While Gilbert Goh and his friends are busy planning the May
Day Protest Rally, while many angry Singaporeans are rallying for support from
their friends and other Singaporeans to make a presence at Hong Lim to make a
statement to the Govt’s population policy, time is ticking away. How much time
is left to prevent the population from growing from 5.3m to 6.9m in 2030? How
much time is left to prevent the population from hitting 6m in 2020?
There was an unusual silence from the govt’s quarter as to
what is happening since the White Paper was approved in Parliament in a sure
pass voting when PAP held an absolute majority of parliamentary seats. The
passing of the unpopular bill with very little support from the citizens has
been quickly swept into the cupboard and not to see daylight again. No govt
official is willing to talk about it, presumably the whole process and
mechanism of bringing in more foreigners to hit the two targets of 6m in 2020
and 6.9m in 2030 are in full swing. Make hay while the sun shines.
If this is so, how many have been added to the 5.3m to date
and how many foreigners will be coming in monthly or annually as to plan?
According to the projection in the White Paper, the average increase in
population is 100k annually or about 8,500 monthly. Two months have passed and
the population number must have gone up accordingly. By May Day about 35,000
new migrants would have gone pass the gate. By 2016, 300,000 more heads will
add to the current 5.3m to 5.6m.
Is there any change in the position of the Govt on this? As
planned, I suppose. And the increase will add to demands for all other services
and facilities and more trains, cars, roads and HDB flats and schools and what
not…more Jolibees and restaurants and shopping centres and food courts.
At the moment the road to 2016 is a foregone conclusion and
5.6m will be the population by then. Would the GE change anything? A regime
change is the only way to put a stop to the population growth and a rewind to a
smaller number, maybe 5m or less. So it looks like nothing is going make any
difference till 2016 and very likely after 2016, if PAP continues to be in
power, the 2020 and 2030 targets of 6m and 6.9m are the likely certainties.
Is there time for change or just wishful thinking?