Managing faked or unrecognised degrees
I can only hope and pray that this problem plaguing the country and disadvantaging Singaporean PMETs is a small one that doesn’t need much bother from the Govt. If in reality it is an iceberg waiting to sink the Singapore Titantic, woe will befall the citizens of this island when the ship and the iceberg collide.
Tan Chuan Jin and his Tafep are trying to do something about it. Just wondering how serious is this call or would it just be a passing remark to be forgotten the next morning? The implications of foreign PMETs replacing local PMETs are serious, wide ranging and unacceptable, from stealing the jobs from the locals, discrimination of locals, cheating and victimising the locals, depriving the local PMETs from acquiring skills and experience, and the larger implications are social unrest when locals are out of jobs, unable to feed themselves and families and servicing heavy housing mortgages. Worst case scenario, it is like an invasion of foreigners that will become PRs and citizens to oust the true blue citizens from eking a low down existence in their own country. The natives will find it hard to live in this expensive place without a job while foreigners are taking their jobs and living happily here at the local’s expense. How can this be?
The humiliating part is for the fake talents or half baked talents to think that they can screw the better local talents, screw their jobs, boss around with them and kick them around, with unrecognised degrees, no degrees or fake papers. It is amazing that a first world sophisticated city can fall victim to third world swindlers and con men and women, and very happy going about it without a care.
While the problem has surface and the Govt looking like looking into it, there are two aspects that need to be addressed immediately. One is the number of foreign PMETs that can be employed in any company or institution. A quota like those for foreign workers will be more palatable to the citizens that have lost their jobs to these PMETs, and their children will eventually also be victims to the scam that can be treason in nature.
The second part is to eradicate faked or half past six degrees from God knows where. This is a mammoth task that requires a big number in manpower to investigate. The MOM is unlikely to be able to deal with it even with the recruitment of a few battalions of officers. It may take more than 500 man years to cleanse this shit hole. What could be an alternative is to get these foreigners to have their qualifications certified and guaranteed by institutions, preferably foreign banks or financial institutions or their employers, that can be fined when the qualifications were found to be faked. Don’t ask a local institution to be the guarantor as it would end up paying for the frauds of foreigners. Such institutions could turn this into another business and would have the spread of manpower and expertise to do the job without the Govt carrying the burden and cost to police the fake degrees.
The Govt could conduct spot checks in a more targeted manner and get the guarantors to pay for the slips. This part is crucial or else the whole scheme could be another bigger scam. Bounty hunters can be hire to check on such violations which will be quite effective too. There are obvious problems as the guarantors will have to be reliable and be able and willing to do the due diligence and be able to pay the fines and repatriation costs.
A guarantor system is not the only way to tackle this shit situation and there must be many better and more efficient ideas that the talents in the MOM could come up with. The important part is to kill this problem fast for the sake of Singaporeans and the country.
Where is the reset button?
I like to play computer games. One of the highlights of computer games is the reset button. Whenever the game is going wrong or losing, just simply hit the reset button and start all over again. No wonder many kids are hooked onto computer games. And the skilful ones are actually winning the games without the need to hit reset.
How I wish there is a reset button in real life. When things go wrong or getting out of control, it is so nice to be able to reset. Boon Wan has hit the reset button several times but I think it is still not working. This time he is hitting it harder and keeping his finger cross that it will work. But he must not forget that he has to confirm by hitting the prompt to go ahead with the reset and not hit the back button.
The housing mess is in need of a reset to the period when there was an excess of 10,000 or 20,000 units of unsold flats. And it would be good to hit another reset to a few years earlier to have a new minister to be in charged.
There are many reset buttons that need to be hit. The population or immigration button has to be hit quickly. And make sure the proceed button for the Population White Paper is not hit, or hitting the reset button will not work any more in 2030. It will be game over by then. The sense of anger among the true blue citizens is at the verge of exploding when more cases of local PMETs being booted out and replaced by FTs are being exposed. It is unbelieveable that job discrimination against Singaporeans is so prevalent and pervasive at the PMET level that it has become an intolerable national shame. It will surely lead to more xenophobic feelings among the citizens. This is a very serious hot button issue but apparently has been ignored for too long. Read the comments by netizens to have a real feel of the temperature. I no longer feel sad that Singaporeans are being mistreated so badly in their own country. I can only feel the same anger. Do the MPs and ministers feel the same way? Singapore for Singaporeans, or it is just an empty slogan? Reset, reset quick. No? No need?
Then there is the minister’s pay button. This one is very hard to hit as the button is protected by electrical shock circuits that will burn the fingers trying to reach the reset button. If this is reset, maybe COE would not have hit $100k and housing prices would be lower too.
Would things be much better if the reset button was hit a few GEs back? Would the situation be better today with a new party in charge? Or would it be hit in 2016? Or maybe not necessary as by then the game will be over. With things spiralling down the wrong way, the reset button is likely to be hit not by the ministers, but by the people that have ended at the wrong end of the stick. Enough is enough. The people would likely try to hit the master reset button to start a new game.
It is really fun and convenient if there is a reset button in life, to hit reset and start all over again. Then again, even if there is, hitting reset will spill blood and shit all over that need to be managed carefully and sensitively.
Two pieces of rar art from the Daffodils Series. Created and painted by Mother Nature. The lines in this series are simpler and neater.
A bad policy is a bad policy
When has a bad policy been called a bad policy? I have never
heard of a bad policy being called a bad policy in my entire life. And who else
from the establishment would dare say such a darn thing? But when things are
really getting bad, when it hits the pocket hard, people will say the darnest
Two surprises over two days were just too much to stomach.
Yesterday Boon Wan came out with his back to basics for housing, which if
faithfully executed, could bring the cost of public housing to a level a few
years back. It is still better than the unceasing daily or monthly increases
that are being reported. Property prices are higher by so many per cent month
on month or year on year, as sure and consistent and predictable as hot air
balloon rising.
Today, of all people, Han Fook Kwang wrote in his Sunday
sermon that the way COE prices are going up is simply, yes, bad policy. Ouch!
Did I hear the wrong thing? No, he elaborated in details why the policies
affecting COE were badly managed. As simple as that. So many things were done
wrong. It is like saying an old person is a bad driver, a woman is a bad
driver, a blond is a bad driver. Just make sure the driver is not an old blond
woman all in one.
But I tell you, some minister is going to jump and demand a
correction, that it is good policy. And I too agree that it is a good policy,
if only I have all the money to pay for the $100k COE. Similarly, all the new
measures to curb car ownership are good policies if one can afford a few
Ferraris or other super cars. Only those poor losers will say the policies are
bad, cause they can’t afford to pay. So, it can be good or bad, depending on
whoever is writing the policies and how they affect or do not affect his or her
Han Fook Kwang concluded by resigning to the new realities.
He advised the losers to take public transport. There is no better way out. In
consolation he said the people living in big cities like Hongkong, Tokyo,
London and New
York also taking public transport, so it must be a
good thing or a normal thing. Singaporeans have progressed to be more like New
Yorkers or Londoners, good quality lifestyle.
Singaporeans should be grateful that their lives have
improved over the years, from car ownership to taking public transport. This
must be a good thing I supposed. I dunno what is the next good thing that
Singaporeans can look forward to? 3rm
flats with 30 year lease at $100k without compromising on the quality of life.
2030 is looking so exciting by the way we are progressing. I am really looking
forward to it eagerly.
The Diaoyu Islands owner identified
FW: 釣魚島的島主出現了! 請速多轉發!(The Diaoyu Islands owner identified )
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documentation of Chinese sovereignty over these islands go back even further. Below is
an extract from Wikipedia: TheDiaoyu Islands - China Wiki –The free encyclopedia on China ...
Whatever the case, the rest of the world is aware of all the ulterior motives behind all these
wrangling and machinations...to contain the awakened dragon!
Historical background:
China's earliest record of the Diaoyu Islands can be traced back to the Sui Dynasty, more than 1,000 years ago. At the time, China's Taiwan and the Diaoyu Islands were close to another independent state called Ryukyu (琉球国). And Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty (隋炀帝) sent Zhu Kuan (朱宽) as a special emissary to win it over and demand it pledge allegiance to the Sui Court. In the 14th century, Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty (明太祖) was known far and wide for his military prowess. Thus, the King of Ryukyu started to pay tribute to the imperial court officially and Ryukyu became a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty.
In 1372, a Chinese named Yang Zai (杨载) landed on the Diaoyu Islands for the first time. There was a detailed record about Diaoyu Islands in the book Sail with the Wind (顺风相送) , a navigational guidebook, which was published during the reign of Emperor Yongle (永乐) of the Ming Dynasty. During that period, people of the Ming Dynasty collected pearls and medicinal ingredients and fished around the Diaoyu Islands under the jurisdiction of Taiwan. This was also clearly recorded in Reports on the Mission to Ryukyu (使琉球录), a book written by Chen Kan (陈侃) in the 11th year of the reign of Emperor Jiaqing (嘉庆) of the Ming Dynasty. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, some national heroes, such as General Qi Jiguang (戚继光), used the Diaoyu Islands as the strategic line of defense, when they fought against Japanese pirates. In 1602, Japan invaded Ryukyu. From then on, Ryukyu's internal affairs were under the supervision of the Japanese for over 40 years. In 1654, Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty (清康熙帝) bestowed on the King of Ryukyu the title of King Shangzhi (尚质王). Ryukyu was obliged to pay tribute to the imperial court every two years, regarding China as "the Father State" and assuming the reign title of Qing Dynasty. Many maps and nautical charts of the Ming and Qing dynasties clearly marked Diaoyu Islands as part of China's territory.
China's earliest record of the Diaoyu Islands can be traced back to the Sui Dynasty, more than 1,000 years ago. At the time, China's Taiwan and the Diaoyu Islands were close to another independent state called Ryukyu (琉球国). And Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty (隋炀帝) sent Zhu Kuan (朱宽) as a special emissary to win it over and demand it pledge allegiance to the Sui Court. In the 14th century, Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty (明太祖) was known far and wide for his military prowess. Thus, the King of Ryukyu started to pay tribute to the imperial court officially and Ryukyu became a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty.
In 1372, a Chinese named Yang Zai (杨载) landed on the Diaoyu Islands for the first time. There was a detailed record about Diaoyu Islands in the book Sail with the Wind (顺风相送) , a navigational guidebook, which was published during the reign of Emperor Yongle (永乐) of the Ming Dynasty. During that period, people of the Ming Dynasty collected pearls and medicinal ingredients and fished around the Diaoyu Islands under the jurisdiction of Taiwan. This was also clearly recorded in Reports on the Mission to Ryukyu (使琉球录), a book written by Chen Kan (陈侃) in the 11th year of the reign of Emperor Jiaqing (嘉庆) of the Ming Dynasty. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, some national heroes, such as General Qi Jiguang (戚继光), used the Diaoyu Islands as the strategic line of defense, when they fought against Japanese pirates. In 1602, Japan invaded Ryukyu. From then on, Ryukyu's internal affairs were under the supervision of the Japanese for over 40 years. In 1654, Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty (清康熙帝) bestowed on the King of Ryukyu the title of King Shangzhi (尚质王). Ryukyu was obliged to pay tribute to the imperial court every two years, regarding China as "the Father State" and assuming the reign title of Qing Dynasty. Many maps and nautical charts of the Ming and Qing dynasties clearly marked Diaoyu Islands as part of China's territory.
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2013 10:27:56 +0800
Subject: 釣魚島的島主出現了!請速多轉發!(The Diaoyu Islands owner identified)
釣魚島的島主出現了 (The Diaoyu Islands owner identified)
The document "" it says ShengXH had obtained some herbs from the Diaoyu Island and effectively cured Empress Dowager and many other folks. As a commendation of his good deeds, the Empress issued a decree to allow him to continue to use the island to further develop the herbs. ""
釣魚島的島主出現了(The Diaoyu Islands owner identified)
The real Diaoyu Islands' owner identified。。
With evidence of Empress Dowager Commandment, the Diaoyu Islands' owner identified.
Diaoyu Islands was bestowed to Sheng Xuanhuai of Jiangsu Province of Qing Empire by Commandment.
Please circulate immediately....
太常寺正卿盛宣懷所進藥丸甚有效驗 據奏原料藥材采自臺灣海外釣魚臺小島 靈藥產於海上 功效殊乎中土 知悉該卿家世設藥局 施診給藥 救濟貧病 殊甚嘉許 即將該釣魚臺 黃尾嶼 赤嶼三小島賞給盛宣懷為產業 供采藥之用 其深體皇太后及皇上仁德普被之至意 欽此
(盛宣懷所進皇太后藥丸,原料藥材來自釣魚島, 由盛宣懷的天津廣仁堂制)
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