respect and dignified. Many average Singaporeans will live their golden years this way, working till they can work no more. There is now one more reason for them to work for, the impending Medishield Life and an insurance premium to pay for.

Maybe I am wrong. Medishield Life for the oldies is free, or they pay when they were young. Not sure about this, and not sure at what age will it be free, or will it be free at all.

Crime against Singaporeans

Last weekend I wrote about the Rape of Singapore. I hope it would set the Sinkies thinking of the shitty situation they are in. I just read a timely posting by a Ricky in The Real Singapore on his sacking of 7 foreigners, 6 Pinoys and an Indian IT personnel for crime against Singaporeans. This is what he wrote and I don’t think this is a hoax.

‘Hricky28@hotmail.com to TRS dated 23 Nov
Dear The Real Singapore,

Guys, on friday i sacked 6 pinoy nationals and 1 indian national at the MNC i work for fraud basically.

One of the pinoy that was sacked was a HR personnel (Pinoy), another was an IT personnel (Indian National).

What happened was that these two clowns had colluded in hiring their own nationals (mainly pinoys) in the company.

Basically we had put up Job adverts looking for some people, now when the people sent the email, anyone that was singaporean was deleted, they kept only the foreigners (pinoys.)

The IT personnel was basically bribed by the Pinoy to delete the log files on our SMTP server as well, making it seem that no singaporeans applied for the job.

What the IT personnel does not know, i keep another log file separately (disguissed as a system file) sent to another server.

When i saw the log files did not match the IT personnel gave some rubbish story only after i threatened to report him to the police, he told me the story.

Basically the Pinoy hr had people from the phillipines apply for any openings in the MNC i work and deleted any resumes that were singaporeans and he managed to get 5 pinoys past me.

They work on the idea that he gives the job their first salary belongs to the Pinoy HR. The Pinoy HR then gives 20% of that to the indian national to do cleanup on the server to clear traces.

The HR and IT guy were sacked without notice on Friday. The 5 pinoys that got in were also sacked. These were not small jobs but jobs that payed more than 6K/mth. Purpose i am making this post is so that you guys can be aware of the fraud going on in certain companies and games that foreigners are playing on singaporeans….’

This does not seem to be an isolated incident and could be quite a prevalent practice for sometime. It explains many things. It explains why employers superficially claimed that when they put up advertisements, very few or no Sinkies applied, implying that Sinkies did not want the job. It explains why the companies are filled with foreigners instead of Sinkies. It also explains why there are so many PMEs unemployed. It also explains why Sinkies sent out hundreds of application letters and not a single reply or very few replies were received for an interview. It also explains why Sinkies were often rejected after an interview.

Basically the Sinkies have been raped by these foreigners right in Singapore and made to look like clowns despite their high qualifications. The clowns go right to the top. These foreigners are laughing themselves silly not just at the highly qualified but stupid Sinkies who have been brought up in a system that works without knowing that the system has been hijacked by crooks to work against Sinkies. Sinkies don’t question the system as they have faith in a fair and honest system, a system they have been brought up in. But when dishonest people from the Third World, and First World start to use the system for their own advantage, the Sinkies would not have a clue what went wrong. The PMEs would still believe that they are not good enough for the job. And the daft would believe that those who got the jobs are talented, foreign talents that are better than Sinkies. Who are these daft people? You know surely.

Sinkies, now you know why you are not even called up for job interviews. Your applications didn’t even cross the gate. This is a crime against Sinkies, a nation wide conspiracy that have been going on for too long. Isn’t it time that MOM do something, set up a task force to get these criminals and put them behind bars? It is a massive task, as massive as faked certificates and qualifications, as massive as discrimination against Sinkies.

You cannot kill this crime with lip service. You need a lot of manpower and a lot of resources and a genuine commitment to want to do justice for the Sinkies. You need dedicated Sinkies who think Sinkies and want to protect Sinkies to do the job. Do not hire foreigners to do this job. That would not only be silly but a heinous crime against Sinkies. MOM cannot allow the Sinkies to be raped right before their eyes. Immediate actions need to be taken. Stop the farce, stop acting and do something real. At least do something for the Sinkies, the citizens you are supposed to look after and protect. We don’t pay you humongous salaries for nothing.

Stop the crime against Sinkies. There are many other silly things that these foreigners are doing to rape the stupid but honest Sinkies. What are you going to do about it? More FCF?