
Poll result for Hong Lim Park Rally

First let me say a word of thanks to all the respondents to the two recent polls on the White Paper. It is very heartening to have more than 600 people participating in a poll on a small blog like this. It is even more encouraging to know that the people are of one mind, or at least 97% of the people share the same values and thinking.

And now the poll on the attendance to tomorrow’s protest rally has just ended and we have 79% (191 of 239) indicating they will be there and another 11% indicating maybe, which will definitely boost the number attending to well over 80%. My experience with some of the gatherings at Hong Lim was that the number of participants was anaemic, about 200 at most in most instances. And just from the bloggers here alone we have almost that number going to attend. This is a small indication that this event is going to be big and the number is going to surprise many people.

The response in other blogs and sites are equally encouraging. Just a simple rule of thumb, if 20 blogs could generate 200 participants each that will be 4000 heads. And if one were to include those not counted, the number could easily double, or if everyone is to bring a friend.

It is nice to see the Sinkies being interested in national issues that affect them dearly. This is also the feedback that the Govt is asking for. This is the maturing of a people, with eyes open, to want to know and to want to have a say in matters of the nation.

Thank you all once again. And thank you for your coffee. Just keep it coming and let the advertisers pay. Thanks everyone.

The passion of Fish

Singaporeans must recognize the enormous amount of work and effort Gilbert Goh and his team are putting in to organize this protest rally at Hong Lim Park this Saturday at 4pm. This is real sacrifice! The manpower, the logistics, the invitations to speakers, and the spectrums of things that he and his team are putting in, all for free, are very demanding for volunteers, people acting on their free will. It is a people’s movement started by a core of very passionate citizens who wanted to have a say, and also to shape the future of their home country.

Gilbert and his team will labour on to make this event the Event of the Year, with no organizational or institutional help or support. They cannot snap their fingers and have highly trained people at their finger tips. They have practically no financial resources and have no goodies or goodie bags to give away, to entice greater participation. But they soldier on. It will be a sad day if their effort should go to waste if the people of Singapore fail to show up, fail to show support to a very important cause that will transform their lives and the lives of the future generations to come.

Other than Gilbert, there is another very passionate individual among many individuals that are drumming up support for this event. He is none other than the never say die FeedmetotheFish or simply Fish. He will be there with his family and grandchildren. He is calling every Singaporean to be there or at least sending a representative from each family to be there. He is shouting his voice hoarse, despite his troubled heart, both organically and emotionally. Fish is going to lead the charge of the Sinkie miserables. This word, miserables, may not be appropriate or relevant today but could be a pain in the neck in the future when the island is flooded by immigrants.

How many Sinkies will heed the call? How many Sinkies will think this event and the issue are important enough to move their butts to Hong Lim Park? How many are still ignorant of this event? I have yet to read it in the main media. This is an event of the people that have been ignored. Will the people, you, be ignored?

The social media is taking on this daunting task to raise the concern of the average Sinkies and all Sinkies. It is the voice of the people, the silent majority that has not been heard and will not be heard without the social media. There are many heroes in this Event of the Year. Fish, Gilbert and many others stand out as shining examples that Sinkies have awakened and will rise to the occasion when it really matters.

Will you be there?

Multiculturism can do us in - LKY

Below is a quote from LKY on multiculturism and how America could be done in if multiculturism makes America more Hispanics than Anglo Saxons. It is about tribes, about the vitality of certain species over other species. This is his quote in Forbes.com, ‘He(LKY) also gives U.S. immigration practices a failing grade, declaring that “multiculturalism will destroy America.” The key question is: “do you make the Hispanics Anglo-Saxons in culture or do they make you more Latin American in culture?”’

We are moving aggressively into multiculturism above the historical four major ethnic groups. Now we are pouring in the cement and mud of other immigrants into our mix. Are we putting in more mud or cement like the Hispanics versus Anglo Saxons mix? If we are bringing in more of poorer quality genes, we will be just as worst off as the Americans as described by LKY. We will also be done in.

What would the 6.9m mix be like? Or have we included too much mud into the 5.3m mix already and have to live with it in the future?


Hri Kumar’s suggestion on defence tax on PRs and foreigners

With so many outcries on the grave disadvantages Sinkies are facing vis a vis PRs and foreigners, finally the plea has landed on the ears of Hri Kumar. And he has proposed to level the playing field a bit more in favour of Sinkies. His suggestions, since Sinkies serve NS, the PRs and foreigners too need to contribute to our defense for enjoying the protection provided by our soldiers. He is talking about some taxes to be levied on the PRs and foreigners.

The principle is right and no one can argue against such logic. What were disturbing were the kind of excuses and protests being made by some of the commentators. This is one of the comments from former NMP Paulin Straughan, ‘Yes, it is important for us to distinguish Singaporeans from non Singaporeans, because citizenship should matter in any country. But in doing so we have to be careful…the tone with which we introduce it is important and also how we differentiate should not stand out from what other countries do so much so that we stand out as a place where if you go there as a foreigner you will be shortchanged.’

Now what is this all about? The underlying assumption is that we need foreigners who are more talented than our locals to come here. True? Look around you and ask yourself how many are real talents? Two, this island is not really that attractive and the foreigners will go somewhere better? Really, go where? Which country is so happy to open their legs to be screwed by foreigners so willingly?

The third point is more hurtful. We must be careful with our tone so as not to offend the foreigners woah, and we must not shortchanged them. Sayang, sayang, please don’t get angry, please come, we need you…. Bull shit! We have been shortchanging our Sinkies for so many years and in so many ways and hurting our citizens in favour of foreigners for too long. Why no one bothers to say anything about shortchanging the Sinkies? Can shortchange the Sinkies but not foreigners?

What do you think?

Hong Lim Rally - Do not ignore us!

How many Sinkies out there feel strongly about the increasing population and more foreigners that are going to be brought into this country without their consent, and despite their disapproval? The voices of objection have been spoken and the 77 men and women have heard it. They don’t take heed. They are ignoring the people of this island that called this island home and wanted to fill it up with more and more people. After creating this life time crisis, they are offering another solution that could lead to a many life time crisis as the only solution.

No, the people, excluding the 77, did not want more people here. No, they want growth but through other means. No, there must be other ways to create growth without having more people. There can be growth without increasing the population. There can also be growth with 5m or 4m people. Whose theory is it that without population growth there can be no economic or GDP growth?

GDP growth and population growth are not inseparable, that they must go in tandem, that without one you cannot have the other. They are not inseparable twins. The people want growth but not the huge population that will be introduced into this little piece of rock. Don’t ignore the people, don’t ignore the more than 5m people.

This Saturday’s Hong Lim Protest Rally could be our answer to the Tea Party Rally, our very own Kopitiam Rally.